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How To Take Mannitol For Parkinson’s

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Roles Of Osmolytes In Protein Folding And Aggregation In Cells And Their Biotechnological Applications

Natural Parkinson

names Mannitol as one of these bio-protective substances.

“Nature has selected osmolytes to protect intracellular macromolecules exposed to denaturing conditions and stabilize proteins. Osmolytes are small naturally occurring compounds that act as ‘chemical chaperones’ under changing environmental conditions and in disease states, and are present in microorganisms, animals, and plants. In the intracellular environment osmolytes naturally accumulate at high concentrations when cells/tissues are exposed to stressful conditions, which is important because protein aggregation, misfolding, and destabilization underlie the pathogenesis of several life-threatening neurodegenerative disorders. The ‘chaperone’ abilities of osmolytes suggests they may be therapeutically used for the treatment of several diseases associated with protein misfolding , and their abilities to protect proteins against stresses”

Specifically, the researchers say about Mannitol:

“Mannitol protects thiol-regulated enzymes such as thioredoxin, phosphoribulokinase, ferredoxin and glutathione from inactivation by ROS; quenches hydroxyl radicals and protects the enzymes inactivation by reactive oxygen species ;”


What’s Hot In Pd Update On The Use Of Mucuna Pruriens For The Treatment Of Parkinsons Disease

Mucuna pruriens variant utilis has long been used as an alternative to over the counter levodopa. MP is a leguminous plant that grows in both tropical and subtropical environments. Hidden in its seed is levodopa, which is the most important medication for a Parkinson’s disease patient. In this month’s What’s Hot we will review the studies supporting MP use and discuss future directions and global implications for this therapy.

In 2004, Katzenschlager performed a double blind study of MP.  Though the study was small and included only eight Parkinson’s disease subjects it was a well done randomized double blind crossover trial. The subjects were administered single doses of 50/200 mg Sinemet, and 15 and 30 grams of MP at several weekly intervals. The authors used the Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale as well as measuring tapping speed. They also recorded dyskinesia and adverse events. The MP had a faster onset of effect and this was also shown in blood studies of the pharmacodynamics. “On” time was longer and there were no differences in adverse effects or in the development of dyskinesia. The Katzenschlager study used a processed pill form of MP .

Selected References

Katzenschlager R, Evans A, Manson A, et al. Mucuna pruriens in Parkinson’s disease: a double blind clinical and pharmacological study. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2004;75:1672-77.

Okun MS. Use of Mucuna Pruriens Powder Instead of Levodopa. NEJM Journal Watch Neurology, August 2017.

The Current Trends And Future Perspectives Of Prebiotics Research: A Review

Due to its low GI/low absorption charaterisics, it seems to work much like the more well known prebiotic “Inulin” as it passes through the system, including that it is an “osmotic diuretic”, drawing water through the gut lining, helping to create stools of good consistency and thus having beneficial impacts on the chronic constipation which many PwP suffer from. Mannitol therefore support sgood gut bacteria and healthy elimination, helping with the chronic digestive problems and the severe microbiome imbalances which are now strongly implicated in PD, e.g.

The evidence that mannitol supplementation is indeed working as a good prebiotic in PwP is that it tends to generate a lot of gas, which is a good sign that gut bacteria are active and reproducingf!

