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Vacations For Parkinson’s Patients

What Types Of Adaptive Clothing Are Recommended For Parkinsons Patients

Faces of Parkinson’s

Some of the most common types of adaptive clothing suggested for Parkinsons patients include:

  • Lightweight shoes

Classic jeans with an interesting twist. The stretchable and soft fabric includes embroidery detailing along one side, while the adjustable waist makes them the perfect denims.


  • Ideal for people with poor hand dexterity and limited mobility in the lower body, such as Parkinsons or arthritis patients. Makes undressing and dressing pain-free and simple.
  • Side-openings for easier dressing.
  • Quality fabrics that provide comfort and stretch
  • These fabrics also do not require ironing.

Advice For Nursing Care

People with Parkinsons have specific needs and care requirements. Most important is that they receive their medication on time, every time. Nurses should also be aware of the on/off nature of the condition.

Some patients say they are on when their drugs are working and symptoms are mostly under control. If they go off, their symptoms are not under control and it becomes harder for them to move some may stop moving altogether. Patients might change from on to off very quickly, like a switch.

The way in which Parkinsons affects patients can vary from hour to hour and day to day, and it also varies widely between individual patients. The amount of help and support they need also varies. Nurses should therefore listen to patients and their families about how the condition affects them.

It is important to ensure that patients have access to a varied and balanced diet nurses should take account of any swallowing or movement problems that could lead to malnutrition. It is also important to remember to give patients time to answer when talking to them. It may take them time to respond, but this does not mean they are not listening or do not understand.

Rock To Rock Trip For Parkinsons Research

Three truckie mates are set to embark on a 3000km trip from Geraldton to Uluru, each driving a restored WWII military truck, to raise money for a cause close to their hearts.

Michael Kingy King, John Marriott and Jamie Morrison from Geraldton, WA plan to begin the voyage in their hometown on July 9 , making their way to Mt Augustus and then over to Uluru. They expect to arrive at their final stop on July 25.

Theyve aptly named the fundraising event Rock to Rock, with the Mt Augustus to Uluru itinerary re-enacting the wartime journey of convoys during WWII.

The mates have each restored an abandoned vintage military truck Kingy will be behind the wheel of his 1945 Chevrolet Blitz. John Marriott and Jamie Morrison will drive the 1944 6×6 Studebaker that they restored with the help of some close friends who have also been affected by Parkinsons. While Mick Burnett will steer the 1963 International Acco that he and Kingy recovered on a recent episode of Outback Truckers.

Kingy, 64, runs a chemical carting business called Faststar Holdings, transporting liquid chemicals such as sulphuric acid, caustic and hydrochloric to mine sites and remote communities. A separate arm of the business also buys and bags salt for mining companies.

Kingy has been on Outback Truckers over the years and appeared on episodes screened in June, where he and Mick Burnett embarked on an extremely difficult trek to pick up two abandoned military trucks from the Great Sandy Desert in WA.

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Combine Exercise With Diet

Dr. Gostkowski says if you want to feel your best, combine a healthy diet with exercise. Research has shown that regular exercise can improve PD symptoms.

Do exercise that raises your heart rate, Dr. Gostkowski says. Aim for about 30 minutes a day, five days a week. Dont worry about specific exercises. Do an activity you enjoy, as long as it gets your heart rate up. Try brisk walking or biking or more advanced exercise for veteran athletes. I recommend seeing an occupational therapist. They can tailor an exercise program to your needs.

Questions To Ask A Skilled Nursing Living Facility

Pin by Neurological Surgery on Parkinson

Refer to the questions on the following pages for guidance. Try to make a second, unannounced visit in the evening or on a weekend. You may learn additional information that adds to your overall opinion of the facility. If you have specific questions about this process, contact our Helpline at 1-800-4PD-INFO .

*Please note that not all content is available in both languages. If you are interested in receiving Spanish communications, we recommend selecting both to stay best informed on the Foundations work and the latest in PD news.

