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Thursday, July 25, 2024
HomeTreatmentsDoes Flu Shot Cause Parkinson's

Does Flu Shot Cause Parkinson’s

Neuropsychiatry Of Influenza And Swine Flu

Karl A. Menniger was the first researcher to link influenza with neuropsychiatry in 100 influenza patients admitted with behavioral changes in Boston between 15 September and 15 December 1918 . This pandemic was also linked with Parkinsonism.

The influenza virus most commonly affects the respiratory system, but the burden in neuropsychiatric diseases are under-recognized. Hence a selective review was carried out on the neuropsychiatric aspects of human influenza and especially of the current swine flu pandemic which may helpful for prevention, early recognition and treatment. From the point of view of research this review of the swine flu pandemic may provide some opportunity for future research of many neuropsychiatric disorders.

The aim of the paper is to do an educational review to sensitize the neuropsychiatric community about the implication of the swine flu pandemic in their clinical practice and discuss the implication for further research.

Question: My Dad Died Two Weeks After He Got The Covid

Dr. Okun: Our hearts go out to you and to everyone who has lost someone during these times. When we see possible associations to a vaccine, we look carefully at the data. We have not seen a statistical correlation that the vaccine causes death, and we’re looking at very large numbers.  

During the 1950s polio epidemic, we had to pause the polio vaccine rollout to look for  contaminants because we saw deaths associated with the shot. The problem was with a Cutter Laboratories vaccine that inadvertently contained live polio virus. This created a large-scale change in the way the Food and Drug Administration, and the world, treats vaccine development.

Today, the newest vaccines are designed to send the instructions to your immune system to fight COVID-19. The vaccine teaches your immune system what COVID-19 looks like and how to attack, it if you are infected. We now perform full-scale safety monitoring. If we see a concerning safety pattern, like they saw in 1955 with the polio vaccine, then we pause the program and investigate. Right now, we have paused the Johnson & Johnson vaccine to examine a potential association with blood clots.

Will A Flu Shot Give Me The Flu

No, this is not possible. Flu vaccines for injection are made from non-living influenza viruses and cannot initiate a live infection. It is normal, though, to experience mild reactions to flu shots. Soreness, redness or swelling may occur at the area of injection. High-dose and adjuvanted vaccines may cause increased levels of soreness. Some people report a low-grade fever or mild headache that lasts for a short period of time. In may cases, getting sick right after a flu shot is simply the coincidence of getting a common cold.

Prof Bas Bloem Writes On Covid

Dutch neurologist, Prof. Bas Bloem, who spoke at Parkinsons Victoria Smart Health in November, has co-authored an article looking into the impacts and opportunities of COVID-19 to people with Parkinsons.

The article, The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Parkinsons Disease: Hidden Sorrows and Emerging Opportunities, says an increased risk of chronic psychological stress, which can worsen motor symptoms, while reducing the efficacy of dopaminergic medication, is one of the hidden sorrows.

They noted another hidden consequence being a marked reduction in physical activities, which may contribute further to psychological stress with the plus side being the emergence of web-based exercise initiatives.

However, Prof Bloem and co-author Dr Rick Helmich wrote the current crisis also offered research opportunities, including to better understand the factors that contribute to resilience in Parkinsons patients.

Why You May Still Get Sick After A Flu Shot


Michael Menna, DO

Michael Menna, DO, is board-certified in emergency medicine. He is an attending emergency medicine physician at White Plains Hospital in White Plains, New York and also works at an urgent care center and a telemedicine company that provides care to patients across the country.

The flu shot offers you the best protection against influenza, which is why the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends the annual seasonal flu vaccine for everyone over age 6 months. That said, it’s still possible for you to get sick after a flu shotbut not because of what’s in the shot itself.

A flu vaccination can’t shield you from all respiratory illnesses. Furthermore, its effectiveness depends on several factors, including timing, your body’s immune response, and others.

Aged Care Visitor Code Released

The Industry Code for Visiting Residential Aged Care Homes during COVID-19 has been released, creating a nationally consistent approach that ensures residents can receive visitors while minimising the risk of spreading COVID-19.

The Code was finalised after public consultation with both consumers and aged care providers. It cements a human rights approach to care that both protects and respects aged care residents and their visitors. The Code acknowledges the work that providers and staff are doing to keep people safe during the pandemic.

