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Can You Have Tremors Without Parkinson’s

When To See Your Doctor

I have a tremor. Is it Parkinson’s Disease?

Its easy to assume these problems have other causes, and they often do. But any of these non-motor symptoms can have a big impact on your overall quality of life.

Having one or more doesnt necessarily mean you have Parkinsons disease or that youll eventually develop it. But its worth consulting with your doctor.

Tell your doctor if youre concerned about having Parkinsons disease. Although theres no cure, there are medications to help control symptoms.

Data Processing For Parameters

For the following parameters, all signals were filtered and the maxima of the oscillations were determined.

Slope of the amplitude maxima

To calculate the mean slope of all maxima of one signal, the slope function in Excel was used. For each signal one slope value resulted per trial. In order to create a linear parameter for further consideration, this was converted into degree. Per subject and side five slope values resulted.

Amplitude variation

For the amplitude variation within one trial, the absolute difference between the y-values of each two consecutive maxima of one trial was calculated in Excel. The resulting differences were averaged per trial and were relativized to the arithmetic mean of the amplitudes . One value VAmp resulted per trial for each signal.

Mean frequency

For further statistical analysis of the parameters , and , the arithmetic mean and coefficient of variation ) were calculated for the signals MMGbi, MMGbra, MMGpect and ACC using the values of the five trials. Furthermore, the relative asymmetry of the left and the right side was calculated for MMGbi, MMGbra and MMGpect to show interlimb asymmetries.

What Is Essential Tremor

Essential tremor is an uncontrollable shaking, which usually starts on one side of the body. Tremors occur during purposeful movement, such as when drinking, eating or writing. Many people find the shaking troublesome or embarrassing . Also known as familial tremor, benign essential tremor, or hereditary tremor, this disorder affects some 10 million Americans. It is a progressive condition that gets worse over time. ET can be treated with medication or surgery, but not cured.

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Tremors In Parkinsons Disease: What They Are Types Of Tremors And More

Getting the trembling associated with Parkinsons under control can be a challenge, but treatments can help.

Nicole Rerk/Shutterstock

Tremors are a defining characteristic of Parkinsons disease, affecting about 8 out of 10 people with this movement disorder. Many people think the involuntary shaking motion is the main problem for patients. While it is certainly an irritating symptom that individuals want to get under control, other characteristics of the disease can be more debilitating.

Other Types Of Tremor

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In addition to the tremors described above, they are other forms of tremor that are less common and some of them have only been reported in a few case studies. Of these, dystonic tremor is worth mentioning as many patients with dystonia have tremor and it is sometimes difficult to distinguish dystonic tremors from static tremors associated with dystonia, which occur unspecifically in regions unaffected by dystonia. Dystonic tremor is mainly a postural and kinetic tremor in an extremity or body part affected by dystonia and is not usually seen during complete rest. It is now considered as a distinct entity from ET, as it is irregular, has a broad range of frequencies , and remains localised. A typical example is tremulous spasmodic torticollis. The tremor tends to be localised, asymmetric, and irregular in amplitude and periodicity. Many patients with dystonic tremor use their own tricks to reduce the tremor amplitude. These together with the absence of attempts at suppressing the tremor by voluntary muscle contractions are a fairly reliable diagnostic sign. Head tremor is common in patients with cervical dystonia and treatment with botulinum toxin often results in significant improvement of tremor as well as dystonia.

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What Looks Like Parkinsons But Isnt

Dr. Fernandez describes two main Parkinsons mimics:

Essential tremor. Also known as benign essential tremor or familial tremor, this movement disorder causes brief, uncontrollable shaking.

It most often affects your hands, but can also affect your head and neck, larynx and other areas. In rare cases, it affects your lower body as well.

But one clue can help distinguish essential tremor from Parkinsons.

This is not an absolute rule, but if shaking occurs at rest, it often is Parkinsons. And if shaking occurs in action, such as when youre writing or eating, it is essential tremor, Dr. Fernandez says.

About half of those with essential tremor have a family history of the condition.

Unlike Parkinsons, essential tremor is generally not perceived as a progressive disorder, and, if mild, may not require treatment.

Doctors can prescribe medications to reduce shaking, but they are not the same drugs used to treat Parkinsons, he says.

Drug-induced Parkinsons. Along with shaking, this condition may cause many symptoms similar to Parkinsons disease, including stiffness, slow movement, a decrease in facial expression and a change in speech.

As the name suggests, taking certain drugs, most commonly antipsychotics and mood stabilizers, can trigger this condition. How long it takes to develop can vary greatly, depending on which drug youre taking, how long you take it and the dosage.

Your doctor likely will treat drug-induced Parkinsons by adjusting your medication.

How Is Tremor Diagnosed

Tremor is diagnosed based on a physical and neurological examination and an individuals medical history. During the physical evaluation, a doctor will assess the tremor based on:

  • whether the tremor occurs when the muscles are at rest or in action
  • the location of the tremor on the body
  • the appearance of the tremor .