Large Unilamellar Vesicles Preparation And Carboxyfluorescein Entrapment

The vesicles were prepared according to the reported protocol . Briefly, the LUVs were prepared using three different lipids, DMPC, Cholesterol, and GM1 at 68:30:2 molar ratios and were solubilized to make 2 mM stock solution in chloroform and methanol and the solvents were evaporated to make lipid films using nitrogen gas. The resulting lipid film was hydrated in 50 mM potassium phosphate buffer, pH 7.4 containing 5 mM carboxyfluorescein dyes. Then, the solution was vortexed vigorously for 30 min to emulsify the lipid mixtures. Next, the glass vial containing the lipid emulsion was dipped into liquid nitrogen for instant cooling and after 5 min the frozen solution was dipped into water bath at 50–60°C for thawing . This step was repeated five times. Excess dye was removed by ultracentrifugation, the supernatant dye solution was discarded, and the lipid pellet was re-hydrated with 50 mM potassium phosphate buffer. This step was repeated 2 more times and the final lipid pellet was collected followed by addition of 500 ?L of potassium phosphate buffer and vortexed to obtain homogenous suspension of 2 mM of dye loaded LUVs. The dye leakage study was performed in triplicate on Infinite M200 microplate reader . Excitation and emission wavelengths of carboxyfluorescein were 490 and 517 nm, respectively.

The Latest Research About Mucuna Pruriens As A Treatment For Parkinsons


In 2004, a study was conducted comparing the efficacy of MP with the standard medication used in PD, carbidopa/levodopa . Eight patients were given one dose of a MP preparation or C/L in a blinded fashion and then tested four hours after ingestion. MP acted more quickly and lasted longer than C/L without worsening of dyskinesias. A 2017 study also compared various single dose preparations of MP vs. C/L given blindly and determined that MP had a quicker onset of action, lasted longer and caused fewer dyskinesias.

However, when MP was given for longer periods of time as opposed to in single doses, the results were not as positive. In 2018, a study was conducted in which 14 patients were given MP powder for eight weeks and then carbidopa/levodopa for eight weeks. Seven of the patients discontinued MP, four for gastro-intestinal side effects and three for worsening of motor symptoms.

For the seven who remained on treatment, efficacy of MP was the same as C/L. Nobody discontinued during the C/L phase. Although the study showed that MP can be effective in reducing PD symptoms, it drew attention to the need for additional research into the optimal MP formulation and dose to allow for greater tolerability when taken continually.

H3: The difference between mucuna pruriens and cabidopa levodopa

How Can A Person With Pd Get A Supply Of Mp And What Is A Typical Dose

Powders and pills of multiple brands of MP can be easily purchased at health food stores. However, there is no regulatory body that controls standardization of the MP products to ensure that they do not contain impurities and that they contain a reliable and consistent amount of levodopa. There is also no standard dosage that is widely accepted and recommended for people with PD at this time.  Many people with PD have very exact levodopa requirements, so using a supply that does not have a reliable and predictable amount of levodopa can be very problematic.

Interview With Clinical Research Scientist Prof Karen Raphael

Originally published on Tomorrow Edition on May 31, 2018

Karen Raphael, PhD, is professor in Oral Medicine at the New York University College of Dentistry, and in Psychiatry at the New York University School of Medicine, New York, NY, USA.

At the time of the interview below, Prof. Raphael commented: “I’ve lived as a Person with Parkinson’s for about 8 years and shared with my siblings in the care of my father who also had PD. He passed away two summers ago at age 91. At age 63, I am still working f/t as a Professor and Clinical Research Scientist, in an area unrelated to PD. I hope that my training in epidemiological and clinical research can help others to understand how the clinical research literature can be translated for personal use .”The following has been paraphrased from an interview with Dr. Stott on May 18, 2018._____

It is often repeated that Parkinson’s is a progressive, irreversible disorder. Can you talk about your own experience and what you attribute to your improved condition?

I need to start by saying that I am a case study. As a research scientist, I’d say that an individual’s experience offers a tool for hypothesis generation, but itself is not proof of anything.

What questions do you think people should ask themselves before deciding to believe the claims of a new therapy?

What questions should patients ask before enrolling in a clinical trial?

Mannitol Powder: A Promising Parkinsons New Treatment

Apparently, pharmaceutical companies don’t want people with Parkinson’s to know that there is a natural, cheaper and effective way to treat the disease.There are approximately one million Americans with Parkinson’s Disease, with additional 10 million worldwide. They all suffer daily from PD’s symptoms: slow movement, limbs stiffness, uncontrollable tremors, cognitive functions decline, speech problems, and more.