Myth #6: The Flu Shot Can Give You The Flu

While some people claim to have gotten the flu because of the flu shot, Lopez says this is impossible. The flu shot cannot give you the flu because it is made out of killed vaccine particles that cannot cause disease, he says. The flu shot can produce some mild side effects, which some people quickly and wrongly assume is the flu. It is possible to feel run down, Lopez says. There can be localized pain at the injection site, body aches, congestion, or even a low-grade fever. This is because the body is mounting an immune response to stimulate what was just inoculated, but it is not the actual flu. Nor is it nearly as miserable. Lopez says a dose of Tylenol or ibuprofen should help ease these symptoms in short order.

Also, many people wait until flu season is raging, in December or January, to get vaccinated, and they may have already been exposed to the virus, Lopez says. If theyd gotten the vaccine in August when it first becomes available, theres a very good chance they would not have gotten sick.

Infection With Seasonal Flu May Increase Risk Of Developing Parkinson’s Disease


PHILADELPHIA Most cases of have no known cause, and researchers continue to debate and study possible factors that may contribute to the disease. Research reported  in the journal npj Parkinsons Disease suggests that a certain strain of influenza virus predisposes mice to developing pathologies that mimic those seen in Parkinsons disease.

This study has provided more evidence to support the idea that environmental factors, including influenza may be involved in Parkinsons disease, says Richard J. Smeyne, PhD, Professor of Neuroscience in the Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Thomas Jefferson University and Director of the Jefferson Parkinsons Disease Center in the Vickie and Jack Farber Institute for Neuroscience. Here we demonstrate that even mice who fully recover from the H1N1 influenza virus responsible for the previous pandemic are later more susceptible to chemical toxins known to trigger Parkinsons in the lab.

Previously, Dr. Smeyne and his collaborator Dr. Stacey Schultz-Cherry in the Department of Infectious Disease at St. Jude Childrens Research Hospital in Memphis, TN, showed that a deadly H5N1 strain of influenza that has a high mortality rate was able to infect nerve cells, travel to the brain, and cause inflammation that, the researchers showed, would later result in Parkinsons-like symptoms in mice. Inflammation in the brain that does not resolve appropriately, such as after traumatic injury to head, has also been linked to Parkinsons.

Parkinson’s ‘wasn’t Anything We Had Considered’

Getting an earlier diagnosis would have helped Melbourne woman Sheenagh Bottrell.

One of the first signs something was amiss was when her friend noticed she was limping while they were out on their regular walks.

“I had already had problems with my shoulder, but I really didn’t worry about it very much,” Ms Bottrell said.

“But my friend was constantly at me to go and see the doctor.”

After seeing a neurologist, Ms Bottrell, 47, was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease in 2011.

“It was a shock. It wasn’t anything we had considered,” she said.

Ms Bottrell said if she had been diagnosed earlier, she might have done things differently.

“I am fortunate that I have mild symptoms, but for people who have tremors, earlier detection and getting onto good treatment early would be much better,” she said.

Doctors advised Ms Bottrell not to let the illness take over her life and her thinking.

“I have tried to get on with life and not let it get in the way,” she said.

The Florey Institute has applied to the Federal Government’s Medical Research Future Fund for a grant to move to the next phase of testing the smell screening tool.

No Covid Mrna Vaccine Won’t Cause Alzheimer’s Or Prion Disease

Alex Berezow, PhD

The coronavirus pandemic has spawned an equally concerning mis- and disinformation pandemic. The latest myth is that mRNA vaccines may trigger prion diseases like Alzheimer’s.

Like the universe, the internet appears to be governed by a set of “laws.” The most famous is Godwin’s Law, which posits that “as an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1.”

There are plenty of others. The coronavirus pandemic has put on grand display a lesser-known but far more important “law” known as Brandolini’s Law, which claims that the “amount of energy needed to refute bullsh** is an order of magnitude larger than to produce it.”

This, of course, is absolutely true. The reason is that people who spread lies are, by definition, not constrained by the truth. Making stuff up takes little effort while doing the diligent research necessary to arrive at the truth takes tremendous effort. That’s why, as the adage goes, a lie can travel halfway around the world before the truth gets its shoes on.

