Paraquat Links To Parkinsons Disease
Parkinsons disease is a neurodegenerative disorder where brain cells progressively die. Although the link between Paraquat and the disease continues to be researched, scientists have suggested a possible connection between the herbicide and an increased risk of developing Parkinsons disease.
Studies even show that farmers exposed to these herbicides and pesticides have a 170% greater risk of developing the disease than other non-farmers. The longer the farmers work with these pesticides, the greater their risk of Parkinsons Disease.
Are You Eligible To File A Paraquat Parkinsons Disease Lawsuit
If you are among those who have been exposed to the herbicide Paraquat as a farmer or an agricultural laborer, or you are someone who has resided in a rural area where Paraquat was applied to crops and were subsequently diagnosed with Parkinsons disease, you may be eligible to file a class actionlawsuit to recover financial compensation.
Filing a lawsuit can be a daunting prospect, so Top Class Actions has laid the groundwork for you by connecting you with an experienced attorney. Consulting an attorney can help you determine if you have a claim, navigate the complexities of litigation and maximize your potential compensation.
Damages In Weed Killer Lawsuits
Depending on the severity of illnesses or injuries, damages in weed killer lawsuits could include:
- Reimbursement for current and future medical care. This could include doctor visits, hospital costs, medical treatment, drug costs, nursing care, physical therapy, rehabilitation, and treatment for other short- and long-term needs.
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Why Is Paraquat Restricted
In 2016, the EPA restricted the use of paraquat. The goal was to minimize accidental ingestions and reduce exposure to workers who mix, load, and apply the herbicide. Those restrictions included:
- Requiring changes to the herbicide warning labels to highlight the toxicity and risks associated with paraquat products.
- Restricting use to certified pesticide applicators only. Use by individuals working under the supervision of a certified applicator is also prohibited.
- Requiring specialized training for certified applicators to emphasize that the chemical should neither be transferred to, nor stored in, improper containers.
- Requiring new closed-system packaging to prevent transfer or removal of the pesticide except directly into proper application equipment. This protects users from spills, mixing, pouring the pesticide into other containers, or other actions that could cause exposure.
In October 2020, the EPA proposed new measures to better protect human health and the environment from the dangers of paraquat. The measures include:
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Is Paraquat Banned In The United States
Paraquat is not banned in the United States, but its restricted to licensed applicators. Because of its toxicity, some lawmakers and activists have fought to get it banned.
The Protect Americas Children from Toxic Pesticides Act of 2020 cites that paraquat causes heart failure, kidney failure, liver failure, lung scarring, and damage to brain cells and greatly increases the risk of developing Parkinsons disease.
The Protect Against Paraquat Act of 2019 was introduced to require the EPA to cancel the registration for all uses of paraquat, to ban paraquat residue on food and to prohibit the sale and use of existing paraquat stock.
So far, legislation to ban paraquat hasnt been successful.
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Does Weed Killer Cause Parkinsons
There are several weed killers commonly referred to as paraquat that have been strongly linked to Parkinsons disease. Paraquat is so toxic that it requires special training and licensing to use. It is only available for agricultural and other commercial use by workers and cant be purchased by the general public. While at least 32 countries have banned paraquat because of its dangers, including China, the United States has not.
The most popular brand of weed killer used in this country that contains paraquat is Gramoxone®, made by Syngenta. But there are dozens of other weed killer brands that also contain it. They are all potentially hazardous.
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Risk Of Paraquat Poisoning
This report revealed scientific studies finding that paraquat increases the likelihood of developing Parkinsons disease. In addition, the study found a correlation between the toxic chemical and the increased risk of paraquat poisoning and oxidative stress.
In other research by the same team, farmworkers had an increased risk of developing Parkinsons disease if exposed to toxic paraquat herbicides for five or more years. This toxic herbicide is widely used and often causes harmful side effects on those exposed to it. Those with Parkinsons disease should avoid exposure at all costs.
A study conducted in New York as part of the Agricultural Health Study examined whether or not exposure to pesticides, including Paraquat, was connected to Parkinsons disease.
The study concluded that although there was an association between using the chemical and contracting Parkinsons disease, other factors might be contributing to this link.
However, that evidence was insufficient to implicate the dangerous chemical as the cause of Parkinsons disease in humans.
More research is necessary to determine why farmers who use this herbicide are more likely to develop Parkinsons disease. Still, we know that the link exists due to animal and human studies.
This link between paraquat and Parkinsons disease should draw serious attention. In addition, farmers should consider using other pesticides that dont have such harmful side effects.
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How Do We Know That Paraquat Can Increase The Risk Of Developing Parkinsons Disease
Extensive scientific research over the last twenty years has demonstrated a link between Parkinsons disease and people who were exposed to Paraquat. In fact, Paraquat use has long been restricted to certified applicators due to concerns based on this research.
In the last ten years, research on Parkinsons disease has intensified, with two particularly convincing studies involving humans: one by the National Institutes of Health , and one Italian meta-analysis. Both studies provide persuasive evidence for an increased risk of Parkinsons Disease in farmers and in people who live near where Paraquat is used.
