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Patron Saint For Parkinson’s Disease

Patron Saints For Healing

Who is the Patron Saint of Parkinson’s Disease

When it comes to concerns for our health and the health of our loved ones, we should always turn to prayer. We pray for disease prevention, for physical healing, and for peace of soul while enduring physical suffering. Fortunately, there seems to be a special saint for just about every illness and health concern we can think of!

The saints are great aids to us in our time of need and help guide us to greater love for Christ through our crosses and trials, especially when it comes to our health. Here is a list of both popular and not-so-well-known saints to ask for their intercession for common ailments:

Abdominal Disease St. Charles of Mount Argus

Abdominal Pains St. Emerentiana

Addictions to Opium St. Mark Ji Tianxiang

Anxiety, Autism, Depression St. Dymphna

Appendicitis St. Erasmus

Asthma St. Bernadette Soubirous, St. Padre Pio

Patron of Recovering Alcoholics St. Matthias

Angina St. Swithbert

Arthritis St. Alphonsus Ligouri, St. Serapion of Algiers

Babies, Infants, Childrens Health St. Philomena

Back Pain St. Lawrence

Lower Back Pain St. Gemma Galgani

Bone Disease St. Romedio of Nonsberg, St. Attracta

Breast Cancer St. Agatha, St. Galla of Rome, St. Aldegundis

Broken Bones St. Stanislaus Kostka

Broken Pelvis Blessed Maria Pilar Izquierdo Albero

Burns St. John the Apostle

Cancer St. Peregrine, St. Joseph of Leonessa, Blessed Giovanni Maria Boccardo

Cancer of the Nose St. Emily de Rodat

Cerebral Palsy St. Servulus

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Soon after, Cardinal Sapieha sent him to Rome where he worked under the guidance of the French Dominican, Garrigou-Lagrange. He finished his doctorate in theology in 1948 with a thesis on the topic of faith in the works of St. John of the Cross. At that time, during his vacations, he exercised his pastoral ministry among the Polish immigrants of France, Belgium and Holland.

Our Patron Saint John Paul Ii

Pope John Paul II was born Karol Józef Wojtyla on May 18, 1920, in Wadowice, Poland. He was ordained in 1946, became the bishop of Ombi in 1958, and became the archbishop of Krakow in 1964. He was made a cardinal by Pope Paul VI in 1967, and in 1978 became the first non-Italian pope in more than 400 years. He was a vocal advocate for human rights and used his influence to effect political change. He died in Italy in 2005. It was announced in July of 2013 that he would be declared a saint in April of the following year

Early Life

Born Karol Józef Wojtyla on May 18, 1920, in Wadowice, Poland, Pope John Paul II’s early life was marked by great loss. His mother died when he was 9 years old, and his older brother Edmund died when he was 12.

Growing up, John Paul was athletic and enjoyed skiing and swimming. He went to Krakow’s Jagiellonian University in 1938 where he showed an interest in theater and poetry. The school was closed the next year by Nazi troops during the German occupation of Poland. Wanting to become a priest, John Paul began studying at a secret seminary run by the archbishop of Krakow. After World War II ended, he finished his religious studies at a Krakow seminary and was ordained in 1946.

Rise Within the Church

Becoming Pope


John Paul II died on April 2, 2005, at the age of 84, at his Vatican City residence. More than 3 million people waited in line to say good-bye to their beloved religious leader at St. Peter’s Basilica before his funeral on April 8.

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Seeds Of The Priestly Vocation And Response To The Call

Karol the Actor, Poet and Pilgrim

During his early schooling young Karol Wojtyla participated in his first theatrical performances. His lifelong love for the theater and all of the arts was born. He began writing poetry. He performed in his first student theatrical productions. He began the study of Greek, was elected president of the Sodality of Mary, and made his first pilgrimage to Czestochowa, home of the Image of Our Lady of Czestochowa.

