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Vitamins And Minerals For Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinsons Disease Supplements And Drugs

Simple Solutions for Parkinson’s.

In this post I will share the various vitamins, minerals, supplements, and drugs that I take for Parkinsons Disease. I started taking supplements on a regular basis several decades ago for overall health reasons. I learned with my diagnosis that certain changes might be beneficial. I will share a little bit about why I think supplements are so important, even with a healthy diet, and then break down the specifics. Lets get started!

Clinical Studies Regarding Vitamin B3 In Pd

Current existing clinical studies have shown that a high-niacin diet can reduce the risk of PD . A previous case report also demonstrated that oral niacin significantly improved rigidity and bradykinesia in a patient with idiopathic PD, though the original purpose was to treat hypertriglyceridemia after the cessation of oral niacin due to obvious adverse effects , the symptoms of rigidity and bradykinesia relapsed . However, other studies failed to notice the remarkable clinical efficacy . Therefore, more clinical observations are warranted to verify the efficacy as well as side effects of niacin in PD.

Foods Containing Nutrients That People May Be Deficient In

Some research suggests that people with Parkinsons often have certain nutrient deficiencies, including deficiencies in iron, vitamin B1, vitamin C, zinc, and vitamin D.

The above study points out that some of these deficiencies may be associated with neuroinflammation and neurodegeneration, which are key factors in Parkinsons.

Therefore, people with Parkinsons may wish to consume more of the following foods.

Foods containing iron

The following foods are good sources of iron:

  • certain fortified foods

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Which Symptoms Can Be Treated With Vitamin D Supplementation What Do Clinical Trials Suggest

Research studies are in the exploratory phase of finding out how vitamin D can help people with Parkinsons disease. The evidence collected so far indicates that its consumption may potentially help to control the non-motor symptoms.

A study included 182 Parkinsons patients and 185 healthy individuals found that patients with Parkinsons had significantly lower levels of vitamin D and these patients were experiencing more falls and sleep problems. They were also suffering from depression and anxiety. The study suggested that vitamin D supplementation could be a potential therapeutic option for non-motor symptoms of Parkinsons disease.

In another study, higher levels of vitamin D was associated with better cognition and better mood.

Similarly, one study involving 114 Parkinsons patients showed that vitamin D supplementation for 12 months inhibit the disease progression for a short period. But this effect was seen in patients that were carrying a certain genotype linked to vitamin D receptor gene.

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With Parkinsons Disease How Should You Sleep


The following are some sleep hygiene suggestions for Parkinsons disease patients:

  • Maintaining a consistent bedtime routine.
  • Maintaining a consistent sleep routine that includes relaxing activities like listening to music or reading a peaceful book.
  • Regular exercise, ideally first thing in the morning.
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    Vitamin D The Most Important Of All Vitamins

    Vitamin D is a fat-soluble form of vitamins that is required for the body to stay healthy. Although it exists in many forms, the D2 and D3 forms are the ones that are physiologically important for the human body. The D2 form comes from the diet source while your body can produce the D3 form when your skin is exposed to the sun.

    Once synthesized, the vitamin D go to the liver for storage. The liver slowly released some into the blood and delivered to the kidney where its converted into the biologically active form called calcitriol. After being converted into its active form, vitamin D participates in different processes take place inside the body. For example, it plays a role in cell growth, maintains Ca+ level, and keeps the bones healthy.

    Your body is deficient in vitamin D if it is present less than 20 ng/mL in the blood. It said to be insufficient if it is at 2030 ng/mL, and sufficient if it is over 30 ng/mL.

    Its deficiency can cause various health conditions. Children with a lack of vitamin D may develop rickets and adults may suffer from osteomalacia .

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    What Is Parkinsons Disease

    Parkinsons disease is a disease of the nervous system that interferes with the brains control of body movement. An area of the brain that controls muscle movements deteriorates, decreasing the production of dopamine, a brain chemical also called a neurotransmitter. This makes it difficult for people with PD to control movement. James Parkinson first described this disease in England in 1817.

