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Is Marijuana Good For Parkinson’s Disease

Research On Medical Marijuana In The Treatment Of Multiple Sclerosis And Parkinsons Disease

Understanding How Medical Cannabis Treats Parkinson’s ...

In spite of the vast anecdotal, lab, and clinical evidence surrounding the efficacy of medical marijuana for treatment of Parkinson’s and multiple neurological disorders, considerable controversy still exists.

However, some reputable medical journals have published the following reports:

  • Researchers from London’s Institute of Neurology reported: “In addition to symptom management, cannabis may also slow down the neurodegenerative processes that ultimately lead to chronic disability in multiple sclerosis and probably other neurodegenerative diseases.”
  • Dr. Andras Bilkey-Gorzo reported in a 2012 research review: “At first sight, it is striking that cannabinoid, substances known to impair cognitive functions, could be beneficial in neurodegenerative cognitive disorders. However, cannabinoid receptor activation could reduce oxidative stress and excitotoxicity, suppress neuroinflammatory processes, and thus alleviate the symptoms of neurodegenerative motor and cognitive diseases.”

Our Position On The Use Of Medical Marijuana And Medicinal Cannabis In Parkinsons

There are many endorsements of cannabinoids for Parkinson’s symptoms in the social media. However, the science tells a different story.

Statement of Position

Further research into the efficacy and safety of medicinal cannabis in the treatment of symptoms in Parkinson’s disease is necessary before Parkinson’s Victoria will advocate its use for people with Parkinson’s disease.

Medicinal Use of Cannabis

The two main active ingredients used for medical care are tetrahydrocannabinoids or THC and cannabidiol or CBD. Both are referred to as cannabinoids. THC is the part that produces the ‘high’ favoured by recreational users of cannabis and may have benefits in reducing nausea. CBD produces no ‘high’and may be used to treat pain inflammatory conditions and seizures.  Generally, the use of either form of medicinal cannabis is for symptom relief and is not a ‘cure’.

The Evidence Base for Medicinal Cannabis

Many people with a range of serious conditions such as cancer have reported symptom benefits from cannabis or medical marijuana. A review of current scientific research suggested there was reasonable evidence that cannabinoids can help symptoms of chronic pain and spasticity including that experienced in Multiple Sclerosis. In other conditions, such as in nausea and vomiting due to chemotherapy, weight gain in HIV infection, sleep disorders, and Tourette syndrome use of cannabinoids remains unproven.

Changing Legal Framework

Prescribing of Medicinal Cannabis




More Than Half Of Cannabis Users With Parkinsons Disease Report Clinical Benefits CannabisNeuroscienceParkinson’s Disease

A survey in Germany found over 8% of patients with Parkinson’s disease are using cannabis products and more than half experienced beneficial clinical effects, reports the Journal of Parkinson’s Disease.

With medicinal cannabis now legalized in many parts of the world, there is growing interest in its use to alleviate symptoms of many illnesses including Parkinson’s disease . According to results of a survey of PD patients in Germany in the Journal of Parkinson’s Disease, over 8% of patients with PD reported using cannabis products and more than half of those users reported a beneficial clinical effect.

Cannabis products containing THC can be prescribed in Germany when previous therapies are unsuccessful or not tolerated, and where cannabis can be expected with not a very unlikely chance to relieve disabling symptoms. CBD is available without a prescription from pharmacies and on the internet.

Investigators aimed to assess patient perceptions of medicinal cannabis as well as evaluate the experiences of patients already using cannabis products. They performed a nationwide, cross-sectional, questionnaire-based survey among members of the German Parkinson Association , which is the largest consortium of PD patients in German-speaking countries with nearly 21,000 members. Questionnaires were sent out in April 2019 with the association’s membership journal and were also distributed in the investigators’ clinic.

Why Medical Marijuana Treats Parkinsons Disease Better Than Other Treatments

When medical cannabis binds to the dopamine receptors in the brain, the cannabinoid compounds in the marijuana lessen the effects of the reduced dopamine in the brain.  Basically, the compounds in medical marijuana replace the normal compounds that the brain is not producing.