Freya Kamel, a scientist within an epidemiology branch of the NIH, has said that research on the link between paraquat and Parkinsons disease is about as persuasive as these things can get.
Research Into Paraquat And Parkinsons Disease
Many research studies have been conducted on the link between Parkinsons and agricultural herbicides and pesticides. According to the American Parkinson Disease Association, these reports repeatedly show that while several products may increase risks, there is a particularly strong link between Paraquat and Parkinsons. Those who are exposed to Paraquat may be at three times higher risk for Parkinsons disease than the general public.
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What Should I Do If I Develop Parkinsons After Exposure To Paraquat
There is a growing number of lawsuits across the United States filed on behalf of people who developed Parkisons disease after being exposed to Paraquat. The evidence only grows stronger and stronger, so it makes sense to consider this option if you or someone you love is in this situation.
The first step is to gather documentation. Youll want to get your diagnosis in writing, and collect as much information as possible about where, when, and how you may have been exposed to Paraquat. Its okay if you dont know for sure, though, as a skilled attorney can help you through this process.
Next, you will want to submit your information for a free case evaluation. Not every case is right for a lawsuit, but only an experienced attorney can help you make this determination. If you do file suit, your lawyer will be by your side every step of the way.
At Cooney & Conway, we have the experience and compassion to guide you through the process of receiving compensation for your Paraquat-related Parkinsons diagnosis. To get started, fill out our free case evaluation today.
How An Attorney Can Help
If you or a family member have been diagnosed with Parkinsons disease, and you believe it can be linked to Paraquat exposure, you should contact an experienced and skilled personal injury lawyer as soon as possible. Your time to file a lawsuit may be limited since the statue of limitations may apply to your case.
The skilled lawyers at the Miley Legal Group can:
- Answer any questions you may have and determine the potential legal options you can pursue.
- Investigate your case and determine if there is a link between your Paraquat exposure and your Parkinsons disease.
- Secure evidence needed to prove liability and damages.
- Take on the parties that are responsible for your harm.
- Fight for the money damages you deserve.
Remember, you have nothing to lose by reaching out to a personal injury lawyer, as there is no cost for inquiring about your case. You have plenty to gain, including the justice and financial recovery you are entitled to.
Contact the Miley Legal Group today for a free consultation and to learn more about how we can help get you the compensation you deserve.
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Alleged Lasting Effects Of Paraquat Weed Killer
Exposure to paraquat weed killer can have other adverse effects, too. In February 2011, a study was conducted that indicated that Parkinsons, a brain disease that affects muscle control and movement, may be connected to paraquat weed killer.
Evidence was furthered through a later study in 2016, and paraquat settlements began. Many plaintiffs claim that they were not aware of any long-term health effects. However, individuals suffering from Parkinsons disease after years of working with paraquat continue to seek compensation for their suffering.
If you would like to begin the process of filing for a paraquat settlement, reach out to our award-winning legal team. Fill out this online form, or use our LiveChat feature to start the conversation.
Does Paraquat Cause Parkinsons Disease
There is strong evidence linking the use of paraquat to the development of Parkinsons disease.
- The National Institutes of Health published research in 2011 showing that people who used paraquat developed Parkinsons disease approximately 2.5X more often than non-users.
- A 2009 study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology revealed that exposure to paraquat within 500 meters of a home increased Parkinsons risk for the homes residents by 75%.
In 2016, the New York Times published an exposé linking paraquat weed killer to Parkinsons, highlighting the banning of the herbicide by other countries and various research studies, as well as citing noted scientists opinions.
- The data is overwhelming linking paraquat and Parkinsons disease, said Dr. Samuel M. Goldman, an epidemiologist in the San Francisco Veterans Affairs health system who has studied the connection.
- Freya Kamel, a scientist with a branch of the National Institutes of Health who has also studied the topic, said she found the breadth of the research about as persuasive as these things can get.
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Do I Have A Paraquat Lawsuit
The Schmidt Firm, PLLC is currently accepting Paraquat induced injury cases in all 50 states. If you or somebody you know has been diagnosed with Parkinsons Disease, you should contact our lawyers immediately for a free case consultation. Please use the form below to contact our Toxic Chemical Litigation Group or call toll free 24 hours a day at 920-0753.
Attention Lawyers: We consider a referral from another law firm to be one of the greatest compliments. If your firm is interested in referring us a case or for us to send you a list of previous award judgments and/or average referral fees, please visit the Lawyer Referral section of our website.
Paraquat In Parkinsons Research
Along with a pesticide known as Rotenone, Paraquat is routinely used to induce Parkinsons disease for studies in animals, according to the Parkinsons Foundation. The Foundation has repeatedly called for its ban in the United States based on strong scientific links between Paraquat and Parkinsons disease. However, in 2020, the Environmental Protection Agency decided to reapprove Paraquat for another 15 years.