The COVID pandemic has made this painfully clear. Among the most pernicious myths is one that claims the mRNA vaccines made by Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna are a form of genetic engineering, a lie that is being perpetuated by none other than fraud doctor Andrew Wakefield.

A Primer on Prions

No, COVID mRNA Vaccine Won’t Cause Alzheimer’s

That’s it. It’s entirely speculative. There’s no actual evidence.

Guidance Targets Immune Conditions

The CDC’s new guidance involved people with HIV, weakened immune systems and certain autoimmune conditions, like GBS and Bell’s Palsy.

People with HIV and weakened immune systems “may receive a COVID-19 vaccine. However, they should be aware of the limited safety data,” said the CDC. People with HIV were included in clinical trials, but “safety data specific to this group are not yet available at this time,” the agency said.

“People with autoimmune conditions may receive an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine,” the CDC said. But the agency noted that this group of people should also be aware of a lack of safety data, even though people with autoimmune conditions were included in clinical trials. 

Gallery: Sure Signs You’ve Already Had COVID, According to New Study

During vaccine trials, some people developed Bell’s palsy, a temporary facial paralysis. The newly issued CDC guidance says the FDA “does not consider these to be above the rate expected in the general population. They have not concluded these cases were caused by vaccination. Therefore, persons who have previously had Bell’s palsy may receive an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine.”

The agency also said that people who have GBS can receive a vaccine, and no cases of GBS were reported in mRNA COVID vaccine trials.

What Do Flu Shots Cost

Influenza and pneumococcal vaccines are covered by Medicare Part B with no copay. Health insurance companies are also required to cover the cost of both vaccines with no copay; however, you should check with your insurance company to see if you need to visit a specific facility.

Without insurance coverage, the cost is relatively low, averaging around $30 $40 for a single, standard dose vaccination.

Q: I Received The Covid

Diabetes drug

A: The vaccine is certainly able to cause short term side effects of fatigue, aches and even fever. There isnt extensive data yet on how it affects PD symptoms, just anecdotal data. For some people, PD symptoms are worse in the short term. This does not mean that your PD has progressed, and I would expect that you will return to your previous baseline in the next few days. I would talk with your neurologist about your worsened tremor as well.

Cdc Issues Covid Vaccine Warnings For These Health Conditions

ETNT Health

The CDC has updated its guidance about the vaccine for people with certain pre-existing medical conditions. “Adults of any age with certain underlying medical conditions are at increased risk for severe illness from the virus that causes COVID-19,” the CDC said. “mRNA COVID-19 vaccines may be administered to people with underlying medical conditions provided they have not had a severe allergic reaction to any of the ingredients in the vaccine.” 

mRNA means messenger RNA; mRNA vaccines target messenger cells, which tell certain other cells in the body to perform specific actions. The COVID-19 vaccine tells the body’s immune cells to develop antibodies to the spike protein that enables the coronavirus to attach to cells. Read on to see which conditions are mentionedand to ensure your health and the health of others, don’t miss these . 

Myth #2: The Body Can Defend Itself Against Influenza

One of the most common myths I hear is that weve all been exposed to the virus so the body can create a natural immune response to defend itself, says Lopez. Yes, our bodies have a natural immune response, but its not necessarily enough to protect you from serious illness. The vaccine, however, prompts the body to produce additional antibodies, giving you a much better protective barrier against illness.

A Walk In The Park To Go Online

Parkinsons Victoria has made the difficult decision to change the direction of A Walk in the Park for 2020. The Melbourne walk was scheduled for Sunday 23 August.

All indications are that social distancing is going to be with us for a while yet, particularly for large gatherings. So, for the safety of our community and everyone involved, we are unable to deliver the much anticipated walk this year.

Parkinsons Victoria is aware many people hold A Walk in the Park close to their heart, as a special day that provides people living with Parkinsons the chance to connect with each other, and their family and friends, to celebrate and commemorate.

We also know that during these challenging times, its more important now than ever to unite our community. So we have committed to provide a new, virtual online community event for the Parkinson’s Community in 2020.

Full details will be provided over coming weeks. Keep an eye on our website and join our Facebook page for further announcements and updates.

