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HomePatientBest Diet For Parkinson's Patients

Best Diet For Parkinson’s Patients

Foods Containing Saturated Fat And Cholesterol

A PNI Minute | The MIND Diet for Parkinson’s Disease

Some studies suggest that dietary fat intake may increase the risk of Parkinsons.

Although having a higher intake of cholesterol can elevate a persons Parkinsons risk, having a higher intake of polyunsaturated fatty acids may reduce the risk.

Therefore, a person with Parkinsons may wish to reduce their intake of cholesterol to help control the symptoms of the condition. They may also wish to reduce the amount of saturated fat in their diet.

However, further studies are required to explore the link between dietary fat and Parkinsons.

Why Do These Diets Work

The scientific underpinnings as to why these diets affect brain health are not fully understood and likely consist of a combination of different positive benefits some of which have been established and others that have not. It is possible that the established heart benefits of the diets drive some of the brain health benefits. That is, the diets promote healthy hearts and clean blood vessels and therefore support excellent blood flow to the brain. It is well established, that vascular disease in the brain can contribute to cognitive decline as well as the motor symptoms of parkinsonism. Therefore, ensuring that the brain achieves good blood flow has positive benefits on brain health for everyone, especially those who have another disease such as PD.

Foods To Avoid With Parkinsons

The medication Levodopa is a protein building block, so it competes with other proteins for absorption. Limiting your protein intake early in the day and taking medication 30 minutes before or 60 minutes after a meal allows the drug to reach the small intestine and absorb faster. Levodopa should be taken with 4-5 ounces of water to increase absorption. Consider saving your meat, fish and cheese servings for dinner and having vegetable and carbohydrate meals at breakfast and lunch.

Fava beans contain a natural form of Levodopa and, especially in large doses, may cause problems for some individuals with PD. Kidney beans, split-peas, navy beans and lentils are safe alternatives to fava beans that provide rich amounts of fiber, which can help those experiencing constipation.

Low blood pressure is a symptom of Parkinsons and a side effect of some medications. Raising fluid and salt intake will boost blood pressure, but talk with your physician, especially if you have heart or kidney problems. Increase cold fluids such as water and Gatorade and limit alcohol, caffeine and hot liquids, which encourage dehydration and low blood pressure. Eating frequent, small meals can also smooth blood pressure fluctuations.

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A Complete Parkinsons Diet Guide

When living with Parkinsons, diet can help you stay healthy and may help with some of the symptoms. Eating a healthy diet will lead you to not only feel better but will also lead to more likely living a longer and more full life.

Before we get started it is important to say that the only evidence-based diets that are shown to be good for Parkinsons are general healthy diets that work for everyone regardless of Parkinsons. The Mediterranean diet is one of the healthiest diets out there, which is why we recommend it to those with Parkinsons.

So, with that said here are some tips and foods you should consider including in your diet if you have Parkinsons.

The Best Foods For Parkinsons


People suffering from Parkinsons disease should try to maintain a diet heavy in the following foods:

WaterOne symptom of Parkinsons is constipation. Drinking water throughout the day can help with that.

Prunes and berriesPrunes and berries, which are rich with antioxidants, fiber, vitamin A and potassium, are also good for staving off constipation.

FishSalmon, trout, tuna and sardines contain high levels of protein and omega-3 fatty acids, which can help to counter the neuro-inflammation brought on by Parkinsons. Depression and fatigue have also been linked to Parkinsons and omega-3 fats can provide a mental and emotional boost.

BroccoliAntioxidants, fiber, vitamin C, calcium, iron and magnesium are all found in broccoli. Magnesium acts as a natural relaxant and can fight certain Parkinsons symptoms such as muscle tremors, spasms, insomnia, high blood pressure, irregular heartbeat and hyperactivity.

ChocolateSufferers of Parkinsons have a good excuse to indulge in chocolate. The flavonoids and antioxidants can reduce the risk of strokes and cardiovascular disease and cocoa can increase serotonin in the brain, which helps regulate mood.