Recommended Reading: When Was Michael J Fox Diagnosed With Parkinson’s Disease

Want More Practical Articles Like This

Much more can be found in a powerful new edition of Davis Phinney Foundations free Every Victory Counts® manual. Its jam-packed with up-to-date information about everything Parkinsons, plus an expanded worksheets and resources section to help you put what youve learned into action. Color coding and engaging graphics help guide you through the written material and point you to complementary videos, podcasts and other materials on the Every Victory Counts companion website. And, it is still free of charge thanks to the generosity of our sponsors.

Request your copy of the new Every Victory Counts manual by clicking the button below.

Visit Fewer Sites And Enjoy Them More

Parkinsons patients need extra time for everything. Your travel plan should include fewer sites that can accommodate your PD partner. Every site you visit, enjoy it more. Stay around for more hours and let your loved one enjoy every scene. This calms them down and reduces the risk of stress and depression.

Choose sites that receive enough sunlight. According to research, light helps Parkinsons patients in the following ways:

  • Sunlight relieves apathy and makes PD patients happy
  • Getting enough sunlight boosts PD patients immune systems, strengthens their bones and relieves pain
  • Sunlight helps PD patients get quality sleep
  • Exposure to sunlight triggers the production of dopamine

Also Check: Parkinson’s Disease Foods To Avoid

How My Husbands Parkinsons Disease Has Changed My Travels

When we landed in Dallas-Fort Worth, I had a message from American Airlines that it had changed our seat assignments. For our leg to San Antonio, wed be sitting in the inside two seats of a back row. We had just come to terms, on that first leg from Fort Myers, Florida, with the fact that my husband could no longer occupy his favored window seat. It was near impossible for him to get up out of it.

At the gate, I spoke with an agent and explained my husbands situation the first time Id publicly voiced it, and I felt a little like I was taking advantage of his health issue. The agent, however, was more than compliant. She not only got us back to our original seats but had us board the airplane first, ahead of all the other passengers. It is one of many lessons Im learning on this new journey Im taking in life: Dont be afraid to ask for help.

Note: Some of the travels described herein were sponsored in part.

Registered Nurse Case Managed Psw Care Makes The Difference

Traveling with Parkinson’s – Tips from the Pros

At Eldercare Home Health weve been providing care for clients with Parkinsons since 1995.

A real, Ontario Registered, Registered Nurse will assess your parent at no charge.

We will assign a Registered Nurse Case Manager to the care of your parent .

We understand Parkinsons medications and the side effects. We will liaise with your parents doctor, pharmacist and other members of the healthcare team on a professional level. Well also advocate for your parent.

Eldercare Home Health is plugged in to the various resources for clients with Parkinsons in Toronto, and we are well acquainted with many of the top Parkinsons specialists in Toronto.

We understand the issues that your parent with Parkinsons deals with every day. And we know that you may be worried about falls and safety. Our goal is to provide the care your parent needs and the peace of mind that you need.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help.

Eldercare Home Health was the Official Sponsor of the Parkinson Society Central & Northern Ontario branch Spring/Summer 2012 Speaker events. See: Love, Intimacy & Parkinsons and Drug Therapy for Parkinsons Disease.

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Medical Treatment Outside Europe

The UK has agreements with some countries that may mean youre able to receive free or reduced rate healthcare outside Europe in an emergency.

If youre charged for treatment, you wont be able to apply for a refund from the UK Government when you return home.

To get treatment, youll usually need to show your British passport and proof of residence, such as a driving licence.

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Medicines For Parkinsons Disease

Medicines can help treat the symptoms of Parkinsons by:

  • Increasing the level of dopamine in the brain
  • Having an effect on other brain chemicals, such as neurotransmitters, which transfer information between brain cells
  • Helping control non-movement symptoms

The main therapy for Parkinsons is levodopa. Nerve cells use levodopa to make dopamine to replenish the brains dwindling supply. Usually, people take levodopa along with another medication called carbidopa. Carbidopa prevents or reduces some of the side effects of levodopa therapy such as nausea, vomiting, low blood pressure, and restlessness and reduces the amount of levodopa needed to improve symptoms.

