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HomeQuestionsWhat Metal Is Linked To Parkinson's

What Metal Is Linked To Parkinson’s

Natural Remedy For Parkinsons #4 Chlorella And Borax:

How Parkinsons Is a Man-Made Disease Linked to Pesticides and Air Pollution with Dr. Ray Dorsey

If you have a neurological disease such as Parkinsons orAlzheimers, the importance of removing heavy metals from the body – especiallyfrom the brain and nervous system – cannot be overstated. Heavy metalsaccumulate in the brain and nervous system at a rapid rate and cause damage tothe neurological pathways and brain inflammation. Fluoride is one ofthe worst, however, mercury, lead, aluminium and cadmium are also extremely dangerous.Chlorella and borax not only remove these heavy metals completely, theycontinue to prevent further toxic build-ups.

Chlorella is a miracle blue-green algae and one of themost powerful detoxifiers and chelators yet discovered. Whenits combined with cilantro, its benefits are enhancedsignificantly. A Russian study found that chlorella, combined with cilantro,was able to remove all heavy metals from the body, including fluoride and mercury,with no adverse or harmful side effects. You can purchase chlorellain powdered form online or from most health food stores. Just make sure you buythe Broken Cell Wall Chlorella as this is the strongest and most bio-available.For dosage recommendations, simply follow the directions on the container.

Gene Expression Analysis Of Clusters Proteins Antioxidant And Inflammatory Marker

Peripheral blood mononuclear cell were isolated using Histopaque-1077 according to the manufacturers protocol. Further, the TRIzol reagent was used for isolation of total RNA from PBMC. The isolated RNA was quantified using Nanodrop 2000 to construct cDNA from total RNA. Quantitative real-time PCR was performed to determine the expression of protein encoding gene in each metal hub and antioxidant and inflammatory marker between PD and control. The expression analysis was executed using ABI-7000 with SYBR green master mix and gene specific primers . The expression of targeted gene was normalized with -actin housekeeping gene and relative expression was calculated following the 2Ct method.

Researchers Explore Link Between Metal Exposure And Parkinson’s Symptoms

by Fred Love, Iowa State University

A new study from Iowa State University biomedical researchers illuminates the biological processes by which exposure to some metals can contribute to the onset of Parkinson’s-like symptoms.

The study, published today in the peer-reviewed journal Science Signaling, focuses on the metal manganese, which has a range of industrial uses as an alloy. Anumantha Kanthasamy, a Clarence Hartley Covault Distinguished Professor in veterinary medicine and the Eugene and Linda Lloyd Endowed Chair of Neurotoxicology, said the research details how manganese exposure can lead to misfolded proteins in the brain, which cause a neurological disease. Kanthasamy said the findings could lead to earlier detection of the disease and better outcomes for patients.

Kanthasamy said small amounts of manganese are necessary for the proper functioning of the human body, but too much exposure has been linked with neurological symptoms much like those experienced by patients with Parkinson’s Disease. Links between manganese and neurological disorders have been noted since the 1950s, Kanthasamy said, because of the tendency of manganese to accumulate in brain tissues.

The research could contribute to a new assay, or medical test, to detect the presence of misfolded alpha-synuclein proteins. This could lead to earlier detection of Parkinson’s Disease and a way to gauge the effectiveness of drugs designed to slow the disease.

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Paraquat Linked To Parkinsons

A 2013 study from UCLA confirmed that exposure to the herbicide Paraquat is linked with a heightened risk of Parkinsons disease. This combines with other research finding that herbicides and pesticides increase the risk of Parkinsons.

The researchers, from UCLAs Fielding School of Public Health, studied 357 Parkinsons disease cases along with 754 control subjects adults from Central California. The researchers determined increased exposure to the herbicide Paraquat through geographic mapping of their home addresses, together with agricultural use of the chemical on nearby farms. The research found that those living closer to farms that sprayed the herbicide were found to have a 36% increased risk of Parkinsons.

However, those who experienced a head injury combined with increased Paraquat exposure tripled their chances of having Parkinsons disease.

Researchers from Mexicos Unidad de Medicina Familiar also studied cases of Parkinsons together with exposure to the herbicide Paraquat among Mexican workers. They also found a positive association between exposure to this chemical and Parkinsons disease.

Paraquat is N,N-dimethyl-4,4-bipyridinium dichloride.

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How To Detect Heavy Metals


Detecting increased heavy metal content within the body is sometimes difficult to determine through blood testing. This is because heavy metals can accumulate among cells. Therefore, while increased levels within the blood are a sure sign of excessive exposure, previous exposure accumulated within cells is more readily determined using hair analysis.