GingerParkinsons doesnt necessarily cause nausea, but the medication used to treat it often does. Ginger has been used for centuries to help with nausea.

PistachiosThe vitamin K in pistachios has potential for reestablishing lost connections between neurons and the lithium in them can improve mood.

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What Is The Best Diet For Parkinson’s Disease

The best diet for Parkinson’s disease is similar to the best diet for most people, which includes eating lots of fresh fruit and vegetables, preferring fish and dairy protein to meat, and eating whole grain foods. No specific diet has consistently been recommended for those with Parkinson’s disease. That said, people with Parkinson’s disease may benefit from some dietary changes.

Parkinson’s disease is caused by increasing damage to the brains cells that produce dopamine. Dopamine is a chemical messenger that is necessary for making smooth, controlled movements, among other things. The decrease in dopamine results the most familiar symptoms of Parkinson’s disease, including tremors and a shuffling gait. The dopamine deficit at the root of Parkinson’s disease cannot be treated by diet alone. Eating healthy foods, though, along with beneficial fats from nuts and legumes, will supply adequate nutrition.

How About Using Supplements In Parkinsons Disease

Some patients prefer using food supplements. Nutrition supplements like coenzyme Q10, fish oil, and vitamin D have been linked to reducing disease progression and some studies suggest that taking these supplements may benefit the patients. However, research in this direction is still limited and we cant advise you to take any supplements at this stage. We recommend you discuss it with your healthcare provider first before considering any supplements.

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Visit Your Doctor More Often

The last and the most important advice we could give is to see your doctor often. Talk to your doctor about your conditions and figure out whether you need to make some changes in your diet to improve your symptoms.

Disclaimer: The information shared here should not be taken as medical advice. The opinions presented here are not intended to treat any health conditions. For your specific medical problem, consult with your health care provider.

Foods That Are Hard To Chew

Best Diet & Nutrition for Parkinsons Disease | Dr. Paresh Doshi

Many people with Parkinsons have difficulty with chewing and swallowing foods. A person needs medical help if this is the case. A speech and language therapist may be able to help a person overcome this issue.

However, if a person is finding certain foods hard to chew and swallow, they may wish to avoid these foods.

Such foods include:

  • dry, crumbly foods
  • tough or chewy meats

If a person does wish to eat chewy meats, they could try using gravy or sauce to soften them and make eating easier.

They could also try chopping meat into smaller pieces or incorporating meat into casseroles, which can make it more tender.

Having a drink with a meal can also make chewing and swallowing easier.

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Foods Rich In Antioxidants

There are some unstable molecules in the body which are called free radicals. These free radicals are necessary for good health. But, in case there is some sort of imbalance in the body, the number of free radicals increases and this can cause serious damage to the DNA, fatty tissue and proteins in the body. When there are free radicals that are extra in the body, they can cause damage which is called oxidative stress. This happens when the number of free radicals become too high. This high number is unnecessary for the body. This can lead to cellular damage which can speed up the progression of the disease. Antioxidants on the other hand help balance these free radicals.

How Does Parkinsons Disease Change The Way You Eat

If youve been diagnosed with Parkinsons disease, you may have noticed some changes in your appetite and eating habits, says Dr. Subramanian.

For example, some of your prescription medications may work best on an empty stomach, but they may also cause nausea in some people when taken without food.

We advise people to take their medication about an hour before meals, if possible, to avoid any protein interaction, Subramanian says. Eating protein-rich foods like meat, fish, eggs, dairy products, nuts, and beans too close to the time you take medications can interfere with how the body processes some medications prescribed to treat Parkinsons disease, which may cause them to work less quickly or less effectively.

If you experience nausea after taking your medication on an empty stomach, your doctor may recommend eating a small, light snack like crackers or applesauce before taking your pills.

