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Parkinson’s Disease And Psychedelics

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Silo Pharma Plans Phase 2b Trial Testing Low

Psilocybin in Treatment of Depression and Anxiety in Parkinson’s Disease

Akomes new therapy candidate, AKO004, is a psychedelic formulation made up of DMT, which, data show, can induce a rapid and intense DMT trip characterized by visual hallucinations. Known as the spirit molecule because of its effects, DMT is a psychedelic compound found in many plants and animals. However, it also can be produced synthetically.

Psychedelics such as DMT are strong substances that can change perception, mood, and cognitive processes. DMT produces its intense hallucinations by triggering serotonergic receptors in the brain. However, psychedelics are usually considered safe and do not lead to addiction.

Currently, DMT has no approved medical use in the U.S. However, in the U.K., a Phase 1/2 clinical trial is investigating the compounds safety, tolerability, and efficacy for the treatment of depression.

Core One Labs states that its initial findings have shown AKO004 is safe and efficient. The formulation is reported to act as an anti-oxidant and decrease neurodegeneration. Antioxidants are compounds that inhibit oxidation, a reaction that can produce toxic reactive species that may damage cells. In addition, initial data analysis suggests that AKO004 may preserve neuron structure and/or function in the brain.

Ketamine Therapy For Depression In Parkinsons Disease Patients

Ketamine has also shown the potential to treat common comorbidities associated with Parkinsons, including depression and chronic pain. Sub-anesthetic ketamine could provide a multifaceted benefit to individuals with Parkinsons Disease in the future, the researchers behind a 2020 study on ketamine and LID noted. A 2021 study on depressive-like behavior in animal models of Parkinsons also found ketamine had therapeutic benefits for non-motor symptoms of the disease, including an ability to reverse memory impairment and depressive-like behavior due to its antidepressant effects.

Psychedelic Capital: Public vs. Private Markets

Yale Universitys Department of Psychiatry is currently recruiting patients for the worlds first clinical study evaluating ketamine for the treatment of depression in Parkinsons. The Phase 2 trial will compare the efficacy of ketamine to placebo in about 50 individuals and will also use cutting-edge brain imaging to study the effects of ketamine on synaptic connections and functional networks in the brain. It is expected the trial will be completed in August 2024.

Announcing the trial in November 2021, co-principal investigator Dr. Sophie E. Holmes said: The findings of this research could change the way that is treated, leading to the discovery of fast-acting and effective treatments that in turn improve the quality of life for the many individuals with Parkinsons Disease that suffer from depression.

Lions Mane Prevents Cognitive Dysfunction

This study scientists studied the effects of The Lions Mane in amyloid b protein-induced memory and learning deficits in mice. Amyloid b is a peptide that is associated with diseases such as Alzheimers. Mice were injected with peptide between days 7 and 14 of the study. They were also fed a diet that contained Lions Mane for 23 days of the study. The results revealed the fact that Ls Mane stopped short-term and memory loss in visual recognition typically caused through amyloid b the peptide. They concluded that the Lions Mane Mushroom may help in the prevention from cognitive impairment.

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Cognitive Supplement Spotlight: Lions Mane

What is Lions Mane? Lions Mane is also known as Hericium erinaceus, found in North America, Europe and Asia. It is an edible fungus that has been used for a very long time in Traditional Chinese Medicine. This mushroom is rich in many bioactive compounds such as beta-glucan polysaccharides, hericenones and erinacine terpenoids, isoindolinoes, sterols and myconutrients. These are all neuroprotective. Lions Mane also has the ability to stimulate the production of nerve growth factor, which helps repair and renew neurons and supports myelination. It is used in cases of Alzheimers, Parkinsons, MS and other conditions.

Benefits of Lions Mane? There are many different benefits of Lions Mane. It is used to support the heart and circulatory system, protects against cancer, can improve digestive health and reduces inflammation. One of the main benefits of Lions Mane is that it enhances brain function. It impacts brain cells and brain function that can help with neurodegenerative diseases. Lions Mane also enhances neuron outgrowth meaning that the axons and dendrites from the neurons grow. Increasing their growth can potentially slow or reverse cell degeneration in conditions like Alzheimers and Parkinsons disease.