Present Swine Flu Pandemic

The acute manifestations of swine flu are simply the behavioral reactions, misdiagnosis/over-treatment and other acute neurological manifestations. In a nationwide cross-sectional telephonic survey of 997 adult citizens of England, Scotland, and Wales after swine flu was declared as pandemic, Rubin et al., found significant behavioral changes such as following some recommended behavior in about 38% of participants over the past four days, and nearly 5% carried out some avoidance behavior . These behavioral changes were correlated with a high level of anxiety. There is a report of misdiagnosis at the height of the fear of the swine flu pandemic even for a case of sore throat and prescribed unnecessary oseltamivir by health professionals. There is a report of bizarre neuropsychiatric behavioral changes in one adolescent with novel H1N1.

How Can I Protect Myself From Pneumonia


  • Get a viral each year. Flu vaccines are prepared annually in anticipation of that year’s virus strain. Influenza can make pneumonia infection more likely.
  • Get the pneumonia vaccine to protect yourself against Streptococcus pneumoniae.
  • Get treated for any other infections in the respiratory system, especially those in the lungs.
  • Wear a face mask and avoid exposure to people who may be sick with Covid-19, a flu, or a cold. 
  • Wash your hands before eating, before preparing food, and after going outside.
  • Eat a healthy diet, exercise, and get plenty of rest.
  • Contact your doctor if you think you have symptoms. Don’t wait for symptoms to worsen, as you may develop an emergency condition.
  • Don’t smoke.


Can You Still Get Sick Even If You Have The Shot

“The flu vaccine protects against influenza virus, but there are a number of other viruses that can cause a flu-like disease, Pekosz said. “Viruses like human parainfluenza virus, respiratory syncytial virus and coronaviruses all circulate in fall and early winter, the time that flu vaccination programs are in full-swing.” These viruses and their symptoms usually last two to eight days.

Neurologists Explain Any Possible Vaccine

Many people with neurologic disorders are concerned that the COVID-19 vaccine may exacerbate their symptoms or produce debilitating side effects. In general, neurologists assure their patients that the vaccines are as safe for them as for anyone else. In fact, the vaccine is more beneficial to them, because having a neurologic disorder could raise people’s risk of getting severely ill, or having their disorders worsen, if they contract COVID-19.

We asked neurologists about any possible vaccinating problems related to five conditions in particular.

Guillain-Barré syndrome

In the 1970s there appeared to be a number of people who developed after getting the swine flu vaccineso it’s an understandable fear among people who have had GBS or the related condition known as , says Richard A. Lewis, MD, FAAN, a neurologist at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles. But in the last 40 years, he adds, there has been no association of GBS to patients who get vaccines compared with those who do not. I tell my patients that we have not seen any increased risk of GBS occurring after vaccination.

Parkinson’s disease

Multiple sclerosis


 The vaccines won’t make seizure disorders worse, says Greg K. Bergey, MD, FAAN, director of the Johns Hopkins Epilepsy Center in Baltimore. Patients can feel confident about getting any of the vaccines. They will not interact with antiseizure medications.


What Type Of Vaccination Should I Get

UN: No vaccine to be endorsed before it

For anyone over the age of 50, and especially for those living with Parkinsons, only needle injection vaccinations are recommended. You should not get a nasal spray vaccine. While some vaccines are available to be administered by a jet injector, this device is not recommended for people over 65.

The CDC recommends different vaccines for different age groups. Your healthcare provider will know the appropriate option for you. This guide from the CDC explains the types and formulations of vaccine options prepared for the 2019-2020 flu season.

Neuropsychiatric Aspects Of Vaccination For Influenza And Swine Flu

There are many reports of GBS identical to the subacute and chronic forms of polyradiculoneuropathy and subclinical myelopathies following vaccination for influenza. Among all these, GBS is a highly controversial side-effect in view of earlier reports of GBS due to influenza infection itself.

Probably for the first time, occurrence of GBS with vaccine for influenza outbreak was reported in 1976 during a large-scale immunization campaign in New Jersey, USA which led to a cessation of this mass immunization. An estimate suggests that there was a risk of one additional case of GBS per 100,000 people vaccinated for influenza in comparison with background prevalence of GBS of 12·3 per 100,000 in the general population. Lancet Neurology observes that the chances of detecting cases of GBS during the development phase are low since the number of participants in most clinical trials of vaccines against H1N1 is unlikely to exceed 1500. In view of reports of mass vaccination in this swine flu pandemic, the timely reporting and analysis of any neurological complications during the immunization period will be essential.

