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Does Parkinson’s Qualify For Long Term Disability

Do I Qualify For Long

Parkinsons Disease Long Term Disability Claims Information & Help

To get a better idea of whether or not you qualify for long-term disability, review the details of your plan to see what your insurance company considers to be a disability. If you have a medical condition that qualifies as a disability, you can file a claim with your insurance provider to receive benefits.

If the insurance company denies your claim, we may be able to handle the appeals process on your behalf and seek any benefits you may be owed. Contact us today to learn more about your options.

Parkinsons Disability Insurance Claim And Benefits Lawyer Help

As Parkinsons symptoms worsen, your ability to maintain a continuous work schedule begins to falter. A short or long term disability insurance claim for people with Parkinsons needs to be properly documented in order for you to have the best chance to collect disability benefits. No definitive tests exist for Parkinsons disease, so it can be very difficult to diagnose, particularly in the diseases early stages. Our disability lawyers have helped hundreds of claimants with Parkinsons and we will work with your doctor to obtain the proper medical documentation necessary to support you claim. Our lawyers know exactly what the disability insurance company look for in order to deny your claim. We advise you throughout every step of your claim so that you have the best chance to collect benefits for as long as you need them. If your neurologist is not documenting your file properly, then we will help you to educate your doctor and also recommend a new doctor if your doctor cannot deal with the insurance company demands. It is essential to document every aspect of your disability. We want to make the disability claim process as easy as possible for you.

Whether you are applying for disability insurance benefits, on claim, or have recently been denied, our disability lawyers will provide you with a free consultation and let you know immediately if we can assist you.

Parkinsons As A Disability

There is no standard treatment for Parkinsons disease, which currently does not have a cure. The course of treatment often varies based on your specific symptoms, but common forms include medication, surgical therapy, lifestyle modifications or a combination of the three.

Although Parkinsons is treatable, it is still a progressive disease. Symptoms that may appear mild at first can worse over time, and may become debilitating or totally disabling.

Many physicians use a five-stage rating scale called the Hoehn and Yahr Staging of Parkinsons disease to determine how far the disease has progressed:

  • Stage one:;Mild symptoms affect one side of the body
  • Stage two:;Symptoms affect both sides of the body. Changes in posture and gait occur.
  • Stage three:;Body movements are slow; balance is impaired.
  • Stage four:;Symptoms are severe and disabling. Muscles become rigid and walking is limited. The patient is no longer able to live independently.
  • Stage five:;The patient needs constant care, and is wheelchair-bound or bedridden.
  • Everyday Health;also reports that up to one-third of people living with this disease develop dementia, which may cause problems with memory, attention span, and executive function the process of making decisions, organizing, managing time, and setting priorities.

    Many claimants seek disability benefits for Parkinsons as their symptoms worsen and render them unable to work.

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    Disability And Leaving The Public Service

    You should immediately notify your manager if your physician has certified that your illness is continuing and you are unable to return to work. Your manager may grant you leave without pay for a period sufficient to enable you to make the necessary adjustments and preparation for separation from the public service.

    Refer to Appendix B of the Directive on Leave and Special Working Arrangements for additional information.

    Presumptive Service Connection For Parkinsons:

    Does Parkinsons Disease Qualify for Disability Benefits?

    The VA may presume your PD is connected to your military service. Veterans who develop Parkinsons disease and were exposed to Agent Orange or other herbicides or contaminants during military service do not have to prove a connection between their disease and service to be eligible to receive VA disability compensation.;UPDATE: As of January 2020, the VA extended the presumption of Agent Orange exposure and other toxic herbicides to Blue Water Navy Vietnam Veterans, and to veterans who served in or near the Korean DMZ . H.R.299 Blue Water Navy Vietnam Veterans Act of 2019.

    Veterans with Parkinsons disease who served in the following locations and specified times need not prove they were exposed to VA-recognized toxins to get disability compensation:

    • Exposure to Agent Orange in Vietnam: Veterans who set foot in Vietnam, and veterans serving aboard ships operating on the close coastal waters and inland waterways of Vietnam, and as of January 2020, Blue Water Veterans for any duration between January 9, 1962 May 7, 1975, or ;;
    • Exposure to Agent Orange in or near the Korean Demilitarized Zone for any duration between April 1, 1968 August 31, 1971, or
    • Exposure to Contaminated Water, Marine Base Camp Lejeune, NC for at least 30 days between August 1953 December 1987; .;;

    We have more information about Blue Water Veterans.

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    How Long Does It Take To Get Disability For Parkinsons

    Unfortunately, there is no clear answer on how long it will take you get to get disability benefits for Parkinsons.

    After your initial application is complete, it will take the SSA around 3-5 months to get back to you with a decision regarding your claim.

    The exact time varies depending on the time it takes for you to get all of your medical records and information over to the SSA to make a decision.

    If the SSA denies your application, you are able to appeal the decision, but that will prolong the time it takes for you get disability for Parkinsons.

