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When Is Parkinson’s Awareness Month

Your Message Was Heard: Parkinsons Awareness Month 2021 Summary

Parkinson’s Awareness Month


There were two focuses of this years Parkinsons Awareness Month. The first was on combatting misconceptions and celebrating resilience with the No Matter What messages you saw on social media. The second was on making sure that the issues that matter to you, including timely diagnosis and access to care, were covered in national and local media across the country.

People impacted by Parkinsons have made it clear that awareness within the Parkinson community and the general public is a key priority. Youve stated loud and clear that you want to feel understood when approached in public or when discussing Parkinsons with someone that you want Canadians to feel motivated to do something about Parkinsons and that you want families impacted by Parkinsons to know where they can turn.

Parkinsons is the fastest growing neurological disease in the world, and we need to talk about it.

Seeing The Parkinsons Disease Symptoms

DNA tests can only tell you if you are likely to develop a disease such as Parkinsons. To be sure, you also need to see the early signs or symptoms of Parkinsons that may be developing, so the Parkinsons Foundation suggests the following signs to look out for.

Small Handwriting

Pay attention to any significant changes in your handwriting style. If your writing becomes smaller than it was before, or your letters get closer together, it could be an early symptom of Parkinsons disease.


If you experience shakes or tremors, even slight shaking when youre resting, it could be a symptom of Parkinsons disease. There could be several reasons for this, but if youre concerned it could be an early sign of Parkinsons, consult your doctor.

No Sense of Smell

Although it can affect all senses, Parkinsons particularly affects your sense of smell, and you might have trouble smelling certain foods, such as licorice, bananas, or pickles. You could lose your sense of smell when you have a cold, but it should come back. If it doesnt, it might be time to talk to your doctor about Parkinsons disease treatment.

Sleeping Problems

If you find it hard to fall asleep, and you toss and turn during the night, there could be many different causes. However, sudden movements in bed could be a sign of Parkinsons, so seek advice if it becomes a regular occurrence.

Walking Problems


Dizziness or Fainting

Facial Masking

Whats The History Behind Parkinson’s Awareness Month

In the 19th century, the English surgeon James Parkinson published an essay describing symptoms, leading to the development of Parkinsons Disease as a term. Forty years later, James Parkinsons writing got some attention. The 20th century involved research from scientists from all over the world. While treatments have improved, no cure has been found.

Parkinsons Disease gained more attention when Canadian actor Michael J. Fox was diagnosed in 1991. Michael Fox has been very open and honest about his PD which has significantly increased awareness and acceptance.

His diagnosis inspired him to start the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinsons research to help others learn about the disease and find ways of managing and treating this condition.

Parkinsons Awareness Month is part of the core work for institutions such as the Michael J. Fox Foundation. This month-long dedication encourages people to learn about the disease, donate to foundations to help with research, and support those who do have it in any way they can.

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Parkinsons Only Involves Physical Symptoms

Answer: False

Parkinsons disease is generally thought of as a disease that only involves movement. But in addition to motor symptoms such as slowness of movement, tremor, stiffness and postural instability, most people develop other health problems related to Parkinson’s. These symptoms are diverse and collectively known as non-motor symptoms. Learn more.

April World Health Day


World Health Day is an international event to draw attention to a specific health topic of concern to people around the world.

The topic of the 2022 World Health day has not yet been confirmed, but the day occurs on 7 April each year to mark the anniversary of the founding of WHO in 1948. Previous themes have included universal health coverage, active ageing, high blood pressure and depression.

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How To Check For Parkinsons Disease

Now that you understand more about Parkinsons disease, youll want to know if youre likely to develop the disease or if you already have it. You can do these two things:

  • Take a DNA test to see if you have a genetic predisposition to the disease.
  • Understand the early signs of the disease.
  • Lets look at each of these, in turn.