People living with Parkinsons disease should never stop taking levodopa without telling their doctor. Suddenly stopping the drug may have serious side effects, like being unable to move or having difficulty breathing.

The doctor may prescribe other medicines to treat Parkinsons symptoms, including:

  • Dopamine agonists to stimulate the production of dopamine in the brain
  • Enzyme inhibitors to increase the amount of dopamine by slowing down the enzymes that break down dopamine in the brain
  • Amantadine to help reduce involuntary movements
  • Anticholinergic drugs to reduce tremors and muscle rigidity

Also Check: What Causes Tremor In Parkinson’s Disease

Benefits Of Exercise For People With Parkinsons Disease

Exercise has been shown to have several significant benefits for people with Parkinsons disease. These helpful effects seem to stem from two specific neurological changes that occur when you work out:

  • The release of a chemical called dopamine: This positively impacts your movement, mood, and sensation of pain.
  • Growth and change in the cortical striatum:This is an area of the brain that controls your voluntary movements.

These two exercise-related changes can result in many concrete advantages for people with Parkinsons, including:

  • Improved balance
  • Reduced sleep disruptions

You’re Going On Vacation How Wonderful


What a perfect time to relax, enjoy some downtime, unwind… and completely fall off the Parkinson’s Warrior wagon.

While we all need to get away and recharge, sometimes coming back to reality and facing the fact we haven’t exercised in days can feel incredibly defeating.

At worst, if you notice a resurgence in your Parkinson’s symptoms after a much-needed vacation, it can feel like a profound setback.

Exploring the world, spending time withloved ones, and having thosespecial momentsis what life’s all about.

You should be able to prioritize and enjoy them, despite your Parkinson’s diagnosis… right?

Do you ever feel that way…?

… like you should be able to just live your life and forget about anything related to Parkinson’s for a few days?

… like you’re tired of scheduling your life around your Parkinson’s symptoms?

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Best Mouse For Parkinsons Patients

Around 50% of the people that are suffering from Parkinsons disease also suffer from significant challenges while performing their daily routine activities. Additionally, due to extensive hand tremors because of the disease, the patients have a hard time while using the mouse.

Because they dont know if there are any possible solutions, the majority have them have no experience whatsoever in using the possible alternatives to the conventional mouse.

Although some of the users have previous experience while using a touchpad, the majority of them dont even know if there are any possible options out there. Here are some of the best mice for Parkinsons patients.

Symptoms Of Parkinsons Disease

Parkinsons has four main symptoms:

  • Tremor in hands, arms, legs, jaw, or head
  • Muscle stiffness, where muscle remains contracted for a long time
  • Slowness of movement
  • Impaired balance and coordination, sometimes leading to falls

Other symptoms may include:

The symptoms of Parkinsons and the rate of progression differ among individuals. Early symptoms of this disease are subtle and occur gradually. For example, people may feel mild tremors or have difficulty getting out of a chair. They may notice that they speak too softly, or that their handwriting is slow and looks cramped or small. Friends or family members may be the first to notice changes in someone with early Parkinsons. They may see that the persons face lacks expression and animation, or that the person does not move an arm or leg normally.

People with Parkinson’s disease often develop a parkinsonian gait that includes a tendency to lean forward take small, quick steps and reduce swinging their arms. They also may have trouble initiating or continuing movement.

Symptoms often begin on one side of the body or even in one limb on one side of the body. As the disease progresses, it eventually affects both sides. However, the symptoms may still be more severe on one side than on the other.

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Parkinsons Specialized Home Care

Our Washington, D.C. and Maryland in-home caregiving services include everything from medication administration by LPNs and RNs to assisting with stretching and household duties by experienced Certified Nursing Assistants . Our goal is to make clients as comfortable as possible and to help make the most of each day for those living with Parkinsons and their loved ones.

