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Thursday, July 25, 2024
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How To Handle Parkinson Patient

When You Have No Appetite

Parkinson’s Disease Symptoms, Treatment, Nursing Care, Pathophysiology NCLEX Review

Some days, you just may not feel like eating at all.

Talk to your doctor. Sometimes, depression can cause poor appetite. Your hunger likely will return when you get treatment.

Walk or do another light activity to rev up your appetite.

Drink beverages after youâve finished eating so you donât feel full before the meal.

Include your favorite foods in your menu. Eat the high-calorie foods on your plate first. But avoid empty calories from sugary sodas, candies, and chips.

Perk up your meals by trying different dishes and ingredients.

Choose high-protein and high-calorie snacks, including:

  • Cereal with half and half

How To Avoid Constipation

There is no specific treatment, but avoiding known causes of constipation and keeping the stool soft should help. Some people with PD will need further treatment for constipation through their health care team.

  • Eat a well-balanced diet with plenty of fiber. Good sources of fiber include fruits, vegetables, legumes, bran, and whole grain bread.
  • Add fruits and vegetables to your diet.
  • Eat prunes and/or bran cereal.
  • Drink 48 to 64 ounces of water each day.
  • Exercise daily.
  • Drink warm liquids, especially in the morning. Consider warming your prune juice instead of drinking it cold.
  • If needed, add an over the counter fiber supplement or stool softener.
  • Laxatives, suppositories, and enemas can also be used but you should first discuss this with your doctor.

Caregiving & Helping Others

Parkinsons disease can be emotionally difficult for caregivers, but it also has its rewards.

Here are some strategies that can be helpful while caring for a person with Parkinsons disease:

According to a 2018 study, the cognitive symptoms of Parkinsons disease had a greater emotional impact on loved ones and caregivers than the physical symptoms. As the dementia progresses, carers may experience a sense of grief and loss, as they feel their loved ones are not themselves anymore.

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Communicating With Your Doctor

Unfortunately, fear, embarrassment, or stigma can cause people to avoid sharing symptoms of Parkinsons psychosis with their health care providers. Its important to tell your doctor if you or a loved one experiences hallucinations or delusions, so you can discuss possible solutions.

Your doctor can help determine the cause of hallucinations and delusions. They may be caused by an infection, like a urinary tract infection, or they could be a side effect of a treatment for an unrelated condition. Hallucinations and delusions can also be an indication of another medical condition, such as dementia with Lewy bodies. Dementia with Lewy bodies is a movement disorder that can be difficult to distinguish from Parkinsons disease.

Whatever the cause of the psychosis, your doctor can recommend treatments or strategies to help you and your family better deal with episodes. One MyParkinsonsTeam member shared tips from their spouses doctor: According to his neurologist, you should always be honest. His neurologist coaches him to listen to me because I am looking out for his best interests, and I will not lie to him about what is real and what is not. He seems content with that.

Causes Of Parkinsons Disease


Parkinsons disease is an idiopathic illness, which means that its cause is unknown.

The signs and symptoms it present are caused by the loss of nerve cells in the part of the brain called substantia nigra.

This part of the brain is responsible for the production of dopamine, a neurotransmitter that links the brain and nervous system to coordinate body movements.

Loss of dopamine results in uncoordinated body movements, thereby producing the signs and symptoms of the disease.

Though the exact cause of Parkinsons disease is still unknown, there are possible explanations that may be responsible for the condition, such as:

  • Genetics. Studies have shown that a minority of cases of PD have genetic involvement.
  • Environmental factors. Exposure to pesticides, herbicides, and industrial pollution is now being looked at as a possible cause of PD. However, the results are still inconclusive.
  • Presence of Lewy bodies. Lewy bodies are clumps of substances in the brain cells. These are often seen in people with Parkinsons disease. The studies about them are still inconclusive, but researchers believe that these substances hold useful information to what causes PD. Researchers are also focusing into alpha-synuclein found in the Lewy bodies.