Parkinson’s Disease hurts the living quality of those who have it. Still, almost no one heard of the Mannitol powder breakthrough of 2013. What was this breakthrough? How can it change the lives of the millions who suffer from Parkinson’s? And why don’t the pharmaceutical companies want you to know about Parkinson’s Disease New Treatment?

Leaving No Stone Unturned: Giving Mannitol A Try

Natural Parkinson

Since being diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease in 2015, I have left no stone unturned in testing out the latest and greatest of nonprescription solutions to ease my symptoms. In my view, some have had good press and showed a lot of promise.

Among the more popular supplements I tried without success are B. subtilis, high-dose vitamin B1, and Mucuna pruriens. I also considered trying butyric acid .

But identifying dosages and brands for readily available, over-the-counter, “natural” solutions was frustrating. It became time-consuming and expensive and required too much trial and error.

One challenge of trying various supplements to treat Parkinson’s is that unless they’re verified by a third-party group, such as NSF or USP, there is no way of knowing whether they contain what they say, or whether they might be contaminated with heavy metals, bacteria, or pesticides before being sold. Even if a supplement has been certified to contain what’s on the label, the potential exists that it could still cause serious side effects.

I usually gave a particular remedy 3-4 months to see if it had any positive effects. If it noticeably alleviated any of my symptoms, I didn’t even care whether it was due to a placebo effect. That is how desperate I am to find a natural alternative for treating my disease. But in my case, I’ve always felt defeated.

Types Of Medications To Treat Parkinsons Disease

Medications in the research pipeline can be divided into two main categories: those that treat the symptoms of PD and those that are disease modifying . Of note, all medications currently available for PD are symptomatic treatments. There is no medication at this time that can affect the progression of the disease. Of course, the PD research community is extremely eager to find a medication that is disease modifying or neuroprotective . There have been many attempts over the past number of years to demonstrate through clinical trials that particular compounds have neuroprotective effects but, to date, these attempts have not been successful.

If you are interested in getting involved in a clinical trial, is a database of all clinical trials for all diseases worldwide. When a clinical trial is registered with the site, it is assigned a unique number called the National Clinical Trial number or NCT number. Where available, I will provide the NCT number for each clinical trial that I reference in case you are interested in learning more.

Mannitol Balance The Sweetly Natural Solution

Mannitol Balance is proud to be part of an exciting breakthrough in 21 st century Medicine, offering an innovative and natural solution to help fight the debilitating effects of the disease.

For people who suffer from Parkinson’s Disease, Mannitol Balance offers a ground-breaking alternative to conventional treatments.


Component #3 Some Form Of Restorative Therapy

Once the condition has been slowed/halted and a neuroprotective/nurturing environment is in place to protect the remaining cells , a curative treatment for Parkinson’s will require replacing some of the cells that have been lost.

And until we have developed methods that can identify Parkinson’s long before the motor features appear , some form of cell replacement therapy is required to introduce new cells to take up lost function.Cell transplantation currently represents the most straight forward method of cell replacement therapy.

Cell Transplantation

Traditionally, the cell transplantation procedure for Parkinson’s has involved multiple injections of developing dopamine neurons being made into an area of the brain called the putamen . These multiple sites allow for the transplanted cells to produce dopamine in the entire extent of the putamen. And ideally, the cells should remain localised to the putamen, so that they are not producing dopamine in areas of the brain where it is not desired .

Targeting transplants into the putamen. Source: Intechopen

Transplanted dopamine neurons. Source: Sciencedirect

The transplanted cells take several years to develop into mature neurons after the transplantation surgery. This means that the actually benefits of the transplantation technique will not be apparent for some time . Once mature, however, it has also been demonstrated that these transplanted cells can produce dopamine.


Ok, that’s it.

I think we are done.



