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What Kind Of Doctor Diagnoses Parkinson’s

Support For People With Parkinsons Disease

Are there different types of Parkinson’s?

Early access to a multidisciplinary support team is important. These teams may include doctors, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech therapists, dietitians, social workers and specialist nurses. Members of the team assess the person with Parkinsons disease and identify potential difficulties and possible solutions.There are a limited number of multidisciplinary teams in Victoria that specialise in Parkinsons disease management. But generalist teams are becoming more aware of how to help people with Parkinsons disease.

What Parkinsons Diagnosis Criteria Do Doctors Use

Until the 1980s, there was no formal diagnostic criteria for Parkinsons disease. Beginning with James Parkinsons 1817 article, An Essay on the Shaking Palsy, and Margaret Hoehn and Melvin Yahrs description of the five stages of motor progression in 1967, scientists focused on the unique ways Parkinsons disease affects movement. A few scientists also noted non-motor symptoms like issues with automatic body functions, such as heart rate and blood pressure.

With the discovery in the 1950s of levodopa, a drug that gets turned into dopamine in your brain and thus replaces some of the dopamine that is lost due to PD, and the discovery of how dramatically levodopa improves motor symptoms, the medical community continued to focus more of their efforts on defining and treating Parkinsons as a motor condition.7

Early Signs Of Parkinson’s

Early physical signs include the common motor symptoms: tremor, muscle rigidity and slowness. They may also include the following:

  • Symptoms starting on one side of the body
  • Change in facial expression
  • Failure to swing one arm when walking
  • Stooped posture
  • Loss of sense of smell
  • Depression or anxiety

Some of these symptoms are quite common and by no means exclusive to Parkinsons, so if you have some of them, it does not mean you have Parkinsons.

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Consider Complementary Therapies And Alternative Practices

Be open minded. Do your research and consider complementary therapies and alternative practices such as medical marijuana, massage, acupuncture, acupressure, reiki, tai chi, yoga, prayer, meditation and more.

Also, dont forget to research the downsides to alternative treatments as well. There are plenty of people who have jumped on board with unregulated supplements that promise the moon only to find out they made them feel worse because of the interactions they had with their other medications. Talk to your doctor about everything and make sure youre cleared before you start something new.

Parkinsons Disease Signs And Symptoms


It can be quite difficult to tell if a person is suffering from Parkinsons disease or not because there can be the involvement of multiple symptoms in a single individual. However, if a person suffers from more than one symptoms of Parkinsons disease, he must go for a doctors appointment.

Following are the fifteen symptoms of Parkinsons disease:


Shaking of hands or tremors is one of the most common movement related symptoms of Parkinsons disease. When a person feels slight shaking of his hands at rest, then it is an early sign of Parkinsons disease. A person with Parkinsons disease can notice tremors in his hand, fingers, thumb, or even chin. Low dopamine levels can contribute to uncontrollable shaking of body parts. However, slight shaking is normal if a person exercises a lot or is going through stress but repetitive tremors are a sign of Parkinsons disease.

Recommended Reading: Parkinson’s Disease Lifespan

How Is Parkinson’s Diagnosed

Current evidence suggests that Parkinsons tends to develop gradually. It may be many months, even years, before the symptoms become obvious enough for someone to go to the doctor.

This information looks at what parkinsonism is, how Parkinsons and other similar conditions may be diagnosed, and explains some of the tests that may be involved in the process.

Parkinsonism is a term used to describe symptoms or signs that are found in Parkinsons, but which can also be found in other conditions that cause slowness of movement, stiffness and tremor.

Most people with a form of parkinsonism have idiopathic Parkinsons disease, also known as Parkinsons. Idiopathic means the cause is unknown.

Other less common forms of parkinsonism include multiple system atrophy , progressive supranuclear palsy , drug-induced parkinsonism and vascular Parkinsons.

If youre concerned about symptoms youve been experiencing, you should visit your GP. If your GP suspects you have Parkinsons, clinical guidelines recommend they should refer you quickly to a specialist with experience in diagnosing the condition .

Its not always easy to diagnose the condition. So its important that you see a Parkinsons specialist to get an accurate diagnosis and to consider the best treatment options.

Diagnosing Parkinsons can take some time as there are other conditions, such as essential tremor , with similar symptoms. There is also currently no definitive test for diagnosing Parkinsons.

Consider The Age And Time Factor

Doctors also keep in mind other factors when diagnosing Parkinson’s. For instance:

  • The disease is not common in people younger than 50.
  • Diagnosing Parkinson’s can be tricky and may take time.
  • Other diseases can cause similar symptoms. Your doctor will try to rule out other diseases that mimic Parkinson’s such as .

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Living With Parkinsons Disease

Living with a chronic illness can be frustrating and discouraging. Parkinsons will gradually get worse. You will eventually have trouble with simple tasks. These include walking, talking, and eating, among many others. It is common for people with Parkinsons to develop depression. Antidepressant medicines are available and can help with your depression symptoms. If youve been feeling persistently sad or hopeless, call your doctor. There is help available.

