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Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomeDr Mercola Parkinson's Disease

Dr Mercola Parkinson’s Disease

Sidebar: Advances In Circuitry Research

Dr. Mercola Demonstrates How to Use H2 Molecular Hydrogen

The brain contains numerous connections among neurons known as neural circuits.

Research on such connections and networks within the brain have advanced rapidly in the past few years. A wide spectrum of tools and techniques can now map connections between neural circuits. Using animal models, scientists have shown how circuits in the brain can be turned on and off. For example, researchers can see correlations between the firing patterns of neurons in a zebrafishs brain and precise behavioral responses such as seeking and capturing food.

Potential opportunities to influence the brains circuitry are starting to emerge. Optogenetics is an experimental technique that involves the delivery of light-sensitive proteins to specific populations of brain cells. Once in place, these light-sensitive proteins can be inhibited or stimulated by exposure to light delivered via fiber optics. Optogenetics has never been used in people, however the success of the approach in animal models demonstrates a proof of principal: A neural network can be precisely targeted.

Thanks in part to the BRAIN Initiative, research on neural circuitry is gaining momentum. The Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies Initiative is accelerating the development and application of new technologies that enable researchers to produce dynamic pictures of the brain that show how individual brain cells and complex neural circuits interact at the speed of thought.

NIH Publication No. 15-5595

A Not For Profit Organization

A single kernel of corn treated with this type of pesticide can kill a songbird. In this latest analysis, exposure to pesticides was linked to a 58 percent increased risk of developing Parkinsons. Some pesticides were clearly worse than others. Paraquat and two fungicides, maneb and mancozeb, were found to double your risk. READ MORE

PUT NEONICOTINOID PRODUCTS INTO GOOGLE AND SEE WHAT COMMON PRODUCTS YOU ARE USING PUTTING YOU AT RISK OF PARKINSON DISEASE: In this latest analysis, exposure to pesticides was linked to a 58 percent increased risk of developing Parkinsons. Some pesticides were clearly worse than others. Paraquat and two fungicides, maneb and mancozeb, were found to double your risk. One of the studys authors told Reuters that8:

Aluminum Heads Straight To Your Brain

Aluminum is to your central nervous system as cigarette smoke is to your lungs. Scientists are clear that toxic metals damage brain tissue and lead to degenerative disease by producing oxidative stressand aluminum is one of the worst offenders. With Alzheimer’s rates skyrocketing, today’s multiple avenues of aluminum exposure are of great concern. Just as with particles in the environment, once aluminum is in your tissues, your body has a difficult time releasing it. This toxic metal serves absolutely no biological purpose, so the less of it you ingest, the better.

Once in your body, it travels around easily, unimpeded, piggybacking on your iron transport system. It crosses biological barriers that normally keep other types of toxins out, such as your blood-brain barrier. Over time, aluminum can accumulate in your brain and do serious damage your neurological healthregardless of your age. Aluminum toxicity may be doing as much damage to our children as to our seniors.

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How Much Does Ubiquinol Cost

Ubiquinol is available in bottles of 30 and 90 capsules. The price for a months supply is around $20.There is no mentioning about a money-back guarantee on the official products site.The product is also available for sale online. Some discounts are offered by retailers under some constraints . The manufacturer also sells directly to consumers.

Mb Increases Mitochondrial Energy:

Dr. Mercola Pure Power Protein Supplement and 13+ Whey Protein Alternatives

Methylene Blue assists brain cell respiration by increasing oxygen. And donating electrons to the electron transport chain within mitochondria. This same process is used to create ATP within mitochondria from the food you eat. So MB contributes to this energy-production process. Increasing cellular energy positively effects mood and memory.

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The Spike Protein And Blood Clotting

In related news, Dr. Malcolm Kendrick posted an article11 on his website June 3, 2021, in which he discusses the links between the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein and vasculitis, a medical term referring to inflammation in your vascular system, which is made up of your heart and blood vessels.