About the author

Why Did I Try And Fail With These Nutriments


Some treatments are accompanied by online testimonials from people with Parkinson’s who attest to the great symptom relief they have observed by taking them. However, I was not one of the lucky ones who saw consistent improvement in my quality of life.

Note that I emphasized the word “consistent.” As many with Parkinson’s can attest, sometimes we can have a good day and not know why. Is it because the weather is good? Is it because we slept well the night before? Could it be because we timed our medications perfectly with our meals? Or was it the effect of the “natural” remedy? Fill in the blank.

How The Brain Removes Toxins And Pathogens

In order to understand how mannitol might work as described above we need to consider how toxins, bacteria and waste are removed from a healthy brain. The brain swims in a liquid called “cerebrospinal fluid” which fills the gap between it and the skull. This fluid is known to flush through the system daily and plays the central role of removing waste products of the cells, toxins and pathogens from the brain.

Recently, scientists demonstrated in rodent, by adding a special dye marker into their bloodstreams ,that the cerebrospinal fluid mainly exits through the lymph system, so that the brain waste eventually gets eliminated by the liver/kidneys. Prior to this discovery, it was believed that the brain didn’t contain lymph vessels. Even more recently, these same lymph vessels in the brain off humans via novel MRI techniques

The Parkinsons Disease Medication Pipeline

The pipeline for Parkinson’s disease medications is extremely crowded these days, with multiple medications at various stages of research development. This is very exciting news for the PD community and is a perfect example of the “hope in progress” part of our organization’s motto. It is thrilling to see the research that is underway, especially the potential treatments that have already made it to the clinical trial phase of development. However, this progress brings with it the welcome challenge of keeping track of all the potential compounds that are in research development! Recently, was published in the Journal of Parkinson’s Disease which cataloged the 145 compounds that are currently being studied in humans via clinical trials for PD. This is a staggering number and is even more exceptional when you consider the many more compounds that are not quite yet ready for human trials, but are currently being studied in the laboratory in test tubes, cell culture or animal models of PD. The number also does not account for compounds that have been studied in small clinical trials, garnered promising data, and will be studied in larger clinical trials in the near future – but are not being tested in clinical trials right now.

Some background on the review

Component #1 A Disease Halting Mechanism

Parkinson’s is a progressive neurodegenerative condition. Thus, the first and most critical component of any ‘cure’ for Parkinson’s involves a treatment that will slow down or halt the progression of the condition.

This can be done either directly or indirectly.

The direct approach

The direct approach involves treatments that specifically target the underlying biology of the condition.

A direct approach in halting Parkinson’s, however, requires a fundamental understanding of how the condition is actually progressing. And if we are honest, we are not there yet – we still do not have a solid grasp of how Parkinson’s progresses over time. In addition, this may vary between individuals. It is gradually being agreed that rather than being a single ‘disease’, Parkinson’s may actually be a ‘syndrome’ – that is, a collection of conditions that share similar symptoms.

We do, however, have some solid theories as to what is happening, and there are numerous clinical trials focused on attempts at “direct approaches” to halting Parkinson’s. For example, there is a protein called alpha synuclein which is known to build up in many cases of Parkinson’s.

Alpha synuclein. Source: Wikipedia

This build up of alpha synuclein protein results in the appearance of structures called Lewy bodies in the brains of people with Parkinson’s.

A lewy body inside a cell. Source: Cure Dementia

The passing of alpha synuclein between brain cells. Source: Nature

The direct approach: Alpha synuclein





Real Life Experiences Of People With Pd


Andy Butler, who I consider to be a world authority on Parkinson’s and the man behind the Parkinson’s People project, writes: “People all over the world with pd take this ! I have met many pwp who have tried this and still take it. Cheap and ready available in almost every where world wide. GIVE IT A GO – IT MAY HELP YOU !”