A Cardinals Inquiry

It was also during this time that he impressed Adam Cardinal Sapieha, the Archbishop of Krakow. According to his friend Fr. Mieczyslaw Malinski, Karols skill as a speaker caught the Archbishops attention when he visited the young mans school. Karol had been chosen to give the welcoming speech and he did so with great skill. The Archbishop asked the pastor of the parish whether young Karol had considered the priesthood. He was told that Karol had his heart set on pursuing an acting career in the theatre.

Seeds Planted in the Heart
Actor and Student of Philosophy

What Is Pope John Paul Ii Known For


John Paul II was the first globally oriented pope, and he increased the global prestige of the papacy. His emphasis on religious and national freedom was unprecedented. He also centralized control over Catholic educational institutions and maintained traditional church positions on gender and sexual issues.

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With Parkinsons Diagnosis Priest Draws Strength From St John Paul Ii

ATLANTAPhotographs of St. John Paul II adorn the walls of Father Paul Burkes office at the Metropolitan Tribunal. In one picture, a young Father Burke kneels before the Polish pope to receive his blessing.

The priest, chaplain of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Home and promoter of justice for the Tribunal, crossed paths with St. John Paul II several times, never anticipating they would share Parkinsons disease in common.

I had always had a devotion to him now more than ever, said Father Burke, a native of Ireland.

Father Burke was diagnosed with Parkinsons disease five years ago at age 42. He has no family history of the disease.

Parkinsons disease is a neurodegenerative disorder that affects predominately dopamine-producing neurons in a specific area of the brain. Symptoms develop slowly and the progression varies from person to person. According to the Parkinsons Foundation, the disease affects one million Americans and 20,600 in Georgia. It occurs more often in men.

I was having some back issues, and they were looking at possible back surgery, recalled Father Burke. The surgeon at the time, he just felt there was something else.

The surgeon requested another evaluation and a neurological consultation.

Dr. Barry McCasland, neurologist at Emory Saint Josephs Hospital made the diagnosis after an evaluation and tests. The method of diagnosis is to place a patient on Parkinsons medication and if he or she responds, the physician determines a diagnosis of PD.

Parkinson’s Was Taking His Ministry And His Life But Then God

For nearly a decade, Pastor Robbie Willis, 37, has been dealing with physical struggles that doctors were unable to properly diagnose. Fainting spells, tremors, and extreme weakness after exertion had left doctors perplexed. Being a Pentecostal minister, oftentimes by the end of a sermon at Mulberry First Assembly of God, he could barely remain standing to pray with people.

But God would do something so miraculous in his life that Robbies skeptical neurosurgeon was left just shaking his head unwilling to accept the miraculous, but unable to explain it any other way.

However, for a physical miracle to occur, suffering is almost always a prerequisite.

People would often comment about what a loving couple we were, says Anna May, Robbies wife of 18 years, because after Robbie preached, I would often go up and put my arm around his waist and he would have an arm around my shoulder as he walked around to pray with people. What most people didnt realize was I had him by his belt, helping to hold him up.

The Willises, who have five children ages 7 to 13, including two children who they adopted, believed in their call to ministry while also praying for years for Robbies healing. But their prayers seemed to go unheeded as not even doctors could determine what was causing all the symptoms Robbie was experiencing.

Then the bottom fell out.

For Anna May, the struggle was between what she believed in and what she saw happening in front of her eyes.

But was he healed?

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What Will A Cure For Parkinson’s Look Like

Parkinson’s varies so much from person to person. There are over 40 symptoms of Parkinsons. Tremor. Pain. Hallucinations. Everyones experience is different.

Because of this, there may not be a single ‘cure’.

Instead, we may need a range of different therapies to meet the needs of the individual and their specific form of the condition.

This mix may include treatments, therapies and strategies that can:

  • slow or stop the progression of the condition
  • replace or repair lost or damaged brain cells
  • control and manage particular symptoms
  • diagnose Parkinson’s at the earliest possible stage.

And this could involve medical treatments, such as drugs and surgical approaches, as well as lifestyle changes, for example to diet and exercise.

How True Is The Two Popes

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As for the literal veracity of those conversations and the situation that created them, the truth is that theyre mostly imagined. Bergoglios letters of resignation are based on fact, but his subsequent visit with the pope is fictional, as are the conversations between the two.