In addition to this benefit, researchers have found that the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects of medical marijuana may prevent further damage to the neurons which produce dopamine.  The slowing of that damage allows the neurons to continue, as best they can, to continue producing Dopamine as long as possible, thereby slowing the rate at which Parkinson’s progresses.

Other treatments for Parkinson’s include dopamine agonists, MAO-B inhibitors, and anticholinergics. The side effects of these drugs can range from insomnia and depression to hallucinations and impaired urination. Medical marijuana, on the other hand, has few side effects and is a much more natural treatment option.

Parkinsons Foundation Centers Of Excellence And Medicinal Marijuana

Cannabis for Conditions: Parkinson’s Disease

The Parkinson’s Foundation, in partnership with Northwestern University researchers, studied attitudes about cannabis at 40 Centers of Excellence. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to provide data on the practices, beliefs and attitudes of expert PD physicians concerning cannabis use.  

The results were interesting: most experts said they knew what cannabis did, but disagreed on the details. While there is no general agreement on what the benefits might be for people with PD, the survey confirmed that cannabis is a popular subject within Parkinson’s Foundation centers as 95 percent of neurologists reported patients have asked them to prescribe it.

Cannabis study results also included:

  • Only 23 percent of physicians had any formal education on the subject of cannabis , thus 93 percent of physicians want cannabis taught in medical school.
  • Physicians reported that 80 percent of their patients with PD have used cannabis.
  • Only 10 percent of physicians have recommended the use of cannabis to patients with PD.
  • In terms of memory: 75 percent of physicians felt that cannabis would have negative effects on short-term memory and 55 percent felt that cannabis could have negative effects on long-term memory
  • Only 11 percent of physicians have recommended use of cannabis in the last year

This graph shows how physicians expect cannabis would improve, worsen, or show no effect to PD-related symptoms given their expertise and observations of patients with PD.

What Are The Conventional Medical Treatments For Parkinsons Disease

Parkinson’s disease is not curable, but medications are on the market designed to help control and manage symptoms. While these drugs can lead to initial improvement, their effect wears off over time. Examples of possible medication options include:

  • Carbidopa-levodopa: Doctors feel this is the most effective PD medication. Levodopa is a natural chemical that goes into the brain and converts to dopamine. It is combined with carbidopa because the latter protects levodopa from being converted into dopamine outside the brain.
  • Dopamine Agonists: This treatment mimics dopamine effects in the brain.
  • MAO B Inhibitors: This set of drugs prevents dopamine breakdown by inhibiting the brain enzyme MOA B, which metabolizes dopamine.

There are also surgical options to help treat Parkinson’s, such as deep brain stimulation . Like all surgeries, DBS carries risks, such as brain hemorrhage. Few medications provide more than medium-term relief from symptoms. As a consequence, researchers have investigated the potential for cannabis to help PD patients in recent years.

How Medical Cannabis Can Help Parkinsons Patients With Sleep Issues

Every Parkinson’s patient has a unique experience since the disease causes so many different symptoms with varying degrees of severity. So, besides the standard Parkinson’s medicines, doctors must medicate based on the patient’s symptoms.

However, managing so many medications can be incredibly difficult, especially if you take medications that cause dangerous side effects, like dyskinesia. Some medicine, like pain relievers, can damage certain organs or have the potential for addiction.

That’s where medical marijuana comes in. While it still has its own set of negative side effects, cannabis can serve multiple purposes when used correctly by a patient who reacts well to it.

Most importantly, MMJ can treat insomnia and other sleep disorders. Before marijuana was made federally illegal, doctors used cannabis to help insomnia patients get a good night’s rest. Today, many MMJ-legal states consider sleep disorders as a qualifying condition for medical marijuana.