The following are the associated risk factors in developing Parkinsons disease:

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Eating When Youre Tired

If you donât have energy for meals later in the day, you can:

Pick foods that are easy to fix, and save your energy for eating. If you live with your family, let them help you make your meal.

Look into a delivery service. Some grocery stores have them. Or you can check if you might be able to get food delivered from your local Meals on Wheels program for free or for a small fee.

Keep healthy snack foods on hand, like fresh fruit and vegetables or high-fiber cold cereals.

Freeze extra portions of what you cook so you have a quick meal when you feel worn out.

Rest before you eat so you can enjoy your meal. And eat your biggest meal early in the day to fuel yourself for later.

Strengths And Limitations Of This Study

  • This study will be one of the rare randomised controlled trials to assess the clinical efficacy of electroacupuncture in the treatment of constipation in Parkinsons disease .

  • In order to optimise the credibility of the research results, a multicentre trial will be utilised for this study.

  • In addition to evaluating the clinical efficacy of EA in the treatment of constipation in PD, this study will also investigate whether EA can play a role in maintenance therapy.

  • This study will not include a sham EA group. Without blinding patients, the placebo effect of EA treatment cannot be ruled out.

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What Is Aggressive Parkinsons Disease

As written above, Parkinsons dementia aggression is that form of Parkinsons which makes the patient exhibit aggressive behavior. They vent out their aggression either verbally or physically, in the various forms that have been written above. Besides verbal and physical outbursts, PD Dementia patients are also prone to hallucinating caused by the medication administered. Hallucinations in PD Dementia patients primarily occur because of the effects of dopaminergic agents for motor symptoms.

Loss of dopamine neurons in the ventral tegmental area is one of the likeliest of all neuropathological causes as changes in serotonin and norepinephrine systems are not. For the uninitiated, the ventral tegmental area is the origin of the mesolimbic dopaminergic projection. Plenty of studies have gone into analyzing the cause behind the aggression in PD Dementia patients. Depression in PD Dementia patients has been identified due to changes in the medial frontal cortex and the anterior cingulate. Akinetic-rigid variants have been found in patients showing signs of major depression.

Support Gut Microbial Diversity

Coping with Dementia in Parkinson’s disease for Care Partners

A quality probiotic24 formulated with metabolically active strains and demonstrated to support gut health can be key. Quality probiotic formulations list the individual constituent strains used , which allows for easy identification of any related research. For example, studies demonstrate a number of healthful mechanisms associated with specific strains:

  • Increased short chain fatty acid production: L. casei W56, L. acidophilus W22, L. paracasei W20, L. salivarius W24, L. plantarum W62, Lc. lactis W19, B. lactis W51/W52, and B. bifidum W2325
  • Strengthened intestinal barrier: B. bifidum W23, L. acidophilus W37, L. brevis W6326
  • Reduced bacterial toxin load and pathogen colonization: Lc. lactis W19, B. bifidum W23, L. acidophilus W3726

Evidence of clinical efficacy of any formulation is ideal, demonstrated in human clinical studies on the final probiotic mix. Reports of clinical efficacy assure the exact combination of strains and the quality of the manufacturing process.

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When Parkinsons Interferes With Gastrointestinal Function

This 63-minute audio with slides by Dr. Peter A. LeWitt discusses the effect of Parkinsons disease on the gastrointestinal system, with particular focus on constipation. Improving GI function can have a positive impact on the consistency of benefit from Parkinsons disease medications. Highlights of recent research into Parkinsons disease originating in the GI tract, developing biomarkers for early diagnosis, and others.

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Showing Up As Your Best Self

Caring for someone with a progressive condition like Parkinsons disease can be challenging. Hallucinations only add to the stress of caregiving, especially if the person youre caring for doesnt have insight into what theyre experiencing.