The Vagus Nerve And Parkinson’s Disease

for a guided tour of background reading on this very important subject, created to aid understanding for anyone affected by PD. That article also includes links to the reference works for the following explanation of a further reason for how and why mannitol  mighg help some people with Parkinson’s.

In brief, the Vagus Nerve and its functionality via “Vagal Tone” have pivotal roles in discharging our autonomic nervous system back to rest after an acute flight-or-fight-or-freeze stress situation: it is via the activation of the Vagus Nerve by which we come back to relaxation . Importantly, it is only under such relaxed conditions when the brain and body can attend to any inflammation and it can detoxify. Conversely, if there is a problem with the activity levels of this nerve, then this leads to problems, such as the build up of toxic metals in the brain, now known to be strongly implicated in PD onset and degeneration. The same is therefore likely to be true of problem proteins like alpha-synuclein.

It now appears that we people with Parkinson’s are stuck in a “freeze” stress response – due perhaps to our nervous systems learning to inhabit such a state from some earlier physical or emotional trauma – whilst also having very weak Vagal Tone due to a damaged Vagus Nerve. Viruses and pathogens are implicated in its weakening.

Mannitol And Parkinsons Disease Dosage

Based on the clinical mice model study, for a human body weight of 70Kg the dose should be 10gr , which is approximately a tablespoon . For a body weight of 90kg the equivalent Mannitol is ~15gr , single dose, daily. See detailed table below.

Converting the mice dose to humans, per weight, was achieved based on the CDER guidance for industry, estimating the maximum safe starting dose in initial clinical trials for therapeutic use in adult healthy volunteers to allow participants to estimate the dose.

Participants in the registry after beginning to take Mannitol reported a gradual start beginning with 1 teaspoon for a period of 3-7 days and then increasing to 1 tablespoon for an additional week before adding yet another teaspoon/tablespoon.

Those who take 2 tablespoons report that they take one tablespoon in the morning and one in the evening OR 2 tablespoons in the morning OR 2 tablespoons in the evening. Some take it with coffee or tea and others with orange juice or lemonade.

Subjects are taking it in parallel to the already prescribed medication. Some reported they have reduced their Parkinson’s medications or remained on the same dose for a very long time, others stopped taking their Parkinson’s medication after consulting with their treating physician. Some have reported to their treating physician about the Mannitol, others kept this information to themselves to keep the physician objective.

Detailed dosage per body weight table:

Natural Remedies For Parkinson Disease

Uncontrollable tremors, memory loss, foggy thoughts, sleep disruptions, difficulty to speak… Parkinson’s Disease is a severe condition that degrades the life quality of millions around the world. Conventional medicine can be helpful, but many people who suffer from the disease don’t enjoy the side effects or the thought of consuming chemicals on a daily basis.

Parkinsons Surveys And Clinical Trials


If you’d like to be part of early research efforts that are looking into the efficacy of service dogs for those living with Parkinson’s, you can take this survey here.

Park Test – University of Rochester

 – LSVT Global and Project Euphonia

BouNDless – Phase 3 trial to investigate the efficacy, safety, and tolerability of ND0612, a continuous subcutaneous levodopa/carbidopa delivery system in comparison to oral levodopa/carbidopa in people with Parkinson’s experiencing motor fluctuations

Want More Practical Articles Like This

Much more can be found in our Every Victory Counts® manual. It’s packed with up-to-date information about everything Parkinson’s, plus an expanded worksheets and resources section to help you put what you’ve learned into action. Request your free copy of the Every Victory Counts manual by clicking the button below.

Thank you to our 2020 Peak Partners, Amneal and Kyowa Kirin, with special support from Adamas, for helping us make printing, distributing, and shipping the Every Victory Counts manual possible.