Also, marijuana can relieve the underlying causes of a patient’s sleep problems. MMJ serves as a safer alternative to painkillers. It also has the potential to help with spasticity, or painful muscle tension.

How Cannabis Affects Your Sleep Dissecting The Important Research

Parkinson’s typically affects people over 60, but it can be diagnosed before the age of 50, which is known as young-onset Parkinson’s disease. Men are affected more than women.

Unfortunately, we still don’t know a great deal about Parkinson’s. What do we know so far is that the brains of PD patients don’t produce enough dopamine and that the death of the dopamine-producing brain cells is likely caused by abnormal clumps of proteins in the neurons.

Editor’s note: Interestingly enough, THC can increase dopamine secretion

Parkinson’s is dominantly genetic, as many as 15% of patients have a first-degree relative with the disease. 16305-8/fulltext” rel=”nofollow”>2)

However, research has also found that environmental factors may cause PD. Head injuries have also been linked to developing the disease.

There is no definitive cure, but there are some therapies that can help reduce the symptoms and improve the overall quality of life for patients.

The typical treatment for Parkinson’s includes medications. The drugs used for Parkinson’s Disease have side effects, and they lose effectiveness over time.

For severe cases, a deep brain stimulation surgery can be performed by placing microelectrodes to stimulate the brain and reduce the symptoms affecting a patient’s motor skills.

So, are there additional treatments? What about cannabis?

Does Medical Marijuana Have A Role In Parkinson’s Disease Care


At a conference hosted two years ago by the Parkinson’s Foundation, many neurologists had a pressing issue on their minds: pot.

“Doctors were saying that the number one question from their patients was, “Can I use medical cannabis for my Parkinson’s disease?'” recalled James Beck, the foundation’s senior vice president and chief scientific officer.

The answer isn’t a simple one, according to a summary of pot use recommendations that was prompted by that question and published recently by the Parkinson’s Foundation.

Researchers have studied the use of cannabis in patients with Parkinson’s disease for more than 20 years, but there are precious few randomized, controlled clinical trials, partly because the drug is still illegal under federal law, explained Susan Fox, director of neurology at Mount Sinai Health System in New York City.

But the growing legalization of marijuana has spurred interest. “When people hear that something is legalized, they think it’s safe to use,” Fox said. She added that her patients ask her if they should try using marijuana “a lot.”

That high level of interest prompted Parkinson’s Foundation experts to analyze all of the existing research related to marijuana and Parkinson’s disease.

The end result was a mixed bag.

Despite the risks and limited research, experts believe that marijuana might ease symptoms like muscle and joint pain, anxiety and insomnia.

The foundation’s statement covers not only the side effects, but also the lack of effects.

Relief For Less Characteristic Symptoms Of Parkinsons Disease

While there is limited evidence that has been gathered evaluating cannabinoid medicine and medical cannabis use as treatment for Parkinson’s Disease, there is a wealth of information on the effects of these options on symptoms often experienced by patients with Parkinson’s Disease, such as pain and sleep disturbance. According to a post on the Parkinson’s Disease Foundation website by Blair Ford, M.D., “Descriptions of Parkinson’s Disease do not generally include the mention of pain. And yet, when carefully questioned, more than half of all people with Parkinson’s disease say that they have experienced painful symptoms and various forms of physical discomfort.” There is mounting evidence that cannabis may be useful for some patients in managing chronicpain. Additionally, evidence for relief from symptoms experienced by patients with Parkinson’s Disease, such as depression and anxiety, has been discovered with the use of cannabinoid therapy. Cannabis use may also provide relief to patients experiencing nausea and vomiting, potential side effects of certain standard PD medications.

Over Half Of Cannabis Users With Parkinson’s Report Benefits

An eye-opening survey in Germany has found that over half of people with Parkinson’s who have been using cannabis products for treating their symptoms are reporting beneficial clinical effects.

With medicinal cannabis now legalized in many parts of the world, there is growing interest in its use to alleviate symptoms of many illnesses including Parkinson’s.