How Much Should I Take? For cognitive support and nerve injury, I recommend one capsule twice a day of the 500 mg dose.

Not Just Mental Health: Alzheimers Disease And Dementia


The use of psychedelics as a potential treatment for mental health conditions has been comprehensively studied. But a new frontier is emerging, as researchers are starting to explore psychedelics as a treatment for other neurological diseases.

In a 2021 review article, scientists assessed the clinical evidence for psychedelics in treating Alzheimers Disease and dementia, and came up with some interesting insights. Firstly the 5-HT2A receptor is found in high concentrations in regions of the brain vulnerable to dementia. Psychedelic-induced neuroplasticity and neurogenesis via the 5-HT2A receptor in this region could theoretically help protect this region from degeneration, and potentially even rewire connections to improve cognition.

Secondly, many imaging studies have shown the effect of psychedelics on the reorganisation of neural networks. Alongside results from surveys, where individuals reported that psychedelic-treatment increased cognition and memory retention, this suggests that perhaps psychedelics could ameliorate dysfunctional circuits in cognitive impairment in dementia.

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Onze Triptherapie En Bdnf

Wij gebruiken bij onze triptherapie psilocybine houdende paddenstoelen of magic truffels. Psilocybine zorgt na omzetting van het lichaam naar psilocine voor een zeer hoge stimulatie van de 5HT-2a receptor. Door deze stimulatie en het vrijkomen van BDNF door de stimulatie van de 5HT2a receptor gaat het brein in staat van hyperconnectiviteit .

Tijdens deze staat van hyperconnectiviteit vindt er neurogenese plaats en maakt het bewuste brein connectie met het onderbewuste. Hierdoor kunnen problemen in het onderbewuste worden verholpen waardoor er minder stress is, wat BDNF juist afremt.Tevens worden er ook nieuwe permanente verbindingen worden gemaakt en vinden er herstelwerkzaamheden plaats om de schade van depressie te verhelpen. Zelfs neurodegeneratieve ziekten kunnen worden bestreden door de activiteit van BDNF, omdat er weer nieuwe neuronen en dus verbindingen ontstaan.

Bdnf Staat Voor Brain

Brain-derived neurotrophic factor, BDNF, is een neurotrofine. Neurotrofines zijn belangrijk voor het overleven, herstellen en laten groeien van neuronen. Neuronen zijn zenuwcellen die informatie verwerken, doorsturen of verwerken in het brein of zenuwstelsel. Neuronen kunnen worden gezien als de datakabels tussen delen van de hersenen en het lichaam. Een gemiddeld lichaam heeft zon ongeveer neuronen .

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Pharmather Announces Fda Approval Of Ketamine Ind In The Treatment Of Parkinsons Disease

TORONTO, May 17, 2021 PharmaTher Holdings Ltd. , a psychedelics biotech company, is pleased to announce that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved the Companys Investigational New Drug application to proceed with a Phase 2 clinical trial to evaluate the safety, efficacy and pharmacokinetics of ketamine in the treatment of levodopa-induced dyskinesia in patients with Parkinsons disease . PharmaTher expects to begin enrolling patients in the Phase 2 clinical trial in Q3-2021. Assuming the Phase 2 clinical trial is positive, the Company will request a meeting with the FDA to discuss its plan and obtain an agreement to move to a Phase 3 clinical study under the 505 regulatory pathway next year.

Parkinsons disease is a debilitating disorder that affects over 1 million people in the U.S. and more than 7 million people worldwide. There is currently no cure for Parkinsons disease, although some drug combinations are used to treat the disease symptoms. The global Parkinsons disease market is expected to grow from USD $5 billion in 2019 to USD $7.5 billion by the end of 2025 and it is estimated that the potential market opportunity for LID-PD to be over USD $3 billion in the U.S. alone.