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Mount Pleasant, S.C. Sixteen RPWB attorneys are listed in the 2022 edition of The Best Lawyers in America® list for numerous practice areas including personal injury, product liability, mass tort and medical malpractice litigation. RPWB is the top-listed plaintiff firm in South Carolina for mass tort/class actions & product liability litigation. For the first
We Can Help You Pursue A Paraquat Lawsuit
Every company has a legal responsibility to ensure its products are safe, but sometimes that doesn’t happen and other people suffer the consequences.
To make matters worse, anyone who tries to recover appropriate compensation for their damages will likely be confronted with a team of lawyers that will do everything in their power to protect the company’s bottom line, even if it comes at the expense of the victim.
At Tracey Fox King & Walters, our highly skilled personal injury attorneys consistently rise to the challenge whenever a client comes to us with a complex legal matter, including cases that involve defective or inherently dangerous products.
Make no mistake, there is no case too complicated and no company too big for us to handle.
Whether it’s through a negotiated settlement or by way of a successful court judgment, our dedicated legal team will help you seek justice and fight for the compensation you deserve.
If you or someone you love developed Parkinson’s disease after being exposed to paraquat, you may be able to pursue a lawsuit.
To learn more about your legal rights and options, contact us today for a free case evaluation. We have three Texas locations in Houston, Dallas, and San Antonio and would be honored to speak with you about your potential legal case.
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Where Does That Leave Me
With more people becoming aware of the link between Paraquat and Parkinsons disease, paraquat lawsuits have been mounting against companies that manufacture the herbicide, including Syngenta, Growmark, and Chevron Corporation. More than a dozen lawsuits across the U.S. have been filed against Syngenta as well as Chevron corporation, which held the rights to sell paraquat in the 1960s under an agreement with a company that was eventually purchased by Syngenta.
Paraquat lawsuits allegations include:
- Failure to adequately research the link between Paraquat and Parkinsons disease
- Failure to warn consumers about the Parkinsons risks associated with paraquat exposure
- Failure to ensure that workers received adequate protection against the potential side effects of Paraquat
- Misrepresenting the safety of Paraquat for decades
- Negligently disregarding the potential paraquat risks
Plaintiffs allege that the herbicide is defective and unreasonably dangerous and that exposure to Paraquat likely causes neurological damage associated with Parkinsons disease. Many of the lawsuits accuse paraquat manufacturers of failing to warn users about the risks associated with the weed killer.
Are you ready to pursue justice and get financially compensated for your injuries caused by Paraquat? Contact us today for a free case evaluation.
How Are People Exposed To Paraquat
Users are exposed to paraquat when they handle the herbicide. Even if they take the necessary precautions, however, other farm workers and nearby residents can be exposed to paraquat through the air. Paraquat can also be transferred onto farm workers clothing, finding its way into peoples homes, where it can wind up on furniture, on carpets and in laundry hampers. It puts entire communities in farm country at risk.
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Should You File A Paraquat Lawsuit
If you believe you have suffered injuries and losses because of Paraquat exposure, it is important to speak with a trusted personal injury attorney to determine your eligibility to file a lawsuit.
Filing a Paraquat claim is not only essential in helping you get compensation for the harm and damages you have sustained because of the exposure, but it can also allow you to pursue the justice you want by holding the companies responsible accountable.
This lawsuit can also help spread awareness to others who were at risk or could be at risk of developing Parkinsons because of the chemical.
The Science Behind Marijuana
What is the science and pharmacology behind marijuana, and can it be used to treat Parkinson’s symptoms?
The endocannabinoid system is located in the brain and made up of the endocannabinoids and cannabinoid receptors on neurons . The endocannabinoid system helps regulate many functions, including memory, pleasure, concentration, movement, appetite, and pain.
Researchers began to show enthusiasm to study cannabis in relation to PD after people with PD gave anecdotal reports and posted on social media as to how cannabis allegedly reduced their tremors. Some researchers think that cannabis might be neuroprotective , though there have not yet been studies in humans that demonstrate this effect.
Cannabinoids have also been studied for use in treating other symptoms, like bradykinesia and dyskinesia . Despite some promising preclinical findings, researchers have not found any meaningful or conclusive benefits of cannabis for people with PD.
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Why Choose Ask Llp
Our professional staff is comprised of 15 attorneys and more than twenty support staff in two national offices: New York and Saint Paul. ASK attorneys are experienced litigators and negotiators who average 15 years of legal experience.
Taking legal action does two things: A lawsuit enables individuals to hold large manufacturers accountable for their actions, possibly reducing the risk of others experiencing the same complications. It also helps families and individuals who suffer obtain fair financial compensation to cover the costs associated with the injury.
The right mass tort lawsuit will help fight for your rights and make sure your voice is heard when it comes to showcasing the ill effects of Paraquat. If you hire us, then we will fight tirelessly to get you the best possible result.
Have you been exposed to Paraquat?
Call ASK LLP today at: RING ASK / for a free case evaluation or fill out the form below.
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