Cannabis products containing THC can be prescribed in Germany when previous therapies are unsuccessful or not tolerated, and where cannabis can be expected to relieve disabling symptoms.

Of the 8% of German patients who are exercising their right to access cannabis products, 54% have reported beneficial effects.

“PD patients fulfilling these criteria are entitled to be prescribed medical cannabis, but there are few data about which type of cannabinoid and which route of administration might be promising for which PD patient and which symptoms.”

Over 40% of users reported that it helped manage pain and muscle cramps, and more than 20% of users reported a reduction of stiffness, freezing, tremor, depression, anxiety, and restless legs.

Patients reported that inhaled cannabis products containing THC were more efficient in treating stiffness than oral products containing CBD but were slightly less well tolerated.

Interestingly, a whopping 65% of non-users of cannabis in the study expressed an interest in using medicinal cannabis, but lack of knowledge and fear of side effects were reported as main reasons for not trying it.

Research On Cannabis For Parkinsons Disease Looks Promising

Back in 2004, 339 Parkinson’s patients who attended the Prague Movement Disorder Center took an anonymous questionnaire about the subjective improvement in their motor symptoms after taking cannabis.

Of those who had used cannabis, 45.9% said they noticed some improvement in symptoms. About 30% of patients who used marijuana said they noticed fewer tremors and 44.7% noticed an improvement in the slowness of movement.

In one small study conducted at the Tel Aviv University in Israel, 47 PD patients were observed. During a period of few months, participants used medical marijuana and 82% reported improvement in their symptoms like stiffness and tremor.

Medical Marijuana And Parkinsons Disease: Clinical Evidence

Can You Use CBD Oil for Parkinson

Among the many studies and academic papers relating to the benefits of medical marijuana for Parkinson’s Disease, Sevcik J. and Masek K., of the Institute of Pharmacology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague had this to say:

“Cannabinoids might alleviate some parkinsonian symptoms by their remarkable receptor-mediated modulatory action in the basal ganglia output nuclei. Moreover, it was recently observed that some cannabinoids are potent antioxidants that can protect neurons from death even without cannabinoid receptor activation. It seems that cannabinoids could delay or even stop progressive degeneration of brain dopaminergic systems, a process for which there is presently no prevention. In combination with currently used drugs, cannabinoids might represent, qualitatively, a new approach to the treatment of PD, making it more effective.”

A recent study looked at the potential benefits of medical marijuana for those suffering from Huntington’s disease, a disease that produces symptoms similar to those found in a patient with Parkinson’s Disease. In this animal study, a mutant strain of hamsters that exhibited the symptoms of dystonia, a sub-group of disorders that share similar characteristics to Huntington’s disease, were given a synthetic cannabinoid that activates the same cellular receptors as THC.

If you have Parkinson’s and live in a state that allows medical marijuana use for the disease, search our site to find a licensed doctor in your area today.

New Consensus Statement Helps Guide Physicians And Patients

Cannabis use can raise complex issues for Parkinson’s disease patients, including possible adverse effects, toxicity, and drug-drug interactions.

Few studies have shown the benefits or harms of medical cannabis in Parkinson’s disease, said Benzi Kluger, MD, MS, of the University of Rochester Medical Center in New York.

Four small randomized trials of cannabinoids have been conducted in Parkinson’s patients with mixed results. “These trials were small, short, and had other shortcomings that make it safer to call them inconclusive rather than negative,” Kluger said.

“We do know of some side effects — such as hypotension, apathy, and confusion — but do not know if there are any long-term effects,” he added.

But knowledge about the basic science of cannabinoids and the endocannabinoid system is expanding, Kluger noted. “The literature strongly supports a role for the endocannabinoid system in normal movement and a potential role in many movement disorders.”

“There is some data in animal models and uncontrolled case series in people to support the therapeutic potential of cannabinoids in Parkinson’s disease, but we currently have no randomized clinical trials supporting their efficacy for motor or non-motor symptoms in people living with Parkinson’s,” he said.