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Facing Parkinson’s With Courage

Grant me the courage to change what I can change

It takes a lot of courage to absorb a diagnosis of Parkinsons and find a way to be proactive in living with the condition. Whether its their efforts with exercise, diet, mindfulness, getting enough sleep, volunteering, going to support groups, or simply just keeping up with a routine of doctors visits that in itself can seem like a part-time job.

I so admire the many folks with Parkinsons Ive met who demonstrate the courage to change their lives in the ways needed to keep Parkinsons at bay.

Social And Political Stances

John Paul II was considered a conservative on doctrine and issues relating to human sexual reproduction and the ordination of women.

While he was visiting the United States in 1977, the year before becoming pope, Wojtya said: All human life, from the moments of conception and through all subsequent stages, is sacred.

A series of 129 lectures given by John Paul II during his Wednesday audiences in Rome between September 1979 and November 1984 were later compiled and published as a single work titled Theology of the Body, an extended meditation on human sexuality. He extended it to the condemnation of abortion, euthanasia and virtually all capital punishment, calling them all a part of a struggle between a culture of life and a culture of death. He campaigned for world debt forgiveness and social justice. He coined the term social mortgage, which related that all private property had a social dimension, namely, that the goods of this are originally meant for all. In 2000, he publicly endorsed the Jubilee 2000 campaign on African debt relief fronted by Irish rock stars Bob Geldof and Bono, once famously interrupting a U2 recording session by telephoning the studio and asking to speak to Bono.

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Pope John Paul Ii Out Patron Saint

Pope Saint John Paul II , born Karol Józef Wojtya, was Pope from 1978 to 2005. He is widely known to Catholics as Saint John Paul the Great, especially in the names of institutions.

He was elected by the second Papal conclave of 1978, which was called after Pope John Paul I, who had been elected in August after the death of Pope Paul VI, died after thirty-three days. Cardinal Wojtya was elected on the third day of the conclave and adopted his predecessors name in tribute to him. John Paul II is recognized as helping to end Communist rule in his native Poland and eventually all of Europe. John Paul II significantly improved the Catholic Churchs relations with Judaism, Islam, the Eastern Orthodox Church, and the Anglican Communion. He upheld the Churchs teachings on such matters as artificial contraception and the ordination of women, but also supported the Churchs Second Vatican Council and its reforms.

Final Illness And Death


On 31 March 2005, following a urinary tract infection, he developed , a form of infection with a high fever and low blood pressure, but was not hospitalised. Instead, he was monitored by a team of consultants at his private residence. This was taken as an indication by the pope, and those close to him, that he was nearing death it would have been in accordance with his wishes to die in the Vatican. Later that day, Vatican sources announced that John Paul II had been given the Anointing of the Sick by his friend and secretary Stanisaw Dziwisz. The day before his death, one of his closest personal friends, Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka visited him at his bedside. During the final days of the popes life, the lights were kept burning through the night where he lay in the Papal apartment on the top floor of the Apostolic Palace. Tens of thousands of people assembled and held vigil in St. Peters Square and the surrounding streets for two days. Upon hearing of this, the dying pope was said to have stated: I have searched for you, and now you have come to me, and I thank you.

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Who Is St Raphael The Patron Saint Of

Raphael is also referred to be the angel that moved the waters of the healing sheep pool, according to tradition. As well as being the patron saint of the blind, he also serves as the patron saint of joyous gatherings, nurses, physicians, and travelers. His feast day is commemorated on the 29th of September.

The Patron Saint Of Hemorrhoids

By | Submitted On December 18, 2012

Many illnesses have saints assigned to them like St. Bartholomew for Parkinson’s Disease and St. Vitus for chorea. The herky-jerky ailment was once called St. Vitus Dance. Not to be outdone hemorrhoid sufferers also have a patron. He is an Irish-born monk named St. Fiacre. He hailed from the County of Kilkenny in the province of Leinster in the south east corner of the country in the late sixth or early seventh century. He lived his early life in a hermitage where he became renowned as a holy man, a herbalist, and a healer. Because of these saintly qualities he developed a wide following.