    The Bottom Line On Parkinsons

    National Parkinsons Awareness Month is an ideal time to start:

    • Talking about Parkinsons disease
    • Getting tested for your genetic predisposition
    • Looking out for the early signs and symptoms

    That said, whenever you read this could be a good time to do these things, even if youve missed the official awareness month.

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    Six Ways To Use Awareness Days To Create Content And Engage Your Community

    • Create a poll or survey
    • Ask your community to share their experiences or plans to mark a particular day
    • Plan ahead and invite your community or organisation to share their experiences and insights in a piece of content
    • Hold a webinar, AMA or lunch and learn with an expert or guest speakers
    • Take part in an activity or donate to the cause behind the day – tell your community why it’s important to you

    Team Fox For Parkinson’s Awareness

    Parkinson’s Awareness Month – Hearing from our community

    Team Fox is the grassroots fund-raising network of The Michael J. Fox Foundation, an active part of the Parkinson’s disease community. The more than 1,600 worldwide members of Team Fox raise money and Parkinson’s disease awareness with creative activities such as baking, dancing, running, biking, and more. Some of Team Fox’s biggest Parkinson’s disease awareness events include the New York and Chicago marathons. Visit the Michael J. Fox Foundation’s Web site for more information on how to raise awareness for Parkinson’s disease with Team Fox.

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    Parkinsons Disease Events And Resources

    PD Events Some of the events the Parkinsons Foundation has planned include:

    • Mindfulness Mondays Mantra for Stress Relief
    • Living with Parkinsons: What You and Your Family Should Know
    • Early Onset Parkinsons: Strategies to Live Well
    • Lunes de Atencion Plena Mindfulness Mondays en Espanol
    • Miercoles de Bienestar Wellness Wednesdays en Espanol
    • Veterans and PD: Social Connection and Empowerment
    • Women and PD

    April PD events can be found at

    PD PodcatsThe Parkinsons Foundation also offers podcasts called Substantial Matters: Life and Science of Parkinsons throughout April. Dan Keller, PhD, interviews Parkinsons experts about treatments and techniques that can help patients live a better life. Episodes focus on a range of topics, including new levodopa delivery methods, exercise, clinical trials, nutrition, and more! Podcasts are available in English and Spanish at

    PD LibraryThe Parkinsons disease Library is an extensive collection of books, fact sheets, videos, and more. Visit the PD library at

    Its April Time To Participate In Parkinsons Awareness Month

    Activities are underway to mark Parkinsons Awareness Month, set aside each April to draw attention to the neurodegenerative disorder that affects some seven to 10 million people globally. At the center of this observance is World Parkinsons Day April 11.

    Patients, family, caregivers and friends across the country are sharing stories, asking local governments to issue proclamations, participating in virtual workshops and lectures, and even taking a quiz. All this is to heighten awareness of Parkinsons disease among the general public, while gaining the attention of lawmakers, industry representatives, scientists, and health professionals.

    The theme of this years awareness month is #KnowMorePD. As such, the Parkinsons Foundation is seeking not only to raise awareness of the disease, but of all the resources the organization offers to help make lives better for people with Parkinsons and their families, particularly during uncertain times.

    We have greatly expanded our research and education initiatives online to reach people with Parkinsons and provide information they need to live better with the disease, said John L. Lehr, president and CEO of the Parkinsons Foundation, in a statement to Parkinsons News Today.

    As the pandemic continues, so does our commitment to raising awareness and acting as a frontline resource for the Parkinsons community during Parkinsons Awareness Month and beyond, he said.

    The organization also is presenting other events this month:

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    National Parkinsons Awareness Month 2020

    The theme of Parkinsons Awareness Month 2020 is Plan for Parkinsons Disease . Putting a plan in place helps people prepare for the obstacles that lie ahead as the condition develops. So, this year, the Parkinsons Foundation is asking people living with the condition to put actionable steps in place to improve their lives, and also to .

    If you or a loved one has a personal Parkisons disease story, you can This way, Parkinsons Foundation staff can collate the relevant messages as well as re-share them.