Subramanian also notes that loss of appetite and subsequent weight loss are a major concern for people with Parkinsons disease. This may be caused by symptoms such as difficulty swallowing, decreased ability to taste or smell, nausea side effects from medications, or movement problems that make it difficult to eat.

To address these issues, the Parkinsons Foundation recommends:

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Medication Efficacy Side Effects And Food

Your Doctor has probably already adviced you to take Levodopa away from meals, and rightly so. It is also important to keep the % of protein intake low, especially if the current medication is Levodopa, which compete for absorption with other proteins, thus limiting the effects of the medication. Animal proteins can be replaced by moderate amounts of plant-based proteins and healthy source of Omega 3s which are very effective at reducing inflammation and improving cognitive performance and stress-anxiety-depressive states, due to high levels of DHA. Consider that the majority of fruits and substantially any vegetable contains amino acids .

However, it is suggestible that you would consider adding to your diet a couple of teaspoon daily of the foods below to provide healthy amounts of anti-inflammatory Omega 3s.

Foods suggested are, first of all, hemp, along with flaxseed and pumpkin seeds.

Finally, remember to avoid by all costs stimulants and tyramine-rich foods .

These foods are not only irritant to your bowel, but can also interfere with MAO-B inhibitors medication as well as L-DOPA.

Are you interested in the chemistry of food?

Are you looking for a sustainable and appetizing way to follow all these dietary instructions?

Check out our Video on Parkinsons Disease and nutrition here!

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Eat Well Stay Well With Parkinsons Disease: A Nutrition Handbook For People With Parkinsons

Vegetarian Diet for Parkinson Disease : importance guide things you ...

This book, written by a registered dietician and PD professional, includes recipes and menus specific to the needs of those with PD especially those who may be working to coordinate meals with medication timing, nausea, constipation, weight loss, protein timing and more.

Check your local library, or inquire at any bookstore.

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How A Parkinsons Spoon Can Make Eating And Drinking Easier

Parkinsons disease symptoms like tremor, joint stiffness, or difficulty swallowing may make eating certain foods challenging. Try consulting an occupational therapist, who can recommend assistive devices that will make eating and drinking easier, says Subramanian.

One option: Use a Parkinsons spoon. This popular device is designed to make mealtime easier for people with Parkinsons disease. There are different products available, but all of them are eating utensils that have been equipped with a special design or technology that helps stabilize them as you eat.

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Maintain A Healthy And Balanced Meal Plan

Eating well and avoiding specific foods can prevent the progression of Parkinsons disease. Still, you must adopt an overall healthy lifestyle to improve further your chances of avoiding the diseases debilitating effects. Consider the following diet and nutrition guidelines for maintaining a healthy diet:

  • Eat Balanced, Timely Meals: Dont obsess about restricting your diet liberalize it! Include foods from all vital food groups, including fruits, vegetables, grains, protein, and a limited amount of dairy. In addition, dont skip meals or go longer than 4 hours between meals to avoid weight loss and optimize nutrition consumption and utilization.
  • Avoid Popular Diets: Stay away from fad diets. Unless a certified health professional crafts a menu based on a popular diet for you, consider avoiding it. Discuss any new or trending diet with your doctor before trying one.
  • Limit Sweet and Salty Foods: Reduce your sugar and sodium intake. Sweet food, especially baked goods and desserts, tend to have many calories without vital nutrients in return. Excess sugar intake may also lead to weight gain, increased blood sugar, and tooth decay.

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Managing Medication Side Effects

  • Drink lots of water to avoid dehydration-induced headaches and muscle tension.
  • Drink green tea, bone broth, or ginger tea to boost your immune system.


  • Drink alcohol or coffee or any other caffeinated beverages to avoid having sleep issues.

Knowing what to eat and what to avoid can help you manage the symptoms of Parkinsons disease. Follow these tips to relieve symptoms and have a better quality of life.

Consult your doctor to know what other foods you can consume to help you manage Parkinsons.

Engage with the community by asking a question, telling your story, or participating in a forum.