About the Phase 2 Clinical Trial

For more information about PharmaTher, please contact:Fabio ChianelliWebsite: www.pharmather.com

Cautionary Statement

Screening The Main G Lucidum Active Extracts For Anti

9B: Psychedelics – Micro-Dosing, Neuroplasticity and the Hallucinogenic Experience

The fur of animals treated with G. lucidum extracts was much smoother than that of those in the model group. The average weight of animals did not differ significantly between the treated and model groups male animals weighed approximately 320 g at the beginning and 500 g at the end of the experiment , while female rats weighed approximately 240 g at the beginning and 290 g at the end of the experiment .

-galactose + AEG high-dose AEG group, D-galactose + AEG , polysaccharide , alcohol , and oil extracts from G. lucidum by gavage. Every group consisted of eight animals and the procedure duration was 8 weeks. Male animals weighed While female rats weighed Morris water maze tests Brain tissue HE staining. p< 0.01.

The swimming time of the control group in the NW quadrant was significantly longer than that in the other three quadrants . The swimming time in the NW quadrant of the model group was 25.23 ± 2.66 s, which was significantly shorter than that of the control group , suggesting that the rats remembered the location of the placement of the platform. The swimming durations of the low- and high-dose AEG groups were 57.55 ± 1.39 s and 49.16 ± 1.87 s, respectively, which were significantly longer than the model group. Compared with the model group, the differences were significant . The other extracts treated groups do not improved so much .

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But There Is Good News

You can prepare and control how you respond to every one of those crises.

Knowing how to protect your family from whatâs coming should be your primary concern.

âThe truth is⦠most people havenât taken a single step to prepare for what is CERTAINLY COMING.

âJust last year, millions across Texas were blindsided by a winter blackout that also took their water supply.

âThe western US lit up with record-breaking fires that displaced MILLIONS. Homes, gone. Businesses, gone. Cities, gone. Livelihoods, gone.

âHurricanes and tornadoes keep on cominâ.

âAnd thatâs just nature⦠we havenât touched on what the humans control.

âIf youâre not prepared? You’re vulnerable.

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Serotonin: More Than Just The Happy Hormone

LSD exhibits affinity for 5-HT1A/D, 2A/B/C, and 5-HT6 as well as the dopamine D1 and D2 receptors and the -adrenergic receptors. Both psilocin and psilocybin exhibit affinity for a range of serotonin receptors such as 5-HT1A/B/D/E, 2A/B, 5, 6, 7. DMT and its analog 5MeO-DMT are agonists of 5-HT1A/D, 2A, and 5-HT6 receptors.

All of these psychedelics activate the 5-HT2A receptor, a serotonin receptor. Findings from many studies over the years have shown that many of the effects psychedelics have on the brain are mediated by effector pathways induced by 5-HT2A describing a unifying mechanism of action.

So, what is the 5-HT2A receptor? The 5-HT2A receptor is a G-protein coupled receptor and is widely distributed in the central nervous system. They are especially dense in brain regions essential for learning and cognition, specifically the pre-frontal cortex. Serotonin has a reputation in pop culture as the happy hormone, but 5-HT2A receptor activation and inhibition has been shown to have diverse behavioural, physiological, and psychological effects.

The Antioxidants In Mushrooms

Implications of Impulse Control Disorder in Parkinson Disease

Mushrooms contain high amounts of two antioxidants thought to be key to preventing the aging of neurons in the brain: ergothioneine and glutathione. In fact, Dr. Robert Beelman, professor emeritus at Penn State, found that the porcini mushrooms of northern Italy may help keep older Italians free of dementia. He observed that Italians who ate more of these mushrooms had less neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimers and Parkinsons Disease.

Dr. Beelman and his colleagues also found that the ergothioneine content of mushrooms varies by the species. The good news: most mushrooms contain both neuroprotective ergothioneine and glutathione.

These antioxidants remain active whether the mushrooms are consumed raw or cooked.

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Psychedelics And Parkinsons Disease: Improving Patient Quality Of Life

Emily Jarvie

In recent years, research has shown that psychedelic drugs offer new and exciting potential treatments for various physical and mental health conditions. One promising area is the use of psychedelic-assisted therapy to treat Parkinsons Disease: a progressive neurodegenerative disorder that occurs when the nerve cells in the brain that control movement stop working or die. Truffle Report has put together a brief review of prospective treatments and clinical trials involving psychedelics and Parkinsons Disease.