Joining a support group can be particularly helpful for Parkinsons patients. It is helpful to have people around you who know exactly what youre going through. It is also a good idea to eat a healthy diet, exercise, and stay as active as you can.

Symptoms Of Parkinsons Disease

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The type, number, severity and progression of Parkinsons disease symptoms vary greatly. Every person is affected differently they may not get every symptom.

Some of the more common symptoms are:

  • resting tremor
  • rigidity
  • blood pressure fluctuation
  • constipation.

People living with Parkinsons for some time may experience hallucinations , paranoia and delusions . These symptoms are able to be treated so have a talk with your doctor.

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Reasons To See A Trichologist

Trichologists treat a wide range of hair and scalp conditions:

Male and Female Hair Loss

Pattern baldness is a common form of hair loss, or alopecia, in men and women. For men, hair is lost in a well-defined pattern, starting above both temples, eventually receding to form a characteristic âMâ shape. Women are more likely to experience overall hair thinning without a receding hairline.

In addition to the emotional aspects of hair loss, pattern baldness in men has been associated with several serious medical conditions, including coronary heart disease, enlargement of the prostate, diabetes, and high blood pressure.

Hair loss in women is associated with an elevated risk of polycystic ovary syndrome , a hormonal imbalance that can cause irregular menstruation, acne, and weight gain.

Hair Shedding

Hair shedding, or telogen effluvium, occurs when large sections of hair fall detach from the scalp. This can be caused by several conditions, including stress, surgery, high fevers, blood loss, hormonal change, and childbirth. Hair shedding is a common side effect of some chemotherapy drugs.

If youâre experiencing hair shedding, a trichologist might be a good place to start. They should be able to direct you to a physician who can help you with underlying conditions.

Scarring Alopecia

Scarring alopecia is caused by inflammatory disorders, chemicals like hair relaxers, and several fungal conditions.

Excessive Hair Growth in Women

Dont Wait To Live Well

If theres one thing to know about Parkinsons, its this: theres a lot we dont know. A cure is being worked on, but it may be far in the future.

So for now, Parkinsons is a life sentence but it is not a death sentence. Your future may look different than you had planned, but you still have a future. Make the quality of the journey the best it can be and be thankful for every day.

Tom Sheppard is a Parkinsons advocate and believes intense physical training has radically improved his quality of life. He also shares a love of Rock Steady Boxing with his co-author and Rock Steady Boxing coach, Lauren. She writes about living with Parkinsons here.

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Surgery For People With Parkinsons Disease

Deep brain stimulation surgery is an option to treat Parkinsons disease symptoms, but it is not suitable for everyone. There are strict criteria and guidelines on who can be a candidate for surgery, and this is something that only your doctor and you can decide. Surgery may be considered early or late in the progression of Parkinsons. When performing deep-brain stimulation surgery, the surgeon places an electrode in the part of the brain most effected by Parkinsons disease. Electrical impulses are introduced to the brain, which has the effect of normalising the brains electrical activity reducing the symptoms of Parkinsons disease. The electrical impulse is introduced using a pacemaker-like device called a stimulator. Thalamotomy and pallidotomy are operations where the surgeon makes an incision on part of the brain. These surgeries aim to alleviate some forms of tremor or unusual movement, but they are rarely performed now.

Trying Parkinsons Disease Medications

What are the diagnostic criteria for Parkinson

One of the features of PD is that it will significantly and consistently improve when you begin taking medication that targets your dopamine system.10 Your doctor may ask you to try taking Parkinsons medication, like carbidopa-levodopa, to help confirm a PD diagnosis. Levodopa is a drug that is converted into dopamine in your brain, replacing some of the dopamine you lose due to the disease. Levodopa is frequently paired with carbidopa, which helps prevent levodopa from breaking down before it reaches your brain. Your doctor will observe if carbidopa-levodopa helps your motor symptoms. Carbidopa-levodopa is typically very effective at treating motor symptoms, so a significant response to the medication used to treat it helps confirm the diagnosis. Parkinsons medications are generally very safe and the risk of taking them is low, while the benefit is great because it might help if you do have Parkinsons and improve your mobility.10

Related: What you can do before you see your doctor next.

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How It All Fits Together

Diagnosing Parkinsons disease can be tricky. The process relies heavily on your doctors judgment. In addition, the causes and risk factors of Parkinsons are not entirely clear yet, which contributes to the difficulty in diagnosing this condition.

However, there have been efforts to try and detect this disease earlier. For instance, clinicians have started focusing more on prodromal symptoms, which are early symptoms that appear before movement-related difficulties begin.

These symptoms include:

  • Loss of smell, which can sometimes occur years before other symptoms
  • Chronic constipation, without any other explanation
  • Rapid eye movement behavior disorder, which causes sleep disturbances

How Is Parkinsons Disease Tested And Diagnosed

At Banner Health, our neurologists have years of experience in testing and diagnosing Parkinson’s disease. Our team of compassionate experts knows that each patient is different, so we work with you to quickly find the right diagnosis to begin building your treatment plan.