    The more medical evidence and documentation you have to support your claim with Parkinsons, the shorter time it could take for you to get the benefits you deserve.

    How Parkinsons Restricts Your Ability To Work

    The symptoms of Parkinsons disease vary from person to person. Early signs may be very slight and easy to overlook. Symptoms characteristically begin on one side of the body and usually remain worse on that side even after symptoms begin to affect both sides of the body.

    The signs and symptoms of Parkinsons may consist of:

    • Uncontrollable tremors
    • Inability to make voluntary movement
    • Muscle stiffness
    • A losing automated movements
    • Changes in speech
    • Dementia

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    How To Buy Disability Insurance

    There are several factors to consider when deciding which disability insurance policy is the best for you:

    • Coverage amount â The amount of money your insurer will pay to you if you become disabled. A typical benefit amount is around 60% of your gross income for long-term disability insurance. This is also known as the participation rate.
    • Elimination period â How long after you become disabled before you will begin receiving benefits. Typical elimination periods for long-term policies are 30, 60, 90, 180, or 365 days, and between two and four weeks for a short-term policy. This is also known as the waiting period.
    • Benefit period â The amount of time you will receive benefits â or funds from the insurance company. Typically benefit periods are two years, five years, ten years, or until your retirement. Because the average disability lasts around three years, we recommend a policy with a five-year benefit period.
    • Non-cancelable â The insurer can never legally change the terms of a non-cancelable policy, including how much you pay.
    • Own-occupation â An own-occupation policy will continue to pay out if you canât work in your designated job, even if you are able to work elsewhere in another capacity.
    • Exclusions â Exclusions limit what disabilities are covered by a long-term disability policy. These are often pre-existing health conditions but may also include risky hobbies like skydiving.

    Learn more about how to buy disability insurance.

    Parkinsons Disease And Disability Tax Credit

    How Much Neck Pain Does it Take to Qualify for Long Term Disability Benefits?

    If you or anyone you are taking care is labeled with parkinsons disease, chances are that you may qualify for Disability Tax Credit.

    PD is a long-term degenerative disorder of the central nervous system that mainly affects the motor system. The symptoms progresses slowly over time. In the early stages , the most obvious is shaking, rigidity, slowness of movement, and difficulty with walking.; The Canada Revenue Agency offers substantial credit as Disability Tax Credit for people with parkinsons disease.

    We offer a free consultation to find out if you qualify and are eligible for Canada Disability Tax Credit and have years of experience working with cases involving parkinsons disease.; We serve the provinces of Ontario, Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Quebec and Saskatchewan.

    As a Disability Tax Credit Consultant, expert and specialist,; we will act on your behalf and do the necessary paperwork and deal with Canada Revenue Agency and get the maximum amount allowed.; The submission process is never straightforward and requires careful planning. Fortunately, by years of submitting cases involving parkinsons disease and Disability Tax Credit, we are confident in making your claim successful. We`ll constantly be in touch with the CRA to and keep you informed of the status of your application. To get started, give us a call, or simply use the form on your right and we`ll be in touch.

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    Does Parkinsons Disease Qualify For Disability Benefits

    The Social Security Administration does grant benefits for people who are suffering from Parkinsons disease under certain conditions. To qualify for benefits, you must meet the criteria established by the SSA for parkinsonism, or Parkinsonian syndromethe collective term for the various symptoms commonly associated with Parkinsons disease.

    Parkinsons Disease And Long

    Parkinsons Disease is a progressive neurological condition that results in an increasing loss of movement and coordination. Some of the more common symptoms of PD include uncontrollable tremors, rigidity of the body, difficulty walking, and dystonia, which are painful involuntary muscle contractions. There is no cure for this disease, although therapies exist to manage the symptoms.

    One of the challenges in seeking long-term disability benefits for individuals with PD is that the symptoms may vary, and the disease may progress differently in each applicant. Depending on the type of career that you have, the point at which you can no longer perform the necessary tasks to do your job will vary. For instance, someone who traditionally engages in manual labor may become unable to work more quickly than someone who works in an office all day.

    In addition to physical symptoms, however, many individuals experience some cognitive declines, as well. PD symptoms may make it more challenging for you to concentrate, multi-task, or remember everything needed for your job. When physical symptoms are not as apparent, however, it may be more challenging to establish total disability at some stages of the diseases progression.

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    What Is Required To Get Disability Benefits For Parkinsons Disease And Parkinsonian Syndrome

    There are two ways to qualify for Social Security Disability benefits when you suffer from Parkinsonian syndrome:

    • Problems with controlled movement of two or more extremities that lead to extreme limitation, such as the inability to stand, walk, or use your upper extremities.
    • Significant physical limitations and mental limitations, such as understanding, remembering, interacting, concentrating, etc.