The doctor will also check other neurological findings such as impaired balance, speech abnormalities, or increased muscle stiffness. Blood or urine tests can rule out metabolic causes such as thyroid malfunction and certain medications that can cause tremor. These tests may also help to identify contributing causes such as drug interactions, chronic alcoholism, or other conditions or diseases. Diagnostic imaging may help determine if the tremor is the result of damage in the brain.

Additional tests may be administered to determine functional limitations such as difficulty with handwriting or the ability to hold a fork or cup. Individuals may be asked to perform a series of tasks or exercises such as placing a finger on the tip of their nose or drawing a spiral.

The doctor may order an electromyogram to diagnose muscle or nerve problems. This test measures involuntary muscle activity and muscle response to nerve stimulation.

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An Essential Tremor Only Presents As Hand Shaking: Fiction

While tremors most commonly affect the hands, they can also affect the head, voice, arms, tongue, legs or even trunk.

Head tremors can appear as the head shaking in a yes-yes, or no-no rhythm. Some may have a spasmodic dysphonia, a voice tremor, shares Dr. Azmi. If youve heard this once, its easy to recognize theres a shaking of the larynx and vocal chords affecting the voice. A persons voice may be shaking, and have a see-saw quality.

Treatment Of Essential Tremor

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There is no cure for essential tremor. Treatment aims to suppress the involuntary movements. To identify the best treatment, you should consult with a Neurologist. Treatments can include:

  • avoidance of known triggers, such as alcohol or caffeine
  • some medications used to treat other medical conditions, such as heart disease and epilepsy these medications have been helpful in some cases
  • other medications, including tranquillisers
  • deep brain stimulation, a surgically implanted device that helps to short-circuit the impulses or brain waves causing the tremor
  • brain surgery to alter the part of the brain causing the tremor has been successful in some cases
  • MRI guided focused ultrasound
  • regular monitoring and observation if the tremor is mild and doesnt stop the person from performing their usual activities, this may be the only treatment.

In some cases, alcohol may reduce the tremors. However, this is not a recommended treatment, because long-term consumption of alcohol has significant health risks.

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Tremors Can Be A Sign Of Parkinsons But Also Of More

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This article was written by Marvin M. Lipman, former chief medical adviser for Consumer Reports and clinical professor emeritus at New York Medical College.

I thought I had Parkinsons disease! the 65-year-old stock analyst exclaimed.

Over the past six months, her handwriting had deteriorated to the point that she was having difficulty signing checks. Because a good friend of hers had recently received a diagnosis of Parkinsons disease, she feared the worst.

I began to suspect that her concern was groundless when I noticed that both of her hands shook and that she had a barely noticeable to-and-fro motion of her head two signs that are uncommon in Parkinsons disease.

And as she walked toward the examining room, her gait was normal and her arms swung freely hardly the stiff, hesitant shuffle so often seen with Parkinsons.

The exam turned up none of the other cardinal manifestations of Parkinsons: the typical masklike facial expression the slowed, monotonous speech pattern and the ratchet-like sensation the examiner feels when alternately flexing and extending the patients arm.

Moreover, her hand tremors seemed to improve at rest and worsen when asked to do the finger to nose test.

The diagnosis was unmistakable: She had essential tremor, a nervous-system problem that causes unintentional shaking, most often starting in the hands.

How Is Tremor Classified

Tremor can be classified into two main categories:

Resting tremor occurs when the muscle is relaxed, such as when the hands are resting on the lap. With this disorder, a persons hands, arms, or legs may shake even when they are at rest. Often, the tremor only affects the hand or fingers. This type of tremor is often seen in people with Parkinsons disease and is called a pillrolling tremor because the circular finger and hand movements resemble rolling of small objects or pills in the hand.

Action tremor occurs with the voluntary movement of a muscle. Most types of tremor are considered action tremor. There are several sub-classifications of action tremor, many of which overlap.

  • Postural tremor occurs when a person maintains a position against gravity, such as holding the arms outstretched.
  • Kinetic tremor is associated with any voluntary movement, such as moving the wrists up and down or closing and opening the eyes.
  • Intention tremor is produced with purposeful movement toward a target, such as lifting a finger to touch the nose. Typically the tremor will become worse as an individual gets closer to their target.
  • Task-specific tremor only appears when performing highly-skilled, goal-oriented tasks such as handwriting or speaking.
  • Isometric tremor occurs during a voluntary muscle contraction that is not accompanied by any movement such as holding a heavy book or a dumbbell in the same position.

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What Is The Physiological Tremor

Tremor is a common side effect of many drugs . Various drugs and toxins can cause all types of tremor known clinically although increased physiological tremor is most commonly seen. Tremor is the dose limiting side effect of the 2 adrenergic agonists, salbutamol and terbutaline, used to treat obstructive airway diseases. Tremor is usually seen within a month of starting valproic acid treatment and is more evident when a dose is > 750 mg/day although it can also occur when the dose is within therapeutic range. It is the most common tremorogenic drug among anticonvulsants, affecting up to 25% of patients. Intention tremor may occur in patients on lithium. The occurrence rate increases with increasing serum lithium levels and manifests almost 100% in patients with lithium toxicity. Tardive tremor, a rare disorder, represents a separate entity in which, by definition, is caused by exposure to a dopamine receptor blocking agent within six months of the onset of symptoms and persisting for at least one month after stopping the offending drug. It is usually static in nature but can occur at rest and on intentional movements, such as eating and writing. Tremor can also occur as a toxic reaction to marijuana, and 3,4-methylene-dioxymethamphetamine or ecstasy.