Furthermore, a hair analysis should be reviewed by a specialist who understands the test.

Anyone with a neurological disorder might consider having a hair analysis done.

Note that copper and iron are nutrients as long as these minerals are combined with other trace and macro minerals within a healthy diet.

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Pesticide Residues For The Rest Of Us

As for those of us not handling pesticides on the job or at home, pesticide residues are found on a majority of commercially grown foods. In a review of the research by Cornell Universitys Dr. David Pimentel, 73% to 90% of conventional fruits and vegetables contain pesticide residues, with at least 5% of those pesticide levels above FDA tolerance amounts.

While the cost of organic foods might be a tad higher in the store, the price paid in the long run for pesticides in terms of liver disorders and nervous disorders such as Parkinsons as well as environmental damage to our bees, waterways and soils makes the real price for organic foods much more competitive to conventional, pesticide- and herbicide-laden foods.

The Function Of The Metals In Regulating Epigenetics During Parkinsons Disease

  • 1Department of Biological Sciences, Xian Jiaotong-Liverpool University, Suzhou, China
  • 2Department of Immunology, Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and School of Basic Medicine, Peking Union Medical College, Beijing, China
  • 3Department of Biological Sciences, Shaoxing University, Shaoxing, China

Parkinsons means Parkinsons disease, a chronic degenerative disease of central nervous system. The main area which is affected by this disease is motor system. Since it firstly founded by James Parkinson in his 1817 publication, nowadays, people still have lots of questions about this disease. This review mainly summarizes the epigenetics of Parkinsons. DNA methylation is one of the epigenetic mechanisms of Parkinsons. During the development of disease, global hypomethylation, and hypermethylation happen in different areas of patients. Another epigenetic mechanism is histone modification. People believe that some metals can induce Parkinsons disease by modulating epigenetic mechanisms. This review summarizes the relationships between different metals and Parkinsons disease. However, the specific roles of most metals in epigenetics are still unknown, which need further research.

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D Review Of Scientific And Medical Information And Administrator Determination

In response to Petition 025, and pursuant to the Program policy on the addition of non-cancer health conditions to the List, the Program conducted a review of the scientific literature on Parkinson’s disease and parkinsonism, including heavy metal-induced parkinsonism, to identify peer-reviewed, published, epidemiologic studies of the health condition in the 9/11-exposed population.

Neither the references provided in the petitions, including those described above, nor the literature search conducted by the Program identified any peer-reviewed, published, epidemiologic studies of either Parkinson’s disease or parkinsonism, including heavy metal-induced parkinsonism, in 9/11-exposed populations. Pursuant to the WTC Health Program’s policy on the evaluation of petitions, since no peer-reviewed, published, epidemiologic studies of Parkinson’s disease or parkinsonism, including heavy metal-induced parkinsonism, in 9/11 populations were identified, the Program was unable to conduct an evaluation of scientific evidence to determine the likelihood of a causal association between 9/11 exposures and the petitioned health conditions.

Medicines For Parkinson’s Disease

What is Heavy Metal Toxicity? Are Candida, SIBO, Alzheimer’s, Autism, related? Detox Heavy Metal Now

Medicines prescribed for Parkinson’s include:

  • Drugs that increase the level of dopamine in the brain
  • Drugs that affect other brain chemicals in the body
  • Drugs that help control nonmotor symptoms

The main therapy for Parkinson’s is levodopa, also called L-dopa. Nerve cells use levodopa to make dopamine to replenish the brain’s dwindling supply. Usually, people take levodopa along with another medication called carbidopa. Carbidopa prevents or reduces some of the side effects of levodopa therapysuch as nausea, vomiting, low blood pressure, and restlessnessand reduces the amount of levodopa needed to improve symptoms.

People with Parkinson’s should never stop taking levodopa without telling their doctor. Suddenly stopping the drug may have serious side effects, such as being unable to move or having difficulty breathing.

Other medicines used to treat Parkinsons symptoms include:

  • Dopamine agonists to mimic the role of dopamine in the brain
  • MAO-B inhibitors to slow down an enzyme that breaks down dopamine in the brain
  • COMT inhibitors to help break down dopamine
  • Amantadine, an old antiviral drug, to reduce involuntary movements
  • Anticholinergic drugs to reduce tremors and muscle rigidity

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Copper Toxicity And Parkinsons

Parkinsons disease a neurodegenerative disease that causes loss of motor function results from interactions between genetic and environmental risk factors that are not fully understood.