Conformational Transition Of Inhibited

The conformational transition of ?-Syn in absence or presence of different doses of the various inhibitors was measured by Circular Dichroism at the end-point of fibril formation . In the CD analysis ?-Syn alone showed a negative band ~218 nm and a positive band ~198 nm, which were indicative of ?-sheet rich conformation present in the fibrillar solution as reported . In the presence of various doses of Mannitol , the intensity of negative band at ~218 nm was slightly reduced , which indicates that 5-fold molar excess may not be high enough to reduce the ?-sheet content of ?-Syn significantly. In presence N , the ?-sheet content of ?-Syn was reduced in a dose dependent manner evidenced from the substantial reduction of CD intensity at 218 nm with increasing doses of N . Likewise, a dose dependent effect was observed for the mixture and all three conjugate molecules .

Component #2 A Neuroprotective Agent

Once a drug or a treatment has been determined to slow down the progression of Parkinson’s, it will be necessary to protect the remaining cells and provide a nurturing environment for the third part of the ‘cure’ .

Neuroprotection is the area of research that has had the most attention over the years. Drug companies have employed vast resources in this area in the hope of discovering a treatment which will work across conditions , and thus provide them with tremendous profits. Unfortunately, conditions of the brain have proven to be a lot more complicated than first perceived and cross-condition therapies seem unlikely as we move towards greater stratification and personalisation of disease and treatment, respectively.

But there has been the hint of a potential neuroprotective effect in one class of drugs for Parkinson’s: GLP-1R agonists.

Neuroprotective approach: GLP-1R agonists

Exenatide is a Glucagon like peptide-1 receptor agonist. This is a class of drug that has traditionally been used for treating diabetes, but has recently been repurposed for Parkinson’s.

After multiple studies suggested neuroprotective properties in models of Parkinson’s, a clinical trial program was intiated, and in 2017, a Phase II Exenatide trial reported the stablisation of Parkinson’s motor features over the course of the 48 week trial .

Reduction in motor scores in Exenatide group. Source: Lancet

In late 2019, we saw the initition of a Phase III clinical trial for .


Phew, long post.


Congo Red Birefringence Of Inhibited


Congo red is known as an amyloid specific dye and exhibits yellow green birefringence upon binding with ordered amyloid structures under cross polarized light . We used it to further validate the effect of the inhibitors on ?-Syn fibrillization. Following incubation of ?-Syn in the absence of inhibitors for 50 h Cong red staining resulted in a clear green-gold or apple-green birefringence, indicating the presence of amyloid fibrils in the sample . Some green-gold birefringence was observed in ?-Syn samples that were incubated with 1:1 molar ratio of the inhibitors, indicating that 1:1 molar ratio was not sufficient for inhibition of ?-Syn fibrillar aggregates, except compound M2N and M3N which were more effective, as observed in morphological analysis by TEM. In contrast, no birefringence was observed when ?-Syn was treated with 1:5 molar ratio of all inhibitors tested except in presence of Mannitol . Collectively, the results of ThT, CD, TEM, and Congo red birefringence, indicate that the conjugate molecule M3N was a superior among all tested molecules.

Usual Adult Dose For Cerebral Edema

0.25 to 2 g/kg as a 15 to 20% solution IV over at least 30 min administered not more frequently than every 6 to 8 hrs.To yield a satisfactory reduction in intracranial pressure, the osmotic gradient between the blood and cerebrospinal fluid should remain approximately 20 mOsmol.In small &/or debilitated patients 500 mg/kg may be sufficient.

Iron And Dopamine: A Toxic Couple:

“…involves the oxidation of dopamine by iron and oxygen, forming dopamine quinone… Quinones impart toxicity by both alkylating protein thiol and amine groups, and promoting protein oxidation in the presence of reactive oxygen species and glutathione disulphide. These biochemical changes to proteins result in malfunction, disruption of cell membrane integrity, and, eventually, cell death.”

These indicate that Mannitol could also have a neuroprotective effect against the damage caused by iron build up in the brains of people with Parkinson’s Disease.

Synthesis Of Compounds M2n And M3n

The stepwise chemical synthesis of the compounds M2N and M3N is shown in Scheme S2.

