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HomeLivingHow To Cure Parkinson's Disease

How To Cure Parkinson’s Disease

What Does The Research Say

How can we cure Parkinson’s?

So far, there have not been enough clinical trials and research on the effect of marijuana on PD patients. But, the ones that exist increase the hopes of having a possible alternative treatment for PD. Lets take a look at some of the data we have today:

  • The German Parkinson Association conducted a survey on PD patients. It included a questionnaire to assess the perception of patients about medical marijuana and their experience of using the same. A total of 1,348 questionnaires were filled nationwide. After careful analysis, it was concluded that about 8.4% of patients used cannabis for PD. And more than 40% of them experienced an improvement in akinesia, anxiety, and other symptoms.
  • Preclinical studies and research suggest that cannabinoids may provide symptomatic relief and have neuroprotective potential which proves to be helpful against neurological conditions.
  • Another survey conducted by email in January 2020 revealed a lot of helpful information on the use of medical marijuana for PD. When asked about the efficacy of cannabis in managing motor and non-motor symptoms of PD, almost half of the people reported some sort of improvement. The level of efficacy was higher among those using high THC cannabis compared to those using low THC variety.

The research is still at its prime. Federal restrictions are one of the primary reasons for such limited research.

What Are The Early Signs And Symptoms Of Parkinsons

Since it is a slow-developing condition, it may be difficult to catch and confirm if a person is suffering from PD.

However, there are signs that a person should look after, which may lead to an early onset of the disease.

1. Tremor

Fingers, hands, or faces that are trembling without the influence of any physical stress or muscle injury can be an early sign that a person has PD.

2. Loss of Smell

Although this early sign can be confused with other conditions such as a cold or flu, having a permanent loss in smell could signify PD.

3. Restlessness

Difficulty in sleeping or sudden movements during sleep could be an early sign of Parkinsons. This may seem normal for others, especially after having a physically draining day but experiencing this must be checked immediately.

4. Smaller Handwriting

Also known as micrographia, this condition is often related to PD and affects how a person writes as their handwriting progressively decreases in size.

5. Difficulty in Walking

Since PD directly affects the movement of a person, an early sign of having this disease is difficulty in walking or moving, especially when a person feels like their feet are stuck on the floor for no reason.

6. Hoarse voice

An early sign of PD involves having a softer voice. A person may think he/she has difficulty hearing, but it can be because the speaking voice decreases.

7. Facial Masking

8. Stooping

9. Dizziness

10. Constipation

What Are Scientists Aiming To Achieve In The Near Future Through Research

This is an unbelievably robust time for Parkinsons research in that drug development and the therapeutic development pipeline is incredibly varied. I think thats whats really exciting.

At the Michael J Fox Foundation, we always say that the more shots on goal that you have, the greater the likelihood that something is going to get into that goal. Whats particularly interesting now is that all of those shots on goal are not the same approach and theyre not the same type of therapy.

The experience patients have with the disease is so variable. So the fact that we have all of these different approaches to trying to develop therapies gives a greater likelihood that we are going to come up with interventions to tackle these different parts of patient experiences. Its incredibly exciting to see not just researchers, but the biopharma sector and the investor community put resources into exploring all of these different approaches. Its not like everybody has their eggs in one basket were seeing a lot of different baskets, and thats potentially really beneficial for the patient community.

Sohini Chowdhury is deputy CEO at the Michael J Fox Foundation.

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Natural Remedies And Treatments For Parkinsons Finalnote

So there you have our top 10 natural remedies andtreatments for reversing Parkinsons disease. We believe this is one of the most informative andthorough health articles on this disease youll find anywhere on the internet. Ifyou follow these 10 tips to-the-letter and continue to use them consistently,we guarantee that in 3-6 months time you will be truly astounded at themiraculous level of improvement youll see. In 12 months time you will scarcely recognize yourself! . But of course, you must stickwith them and follow through with each remedy every day if you want them towork. We sincerely hope you do.