    You can find other ways to get involved by checking out the foundations calendar of activities that includes an activity for every day of the month in April 2020. These range from learning more about genetics to writing a letter to the newspapers .

    Parkinson’s Disease Awareness Month April

    April 2019 is Parkinsons Awareness Month

    Today in Australia, 37 people will hear the words you have Parkinsons for the very first time. Thats more than one person every hour, of every day.

    Each year, April is Parkinsons Awareness Month. The month provides an opportunity to help us increase awareness and raise funds for Parkinsons research to support the 100,000 Australians living with the disease.

    There is no simple way to deal with the life-changing event of a Parkinsons diagnosis. But the good news is most people find acceptance and quality of life after the initial adjustment period.Parkinsons disease occurs when brain cells that make dopamine, a chemical that coordinates movement, stop working or die.

    Because Parkinsons Disease can cause tremor, slowness, stiffness, and walking and balance problems, it is called a movement disorder.

    But depression, memory problems and other non-movement symptoms also can be part of Parkinsons. Parkinson Disease is a lifelong and progressive disease, which means that symptoms slowly worsen over time.

    The experience of living with Parkinson’s over the course of a lifetime is unique to each person. As it is a progressive disease, it will likely increase stress on the loved ones that support this person over time.

    At Five Good Friends, we understand that one of the most important elements to living with Parkinsons is building a sustainable support network.

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    Parkinson’s Disease Awareness Month During Covid

    • Boulder Community Health

    Parkinsons Disease Awareness Month. As we continue to deal with COVID-19 in our community, we are sharing a guest blog by of BCH Outpatient Rehabilitation to help those affected by Parkinsons create a plan during this time.

    April is Parkinsons disease awareness month and this years theme is #Plan4 PD. PD is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects over 1 million Americans. Individuals with this disease can maintain a productive quality of life when using their resources, staying active and connecting within the community.

    It is important to remember that living with PD requires individuals to have a plan in place to live well with this diagnosis. This might include any of the following tasks:

    • Develop a good understanding of your symptoms and how to manage them.
    • Meet others that have PD in a support group setting to discuss symptoms or learn more about the disease and research opportunities.
    • Scheduling to attend regular exercise classes to move better and improve cognitive function.
    • Participate in a singing group to improve voice and communication.
    • Following up with your primary care physician, neurologist, movement specialist or therapy rehab team.

    Parkinsons Disease and COVID-19

    Suggestions from BCH Outpatient Rehabilitation

    Here are a few suggestions from the BCH outpatient rehabilitation team to help during this time.

    Functional Daily Activity:

    Physical Activity:


    Additional Resource Links:

    June World Environment Day

    An annual event since 1974, World Environment Day began as a way to engage governments, businesses, and citizens to address pressing environmental issues. World Environment Day has a different theme and a different host nation each year. In 2022 it will be hosted by Sweden, with the theme ‘Only One Earth’, calling for transformative changes to enable cleaner, greener and more sustainable living.

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    Hopeful You Have A Healthy And Happy Life In The Presence Of Parkinson’s

    To me, it is essential having some knowledge and a history lesson on our disorder named Parkinson’s disease. However, I want to focus on your continued journey with Parkinson’s. Please try to stay positive and hopeful use courage and perseverance if you feel lost or defeated balance your life with exercise to try to slow progression use mindfulness to calm yourself and always remember that you are still you, the person within you remains there today and will for many more days to follow. Here are some quotes for you to read and ponder in celebration of Parkinson’s Disease Awareness Month.

    Red Tulip As The Symbol Of Parkinson’s Disease

    April Is Parkinson’s Awareness Month

    When you see a pink ribbon, you likely think of a breast cancer survivor or breast cancer awareness. Likewise, for Alzheimer’s disease awareness, a purple ribbon is the chosen color. Interestingly, for Parkinson’s disease awareness, it is a red tulip. This red tulip was developed by J.W.S. Van der Wereld, a Dutch horticulturist who had Parkinsons disease. He dedicated and named this tulip for James Parkinson. This tulip was described as follows, exterior being a glowing cardinal red, small feathered white edge, the outer base whitish the inside, a currant-red to a turkey-red, broad feathered white edge, anthers pale yellow.

