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HomeUpdatesParkinson's Symptom Tracker App

Parkinson’s Symptom Tracker App

Exercise Management Using A Mobile App In Patients With Parkinsonism: Prospective Open

FDA approves the Apple Watch as a monitoring device for Parkinson’s

1Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul National University Hospital, Seoul, Republic of Korea

2College of Medicine, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, Republic of Korea

3School of Information Convergence, Kwangwoon University, Seoul, Republic of Korea

4Institute on Aging, Seoul National University, Seoul, Republic of Korea

5National Traffic Injury Rehabilitation Hospital, Yangpyeong, Republic of Korea

Resources For Managing Parkinsons Disease

Upon being diagnosed with a chronic and progressive condition, such as Parkinsons disease, you will have to adjust to a new life. Suddenly, you will have a complex treatment plan to follow and you will have to pay attention to your every symptom. Moreover, you will have difficulties keeping track of everything, as the condition can lead to memory problems.

You can rely on CareClinic as the app for tracking Parkinsons disease. It will help you adhere to your medication plan and other treatments, thus maintaining the best possible state of health.

The smartphone health app is meant to help one live a good quality of life and find the motivation to go on. Constantly developed in accordance with the feedback provided by those who suffer from this condition, the application serves as a practical tool for everyday life.

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Rune Labs Apple Watch

Patients can use the Apple Watch to track symptoms.

Software that helps people with Parkinsons disease track symptoms through their Apple Watch received clearance from the Food and Drug Administration, the company behind the tool announced today. It automatically tracks things like tremors, and it lets patients report symptoms and medication usage.

Neurology company Rune Labs built the software, called StrivePD. It lets clinicians track their patients progress and any changes in symptoms from the neurological disorder, which causes involuntary movements and difficulty with coordination. The passive data collection means patients dont have to try and remember those fluctuations. Its also a rich source of data on how Parkinsons disease patients respond to various medications.

With all of the data we will collect and the patients we will reach through this clearance, we will make sure the right participants enroll in trials, Brian Pepin, CEO and founder of Rune Labs, said in a statement. Thatll make trials more efficient and bring drugs to the market more quickly, he said.

Patients have been using the app for about a year, but the FDA sign-off means clinicians have ways to bill patients when reviewing data from the watch and lets the findings be used as clinical trial data on various Parkinsons disease treatments, Stat News reported.

Update June 13th, 5:52 PM: Updated with additional information from Rune Labs on its relationship with Apple.

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Smartphone Apps For Those Living With Parkinson’s Disease

September 15, 2017, by

Digital platforms are now used for an array of healthcare purposes. Electronic medical records software, for example, enables physicians to better manage patient health information, while medical billing software helps administrators with the financial side of the process. Meanwhile, technologies such as pedometers, patient portals and smartphone or tablet apps empower patients to take greater control over the management of their own health. Apps, in particular, now address a range of concerns, from healthy eating to exercise. There are also many apps that focus on the management of chronic conditions, including heart disease, cancer and depression.

Parkinson’s disease, a degenerative illness impacting the nervous system, is another condition that is addressed via a range of smartphone apps. Here, we’ll provide a breakdown of some of the most effective Parkinson’s apps currently available.

A closer look at Parkinson’s diseaseA condition that progresses and worsens over a period of many years, Parkinson’s disease affects the central nervous system, and is characterized by symptoms such as stiffness, problems with movement and tremors, the Mayo Clinic detailed. There is currently no cure for Parkinson’s, although patients are able to take medications to manage symptoms and improve daily life.

Apps And Devices Library


Weve worked with Our Mobile Health and a panel of people living with Parkinsons to create a list of the best and most useful apps and devices on the market. Our Mobile Health are experts in identifying and reviewing trustworthy, relevant and engaging mobile health apps.

Everything in the library has been reviewed by people with the condition. This means we only include apps and devices that our panel:

  • found genuinely useful

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The Improved Apda Symptom Tracker App 20 Boasts The Following New Features:

  • An interactive medication tracker where you can enter the specific medications/doses and the time of day you take them which helps identify opportunities for better symptom management
  • Helpful notifications and reminders including:
  • reminders to enter symptom data into the app
  • push notifications about helpful education programs and updates on treatments
  • reminders to share information with the clinician prior to appointments
  • A Spanish-language version that has been fully created for and by Spanish-speaking people
  • These newly-added features are important because everyone experiences PD differently, and symptoms can vary greatly day by day. The more specific someone can be with their health care team about the types of symptoms theyre experiencing, and the timing of their medication, the better the doctor can tailor a treatment plan specifically for each person. But it can be hard for people to remember how certain symptoms have or have not affected them since the last time they connected with their health care team, or if they missed a medication dose.

    About the American Parkinson Disease Association:

    An App For Staying On Schedule With Parkinsons Medications

    A smartphone app helped people with Parkinsons disease to take medications on time and track symptoms, according to a recent clinical trial. The study appears in the January 9 online edition of npj Parkinsons Disease.