Parkinsons is not simple to diagnose. No test exists to diagnose Parkinsons disease. Doctors test and diagnose Parkinsons based on your medical history, symptoms and neurological and physical exams.

Many times a primary care provider is the first to suspect a Parkinsons diagnosis. If youre experiencing symptoms such as tremors, shaking, slow movement, stiffness and/or trouble with balance, talk to your doctor or seek the opinion of a neurologist. Banner Health neurologists are movement disorder specialists, who have experience and specific training to assess and treat Parkinsons.

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Medical History And Physical Exam

The process of diagnosing Parkinsons usually begins with the neurologist evaluating your medical history and performing a physical exam. For a formal diagnosis to be made, you need to have a general slowness of movement with either a resting tremor or rigidity.

During the physical exam, your doctor will have you perform a series of tests to monitor your movement. An example of a test they might use is a finger tap, where they measure how many times you can tap your finger in 10 to 15 seconds.

They will also look for signs that you may have another condition. A group of movement disorders collectively called parkinsonisms can produce symptoms that are indistinguishable from those of Parkinsons but are not the same. Usually, additional tests are needed to rule out these conditions as well.

Work With A Movement Disorder Specialist

Diagnosing Parkinson’s Disease by Dr. Steve McGee (Stanford Skills Symposium)

One of the best pieces of advice we were given early on was to make sure we worked with a neurologist who has specialized training in movement disorders. These clinicians are known as movement disorders neurologists or specialists. There are many great neurologists who see people with a wide range of neurological conditions, but do not treat many people with Parkinsons. A movement disorder specialist is an expert in the issues that people with Parkinsons face every day and theyre going to be able to give you the best care possible.

If you dont have a movement disorder neurologist in your local area, many people with Parkinsons travel to see one in a different city once or twice a year. This doesnt mean you have to end your relationship with your current doctor. Rather, getting a second pair of eyes on your condition can be a positive addition to your ever changing care plan.

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Tom Thought That Because Some Pink Tablets Relieved His Symptoms This Meant He Was Ok He Didn’t

I first suspected there was something wrong when I was travelling and I was writing a postcard to a friend of mine in, in Australia whose name is Anthony Diecopolis. And, and I got to the Anthony Diec and I couldnt finish the opolis. And its very strange my hand had sort of gone into a sort of spasm and it just wouldnt, wouldnt finish writing the, the, the word. And so thats a bit strange.

And so I went when, when I got I, I went to the doctor and said, What on earths going on? And I had since then Id also developed this slight tremor in my right hand. He said, Well its probably, Essential Tremor or trapped nerve or something like that. And anyway, then it got a bit worse and then I was, I was recommended to go to a neurologist. And the neurologist had a look at me and gave me some pills. And he said, Come back and tell me if these work.

This is about, about sort of, nine months after my, my not being able to finish the, the postcard. And, and he said, Take these pills. And the pills worked. Magically the tremors stopped and I thought this is wonderful. And so I went back to the neurologist and I said, Yes everythings fine now. The pills have, the pills have worked. And far from looking happy about this he looked rather, rather grave and he said, I think youd better go to another neurologist.

What Hair Loss Doctors Should I See

Endocrinologist focus on the endocrine organs which are responsible for hormone secretion. The endocrine organs consist of the pituitary, thyroid, adrenals, ovaries, testes, and pancreas. An endocrinologist is able to first diagnosis the problem and then also provide treatment to restore hormone balance. Endocrinologist mainly treats:

When it comes to hair loss, these are great doctors to see if you believe you have an underlying issue as to why you are losing hair. In general, we would suggest seeing them just to rule out there is not an underlying issue.

Dermatologist focus on the skin and appendages . They study the structure, function, and diseases. They can perform medical examinations as well as surgery. This would include laser surgery, skin cancer surgery, photodynamic therapy and cosmetic procedures such as botox, soft tissue fillers, sclerotherapy, and liposuction. Within this field of study, there is dermatopathologist who look at the skin, usually a biopsy of skin, under a microscope. Immunodermatologist focus on the diagnosis and management of skin disease driven by an altered immune system.

A dermatologist is great to see regarding hair loss if we know there is no underlying issue with our endocrine system.

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Depression May Be An Early Symptom Of Parkinsons

Depression is one of the most common, and most disabling, non-motor symptoms of Parkinsons disease. As many as 50 per cent of people with Parkinsons experience the symptoms of clinical depression at some stage of the disease. Some people experience depression up to a decade or more before experiencing any motor symptoms of Parkinsons.

Clinical depression and anxiety are underdiagnosed symptoms of Parkinsons. Researchers believe that depression and anxiety in Parkinsons disease may be due to chemical and physical changes in the area of the brain that affect mood as well as movement. These changes are caused by the disease itself.

Here are some suggestions to help identify depression in Parkinsons:

  • Mention changes in mood to your physician if they do not ask you about these conditions.
  • Complete our Geriatric Depression Scale-15 to record your feelings so you can discuss symptoms with your doctor. Download the answer key and compare your responses.
  • delusions and impulse control disorders


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