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    What You Need To Know

    Active Forms of Vitamin B12 Protect the Brain

    • Vitamin B12 is critical for nerve function, cell metabolism, the formation of red blood cells, DNA production, and more.
    • Aging, and vegan or vegetarian people often suffer from vitamin B12 deficiency. Oral supplementation can correct this.
    • There are two active forms of vitamin B12adenosylcobalamin and methylcobalamin. The body needs both forms.
    • The better-known form of the two, methylcobalamin, is used to reduce stress, lower dangerously elevated levels of homocysteine, and treat conditions including nerve damage.
    • Animal data now show that adenosylcobalamin uniquely protects brain neurons, prevents a decline in dopamine levels, and may block neurodegeneration.
    • Initial findings suggest that adenosylcobalamin inhibits overactivity of an enzyme linked with Parkinsons disease.
    • Daily oral intake of 500 mcg of adenosylcobalamin and 500 mcg of methylcobalamin is a great choice for whole-body health and potential defense against neurodegeneration.

    Vitamin B12 And Folate

    Is it possible Parkinson’s Disease Be Reversed important vitamin B2

    Vitamin B12 is an antioxidant. It helps keep red blood cells and nerve cells healthy and helps produce DNA. Sources of vitamin B12 are typically red meat, chicken, sardines, eggs, fortified cereals and bread, and nutritional yeast.

    Researchers discovered that patients with early-onset Parkinson’s disease had lower vitamin B12 levels, which reduced motor and cognitive functions. In some cases, taking a multivitamin that included vitamin B12 slowed the loss of those functions.

    Folate is found in organ meats , yeast, and leafy green vegetables. Folate plays several roles in the body and brain.

    Both B12 and folate are involved in the metabolism of homocysteine, an amino acid. High levels of homocysteine are seen in various cognitive disorders. Studies show that Parkinson’s disease patients taking levodopa for the condition are also more likely to have elevated homocysteine.

    In one meta-data analysis, researchers investigated the correlations between cognitive function , homocysteine, folate, and vitamin B12 levels in patients with Parkinson’s disease. They discovered that patients with cognitive dysfunction had high levels of homocysteine and lower levels of folate and vitamin B12.

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    Clinical Studies Regarding Vitamin D In Pd

    Substantial epidemiological and clinical studies suggest that vitamin D has a positive effect on PD. In a cohort study, over 7000 Finnish’s serum samples were collected for measuring the 25-hydroxy vitamin D level, and meanwhile, the occurrence of PD was instigated over a 30-year follow-up period. The results showed that individuals with higher serum vitamin D concentrations had a lower risk of PD . Evatt et al. also noted consistent findings .

    As mentioned above, vitamin D3 can be endogenously synthesized upon sunlight exposure in the skin. In a large case-control study of Danish men, involving 3819 PD patients and 19,282 controls, the scholars proposed that men working outdoors have a lower risk of PD . Another nationwide ecologic study in France also suggests that vitamin D levels are negatively correlated with the risk of PD, but this result needs taking ages into account . Wang et al. not only demonstrated a positive correlation between serum 25-hydroxy vitamin D and sunlight exposure but also noted that lower serum levels of 25-hydroxy vitamin D and sunlight exposure can increase the risk of PD .

    Furthermore, PD patients with lower 25-hydroxy vitamin D levels may exhibit more severe symptoms compared with normal controls . Unsurprisingly, a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial found that vitamin D3 supplementation significantly prevented the deterioration of PD .

    What Are The Common Side Effects

    Common side effects of carbidopa-levodopa include:

    Common side effects of dopamine agonists include:

    • Compulsive behaviors such as hypersexuality, gambling, and eating

    Common side effects of monoamine oxidase B inhibitors include:

    Common side effects of catechol O-methyltransferase inhibitors include:

    • Increased risk of involuntary movements

    Common side effects of anticholinergics include:

    • Impaired memory
    • Impaired urination

    This is not a complete list of side effects and other serious side effects or health problems that may occur because of the use of this drug. Call your doctor for medical advice about serious side effects or adverse reactions. You may report side effects or health problems to the FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088.

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    A Higher Consumption Of Vitamin C Was Linked To A 32 Percent Reduced Risk Of Parkinsons

    Taking into consideration the participants age, sex, body mass index, and physical activity, the researchers found that those in the highest vitamin intake group had a 32 percent reduced risk of Parkinsons compared to the lowest intake group.

    Researchers found a rate of 64 cases of Parkinsons disease per 100,000 person-years in the group that consumed the highest amounts compared to a rate of 132 cases in the group that consumed the lowest amounts, the authors said in a statement, noting that person-years take into account both the number of people in the study and the amount of time each person spends in the study.

    Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that is normally found in fruits and vegetables, according to the National Institutes of Health . The vitaminwhich can be consumed through oranges, grapefruits, broccoli, and tomatoesis a water-soluble nutrient that helps protect cells from the damage caused by free radicals. It helps your body produce of collagen, strengthens your immune system, and boosts your bodys absorption of iron.

    And for more up-to-date health advice, .

    /5what Is Parkison’s Disease

    Pin on Parkinson

    Parkinson’s disease is a progressive disorder of the central nervous system that affects movement. The symptoms start to appear slowly and get worse with time. The first signs may be a barely noticeable tremor in just one hand, later on, it may cause difficulty in walking, writing, speaking and carrying out other daily activities. In this disease, certain nerve cells in the brain gradually break down or die. This leads to loss of neurons, responsible for producing a chemical messenger in the brain called dopamine. When the level of dopamine in the body decreases, it leads to abnormal brain activity, impaired movement and other symptoms.

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    /5rdi And Sources Of Vitamin C

    Not only to reduce the risk of Parkisons disease but even in general you must take sufficient amounts of vitamins and minerals to stay at the pink of your health. For adults, the recommended daily amount for vitamin C is 65 to 90 milligrams a day. Common sources of this nutrient include citrus fruits, pepper, broccoli, mustard spinach and papaya.

    What The Researchers Did

    The team in Norway have conducted the first small scale clinical trial of nicotinamide riboside for people with Parkinsons.

    30 people took part in the study with 15 receiving 1000mg of nicotinamide riboside daily for 30 days. The other 15 people were given dummy pills known as a placebo. Importantly, neither the participants nor the researchers knew who was taking the supplement containing nicotinamide riboside.

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    /5vitamin C And E And Parkinson’s Disease

    It has been recently found that vitamin C and vitamin E might be strongly linked with Parkison’s diseases. As per a new study published in the journal Neurology, vitamin E and C intake are inversely associated with the risk of Parkinson. The researchers reached the conclusion after thoroughly studying the health records of more than 43,800 adults between 18 to 94 years from 1997 to 2016. They analysed their question based on the diet and deduced that diet plays a critical role when it comes to reducing the risk of neurological disorders like Parkison’s disease. Adding foods rich in vitamin E and C might help to prevent the development of Parkinson’s disease later in life.

    Vitamin E Vitamin C And Natural Foods

    Can Natural Supplements Help With Parkinson’s Disease?

    Scientists have also examined Vitamin E, Vitamin C and health foods to evaluate oxidative properties. Vitamin E can fight damage in the brain caused by free radicals and has been suggested to lower the risk of PD. However, researchers conducted an extensive and thorough study more than 10 years ago and failed to find any evidence that Vitamin E slows the progression of PD or manages symptoms.

    However, a recent study published in Neurology, revealed that those with high Vitamin E and C consumption might be associated to a lower risk of PD. Additional research is still needed to better understand this association. Vitamin E has few side effects, and many people with PD continue to take it in high doses of 400 IU or more.

    Researchers are also examining if health foods, such as fermented papaya and blueberries, play a role in slowing nerve cell death. Scientists are optimistic about the research, but do not have conclusive data at this time to recommend these supplements to treat PD.

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    Low Vitamin B6 May Increase Risk Of Parkinsons Disease

    12 April 2010

    Insufficient levels of vitamin B6 may increase the risk of Parkinsons disease by about 50 percent, according to a new study.In the hospital-based case-control study, intakes of B vitamins were assessed in 249 Japanese people with Parkinsons disease and 368 people without any neurodegenerative condition using a diet questionnaire . The results showed no link between vitamin B2, vitamin B9 and vitamin B12 intake and disease. However, low intakes of vitamin B6 were linked to an increased risk of Parkinsons disease, independent of other factors.The study does not prove that low vitamin B6 levels are the cause of Parkinsons disease, but indicates that additional study should focus on whether increased levels of vitamin B6 may reduce the risk of developing the disease.The link between B vitamin intake and Parkinsons disease is related to homocysteine, an amino acid reported to be potentially toxic to brain cells. Parkinson’s disease occurs when nerve cells are lost in a part of the brain called the substantia nigra.