    As PD progresses, the medication regimen for most people becomes complicated, with different PD medications taken several times a day, alongside drugs for other illnesses such as heart disease. Its very important that these medications be taken on time. It has been thought that smart phone applications that record symptoms might help people with PD to keep track of medications, while helping their doctors to better understand their symptoms.

    Researchers led by Adrian Williams, M.D., at University Hospitals, Birmingham, UK, tested a smartphone app designed by uMotif Ltd., to help people with PD keep track of medications and symptoms. Its featured reminders to take medications an interface to record sleep, exercise, mood, energy and ease of movement games to gauge physical responsiveness and cognition and information about PD.

    The study included 158 participants in England and Scotland who averaged 61 years of age and had lived with PD for four years. Among the participants, 68 received the app, and 90 continued their usual routines without the app. All participants visited the clinic at the beginning of the study to fill out questionnaires about aspects of their PD, and again 16 weeks later.


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    Clinical Impact Of Therapy Change

    Thirteen out of the fourteen participants who successfully used the hardware returned for the follow-up clinician visit, while one was unable to return due to COVID-19 travel difficulties. The clinician reviewed the KinesiaU reports with each participant and made a therapy recommendation based on the reports and his clinical judgment . For example, participant 10s tremor was helped by the additional medication as demonstrated by the KinesiaU reports, which allowed the clinician to persuade the patient to continue with a higher dose of medication. The clinician determined eight participants demonstrated improvements from their therapy and were instructed to continue, while five participants were instructed to discontinue the new therapy. There were no specific trends regarding specific therapies found relating to the demographics of the participants with different symptoms and medical histories but the efficacy of the wearable system for quantifying these varied participants demonstrates the utility of this monitoring system across symptoms, disease state, and therapies used.

    Improved Adherence To Medical Treatment

    Parkinson’s Therapy App – How to use 9zest PD Therapy App

    App Features

    Parkinsons app serves as a pill reminder. Even though you might find it simple at first to follow your treatment, as the condition progresses, things are bound to get a little bit more difficult. Your doctor might recommend several drugs, each with its own dose and frequency. Instead of having to write everything down, you can rely on the app to record your treatment plan.

    As it is essential to adhere to the prescribed medication , you should be happy to know that you can set up different reminders for each drug you are taking. Just register the medication into the application or search for it in the extensive database, then add its frequency and dose.

    You will receive reminders at the desired time and date, as well as consequent notifications upon not taking the medication . The reminders serve not only to tell you when to take your medication but how to take it .

    Health Journal & Self-Care Action Plans

    Apart from reminding you to take your medication, the CareClinic app can be used as a Parkinsons symptom tracker. Thus, it will offer valuable support regarding the management of your chronic condition. You can make daily records about the symptoms youve experienced, referring to the monthly health report for a general overview.

    Recording symptoms and their characteristics

    A valuable monthly report

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    What Should I Record In My Diary

    You can include a range of symptoms or issues in your diary, depending on why you are writing one. Here we’ve listed some questions to help you think about what you may want to include.

    Last updated August 2020. We review all our information within 3 years. If you’d like to find out more about how we put our information together, including references and the sources of evidence we use, please contact us at

    Apps Designed For Parkinsons

    Some apps are designed specifically for people with Parkinsons. The Parkinson mPower study app measures tremors, gait, and balance, while Parkinson Home Exercises offers home exercises and movement advice. Learning to interact with these and similar apps can help you combat symptoms of Parkinsons such as muscle stiffness.

    Living in the era of technology has its perks. Information travels more quickly than ever before, allowing for a global exchange of information. Competition is driving technological progress to an all-time high. Parkinsons can be difficult to navigate, but different smartphone functions and apps could simplify your life.

    Note: Parkinsons News Today is strictly a news and information website about the disease. It does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. The opinions expressed in this column are not those of Parkinsons News Today or its parent company, BioNews Services, and are intended to spark discussion about issues pertaining to Parkinsons disease.

    App Features

    Health Journal & Self-Care Action Plans

    Recording symptoms and their characteristics

    A valuable monthly report

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    Symptoms Of Parkinsons Disease Vary From Person To Person Tracking Parkinsons Disease Symptoms With Mobile Apps Can Document Their Progression

    As many as one million people in the U.S. live with Parkinsons disease, and about 60,000 Americans are diagnosed with this movement disorder each year, according to the Parkinsons Disease Foundation. Although its chronic and progressive, Parkinsons disease affects people differently. For some, it progresses quickly while, for others, Parkinsons may impact only one side of the body or symptoms may worsen very slowly.

    Tremors are often the primary symptom of Parkinsons disease. So its understandable patients can be concerned when tremors seem to be increasing and they may also want to know if their symptoms are calming down due to medication or if a lifestyle change is helping. Now, thanks to smartphones and other smart devices, apps can help patients answer these questions by tracking Parkinsons disease symptoms.