In 2014, an American Academy of Neurology guideline committee concluded that oral cannabis extract was “probably ineffective” for treating Parkinson’s patients with dyskinesia.

Cannabis Use Common in Parkinson’s

What Does The Fda Say About Using Cbd Oil For Parkinsons

CBD oil hasn’t been approved by the FDA as a treatment for Parkinson’s disease. In fact, there are no FDA-approved cannabis treatments for this condition as of today. However, the FDA did acknowledge a CBD-based medication, Epidiolex, to treat two types of drug-resistant epilepsy.

Researchers from the University of Colorado are using Epidiolex to analyze its benefits on people with Parkinson’s-triggered tremor. The study is currently in its second stage.

Can Medical Cannabis Help People With Parkinsons Disease

Medical cannabis has gained a lot of popularity in recent times, because of its health benefits. It can be used to help people with various conditions such as cancer, arthritis, chronic pain, PTSD, epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, and more. You can buy medical cannabis from a licensed dispensary for your medical condition after getting a medical marijuana card. Medical marijuana doctors in NY can provide you this recommendation card after evaluating your condition.

According to the Parkinson’s Foundation, there are up to 10 million people who suffer from this condition worldwide. Parkinson’s Disease affects around 60,000 Americans every year. Reports suggest that men are more prone to this condition than women. There are 50 percent more chances of them having this condition than women. PD is mainly associated with the aging process, but around 4 percent of people who are diagnosed with it are under the age of 50. And while Parkinson’s disease is not fatal, it can certainly reduce the quality of your life, even if you are getting proper treatment. Only the person suffering from this condition can understand the severity of this condition. Many people are now turning to medical cannabis for help after the ineffectiveness of traditional treatments. And most cannabis consumers claim that it has a positive effect on their symptoms.

How To Get Medical Marijuana To Treat Parkinsons Disease

Watch what happens when a man with Parkinson

Your MMJ Card Today

It should be noted that in Florida as well as several other states, the use of medical marijuana for treating Parkinson’s is approved; it is on the list of qualifying conditions.  

If you have been diagnosed with a medical condition that is treatable with medical marijuana, you may purchase it to use in a treatment regimen.  Parkinson’s Disease has been accepted as a condition that may be treated using this regimen in several other states – Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Mexico, Illinois, Pennsylvania, and New York, to name a few.

The procedure for obtaining medical marijuana once you have been diagnosed with a condition that can be treated with medical marijuana starts with obtaining a state-issued MMJ card.  You can get this by visiting a medical marijuana doctor. This must be done in person in Florida or in person or online in New York. A board-certified physician will help you complete your application for the ID card which can then be used to purchase medical marijuana. The application process is fairly simple.  A completed application is generally approved within minutes. Once you have the ID card, you can buy your medical marijuana from any approved dispensary in the state. 

Schedule an appointment with a qualified marijuana doctor today

Best Marijuana Strains For Treating Parkinsons Disease

Medical marijuana strains for Parkinson’s disease can be tailored to individual needs, in terms of lifestyle and the types of symptoms the patient is experiencing. specific cannabis strains contain varying ratios of THC to CBD.

For example, if a patient doesn’t want the intoxication that comes with a high-THC strain, a high-CBD strain may be the answer.  

If an individual prefers pure CBD strains, dried flower and CBD oils can be purchased over the counter online almost anywhere in the U.S.

Another important consideration is the delivery method. Cannabis products come in a wide menu of options including dried flower for smoking or cooking, vape oils, tinctures, capsules, edibles, topicals, patches, and more. 

These medical marijuana strains have been shown to be effective in relieving the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease:

  • GG4

  • Amnesia Haze

  • Blue Cookies

Patients should talk to a knowledgeable budtender about the more effective strains on their menu for their needs. 