There are many different types of vasculitis, including Kawasakis disease, antiphospholipid syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma and Sjogrens disease. According to Kendrick, all of them have two things in common:12

1.Your body for some reason starts to attack the lining of your blood vessels, thereby causing damage and inflammation The why can differ from one case to another, but in all cases, your immune system identifies something foreign in the lining of the blood vessel, causing it to attack. The attack causes damage to the lining, which results in inflammation.

Blood clots are a common result, and can occur either because the platelets clump together in response to the vessel wall damage, or because your anticlotting mechanism has been compromised. Your most powerful anticlotting system is your glycocalyx, the protective layer of glycoproteins that lines your blood vessels.

2.They significantly increase your risk of death, in some cases raising mortality by 50 times compared to people who do not have these conditions.

How To Manage Parkinsons Naturally



This blog has not been approved by your local health department and is not intended to provide diagnosis, treatment, or medical advice. Read More

There have been many advances in medicine that allow people with Parkinsons to maximize their health, happiness, and well-being. In this article, well cover some of the basics about Parkinsons Disease , including what it is, how to manage it, and some natural methods for improving outcomes.

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What Are The Solutions

While all of this is highly problematic, there is help. As noted by Mikovits, remedies to the maladies that might develop post-vaccination include:

  • Hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin treatments. Ivermectin appears particularly promising as it actually binds to the spike protein. Please listen to the interview that Brett Weinstein did with Dr. Pierre Kory,19 one of Dr. Paul Mariks collaborators
  • Low-dose antiretroviral therapy to reeducate your immune system
  • Low-dose interferons such as Paximune, developed by interferon researcher Dr. Joe Cummins, to stimulate your immune system
  • Cannabis, to strengthen Type I interferon pathways
  • Dimethylglycine or betaine to enhance methylation, thereby suppressing latent viruses
  • Silymarin or milk thistle to help cleanse your liver

From my perspective, I believe the best thing you can do is to build your innate immune system. To do that, you need to become metabolically flexible and optimize your diet. Youll also want to make sure your vitamin D level is optimized to between 60 ng/mL and 80 ng/mL , ideally through sensible sun exposure. Sunlight also has other benefits besides making vitamin D.

Parkinson’s Disease And Movement Disorders Center

Take Control of Your Health – Dr. Joseph Mercola – Quantum University

Our center provides compassionate and timely treatment to patients with movement disorders, such as dystonia, ataxia, essential tremor and similar conditions. But our mission goes beyond patient care excellence. By offering educational events and support groups, we empower patients and caregivers to become better partners in their health.

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The Takeaway Should You Use Ketone Boosting Supplements Or Ketogenic Diet For Parkinsons Disease

The current evidence suggests that the ketogenic diet will provide the best results for general health and Parkinsons disease symptom relief. If a strict ketogenic diet is too much for the Parkinsons patient, then try increasing carbohydrates little by little to help them find a keto carb limit that allows them to produce ketones while making it feasible for them to stick to the diet for the long term.

However, just because the diet is more effective doesnt mean you should ignore ketone boosting supplements like MCTs and coconut oil. Adding ketone boosting supplements to your daily routine will only boost your results, so feel free to include them in your ketogenic diet.

Foods That Are Hard To Chew

Another Parkinsons symptom is difficulty chewing and swallowing. In fact, its estimated that 80% of people with this condition experience difficulty swallowing as the disease progresses .

Choosing foods that are easy to chew and swallow may be important, as may working with a speech language therapist.

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How To Use Movement As Medicine In Pd

Movement is mostly free. Its available to all of us, and it really works to improve symptoms of PD. But getting regular movement can feel tricky if youre already someone who has a hard time with balance, strength, or motivation.

This is why you need good movement specialists on your team. Whether its a physical therapist, personal trainer, chiropractor, coach, or fitness instructor, create a community of folks who can help you determine how to move safely in a way that you love so you can stay active with PD in the long term.

This is also why we talked about medications first in this section. Medications can help you to minimize motor symptoms and maximize your ability to get moving so that you can begin to practice a program that will eventually build strength, flexibility, and balance.