More than 10 million people worldwide live with Parkinsons. While both men and women can be diagnosed with the disease, this condition affects 50 percent more men than women.

Common symptoms of the disease include tremors, muscle stiffness or muscle rigidity, slowness of movement, dry mouth, and difficulty walking or talking. It can also lead to Parkinsons dementia, cognitive impairment, sleep problems, and mental health issues such as depression and anxiety.

Sadly, there is no cure for the condition. The range of disease symptoms a person with Parkinsons can experience makes standardizing medical treatment protocols challenging. Current treatments include medications and drug therapy, and supportive therapies such as physical therapy or speech therapy, surgery, and lifestyle modifications.

Parkinsons Disease And How It Works

Parkinsons disease is a neurological disorder more specifically, a neurodegenerative disease.

Its unclear what causes it. Scientists state it most likely involves inflammation targeting certain neurons in the brain, thus causing them to degenerate and malfunction.

At first, effects may be unnoticeable but then slowly increase over the years.

Symptoms are different in every person and can emerge differently. But the most prominent symptoms tend to include:

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Mushroom For Parkinsons Disease To Stimulate The Brain

Mushrooms for patients with Parkinsons disease are vegetables that were tackled in many studies regarding the best foods to stimulate the brain functions. One of these studies showed that consuming mushrooms significantly reduces the risk of dementia, while another showed that the deterioration in cognitive abilities was less among people who eat mushrooms. A third study indicated that mushrooms have a role in improving memory.

The researchers believe that mushrooms help activate different brain functions because it contains a compound called ergothioneine. After extensive research, it was found that this compound levels are decreased in people with PD. That is why eating mushrooms can help stimulate brain functions.

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What Does The Future Hold

Psychedelics and Mental Health: Discovering the Therapeutic Potential of Psychoactive Plants

While there has been extensive research suggesting that psychedelics has immense potential for the treatment of a number of diseases, theres a lot of red tape to trip over. In the United States, the results from clinical trials have been promising enough that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has designated psilocybin as a breakthrough therapy for depression. However, in Britain, psilocybin, LSD, and DMT remain Schedule 1 substances, which means they are difficult to get approved for research, particularly clinical trials. As a consequence, funding is also an issue, even if you get past the approval process. All in all, this a major obstacle for further research into this area.

For us to unlock the potential of psychedelics, politics needs to catch up with science, and fast.

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How Long Does It Take For Lions Mane To Work

Like most medicinal mushrooms, lions mane doesnt start working right away. Youll need to take it consistently for about two weeks before you start noticing its effects. Of course, the longer you take lions mane, the more notable benefits you can expect, so stick with it for at least a month, even if you arent noticing any changes just yet.

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Attitudes And Empathy Induction

Empathy is broadly defined as the reactions of one individual to the observed experiences of another . Research has shown the benefit of building empathy in changing an already established attitude . An increase in empathy can reduce stereotypes of stigmatized groups by reducing blame attributed to individuals , or by reducing the perceived differences between the self and other . Empathy has been shown to be positively associated with more favourable attitudes towards stigmatized individuals and groups . While recent research has questioned the benefits of emotional empathy , this study will test the value of an empathy induction to engage a rational process to understand the perspective of another person, not an automatic emotional response. Participants read an account by a person diagnosed with the relevant condition, detailing the symptoms and the daily problems of living with the condition, designed to highlight insight into the personal experience. Recipients of the information are then encouraged to approve the use of a stigmatised drug to enhance therapy for a patient group also stigmatised by the label of having a mental illness.

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Can Lions Mane Mushrooms Fight Parkinsons Disease

We sneak Lions Mane into a tasty granola

While we cant claim lions mane can cure Parkinsons, it certainly appears to work in opposition to the disease.Its been proven that Hericium erinaceus promotes neurogenesis . Parkinsons disease does the exact opposite, destroying integral parts of the brain as the illness progresses.Lions mane promotes neuron growth. Parkinsons destroys neurons. The two seem to be in direct opposition to one another. Draw your own conclusions.Lets get into the finer points of the science behind lions mane, neurogenesis, and Parkinsons disease.

Article Jumplinks

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