A solution of 1-Amino-1-deoxy-D-mannitol in DMSO was added drop wise to a solution of DIEA , linker , HOBT , and EDC-HCl in 4 mL DMSO at 0°C for 10 min. The mixture was stirred at room temperature for 12 h and 40 mL water were added and washed with CH2Cl2 . The water layer was lyophilized to obtain a white powder. The white powder was added to 3 mL 20% piperidine/DMSO solution and was stirred for 1 h at room temperature. The reaction mixture was dropped into 40 mL of cold ether to obtain light yellow precipitate of linker-saccharide conjugate, which was dried under vacuum. Next, NQTrp , DIEA , HOBT , and EDC-HCl were dissolved in 3 mL DMSO and kept at 0°C. After 10 min, the reaction mixture was added to linker-saccharide conjugate solution in 1 mL DMSO, and the mixture was stirred at room temperature for 12 h. The mixture was dropped into 40 mL of cold ether to obtain orange precipitate, which was dissolved in 2 mL CH2Cl2 and purified by flash column chromatography to obtain the final compound M2N/M3N. Compound M2N and M3N were further characterized by HPLC and mass spectrometry .

Are There Any Other Benefits Of Mp

Best 3 Supplements for Parkinsons Disease

There is some research in animal and cell models that MP may contain other ingredients besides levodopa which have anti-oxidant properties or other neuroprotective effects. More research is necessary to determine if this is clinically meaningful for people with PD.

It must be noted that there are parts of the world in which carbidopa/levodopa tablets are not available or are unaffordable. In these areas, increasing access to levodopa from plant sources may be very beneficial for the PD population.

Coconut Oil And Parkinson Disease

In recent years, many people who suffer from PD said that regular consumption of pure coconut oil significantly improved their symptoms. Studies support their claim: it seems that coconut oil contains glucose and other ingredients the brain uses as fuel after PD caused their deterioration.

How to Use Coconut Oil for PD:

Coconut oil can be found in almost every supermarket. It can be cooked or consumed as-is.

Number 1:

Mannitol Powder

A new Parkinson’s treatment , while all the natural remedies to Parkinson’s Disease mentioned above have their benefits, Mannitol is a whole different level. Mannitol is a sugar alcohol . This natural low-calorie sweetener can be produced from various kinds of fruits, leaves, and other natural substances. You probably know it as the thin powder that covers some chewing gums is mannitol.

What is the connection between this natural sweetener to treating PD symptoms?

In 2013 Parkinson’s experts from Tel Aviv University had an amazing discovery: they found that consumption of mannitol significantly improves the symptoms of PD: tremors ceased, the memory came back, thinking became clear, sleep came easier, and more.

How Does Mannitol Powder Work?

PD experts found that all these amazing results could happen because mannitol can dissolve the aggressive proteins which lead to PD. Additional studies from recent years strongly support this finding, as well as a testimonial of people who suffer from PD and felt tremendous improve in their condition.

Effect On Parkinson’s Symptoms

Injected mannitol and mannitol-laced foods were evaluated for their effect on symptoms of Parkinson’s disease in the lab. It is thought that combining mannitol with other PD medications may facilitate the ability of treatments to get more easily to the targeted sites by crossing the blood/brain barrier.1,2

Scientists tested different concentrations of mannitol in a solution of alpha-synuclein. They then evaluated the levels of clumping. They found that low levels of mannitol had the strongest effect in inhibiting the formation of clusters.

Mannitol appears to prevent or reduce the clumping of proteins in the brain, including alpha-synuclein. It has the ability to cross the blood-brain barrier. Clumped proteins are a hallmark characteristic of Parkinson’s disease. Clinical research performed at Tel Aviv University on fruit flies and mice showed promise in destabilizing clumping proteins. By inhibiting the formation of clusters, mannitol destabilizes the proteins.4


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