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    What Are The Colors Symbols Or Hashtags For Parkinson’s Awareness Month

    Symbols, colors, and hashtags draw attention to a specific month, which highlights the disease itself. Social media is a tool for sharing these colors, symbols, and hashtags.

    There is lots of competition for research dollars, fundraising, and support for a variety of illnesses and conditions. It takes repeated exposure to a variety of visual cues to get peoples attention.

    Parkinson’s Awareness Month : How Can You Help

    Every April marks National Parkinsons Awareness Month in the United States. As the name suggests, this annual event is a chance to raise awareness about Parkinsons disease by opening an honest dialogue. If you want to find out more, were here to help by telling you what you should know about the annual campaign and how you can play your part.

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    June National Freelancers Day

    National Freelancers Day was set up by the IPSE, the organisation supporting the UKs self-employed and freelance community. It celebrates all things freelance and typically features influential speakers, interactive workshops and opportunities for the freelance and self-employed community to connect.

    November National Stress Awareness Day

    Dietitians Online Blog: April, Parkinson

    On the first Wednesday of November, National Stress Awareness Day is celebrated in the UK as a way of highlighting the importance of managing stress in our daily lives. It aims to raise awareness of stress and its impact. It also aims to reduce stigma and promote wellbeing and stress reduction for individuals.

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    James Parkinson Published In 1817 An Essay On The Shaking Palsy

    When you read about James Parkinson, you notice his intelligence and compassion for helping others. James Parkinson worked as a general practitioner in the semi-urban hamlet of Hoxton, northeast of the City of London, where he had been born, and where he lived all his life. In addition to his daily work in general practice, James Parkinson was a public health reformer, an advocate of infection control in London workhouses, a medical attendant to a Hoxton madhouse, a writer of political pamphlets and childrens stories, a geologist and fossilist, and the author of a textbook of chemistry.1

    The essay itself very carefully and accurately portrays Parkinsons disease, which he called shaking palsy. He did not name the disorder after himself. Dr. Jean-Martin Charcot suggested that Parkinsons name deserved to be linked to the disorder that he had so accurately described thus, Maladie de Parkinson . The essay describes six patients, with detailed comments like, So slight and nearly imperceptible are the first inroads of this malady, and so extremely slow its progress, that it rarely happens, that the patient can form any recollection of the precise period of its commencement. The first symptoms are a slight sense of weakness, with a proneness to trembling in some particular part sometimes in the head, but most commonly in one of the hands and arms.

    Online Conferencepesticides & Parkinsons : The Dangers & The Solutions

    Since your health is of the utmost importance, we have decided to bring together, thursday, 15, april the most seasoned speakerson these 2 intrinsically linked themes:

    • Pesticides,
    • Parkinsons disease.

    Our role is to support the people affected by Parkinsons disease, but it is our duty to warn you about the risks of pesticides so that you have all knowledge in hand such that you never need the support of Parkinson Québec.Many points were discussed in order to make you aware of the dangers of pesticides for your health and of the existing solutions you can implement to remove pesticides from your daily life and adopt good practices in your everyday routine.

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    Magnolia Bakery Cupcake Sale

    A sweet way to celebrate Parkinson’s disease Awareness Month, The Michael J. Fox Foundation has partnered with Magnolia Bakery to create a special cupcake to raise Parkinson’s disease awareness. The cupcake will be sold in Magnolia Bakery stores in New York City, Los Angeles, and Chicago as well as online, and $1.75 from each purchase will go to the Fox Foundation to fund Parkinson’s research. For more on how to raise awareness for Parkinson’s disease with cupcakes, go to


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