The more you understand about your loved ones condition, the easier itll be to care for them. Talk to their doctor and read up on Parkinsons disease so youre better equipped to respond when hallucinations occur.

Dont forget to take care of yourself as well. Take regular breaks from caregiving to relax and do the things you enjoy. By tending to your own needs, youll have more energy to devote to your loved one.

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Costs Of Our Parkinsons Care

The cost of care for people living with Parkinsons and advanced neurological conditions will be typically higher, as it is a specialist care at home service.

It is worth considering however that live-in care is often cheaper than the total cost of domiciliary care for people living with Parkinsons. When a person is receiving hourly care, provided by a domiciliary care provider it is likely that you will be charged extras for additional services to support the persons Parkinsons needs on top of the cost of a carer visiting. These extras add up and can become costly over time. The total cost to provide hourly care to someone living with high or complex needs can sometimes exceed the price of an inclusive live-in care service.

Parkinsons care at home is typically in line with and sometimes less than what you would pay for residential care, with the added benefit of receiving one-to-one tailored care for the person living with Parkinsons, which simply cannot be achieved in a care home.

How To Deal With Constipation In Parkinsons Disease

How to Deal with Parkinsons Disease?

It is estimated that over 50% of Parkinsons patients experience constipation, which is one of the key symptoms of Parkinsons disease that causes discomfort to patients daily life. Unlike other symptoms, this problem can possibly be treated without medication by making some changes in diet and other lifestyle behaviors.

Here, you will get to know 4 key ways that help you dealing with constipation in Parkinsons disease.

People with Parkinsons disease are usually complaining of frequent constipation and it is thought to be a side effect of medication. But this could also be one of the earliest symptoms of the disease.

In recent years, researchers have increasingly realized that there is a strong connection between constipation and Parkinsons disease. They think that frequent constipation is the indication of certain cells in the brain that are linked to Parkinsons. Since this problem appears many years before the onset of motor symptoms, it could be used as a useful criterion for the early diagnosis.

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Writing Tips For Parkinson’s Disease

  • Use large print, instead of script writing. Try using weighted pens or pencils and wrap black electrical tape around the barrel for additional grip.
  • Use felt-tip markers and a large tablet on an easel.
  • If you have difficulty using writing utensils, try typing notes or letters on a computer or typewriter.

What Are The Symptoms Of Parkinson’s Disease

The main symptoms of Parkinson’s disease are:

  • tremor or shaking, often when resting or tired. It usually begins in one arm or hand
  • muscle rigidity or stiffness, which can limit movement and may be painful
  • slowing of movement, which may lead to periods of freezing and small shuffling steps
  • stooped posture and balance problems

The symptoms of Parkinson’s disease vary from person to person as well as over time. Some people also experience:

  • loss of unconscious movements, such as blinking and smiling
  • difficulties with handwriting
  • drop in blood pressure leading to dizziness
  • difficulty swallowing

Many of the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease could be caused by other conditions. For example, stooped posture could be caused by osteoporosis. But if you are worried by your symptoms, it is a good idea to see your doctor.

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Stay On Top Of Insurance

If you were always the one who handled questions of insurance coverage, great but if not, you may want to familiarize yourself with the terms of your health insurance. Youll need to know details about if and to what extent your plan covers prescriptions, therapy sessions and other unexpected items.

Related Conditions And Causes Of Parkinsons Disease

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Many conditions can cause symptoms that are similar to those of Parkinsons disease, including the following:

  • Essential tremor

This foundation was founded in 2000 by the actor Michael J. Fox, who received a diagnosis of young-onset Parkinsons disease in 1991. Take a look at Parkinsons 360, the foundations guide for living with Parkinsons. Or if youd like to join a Parkinsons research study, visit the Fox Trial Finder.

With a mission to empower people with Parkinsons, this foundation funds research geared toward improving care and treatment for the disease. Sign up for their newsletter to receive news updates and information about Parkinsons resources. Or if you need help connecting with a health professional, call the foundations helpline at 800-4PD-INFO .