Learn more about Family & Nursing Care by reading our

What The Experts Say

Driving with Parkinson’s Part 1

Parkinson’s disease can sometimes interfere with an individual’s ability to regulate body temperature, which can make the colder weather less tolerable, says physical medicine and rehabilitation specialist Ileana Howard, M.D. Layering warm clothing can sometimes help reduce symptoms associated with the cold.

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Levinsohn Textile Company Satin Charmeuse Silky Sheet Set Collection

Courtesy of Amazon

  • 15-inch pockets for deep mattresses

  • Machine washable for easy care

  • Satin, not true silk

  • Limited color options

According to Dr. Nwabuobi, silk sheets can make readjusting at night easier for people with Parkinsons, which is why this sheet set ranks so highly as a gift for your loved one with Parkinson’s disease. Parkinsons deeply affects peoples functionality and mobility. This can cause poor sleeping patterns because of the difficulty people have turning in bed.

While silk is nice, it can also be terribly expensive. But these satin silk sheets do the job just fine and are a steal in comparison. These sheets are lightweight, breathable, and soft to the touch. Available in red, black, grey, and ivory, these sheets will add a nice pop of color to the bedroom and make anyone excited to fall asleep.

Price at time of publication: $76

In That Moment I Got A Glimpse Of My Dad The Real One

The one who raised three kids and taught us how to throw a football, how to use a hammer, how to treat people. The one who, in another world, would have been leading me through the airport, reciting Civil War trivia as we walked. The one who, to an outsider, would have been just a guy.

The one who, to those who knew him, was far from just a guy.

Recommended Reading: What Are The Different Types Of Parkinson’s Disease

Can I Fly With Parkinsons Disease

by Flying Angels Editorial Team | Aug 18, 2021 | News & Resources

Having Parkinsons disease should not keep you from traveling. While it requires planning ahead and following smart guidelines, you can fly with Parkinsons disease and enjoy a stress-free traveling experience.

Too often, those with Parkinsons may feel they have to limit or even cancel travel plans. Certainly, you cannot make up plans on the fly as you those who do not have Parkinsons may do. However, planning ahead is worth doing to enjoy the ability to fly with Parkinsons disease.

Is A Skilled Nursing Facility Right For You Or Your Loved One

Pin on Health care

Long-term care in a skilled nursing facility provides 24-hour assistance with advanced care needs. Staff assists with daily living activities and medication management. They also provide opportunities for social interactions and participating in recreational and wellness programs. Meals are offered in a group dining setting and housekeeping and laundry services are also included.

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Mercury 10 Tablet Magnifier With Ocr Speech Touch Screen Video Magnifier

The Mercury 10 Tablet Magnifier with OCR Speech Touch Screen Video Magnifier uses the state of the art technology to make it easier for the patients to perform their mobile-related tasks easily.

It encompasses a magnification system that is similar to that of an android tablet. The sole purpose of designing this tab is to provide comfort and ease of access to patients with Parkinsons.

Mercury 10 Tablet Magnifier with OCR Speech Touch Screen Video Magnifier can enlarge the image of printed material and can speak it out loud too.

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Tips For Traveling With Parkinson’s Disease

  • Always try to travel with a companion.
  • Place the names of your doctor, insurance company, emergency contact, and medications in your wallet or purse.
  • Carry identification stating that you have Parkinson’s disease.
  • Use a “fanny” pack or backpack so that you have both hands free to balance as you walk, especially if walking any distance.
  • Pack snacks and carry a water bottle to take medications.
  • Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing and good walking shoes.
  • When making hotel reservations, request a room on the ground floor or near an elevator. Ask if they have rooms that are handicapped-accessible these usually include grab bars in the shower and bathroom and have wider spaces between furniture for wheelchair access.

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