Types Of Parkinsons Tremors

How Parkinsons Affects Your Movement

Quivering in these parts of the body can be signs of Parkinson’s:

  • Finger Twitching Commonly seen among patients in the early stages of the disease, this symptom is also called a pill-rolling tremor because the fingers and hand appear to be rolling a pill-sized object.
  • Jaw Tremors This movement in the jaw may resemble a slow shivering and disappear while eating or talking. In some cases, the teeth chatter. Patients may chew gum to stop the trembling.
  • Foot Tremors This shakiness may appear while resting, lying down, or dangling the feet. It stops when standing and walking. It can also extend beyond the feet and cause the whole leg to vibrate.
  • Tongue Tremors Although far less reported than other types of tremor, quivering in tongue can be a revealing manifestation of Parkinsons, according to an article published in December 2015 in the journal Movement Disorders Clinical Practice. The shaking can also appear in the chin, lips, and face.

While these types of tremors can help doctor identify Parkinsons, about 30 percent of patients do not have these movements, per prior research. Those people who do not have a resting tremor may not get a diagnosis immediately, says Gilbert. If doctors dont see it, they wont necessarily think a person has Parkinsons.

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How Is Tremor Treated

Although there is no cure for most forms of tremor, treatment options are available to help manage symptoms. In some cases, a persons symptoms may be mild enough that they do not require treatment.

Finding an appropriate treatment depends on an accurate diagnosis of the cause. Tremor caused by underlying health problems can sometimes be improved or eliminated entirely with treatment. For example, tremor due to thyroid hyperactivity will improve or even resolve with treatment of thyroid malfunction. Also, if tremor is caused by medication, discontinuing the tremor-causing drug may reduce or eliminate this tremor.

If there is no underlying cause for tremor that can be modified, available treatment options include:


Focused Ultrasound

A new treatment for essential tremor uses magnetic resonance images to deliver focused ultrasound to create a lesion in tiny areas of the brains thalamus thought to be responsible for causing the tremors. The treatment is approved only for those individuals with essential tremor who do not respond well to anticonvulsant or beta-blocking drugs.


When people do not respond to drug therapies or have a severe tremor that significantly impacts their daily life, a doctor may recommend surgical interventions such as deep brain stimulation or very rarely, thalamotomy. While DBS is usually well tolerated, the most common side effects of tremor surgery include dysarthria and balance problems.

Lifestyle changes

Are There Surgical Options For Essential Tremor

Deep brain stimulation is a therapeutic option for those with severe disabling ET not already managed by medications. DBS is often described as a pacemaker for the brain. It works much like a pacemaker, sending electrical signals to the brain instead of the heart. It is primarily utilized for patients who have Parkinsons disease, dystonia, or essential tremor, who cant adequately control their disease with medication.

Thalamotomy, involving the destruction of tremor producing cells in the brain region called the thalamus, is another surgical option. Using a small temperature-controlled electrode, a permanent lesion is created in the thalamus that helps to stop tremor without disrupting sensory or motor control.

Talk to your doctor about surgical and non-surgical options that are right for you.

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If you notice your hands are shaky when pouring a cup of coffee, holding a bridge hand or combing your hair, you may leap to the conclusion you are in the early stages of Parkinson disease. But actually, essential tremor is the most common form of abnormal trembling primarily of the hands.

Essential tremor is a nerve disorder in which tremors occur without an identifiable cause. The tremor resembles an exaggerated shaking and occurs when a person is using his or her hands but does not occur while the hands are at rest. Parkinsons tremors are just the opposite noticeable shaking when at rest but no shaking when the hands are engaged.

Some degree of tremor during movements is normal for everyone. Stress, fatigue, anger, fear, caffeine and cigarette smoking may temporarily worsen normal tremor to the point that it becomes visible to the naked eye.

Chronic essential tremor can occur at any age but is most common in people older than 65. It is a relatively benign condition, affecting movement or voice quality, but with no other effects. It involves a rhythmic, moderately rapid tremor of voluntary muscles.Over time, essential tremor may involve hands, arms, head, voice box, eyelids, or other muscles. An essential tremor rarely affects the legs or feet. It may start in one body part but can progress to include other parts.

For more information or to make an appointment with a Washington University Neurology movement disorder specialist, please call 314-362-6908.

This Sign Of Parkinson’s Could Show Up 20 Years Before You’re Diagnosed

What is a Parkinson’s tremor?

If you have Parkinson’s disease, it can be years before you’re even diagnosed, as symptoms tend to start gradually and progress over time. In fact, it typically takes a hand tremor developing before many people realize that they have the condition. But while this is one of the most recognizable and well known symptoms of Parkinson’s, it might not be your first. Over the years, research has found that there is one sign of this progressive nervous system disorder that can predate tremors by as much as 20 years. Read on to find out what might actually be your first symptom of Parkinson’s disease.

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