Good luck and best wishes.

P.S. Because Parkinsons is closely linked to Alzheimers disease and actually goes under the dementia umbrella, we recommend you take the time to read our Powerful Natural Remedies for Dementia and Alzheimers article for a more complete and comprehensive understanding on the causes and treatments for these diseases. You can click on the link below to go there

Naturaltreatment For Parkinsons #9 Exercise And Other Alternative Therapies:

How is Parkinson

Regular exercise has been shown to help Parkinsonssufferers by reducing muscle stiffness, increasing mobility, and enhancing postureand balance. Exercise also increases oxygen levels and neurotransmitters, alongwith releasing potent mood elevating chemicals called endorphins.

The type of exercise performed for PD is crucial. Aqua orwater aerobics can be particularly useful as traditional exercise is usuallyquite difficult for many Parkinsons sufferers. Muscle decline, loss of strength,stiffness and loss of balance can make conventional exercises difficult toperform. The great thing about aqua aerobics is it still has the same benefits as other exercise regimens,but the risk of falling is eliminated.

Other types of exercises that can be beneficial for PDsufferers include Tai Chi, Yoga, dancing, walking, aerobic/jazzercise classes,and general stretching.

For more information on the different exercise programsavailable for Parkinsons patients, you can check out this website Exercise and Physical Therapy for ParkinsonsDisease

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What Is The Outlook For Persons With Parkinsons Disease

Although there is no cure or absolute evidence of ways to prevent Parkinsons disease, scientists are working hard to learn more about the disease and find innovative ways to better manage it, prevent it from progressing and ultimately curing it.

Currently, you and your healthcare teams efforts are focused on medical management of your symptoms along with general health and lifestyle improvement recommendations . By identifying individual symptoms and adjusting the course of action based on changes in symptoms, most people with Parkinsons disease can live fulfilling lives.

The future is hopeful. Some of the research underway includes:

  • Using stem cells to produce new neurons, which would produce dopamine.
  • Producing a dopamine-producing enzyme that is delivered to a gene in the brain that controls movement.
  • Using a naturally occurring human protein glial cell-line derived neurotrophic factor, GDNF to protect dopamine-releasing nerve cells.

Many other investigations are underway too. Much has been learned, much progress has been made and additional discoveries are likely to come.

Natural Remedies And Treatments For Parkinsons Disease That Get Powerful Results

To successfully treat the symptoms of Parkinsons, andeven reverse this disorder, there are 4 things you must do

a) Increase your natural dopamine levels

b) Detox your body of all heavy metals andpollutants

c) Reduce all inflammation in the body,especially the brain

d) Repair the neuro pathways

These 10 natural treatments and remedies do all four. Solets not waste any more time then. Here they are in order of importance

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Assembling Your Care Team

Assembling a team that will provide you with physical and emotional support and adapt to your needs over time is one of the best ways to remain healthy. Parkinsons disease is complex and requires an interdisciplinary approach to care. The care team may include, but is not limited to:

  • Movement disorder specialist
  • Rehabilitation specialists including physical, occupational, and speech therapists
  • Nurse

Natural Remedies To Treat Parkinsons Disease

Natural cure for Parkinson’s disease

Natural Remedies to Treat Parkinsons Disease include taking fresh, raw fruits and vegetables, detoxifying the body, eating more probiotics, avoiding excessive iron, choosing and eating foods that promote good mood, consuming more vitamin Bs and magnesium, increasing the intake of Omega-3, taking green tea, and limiting the intake of protein.

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Choose Good Mood Foods

Parkinsons is often a result of a deficiency of dopamine, and dopamine is a neurotransmitter that is chiefly responsible for good mood. Eating foods that cause dopamine production in the brain is highly significant in reducing Parkinsonian symptoms. Eggs, coconut oil, nuts and foods enriched with omega-3 are some of the superfoods that help enhance brain health.