For some reason, Fiacre became unsettled and decided – like so many of his fellow countrymen – to emigrate, to leave the Emerald Isle and settle elsewhere. He crossed the sea and immigrated into Meaux in the province of Brie, France There, he was well received by Faro, the local bishop , who assigned him land in Brodolium Over time Fiacre built a hospice, and an oratory, and a separate cell for himself. It is said he lived a life of great mortification – of prayer, fast, vigil, manual labor in his garden, and healing the sick, particularly hemorrhoid sufferers. Hemorrhoids were called “Saint Fiacre’s illness” in the Middle Ages and he may have suffered from them himself. It is said that one day he sat sorrowfully on a stone and that stone softened providing him relief of the sort that can be obtained with remarkable hemzem.

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Learning To Accept A Diagnosis

The grace to accept what cant be changed

Although I remain very hopeful that well see advances in the treatment of PD, and perhaps even preventative methods or cures, in coming years and decades, for the time being Parkinsons remains a progressive incurable disease. Acceptanceoomph!

Yet in this territory of acceptance, surrender, grace, or whatever you call it, I have seen people with Parkinsons display remarkable serenity. Several people have even told me that accepting the reality of their disease has led to realizing a higher quality of life than theyd ever had before due to their growing ability to appreciate each moment.

At the end of a movement lesson I was teaching, one of my students with PD said, “I just need a new body – where can I sign up for that?!?” It was one of the countless examples I’ve seen in the Parkinson’s community of the kind of acceptance that becomes livable through humor.

Institutions Named After John Paul Ii

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Inspired by calls of Santo Subito! from the crowds gathered during the funeral Mass that he celebrated, Benedict XVI began the beatification process for his predecessor, bypassing the normal restriction that five years must pass after a persons death before beginning the beatification process. In an audience with Pope Benedict XVI, Camillo Ruini, Vicar General of the Diocese of Rome, who was responsible for promoting the cause for canonisation of any person who died within that diocese, cited exceptional circumstances, which suggested that the waiting period could be waived. This decision was announced on 13 May 2005, the Feast of Our Lady of Fátima and the 24th anniversary of the assassination attempt on John Paul II at St. Peters Square.

In early 2006, it was reported that the Vatican was investigating a possible miracle associated with John Paul II. Sister Marie Simon-Pierre, a French nun and member of the Congregation of Little Sisters of Catholic Maternity Wards, confined to her bed byParkinsons disease, was reported to have experienced a complete and lasting cure after members of her community prayed for the intercession of Pope John Paul II. As of May 2008, Sister Marie-Simon-Pierre, then 46, was working again at a maternity hospital run by her religious institute.

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Mass Of Thanksgiving Monday May 2 2011

Mass on Monday 2 May shall be the first celebrated in honour of the newly Blessed John Paul II. The texts shall be those of the Mass of the Blessed John Paul II. Music during the celebrations shall be provided by the Choir of the Diocese of Rome, with the participation of the Choir of Warsaw and the Wadowice Symphony Orchestra, Poland.

Fr. Lombardi explained that in the evening of Friday 29 April the tomb of the Blessed Pope Innocent XI currently in the Chapel of St. Sebastian in St. Peters Basilica shall be transferred to the Altar of Transfiguration, to make way for the body of John Paul II. That morning, the coffin of John Paul II which shall not be opened will be transferred before the tomb of St. Peter, in the Vatican grotto. On the morning of 1 May, it will be brought before the Altar of Confession in the Basilica.

Following the beatification ceremony, the Pope and the concelebrating cardinals will make their way to the Altar of Confession in the Basilica and will pray for a moment before the body of the newly Blessed. From that evening, those who wish to do so may venerate the remains of John Paul II.

Fr. Walter Insero shall present the new project, Digital Sentinels, recalling the polish Popes address to the young as sentinels of the morning on World Youth Day 2000 in Rome.

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