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When Should I See My Healthcare Provider Or When Should I Seek Care

You should see your healthcare provider as recommended, or if you notice changes in your symptoms or the effectiveness of your medication. Adjustments to medications and dosages can make a huge difference in how Parkinsons affects your life.

When should I go to ER?

Your healthcare provider can give you guidance and information on signs or symptoms that mean you should go to the hospital or seek medical care. In general, you should seek care if you fall, especially when you lose consciousness or might have an injury to your head, neck, chest, back or abdomen.

How To Help Someone With Parkinsons Stay Mobile

A very common symptom of Parkinsons is freezing. This happens when a person is walking or moving and suddenly experiences extreme rigidity and an almost complete loss of movement as if their feet are glued to the floor. When this happens, prompting can help your loved one become unstuck. Ask them to pretend that they are stepping over an imaginary line or object on the floor, or even encourage them to rock very slowly and gently from side to side to help them get moving again. If freezing is a common occurrence for your loved one, consider purchasing a specialty mobility device like a walker or rollator that is equipped with a laser pointer. When freezing occurs, they can simply press a button to project a laser line on the floor and use it as a visual cue to help them continue moving.

Massage therapy for Parkinsons patients can alleviate stress and relieve spasms, tremors, rigidity and muscle cramps. Heating pads also soothe aching muscles, and menthol pain relieving gel does wonders for stiff joints, but never use both together.

Exercising can be difficult at first but very beneficial for those living with PD. Encourage your loved one to do hand exercises like squeezing a rubber ball for short periods of time throughout the day to help reduce tremors and to keep hands and fingers strong and flexible. Even short daily walks and a mild fitness routine can keep muscles, tendons and joints strong for as long as possible.

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Find A Community With Experienced Staff

First and foremost, prospective residents or their caregivers should ask about the staffs experience and training with Parkinsons in particular.

An educated and trained staff is critical for Parkinsons, says Lehr. Loved ones should look for those who know about this disease and its various levels of progression. I would ask very specifically, What are the triggers you look for when you consider someone a viable candidate for this facility versus when you think this person should be in long term care? Thats going to tell you a lot about their depth of knowledge around Parkinsons.

Lehr also says the assisted living community should have a neurologist on staff and rehab specialists on site.

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Cleaning Tips For Those With Parkinson’s

Parkinsons Disease
  • Use long handles on sponge mops, cleaning brushes, dust pans, brooms, or window washers.
  • Sit to fold laundry, wash dishes, iron clothes, use the sweeper, mop the floor, or to plug in appliances at low outlets. Adapt counters so that you can reach them from your wheelchair or from a sitting position.

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Parkinsons Disease And Medicare Coverage

Medicare is made up of multiple parts. Each part covers different services and treatments that youll need to manage Parkinsons.

Original Medicare is composed of Part A and Part B. Part A covers a portion of your inpatient hospitalization costs. Part B provides coverage of outpatient medical needs including those for diagnosis, treatment, and prevention.

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Coping With Cognitive Changes And Parkinsons

Cognitive decline and behavioral changes often occur in the middle and late stages of Parkinsons disease. Caregivers must be particularly understanding and flexible when loved ones begin experiencing changes in memory and thinking. A PD patient may have trouble with planning, problem-solving, multitasking and spatial reasoning, which can make daily activities frustrating, impossible or even dangerous. Its important to encourage independence but remain focused on ensuring their safety.

Changes in a loved ones brain may also affect their ability to communicate. Approximately 89 percent of people diagnosed with Parkinsons disease also have some type of progressive motor speech disorder. A PD patients voice may become softer or hoarser, they may have difficulty finding words, or their speech may become slurred. Working with a speech therapist can help an elder maintain their communication skills and confidence in social settings. Continue to encourage open communication, minimize distractions, and allow more time for responses as well as verbalized requests.

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