In summary, many Parkinson’s disease patients are finding that medical marijuana and CBD products safely provide them with relief from their pain, spasticity, seizures, and other serious side effects. There exists a wide variety of strains, product formulas, and delivery methods. A unique medical marijuana treatment can be formulated for each individual’s needs. 

Treatment options should always be discussed with a qualified healthcare provider. 

Heres A Guide To Understanding All Common Cannabinoids

Marijuana consumption is sure to produce a wide range of effects that might vary in every individual. The effects and feelings depend on the strain, type of the product consumed, and its potency. It might make you feel energized and very social or help you feel a lot calmer than usual. There are also medical …

Cannabis Shown To Relieve Parkinson Disease Symptoms Skylar Jeremias

A recent survey found that patients experienced relief of certain motor and nonmotor symptoms of Parkinson disease from using cannabis.

A recent survey on community perceptions of cannabis use in patients with Parkinson disease found that patients reported cannabis to be effective at reducing symptom severity.

Results also show a lack of knowledge on the different types and administration routes among patients. Researchers said that this is the largest study analyzing the view of patients on cannabis therapy in PD.

The study, , took place in Germany, which in 2017 approved medical cannabis as a therapy for patients with severe symptoms of PD when other therapies were unsuccessful or not tolerable. MC is eligible for reimbursement in these cases.

Although many cannabis products and formulations are available to patients, there is a lack of controlled clinical studies addressing MC effectiveness on PD symptoms. It’s also unclear which PD symptoms would be best treated with MC, whether certain cannabis formulations are more effective, or which routes of administration patients would prefer most. Further, the prevalence of MC use and patient opinion on its use for PD symptoms relief are unknowns.

The questionnaire contained 16 categories and 25 questions, with the latter focusing on subject demographics, patient knowledge about cannabis use in PD, experience with cannabis use, and efficacy and tolerability of cannabis application in users.


Medical Cannabis And Parkinsons Disease The Studies

Growing Medical Marijuana As A Treatment For Parkinson’s ...

The ongoing scheduling of marijuana means there hasn’t been enough research into the potential impact of cannabis on Parkinson’s disease. However, several intriguing studies have been published which showcase the potential for cannabinoids to help with PD-related symptoms.

In the human body, the endocannabinoid system consists of cannabinoid receptors and their related neurotransmitters. These receptors link to brain cells that regulate a variety of motor and cognitive functions. Cannabinoids are neuroprotective, meaning their activity may help preserve nerve cells against damage.

A 2019 study published in Innovations in Clinical Neuroscience looked at the possible effects of cannabis on Parkinson’s disease. Researchers concluded that cannabis “has been shown to attenuate motor and nonmotor signs and symptoms of PD.” They also suggest that some of the “neurologic manifestations of PD might be alleviated with cannabis products … such assertions are yet to be established in reference to patient-specific factors.”

Can Medical Marijuana Help Treat Parkinsons Symptoms

Chronic inflammation is a dominant symptom of Parkinson’s disease. Medical marijuana is known to modulate the inflammatory response. This in turn slows the progression and even potentially the onset of neurodegeneration.

Oxidative stress is a culpable factor in the destruction of nerve cells and brain neurons. Cannabis contains strong antioxidant properties and is known to be neural-protective. 

Moreover, Parkinson’s patients who used medical marijuana report a significant decrease in depression and fatigue. 

How Medical Marijuana Helps Treat Parkinsons Disease

The human body naturally produces cannabinoids. These naturally occurring chemicals bind to receptors in the brain and impact brain chemicals, including Dopamine.  Dopamine is the chemical that the body stops producing in Parkinson’s patients. With the use of medical marijuana, dopamine production can be increased and the symptoms of Parkinson’s can be better managed. Though this does not cure the disease, it does improve quality of life for those living with it.


Top 10 Best Cannabis Strains For Parkinsons Disease Visit Official Website

Force Plant is famous for recreational use. Even though it has a higher CBD than the average strain, it is not potent enough to treat shiver. But it still holds more than adequate potency to assist you in dealing with stress. As such, it is also advantageous in battling depression.