Additionally, because apathy and depression are often symptoms of PD, it can be hard to motivate yourself to exercise. Get friends and join a boxing group, hiking club, or pilates class. Agree to walk dogs for a local shelter, or volunteer to take younger relatives to a park. Whatever it takes to keep you accountable for moving, build it into your schedule so that your other symptoms dont derail your movement progress. If you dont have a community locally, find one online.

What The Research Data Tells Us

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Over the past eight months, physicians and scientists with expertise in PD have gathered their preliminary data on the experience of people with PD with COVID-19. These findings have been published in journals for others to learn from. This type of work is not unique to PD of course. Physicians are collating the data on how COVID-19 affects different people with the entire array of human conditions.

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Latest Research On Covid

UPDATE: This post has been updated with the latest information available.We will continue to keep this post up-to-date as new information develops.

As citizens of the world, we all continue to grapple with the COVID-19 pandemic. And as members of the Parkinsons disease community, we continue to have specific concerns about COVID-19 and how it relates to PD. There is so much information out there, some of it misinformation, so it is important to rely on credible, trusted sources. In this post, I will cover the latest information that investigates the relationship between PD and COVID-19.

Putting It All Together

Many aspects of Parkinsons disease are still a mystery. The motor and non-motor symptoms make it a difficult disease to cope with, prevent, and reverse, but there are some ways to help.

For example, the use of the ketogenic diet in the treatment of Parkinsons disease appears to be very promising. There is a lack of clinical data, however, on the practical application of using the diet and ketone supplements for Parkinsons disease. That being said, there is now a lot of lab and animal work as well as case studies of people implementing the diet for themselves and experiencing powerful effects.

Because of the current state of the evidence, it is best to look at the ketogenic diet as an effective supplementary treatment for Parkinsons disease, used to complement current medications. The strictness of the diet doesnt seem to matter as much as getting into ketosis does. To find out how to follow the diet and get into ketosis within the next week, read through our comprehensive beginners guide to the ketogenic diet.

Once you are following the ketogenic diet in a way that works for you and your lifestyle, feel free to improve the results of your treatment even further by:

P.S. Have a look at the Keto Academy, our foolproof 30-day keto meal planner. It has all the tools, information, and recipes needed for you to succeed.

+ The food will always fit to your macros and cooking preferences!

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Risk Factors And Causes

There isnt one single cause of Parkinsons that has been proven at this time. Researchers believe a loss of the neurotransmitter dopamine, neurological damage, inflammation and brain cell deterioration are among the primary factors that trigger Parkinsons development. But why exactly patients develop these problems is a complex issue that remains up for debate.

What is known is that certain risk factors can make someone more susceptible to developing Parkinsons disease, which can include:

  • Being a man, especially during older age. Research suggests that men in their 50s and 60s are most likely to develop Parkinsons.
  • Genetic susceptibility: Studies have now identified several gene mutations that can put someone at a greater risk. Parkinsons has also been found to run in families, and having a sibling or parent increases someones risk.
  • Damage to the area of the brain called the substantia nigra, which produces brain cells that are responsible for making dopamine.
  • Toxicity and exposure to chemicals, including pesticides present on produce from non-organic farming. Living in a rural area and drinking well-water that might contain chemicals is another environmental risk factor.
  • Poor diet, nutrient deficiencies, food allergies and an unhealthy lifestyle.
  • Hormonal imbalances and other medical conditions that affect cognitive health and increase inflammation.

Benefits Of Vitamins In The Treatment Of Parkinsons Disease

Interview with Dr. Mercola on Peak Cellular Energy, 2016

Ying ZhangGuest Editor: Received


Parkinsons disease is the second most common neurodegenerative disease in the elderly, which is clinically characterized by bradykinesia, resting tremor, abnormal posture balance, and hypermyotonia. Currently, the pathogenic mechanism of PD remains unclear. Numerous clinical studies as well as animal and cell experiments have found a certain relationship between the vitamin family and PD. The antioxidant properties of vitamins and their biological functions of regulating gene expression may be beneficial for the treatment of PD. Current clinical evidence indicates that proper supplementation of various vitamins can reduce the incidence of PD in the general population and improve the clinical symptoms of patients with PD nevertheless, the safety of regular vitamin supplements still needs to be highlighted. Vitamin supplementation may be an effective adjuvant treatment for PD. In this review, we summarized the biological correlations between vitamins and PD as well as the underlying pathophysiological mechanisms. Additionally, we elaborated the therapeutic potentials of vitamins for PD.