Q: How Does The Delta Variant Affect Someone With Pd

A: We do not have any specific data yet on how the Delta variant affects people with PD.

The COVID-19 virus, like all viruses, is able to mutate and create variants of itself. Many variants of COVID-19 have been identified around the world. Only a few of these variants have been of concern to public health however, because they have a characteristic that makes the virus either more easily transmissible or more likely to cause significant disease. The Delta variant is currently the variant of concern and has been shown to be more easily transmitted from person to person than prior variants of COVID.

The vaccines approved in the US do offer protection against the Delta variant, but not to the extent that was seen in the original trials. That means that fully vaccinated people are more likely to get infected with the Delta variant of COVID-19 than other variants. However, the major goal of the vaccines is to prevent severe illness, hospitalization, and death from COVID-19 and all the approved vaccines are approximately 90% effective in preventing these consequences of infection. Therefore, vaccination remains extremely valuable.

Question: Is Parkinsons One Of The Expected Side Effects Of The Covid

Dr Okun: We dont expect the COVID-19 vaccine to cause or to worsen Parkinson’s disease.

When we administer a vaccine for any disease, we focus heavily on documentation what we call case report forms. Every time we give a vaccine, if somebody reports something, we write it down on one of these case report forms. Regulatory authorities monitor these reports. We’ve also enrolled a lot of people in long-term studies to monitor how the vaccine will affect people over time.

PD is not an expected vaccine side effect, but if it did happen if somebody sort of popped up with Parkinson’s then we would want to know about that emerging issue- and we would definitely document it.

It’s amazing to think about the large number of people that have been vaccinated so far in this program without major statistical problems it’s breathtaking in terms of the number of lives that have been saved.

Question: Which Vaccine Is Safest For People With Parkinson Disease

Dr. Okun: Moderna and Pfizer vaccines have a very similar safety record, and researchers are investigating a possible link between the Johnson & Johnson vaccine and blood clots that have been reported in six women between the ages of 18 and 48. The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines require two shots, while the Johnson & Johnson vaccine only requires one. In general, we seem to get more effectiveness against COVID-19 using a two-shot approach but all three are effective in preventing the long-term side effects of COVID-19 and preventing hospitalizations as well as death. The Johnson & Johnson vaccine program is currently paused so researchers can investigate a possible link between it and blood clots.

Q: Can The Stress Of The Covid

A: Stress can definitely increase PD symptoms. I have discussed the relationship betweenstress, anxiety and PD in general before, and COVID-19 has certainly created a very stressful environment for everyone. There can be stress related to contracting the virus as well as the anxiety and concern about returning to pre-pandemic activities now that life is starting to return to normal. The stress is being felt much more acutely by older adults and those with chronic medical issues, members of the population who have an increased risk of complications from COVID-19 infection. Many people with PD experience anxiety as a non-motor feature of their PD, and many are reporting that anxiety has increased since the pandemic began. To help minimize stress and normalize the current situation, be sure to establish daily routines, continue to exercise , and stay connected with family and friends in person if youre ready, or online or on the phone. Be patient with yourself and with others.

And The #1 Reported Covid Vaccine Side Effect Isinjection Site Pain

70.9% reported feeling this after their COVID-19 vaccine

Rated the #1 most common vaccine side effect, “when you get vaccinated, you get a sore arm for maybe a day,” Dr. Fauci said this weekend. This is similar to a flu vaccine. “Arm soreness in the hours and days following the injection is a normal response. It doesn’t mean there’s a problem or that the injection was given in the wrong spot,” says a doctor at Kaiser Permanente. “Soreness is actually a good sign that your immune system is getting hard at work, making antibodies to protect against the virus. Any worries you may have about flu shot pain should pale in comparison to the concerns about getting the flu itself.” So don’t worry too much about these side effectsget vaccinated when it becomes available to you, and to protect your life and the lives of others, don’t visit any of these 35 Places You’re Most Likely to Catch COVID.

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