Other foods that are high in antioxidants are also ideal for reducing the number of free radicals that form in the body with increasing age. Furthermore, foods with anti-inflammatory nutrients present in them help reduce the incidence of inflammation not only in the entire body but the brain as well.

Causes Of Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson’s disease is caused by a loss of nerve cells in the part of the brain called the substantia nigra.

Nerve cells in this part of the brain are responsible for producing a chemical called dopamine. Dopamine acts as a messenger between the parts of the brain and nervous system that help control and co-ordinate body movements.

If these nerve cells die or become damaged, the amount of dopamine in the brain is reduced. This means the part of the brain controlling movement can’t work as well as normal, causing movements to become slow and abnormal.

The loss of nerve cells is a slow process. The symptoms of Parkinson’s disease usually only start to develop when around 80% of the nerve cells in the substantia nigra have been lost.

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Naturalremedy For Parkinsons #7 Omega

Animal based omega-3 fatty acids are a powerful weapon inthe fight against Parkinsons disease. One of the main fatty acids, DHA, is oneof the essential building blocks for the human brain. Half of your brain andeyes are made up of fat and a large proportion of this is DHA fat.

Omega-3 fatty acids have the unique ability to cross theblood-brain barrier, something most conventional drugs cannot do. They helpincrease dopamine levels and reduce neuroinflammation in the brain, while atthe same time, stimulating neuron growth. So basically, EPA and DHA help preventbrain cell damage and keep the nervous system in tip top working order! 4

Best sources of animal based omega-3s are either fishoil, cod liver oil or krill oil. High strength krill oil is the preferred option as thiscontains a substance called Astaxanthin. Astaxanthin is a potent brain food nutrientthat has been shown to prevent neurodegeneration and inflammation of the brain.For dosages, take AT LEAST the highest recommended amount listed on the bottle the same goes with fish oil or cod liver oil. You cant overdose on thesesupplements so theres nothing to be concerned about. In fact, the more omega-3syou can get into you the better the results!

In addition to this, try and eat some cold water fattyfish such as salmon, tuna, mackerel, sardines or herring 3-4 times a week foran extra supply of DHA and EPA.

Symptoms Of Parkinson’s Disease

3 Ways to Treat Parkinson

The symptoms of Parkinson’s disease usually develop gradually and are mild at first.

There are many different symptoms associated with Parkinson’s disease. Some of the more common symptoms are described below.

However, the order in which these develop and their severity is different for each individual. It’s unlikely that a person with Parkinson’s disease would experience all or most of these.

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Icipating In Clinical Trials

Clinical trials and their participants have revolutionized Parkinsons treatment, and have changed the lives dramatically of those affected. They have helped make available many new treatments in addition to improving the delivery methods of medications and new deep brain stimulation techniques.

Clinical trials are essential to the future of Parkinsons research, and APDA is committed to this vital effort.

Natural Treatment For Parkinsons #3 Turmeric And Otherherbs And Spices:

A recent study published in the journal Stem Cell Research & Therapy, foundthat the extracts in turmeric, particularly curcumin and the newly discovered Ar-turmerone,can regenerate a damaged brain and reverse neurological disorders. Researchers said Ar-turmerone is a promising candidate to supportregeneration in neurologic disease. Michigan State University researcherBasir Ahmad also found that a compound in turmeric may help fight Parkinsonsdisease by disrupting the proteins responsible for the disease.

Another study published in the Pharmacognosy Magazine found that tumeric can prevent and evenreverse the toxic effects exerted on the brain from fluoride exposure. Fluorideis a nasty and dangerous heavy metal that destroys brain cells and the intricateworkings of the central nervous system. Fluoride poisoning has also beenimplicated in the development of neurological diseases such as Alzheimers,Parkinsons, ALS and multiple sclerosis. 7

Turmeric is also a very potent anti-inflammatory spice. Because Parkinsons is aninflammation type disease, turmeric will help immensely. A heaped teaspoon ofhigh quality turmeric powder taken 3 times daily in asmoothie will do the trick. Just make sure you combine it with 10-12 blackpeppercorns for enhanced absorption Turmeric is also fat soluble so youll need tocombine it with some coconut oil, red palm oil or fish/krill oil as well.