1. Introduction

2. The Pathogenesis of Oxidative Stress in PD

3. Vitamin B and PD

3.1. Vitamin B3
3.2. Possible Neuroprotective Mechanisms of Vitamin B3 in PD
3.3. Clinical Studies regarding Vitamin B3 in PD

4. Vitamin C and PD

4.1. Possible Neuroprotective Mechanisms of Vitamin C in PD
4.2. Clinical Studies regarding Vitamin C in PD

7. Conclusion

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Familiar Songs May Help Alzheimers Patients Recall Memories

When you listen to music, a broad range of neural networks become engaged, including those linked to autobiographical memories and emotions. The brain region behind your forehead, known as the medial prefrontal cortex, is one of the last to atrophy among Alzheimers patients its also the hub that music activates.

Petr Janata, Ph.D., associate professor of psychology at University of California Davis Center for Mind and Brain, conducted a study to map the brain activity of subjects as they listened to music. He said in a press release:

What seems to happen is that a piece of familiar music serves as a soundtrack for a mental movie that starts playing in our head.

It calls back memories of a particular person or place, and you might all of a sudden see that persons face in your minds eye Now we can see the association between those two things the music and the memories.

When Alzheimers patients sat in rooms filled with music and were asked to tell a story about their life, their stories contained more meaningful words, were more grammatically complex, and conveyed more information than stories told in a silent room.

The Courage To Face Covid

In this interview, John Leake, a true crime author, and Dr. Peter McCullough discuss their new book, “The Courage to Face COVID-19: Preventing Hospitalization and Death While Battling the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex.” As noted by McCullough, the focus of the book is not really COVID it’s about crime. It’s about the crimes perpetrated against patients, doctors and others.

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Dosing For Methylene Blue 1% Solution

Body Weight: 50 kg/110 lbs: 0.5 mg/kg dose= 25 mg/day or 50 drops/day

Body Weight: 55 kg/121 lbs: 0.5 mg/kg dose = 27.5 mg/day or 55 dr/day

Body Weight: 60 kg/132 lbs: 0.5 mg/kg dose = 30 mg/day or 60 drops/day

Body Weight: 65 kg/143 lbs: 0.5 mg/kg dose = 32.5 mg/day or 65 dr/day

Body Weight: 70 kg/154 lbs: 0.5 mg/kg dose = 35 mg/day or 70 drops/day

Body Weight: 75 kg/165 lbs: 0.5 mg/kg dose = 37.5 mg/day or 75 dr/day

Body Weight: 80 kg/176 lbs: 0.5 mg/kg dose = 40 mg/day or 80 drops

Body Weight: 85 kg/187 lbs: 0.5 mg/kg dose = 42.5 mg/day or 85 dr/day

Body Weight: 90 kg/198 lbs: 0.5 mg/kg dose = 45 mg/day or 90 drops/day

Body Weight: 95 kg/209 lbs: 0.5 mg/kg dose = 47.5 mg/day or 95 dr/day

Body Weight: 100 kg/220 lbs: 0.5 mg/kg dose = 50 mg/day or 100 drops/day

How To Make It NOT SO BLUE

both AM and PM, and the blue color lessens dramatically. That is a total of 10 drops or 5 mg/day. Very low doses like this are discussed at 1:02:30 in the video above. I use a straw, swish with pure water afterward and have not had stained teeth. Urine will be blue-green-tinged, and following that is helpful for titration tells you when your levels are low again. The half-life is 12-13 hours. Find our personal experience with early dementia prion disease here and how we have fought it and won. We only recently added MB.)


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