Plan To Serve Meals Often

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The challenges of Parkinsons often end up making many seniors feel too tired to bother with eating. The idea of swallowing a heavy meal can be far too intimidating for some seniors, so regular light meals can work better. Frequent snacking can provide just as much nutrition as a full meal while being less exhausting and unpleasant.

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Managing Levodopa And Meals

For people with advancing Parkinsons increased reliance on levodopa and fluctuating motor symptoms, means the timing of your meals with medications starts to play a much more essential role. Levodopa absorption and effectiveness is influenced by the presence of amino acids .

Therefore, if you consume high protein foods at the same time that you take your levodopa medication, it is likely to result in less levodopa being absorbed and therefore a varied motor fluctuation response. Please note, restricting protein intake does not make levodopa work better, it can vary widely between individuals, as some people may find that certain sources of protein will set them off causing motor fluctuations and some may not.

A Protein Redistribution Diet

Fine tuning of levodopa and timing of meals becomes more important in the advancing stages of Parkinsons to optimise levodopa absorption and effectiveness.

There has been some research to support that protein redistribution diets improve the effectiveness of the levodopa amongst individuals experiencing more frequent motor fluctuations and worsening motor control . However, the effect of PRDs varies from individual to individual with some patients even experiencing a worsening of motor symptoms.

A protein redistribution diet is where the majority of the protein is consumed later in the day to maximise a persons on time during the daytime hours. PRD needs to be very specifically planned and monitored by a dietician to ensure that adequate energy and nutrient requirements are being met. It is not considered a low protein diet, rather it is a shift of dietary protein towards the end of the day. The amount of protein consumed is the same.

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Worst Foods For Pd Patients

The worst foods and nutrients for Parkinsons disease patients include the following:

  • Dairy Products:Dairy products, especially cow milk that is saturated with hormones and growth hormones are linked with the risk of PD symptoms escalation. Wherein, they negatively affect the levels of oxidants in the brain, which makes the symptoms more persistent. This affects men more than women.There would be a significant improvement in the symptoms if the patient refrained from dairy products and processed cheese, and instead used organic goat milk, or almond or cashew milk. However, one must take calcium supplements or herbs that contain calcium, such as Moringa Oleifera in order to supply the body with calcium. But this does not necessarily mean that the reduction of calcium consumption from dairy milk would harm the bones.
  • Foods that contain a high level of saturated fats:Studies proved that committing to a diet with a low level of animal protein was beneficial for people with shaking palsy. They also proved that consuming large amounts of saturated fats increases the risk of PD progression. Moreover, fired or processed foods increase blood pressure, and negatively affects the cholesterol. Which is harmful for people with PD, especially the elderly.Therefore, fatty foods and foods full of hydrogenated oils, like fried foods, are the worst foods for Parkinsons disease patients.

And The Protein Redistribution Diet

My Parkinson

Until now, for Parkinsonians with on-off syndrome, the best dietary advice was to follow a Protein Redistribution Diet . The PRD allowed for the Recommended Dietary Allowance of protein , 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram body weight, approximately 45-55 grams for an average weight female or male. The catch was that it limited the total daytime protein intake to only 7 grams. Thats the amount of protein in less than one cup of milk or one slice of deli meat. The remaining protein allowance was to be consumed in the evening meal.

There are several drawbacks to the PRD. It is very difficult to plan and to follow. Daytime meals would contain mostly fruits and vegetables, but omit dairy products, eggs and meats. Costly low protein products, such as breads and pastas are essential as is a good repertoire of low protein recipes. High motivation is essential to adhere to this rigid plan.

Furthermore, once protein intake increases in the evening, patients typically turn off. The logical solution is to self restrict protein, resulting in an inadequate total protein intake and potentially malnutrition. In addition to a protein deficiency, patients are more at risk for inadequate calcium, riboflavin, vitamin D and iron, the consequence of reducing dairy products and meats.

In contrast, the 7:1 diet allows for normal daytime meals.

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