This weed also has anti-inflammatory qualities and is ready to alleviate mellow pains, including migraines. As the impact of the Power Plant quiets, you can feel tired or hungry. However, Power Plant is not recommended for daytime use.

Visit Official Website

Some Indica strains with high CBD are good for getting help in pain and improving the overall quality of life. And, Blackberry Kush Indica-dominant weed is no different than that. Its parent strains include Blackberry Hybrid and Afghani Indica. This Blackberry has a refreshing citrus taste combined with diesel. It will alleviate depression and stress and will help you with managing your chronic pain.

If getting into activities helps you deal with Parkinson’s more effectively, this one is an excellent variety to try once. Besides, it’s good to know that it can help you reduce fatigue and spasticity that can also keep your brain under control.

Parkinsons Disease: Prevalence And Statistical Data

Watch what happens when a man with Parkinson

According to the Parkinson’s Foundation, up to 10 million people worldwide live with this condition. It also estimated that 930,000 people in the United States have the disease today. This is more than the combined total of individuals with ALS, muscular dystrophy, and multiple sclerosis. Worse still, the figure may reach 1.2 million by 2030. Around 60,000 Americans are diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease annually.

Around 60,000 Americans are diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease annually.

The combined direct and indirect costs of the condition are almost $1 billion per week in the U.S. alone. These costs include treatment, lost income, and social security payments. Medication costs an average of $2,500 per annum, while surgery can cost up to $100,000.

Men are 50% more likely to have Parkinson’s than women. However, 4% of people are diagnosed with it before they reach the age of 50. Although PD is not fatal, it can significantly reduce quality of life, even with proper treatment.

Can You Use Cbd Oil As A Prevention For Parkinsons

Studies have suggested that CBD may be able to help prevent Parkinson’s disease, but the current data comes only from animal models.

The research also suggests that CBD can do nothing to help treat PD after its onset. Based on this, it may only be useful as a preventive supplement.

However, most clinical trials only use CBD after a person is diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. This is important because about 60 percent of the dopamine-receptive neurons in the brain are already destroyed by the time a person begins showing the symptoms of their condition.

It’s also difficult to predict who will develop Parkinson’s and who will be more resistant to this disease. There are only a few preventive strategies, and thus far, we don’t know if CBD can help everyone.

Medical Marijuana And Parkinsons Disease Treatment HealthMedical Marijuana FloridaMedical Marijuana New York

Parkinson’s Disease is an incurable disease that causes the brain to stop producing dopamine, the neurotransmitter that helps the body regulate movement.  It generally progresses slowly over time and symptoms can take many years to develop. Parkinson’s disease is not fatal in and of itself, but the complications from the disease can cause death. Parkinson’s Disease is a manageable condition; in this piece, we are going to talk about medical marijuana and Parkinson’s Disease treatment.

There are five stages of Parkinson’s Disease, and in some cases, it can take up to 20 years for a patient to progress from the first to the last stage.  

In the first stage, a person will have mild symptoms, typically tremors and other involuntary movements on one side of the body only, which are not sufficient to interfere with daily life.  Often, friends and family will notice changes in facial expression and posture before the patient becomes aware of them.

As the disease progresses, tremors become more pronounced, muscle rigidity becomes severe, and motor skills diminish until the person reaches the final stage, stage 5.  This is the most advanced stage. By this time most patients are confined to a wheelchair or maybe bedridden. The person may be experiencing hallucinations or delusions, as well, and will need round-the-clock care.

How To Get Medical Marijuana Card For Parkinson’s

In most states with medical marijuana programs, patients suffering from Parkinson’s will first need to contact a state-certified medical marijuana doctor. An appointment can be set up by phone to determine if the patient has a qualifying condition. This will be followed up by an in-person evaluation or online telemedicine consultation.

Parkinson’s patients in states where marijuana is legal for all adults are highly advised to discuss treating Parkinson’s Disease with Marijuana with their doctor.


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