Aaron Bowman, Ph.D., and colleagues tested the hypothesis that a genetic predisposition to PD makes neurons more vulnerable to exposure to heavy metals, a known environmental risk factor for PD.

The investigators generated human induced pluripotent stem cells from patients with mutations in the PARK2 gene, one of the most common causes of early onset PD, and from controls without mutations or a family history of PD. They found that PARK2 mutant neuroprogenitors neural cells derived from the hiPSCs showed increased vulnerability to copper and cadmium cytotoxicity, compared to controls. The cells had a substantial increase in reactive oxygen species and mitochondrial dysfunction after copper exposure.

The findings, reported in the January issue of Neurobiology of Disease, substantiate copper as an environmental risk factor for PD. They also support the potential of patient-specific hiPSCs to define individualized environmental risks.

This research was supported by the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation, a Hazinski-Turner Award, the Peterson Foundation for Parkinsons, PK Hope is Alive! and the National Institutes of Health .

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Sample Collection And Processing Procedure

The CSF and blood were drawn from the same patients and compared with healthy controls. The demographic and clinical characteristics of participants were recorded . The CSF and peripheral blood samples were obtained from the participating centers. A few did not show willingness to provide CSF samples. Hence, CSF obtained only from 42 control and 42 PD by following the BioMS-eu consortium guidelines. Ten ml of CSF was obtained by lumbar spinal tap using a traumatic needle. The CSF sample was then centrifuged at 1200rpm for 10min at room temperature to collect cell-free supernatant. Similarly, blood was collected, 10mL were centrifuged for 10min at 3000rpm to separate serum and the remaining 3mL was used for PBMC isolation. The separated samples were stored at 80°C for further analysis.

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Focused Reviewiron And Other Metals In The Pathogenesis Of Parkinson’s Disease: Toxic Effects And Possible Detoxification

Environmental factors often appear to play a pathogenic role in Parkinson’s disease .

Research has shown a connection between PD and metal exposures including Fe, Hg, Mn, and Pb.

Elevated iron levels have been found in the substantia nigra of PD patients.

Reactive oxygen species and loosely chelated Fe cause neurotransmitter dysfunction in PD.

Treatment with metal chelators can inhibit PD progression and exert protection.

What’s Hot In Pd Why Patients Should Be Wary Of Chelation Therapy For Parkinsons Disease

(PDF) Copper and Copper Proteins in Parkinson

Over the last decade or more, several new therapies have emerged and subsequently been touted as restorative and/or curative for Parkinson’s disease. In many cases, practitioners have offered a substantial fee for each treatment, and they have administered these treatments in an office or hospital setting sometimes repeating the treatment 30 times or more. Touted therapies, which have fallen into this “curative” category include fee for stem cell infusions, fee for glutathione infusions, and, most recently, fee for chelation. Though there may be reasonable rationales for each of these therapies, scientific evidence is lacking, and chelation should only be administered under institutional review board-approved protocols, and only for research purposes. Parkinson’s disease patients should not be paying for chelators, and they should be warned of potential risks of therapy.

Chelation is the process where a chemical forms a connection or complex with a heavy metal, and thereby functionally inactivates it. The word chelate is derived from the Greek word meaning claw. One way to remember what a chelator does is to remember that it simply claws or grabs a circulating metal ion. Chelators can be used to detoxify heavy metals in the body, and are most commonly prescribed for lead, mercury or arsenic poisoning.;

Selected References

  • Budimir A. Metal ions,;Alzheimer’s disease;and chelation therapy. Acta Pharm. 2011 Mar 1;61:1-14. PubMed PMID: 21406339.
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    Trichloroethylene Linked To Parkinsons Disease

    Trichloroethylene is a chemical that is heavily used in the manufacture of a variety of products. Whilst versatile, it poses health risks to those exposed to it. It has been linked to an increased risk for Parkinsons Disease, non-Hodgkins lymphoma, and liver cancer.

    Trichloroethylene is a chlorinated solvent that is commonly used for a variety of applications, from the pharmaceutical to the aerospace industry. It is used in the automotive and metal industry for degreasing. The textile industry uses trichloroethylene to extract greases, oils, fats, waxes and tars on cotton, wool, and other fabrics; additionally, it is used for dyeing and finishing. Trichloroethylene can also be found in some household products, such as adhesives, varnishes, wood finishes, carpet cleaners, and paint and stain removers. It is also commonly used as a spot remover by commercial dry cleaners.