  • Murakami K. et al. Dietary intake of folate, vitamin B6, vitamin B12 and riboflavin and risk of Parkinson’s disease: a casecontrol study in Japan. British Journal of Nutrition. 2010.
  • How Does Fibre Help

    Fibre absorbs fluid as it moves through your bowel, forming a soft stool that can be passed more easily.

    It is very important to increase your fluid intake if you increase the fibre in your diet, because too much fibre without enough fluid can increase constipation.

    A dietitian can give you more information and advice.

    How can I increase my fibre intake?

    Fibre is found in cereals, seeds, nuts, fruit, vegetables and pulses, such as peas, beans and lentils. To increase your fibre intake you can try:

    • eating high-fibre varieties of foods, such as wholemeal bread, pasta or brown rice
    • altering recipes to use some wholemeal flour instead of all white flour
    • choosing a breakfast cereal containing wheat, wheatbran or oats, such as Weetabix, porridge or bran flakes
    • eating more vegetables. They can be raw or cooked, fresh or frozen. Try using more peas, beans or lentils
    • eating more fruit. It can be fresh, stewed, tinned or dried. Try bananas, oranges or prunes
    • gradually introducing ground linseeds. You can add 1 teaspoon to cereals, salads or yoghurts to start with and increase this over time to 1 tablespoon. If you do this, make sure you drink an extra glass of fluid a day, otherwise it wont work and may make constipation worse

    When increasing your intake of fibre, it is important to do so gradually to avoid bloating or flatulence . Aim to introduce 1 new high-fibre food every 3 days.

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    A Review Of The Relationship Between Vitamin D And Parkinson Disease Symptoms

    • 1Department of Neurology, University of Colorado, Denver, CO, United States
    • 2Parkinsons Disease Research, Education and Clinical Center, Corporal Michael J. Crescenz VA Medical Center, Philadelphia, PA, United States
    • 3Department of Neurology, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, United States

    What We Know About Avoiding Particular Foods & Supplements For Parkinsons

    Vitamin D for Parkinson

    A frequently suggested blog topic is the role of nutrition foods and supplements in the management of Parkinsons disease . . For a general overview of nutritional tips for someone with PD, I encourage you to view an excellent APDA webinar, Living Well Every Day, archived on our website. The webinar presents strategies, based on firm scientific evidence, that help support a healthy lifestyle for people with PD.

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    Coq10 Not Helpful In Parkinson Disease

    A study among people with early Parkinson Disease found that high-dose CoQ10 was not effective in slowing progression of the disease. For details about the study, information about other uses of CoQ10, as well as our tests of supplements, see the updated CoQ10 and Ubiquinol Supplements Review > >

    Clinical Update


    What Vitamins Should People With Parkinsons Disease Avoid

    Pyridoxine is a B6 vitamin. The vast majority of patients take carbidopa and levodopa together. The detrimental effect of pyridoxine on levodopa does not occur when carbidopa is present, hence there is no need to supplement with vitamin B6. Vitamin B6 should be avoided by people who solely take levodopa.

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    Can These Two Nutrients Lower Your Risk For Parkinson’s

    People who consume high levels of dietary vitamin C and E may lower their risk for Parkinson’s disease by almost a third, a new study suggests.

    Foods high in vitamin C include oranges, strawberries, broccoli and Brussels sprouts. Foods high in vitamin E include spinach, collard greens, pumpkin and nuts such as almonds and peanuts.

    How might the two nutrients ward off Parkinson’s? According to the European researchers involved in the new study, vitamins C and E are also antioxidants that could ward off the cell damage Parkinson’s causes. Specifically, antioxidants might help counteract “unstable” molecules and the oxidative stress that can lead to a loss of a brain chemical called dopamine, which is a hallmark of the condition.

    “The protective effect of vitamins on Parkinson’s disease risk might be limited to specific vitamins, such as vitamins E and C. Therefore, eating foods that are rich in vitamins E and C might help to prevent the development of Parkinson’s disease,” said researcher Essi Hantikainen, from the University of Milano-Bicocca in Italy.

    “Also, high concentrations of vitamin C are found in the central nervous system, where it has neuroprotective properties,” she explained.

    Hantikainen noted that this study can’t prove that vitamins E and C prevent Parkinson’s, only that high levels of these vitamins are associated with a lower risk of developing the disease.

    Throughout the study, 465 people developed Parkinson’s disease.

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