    For example, Parkinsons patients can easily record their medications and keep a log of symptoms with the Parkinsons Diary app, designed for iPhone and iPad. And an app developed by Birbeck, University of London, researchers is designed to measure in four minutes or less whether Parkinsons disease symptoms are increasing or decreasing.

    The goal of the cloudUPDRS system app is to allow the patient to track his or her Parkinsons disease by recording specific measurements of symptoms.

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    Keep A Parkinsons Journal

    Symptom Tracker App Android / American Parkinson Disease Association ...

    Did you take your Parkinsons medication today? How did your Parkinsons symptoms evolve over the last weeks? How were you feeling lately? MyTherapy is your personal Parkinsons journal. The app visualizes your measurements, medications and symptoms in a PDF health report that you can easily share with your doctor.

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    Find Out More About Our Apps And Devices Library

    All queries received regarding support for devices/apps/living aids should be sent via one of the following routes:

    • Developers of devices, apps and living aids who want support on concept, design and development, testing and validation, product review and dissemination of information, or companies who want their product to be reviewed for our safe to suggest list or Excellence Network Resources list should contact Parkinsons UK via our dedicated inbox . This inbox is managed by our digital strategist.
    • For any device, app or living aid which is on the pathway to registration as a medical device it is likely that the request for support will be allocated to the Parkinsons UK Research Support team. More information can be found in the Research Support Policy.
    • Queries regarding sale of a consumer ready product in our online shop, or demonstration of a product at a Parkinsons UK local group, should be directed to our product manager.

    Each request for support is reviewed by the Parkinsons UK devices, apps and living aids team. For requests regarding Parkinsons UK support for use of a marketed product we may recommend referral to our external quality assessment partner. This is to ensure it meets our required standards before offering in-house support for evaluation by people living with Parkinsons.

    A single point of contact within the charity will be provided to the developer or company marketing a product so that there is continuity in communication.

    Health App Simple And Easy To Use

    Our app allows those who have been diagnosed with Parkinsons disease to keep their condition in check. As the application has a simple interface, it is easy to use, regardless of ones age or knowledge of health apps. Patients can tailor the application to their specific needs and take advantage of its various features, such as the self-care plan, health diary, and symptom tracker.

    You can use CareClinic to get a better understanding of your treatment plan and ensure that necessary medication adherence. As you will be given constant reminders to take your pills, you will find it easier to stick to treatment and avoid the off periods, which might make your manifestations worse. The health app is essential for the effective management of your treatment plan, and also for keeping your symptoms under control.

    If you are looking for additional features, keep in mind that you can add information about your current diet and make sure you are eating only nutritious, healthy meals. You can also add exercise goals, information on levels of physical activity and even keep a sleep diary. With this health app, you will find it easier to manage every aspect related to your life with Parkinsons disease.

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    How Are You Tracking American Parkinson Disease Association Launches Symptom Tracker Mobile App

    User-Friendly App Helps People with Parkinsons Disease Track Their Symptoms and Communicate With Their Healthcare Team for Better Care

    NEW YORK, NY May 1, 2019 The American Parkinson Disease Association launches today a brand new, highly-specialized mobile application for people living with Parkinsons disease to help them get better and more personalized care. With a mission to help everyone impacted by PD live life to the fullest, APDA developed the APDA Symptom Tracker App to serve as an important tool to help people play a more active role in their care. The app is available today for Apple iOS and Android environments.

    Everyone experiences PD differently, and symptoms can vary greatly day by day. The more specific someone can be with their health care team about the types of symptoms theyre experiencing, the better the doctor can tailor a treatment plan specifically for each person. But it can be hard for people to remember how certain symptoms have or have not affected them since the last time they connected with their health care team. Noting this challenge, APDA developed a new mobile phone app to make it easy to keep track of symptoms frequently and more accurately, and share that information with the medical professionals who are providing their care.

    The APDA Symptom Tracker App can help people have more meaningful conversations with their healthcare team and better manage their disease. The app can be downloaded for free from the Apple App Store or .

    # # #

    What Causes Parkinsons Disease

    Exercise App for Parkinsons Disease: the SmarTreatment

    The manifestations of Parkinsons disease are caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain, with the dopamine metabolism being affected and leading to abnormal movements. However, the exact cause behind this pathological change has yet to be found.

    In rare cases, Parkinsons disease is an inherited condition, the defective gene is transmitted from parents to children. In recent years, it has been proposed that environmental factors play a significant role, with pesticides and air pollution being often incriminated. Antipsychotic medication and additional conditions and lead to this condition as well.

    How is the condition managed?

    The standard treatment for Parkinsons disease is constituted of medication. This is meant to restore the healthy balance of the chemicals in the brain but one must be carefully monitored, as there is a significant risk of side-effects. The earlier the treatment is started, the better the prognosis is going to be.

    A common drug recommended for symptom management is Levodopa, which is a precursor of dopamine. The regular administration improves the quality of movement, reducing stiffness and weakness. There are drugs in which Levodopa is combined with Carbidopa, which guarantees less severe/frequent side-effects.

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