    Nausea Death

    Trichloroethylene is a known carcinogen. Over the recent decades, TCE has also been linked to Parkinsons disease.

    Glyphosate Boosts Parkinsons Risk

    In a 2018 study, researchers from Brazils University of Campinas tested 10 commercial brands of infant formulas. They found glyphosate residues at levels ranging from .02 to .17 milligrams per kg. in the formulas. The researchers linked the glyphosate and its metabolite,;aminomethylphosphonic acid to Parkinsons:

    Recently, glyphosate and its metabolite;aminomethylphosphonic acid; have been identified as possible contributors to the emergence of various diseases such as autism,;Parkinsons;and Alzheimers diseases, as well as cancer.

    Glyphosate has been linked to Parkinsons in other studies. A 2013 study found that because glyphosate inhibits the P450 enzymes, and it builds up in tissues, it damages cells and produces brain toxicity.

    A 2006 study followed 55,931 people who worked in agriculture. They found those who handled pesticides and herbicides the most had about double the risk of Parkinsons disease.

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    Heavy Metals And Parkinsons

    A study from India has linked significantly increased blood levels of heavy metals with Parkinsons disease.

    The researchers tested 150 Parkinsons disease cases together with 170 healthy control subjects. The researchers conducted mass spectrometry with inductive coupling of the blood for these test subjects.

    The research found that the Parkinsons patients had significantly elevated levels of copper almost 18 nanograms per milliliter of plasma compared to 13 ng/ml in the control patients. They also had elevated levels of iron at 554 ng/ml versus 421 ng/ml in the control subjects.

    The researchers also found the elevated iron levels associated with greater lipid peroxidation the oxidation of fatty acids and lipoproteins that can produce artery and cell damage.

    The researchers concluded:

    Increased plasma iron showed positive correlation with marker of lipid peroxidation, suggesting that increased iron levels induced oxidative stress in Parkinsons disease. These results substantiated the earlier observations about the role of environmental exposure and metal-induced oxidative stress in the etiology of Parkinsons disease.

    Natural Treatment For Parkinsons #3 Turmeric And Otherherbs And Spices:

    What is Parkinson’s disease? | Nervous system diseases | NCLEX-RN | Khan Academy

    A recent study published in the journal Stem Cell Research & Therapy, foundthat the extracts in turmeric, particularly curcumin and the newly discovered Ar-turmerone,can regenerate a damaged brain and reverse neurological disorders.; Researchers said Ar-turmerone is a promising candidate to supportregeneration in neurologic disease. Michigan State University researcherBasir Ahmad also found that a compound in turmeric may help fight Parkinsonsdisease by disrupting the proteins responsible for the disease.

    Another study published in the Pharmacognosy Magazine found that tumeric can prevent and evenreverse the toxic effects exerted on the brain from fluoride exposure. Fluorideis a nasty and dangerous heavy metal that destroys brain cells and the intricateworkings of the central nervous system. Fluoride poisoning has also beenimplicated in the development of neurological diseases such as Alzheimers,Parkinsons, ALS and multiple sclerosis. 7

    Turmeric is also a very potent anti-inflammatory spice. Because Parkinsons is aninflammation type disease, turmeric will help immensely. A heaped teaspoon ofhigh quality turmeric powder taken 3 times daily in asmoothie will do the trick. Just make sure you combine it with 10-12 blackpeppercorns for enhanced absorption Turmeric is also fat soluble so youll need tocombine it with some coconut oil, red palm oil or fish/krill oil as well.

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    Data Collection And Ppi

    We implement a systems biological workflow to illustrate the mechanism of metal mediating metalloprotein, a causative factor for PD. The metal-binding proteins were collected from various biological databases and curated to have 41 metals that bounded to 5368 proteins. Among which twenty-four metal-binding proteins groups were selected containing a minimum of ten proteins for each metal. For instance, zinc acts as a cofactor for 1637 proteins, whereas tungsten was noticed with minimum of 11 proteins . Each metal-binding proteins group was subjected to proteinprotein interaction to construct metal protein network . For instance, copper was the cofactor for 45 proteins that form copper metalPN containing 4384 interacting proteins . Overall, 24 metalPNs were constructed, which explicates the complex behavior of the metalloproteins with its interacting proteins . Of every 24 metalPNs, 24 randomized, and 24 molecular-pathway networks were generated and subjected to topological analysis as described under the methodology section. Seven important topological parameters were determined for all 72 networks, which describes their network properties .

    Fig. 2

    The Bar diagram indicating the number of metal-bounded proteins collected for each metal from the protein database.


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