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Not Quite Ready For Humans

While the treatment is promising for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases in humans, it still needs to go through more rigorous testing before being ready for human trials. In the next steps, the researchers plan to test the method with other mouse models of Parkinsons disease. These models involve genetic changes rather than chemical destruction of dopamine neurons.

The researchers have also patented their treatment in hopes of moving it forward to testing in humans.

Its my dream to see this through to clinical trials, to test this approach as a treatment for Parkinsons disease, but also many other diseases where neurons are lost, such as Alzheimers and Huntingtons diseases and stroke, Fu says. And dreaming even bigger what if we could target PTB to correct defects in other parts of the brain, to treat things like inherited brain defects?

I intend to spend the rest of my career answering these questions, he says.

The study is published in Nature.

What New Treatments Are Being Developed

How do we treat Parkinson’s disease?

Thanks to the progress we’ve already made, new treatments are being tested in clinical trials that have the potential to slow, stop or even reverse Parkinson’s.

These include:

  • stem cell therapies, which aim to use healthy, living cells to replace or repair the damage in the brains of people with Parkinson’s
  • gene therapies, which use the power of genetics to reprogramme cells and change their behaviour to help them stay healthy and work better for longer
  • growth factors , which are naturally occurring molecules that support the growth, development and survival of brain cells.

And we’re developing treatments that aim to improve life with the condition, including new drugs that can reduce dyskinesia.

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Scientists Stunned After Parkinsons Disease Test

Once researchers realized that they could easily create neurons from other types of cells, they decided to see if the method could be used to treat neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinsons disease. In Parkinsons, dopamine cells in the brain die. Thus, to assess their method, the researchers used a chemical that poisons dopamine neurons and creates symptoms of Parkinsons disease in mice.

After using the chemical to kill dopamine neurons in the mice, researchers silenced PTB. They found that 30% of astrocytes turned into neurons. Moreover, these newly generated neurons seemed to grow normally and even began to send connections to other parts of the brain, like normal neurons.

When the researchers looked at mouse behavior, they also found that silencing PTB completely restored movement function. Moreover, even though the PTB-silencing treatment was only administered once, the mice did not show any symptoms of Parkinsons disease for the remainder of their lifetime.

I was stunned at what I saw, said study co-author Dr. William Mobley, Distinguished Professor of Neurosciences at UCSDs School of Medicine. This whole new strategy for treating neurodegeneration gives hope that it may be possible to help even those with advanced disease.

Add Medication For A Winning Combo

Diet and exercise are important for managing PD, but dont forget about medications. Take them regularly and exactly as your doctor prescribes.

If you tend to forget your medication, set an alarm to remind you. You can also use a pillbox thats labeled with days and times of day. Take your meds on a set schedule, dont skip doses and dont double dose, says Dr. Gostkowski. When youre diligent about taking your medications and following a healthy lifestyle, youll feel your best.

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Home Remedyfor Parkinsons #8 Green Tea:

Green tea contains theanine, a nutrient that increasesdopamine levels in the brain, and polyphenol antioxidants that help fight free radicals. Three separate studies all found that regularlydrinking tea can either delay or prevent the development of PD. A retrospectivestudy also found that drinking three or more cups of tea a day can delay the onsetof motor symptoms. And a 2007 study found that green tea polyphenols protect braincells and dopamine neurons, and this positive effect increases with the moregreen tea consumed. 10

The minimum amount that should be drank every day is 3cups, with 6-9 cups a day being the ideal.Matcha green tea is the most potent and beneficial so try and purchase this ifyou can. A strong cup of coffee first thing in the morning is thought tobe effective for reducing the symptoms of Parkinsons disease as well, however,we recommend you stick with green tea, or even a strong cup of black tea ifyou can for the theanine and EGCGs.


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