    Common Reasons For Insurers To Deny Your Long

    Qualifying Medical Conditions for Long

    Insurance companies will use a variety of excuses to deny your LTD claim for Parkinsons disease. They may attempt to dispute the:

    • Subjective impact on your life: In the early to mid-stages of PD, it may be complicated to prove the impact that mild to moderate tremors and movement disabilities have on your ability to work. Insurers may deny your claim by saying that your symptoms are subjective and do not qualify.
    • Progression of your symptoms: If you were able to work with PD for several years after your diagnosis, insurers may claim you cant prove that your condition has deteriorated to the point where you can no longer work.
    • Diagnoses and medical support: There are currently no tests or scans that can definitively diagnose Parkinsons Disease. Without extensive medical records and documentation, insurers may dispute the diagnosis itself.

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    How Will My Insurance Company Consider My Parkinsons Disease Symptoms

    The symptoms of Parkinsons can vary drastically in nature, severity, and frequency.; Due to the somewhat unpredictable clinical presentation of Parkinsons, just being diagnosed is not usually enough to receive long term disability benefits.; Instead, the insurance company will look to see how;your particular symptoms;impact your ability to work.

    The insurance company will assess your Parkinsons by considering your:

    • Motor functioning;
    • Treatment.

    Living With Parkinson’s Disease

    Parkinson’s disease is a degenerative disease, which means that the symptoms get worse with time. The most common early symptoms include body rigidity or stiffness and shakiness when the hands are at rest. Other early symptoms include fatigue, balance problems, slurred speech, reduced sense of smell, gastrointestinal problems, slowed movement, personality change, and lack of emotional expression. As the disease progresses, the symptoms get worse. Tremors and stiffness can affect the ability to move independently. Dementia may occur in the later stages of the disease.

    There is no cure for Parkinson’s disease, but medications can help to control symptoms.

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    Who Needs Disability Insurance

    An unexpected disability can happen to anyone. Accidents happen on and off the job, and even the healthiest people fall ill. Because of this, itâs critical that anyone who would not be able to maintain their standard of living if they lost their income gets disability insurance. However, even those with substantial savings should consider buying a policy.

    According to Policygenius data, the average length of a disability for someone in their 30s is 32 months â thatâs almost three years of lost wages. For people in their 40s, that number jumps to 42 months. Getting a disability insurance policy ensures that you donât have to deplete your savings or endure financial devastation due to a temporary disability, protecting your present and future financial stability.

    Social Security Disability Eligibility For People With Parkinson’s Disease

    Social Security Disability vs. Long Term Disability

    In its early stages, Parkinson’s disease rarely affects a person’s ability to work. However, the progression of the disease can make it difficult to do many jobs safely and effectively. When Parkinson’s disease affects your ability to earn a living, Social Security disability benefits are an option.

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    How Does The Disability Tax Credit Help

    Based on the assortment of complications Parkinsons can lead to, as well as the challenges presented from the condition itself, the disorder is classified as a disability by the Canadian government. To help offset the costs of extra care or medical treatments, the Canada Revenue Agency provides disability tax benefits like the Canadian Disability Tax Credit for families coping with Parkinsons.

    Despite disability tax refunds readily available for many eligible Canadians, unclaimed disability tax credits are all too common. The DTC application process is notoriously tricky to navigate, pushing people away from even submitting their T2201 form altogether.

    Is Parkinsons Disease Fatal

    Parkinsons disease is not fatal itself, however, complications that come with the disease can be serious. For example, some injuries caused by falling or issues associated with dementia can be fatal.

    Furthermore, some people who have Parkinsons disease may experience difficulty swallowing. This may lead to aspiration pneumonia which is a condition that causes foods or other foreign objects to be inhaled into the lungs.

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    How To Apply For Social Security Disability Benefits With The Help Of A New England Social Security Disability Lawyer

    The Social Security Administration’s decision will be based on the evidence that you provide to support your claim. Unfortunately, many initial disability applications are denied because they are incomplete or lack required evidence.

    Our experienced New England Social Security disability lawyers can help you prevent these problems by submitting a complete application the first time you apply.

    While many Social Security disability law firms represent clients nationwide, we choose only to represent clients in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Vermont, and New Hampshire so that we can help people in our community and work with just a few Social Security hearing offices.

    We invite you to contact us today for a free consultation about your rights. If you live in Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, or Rhode Island, we would be happy to meet with you in our conveniently located Natick office or by phone. You won’t have to wait for a call back from someone who can’t answer your questions. Instead, our team is here to get you the information that you need quickly and conveniently.

    Please contact us today to ensure that the Social Security disability benefits you’ve earned by working are protected.

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    Qualifying For Benefits Because You Can’t Work

    When Does a Person Qualify for Long

    You can still qualify for Social Security disability even if your symptoms of Parkinson’s disease don’t meet the precise guidelines of listing 11.06.

    You will have to show that your condition is:

    • Severe enough to limit your ability to perform basic, work-related activities resulting in a residual functional capacity that keeps you from working.
    • Equal in severity to another condition in the Listing of Impairments.

    The Social Security Administration will consider eligibility evidence such as your medical records, doctor’s report, age, education, and prior work experience to evaluate your ability to work consistently and determine if there is any type of job that you can do, given your limitations.;

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