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Sunday, September 8, 2024
HomeSymptomsIs Frozen Shoulder A Sign Of Parkinson's

Is Frozen Shoulder A Sign Of Parkinson’s

Who Is At Risk For Developing Frozen Shoulder

One Easy Home Exercise To Add To Your Treatment For Parkinson’s Frozen Shoulder

Age: Adults, most commonly between 40 and 60 years old.

Gender: More common in women than men.

Recent shoulder injury: Any shoulder injury or surgery that results in the need to keep the shoulder from moving . Examples include a rotator cuff tear and fractures of the shoulder blade, collarbone or upper arm.

Diabetes: Between 10 and 20 percent of individuals with diabetes mellitus develop frozen shoulder.

Other health diseases and conditions: Includes stroke, hypothyroidism , hyperthyroidism , Parkinsons disease and heart disease. Stroke is a risk factor for frozen shoulder because movement of an arm and shoulder may be limited. Why other diseases and conditions increase the risk of developing a frozen shoulder is not clear.

Types Of Pain In Parkinsons

One review classified the types of PD pain as follows:

  • musculoskeletal, in which the pain results from problems with the muscles , bones or joints
  • dystonic, which is due to abnormal muscle contractions caused by PD or the medications used to treat it
  • radicular pain or nerve pain
  • central pain, which is poorly understood and thought to be due to abnormalities in the brain itself

Does Anyone Know Of A Link Between Frozen Shoulder And Parkinsons


I was diagnosed with FS in my right shoulder in June 17′. I fell on my shoulder so i chalked it up to trauma. It started unfreezing

in January 18′. I had a relatively painless summer, then pain started in August 18′ in my left shoulder. I got a Prolotherapy shot a few weeks after the pain started. It seems to have helped as this FS doesn’t seem as bad as my first one. Now that I’ve got a second one that isn’t related to trauma I’m questioning why this is happening I came across an article about a link between FS and Parkinson’s. But not much else. My Ortho doctor was not aware of a link. Honestly, I feel like they’re useless sometimes. Has anyone else seen anything on this?

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Pain Is A Common But Overlooked Problem In Parkinsons Disease

Pain is an often overlooked non-motor symptom of Parkinsons disease . Studies show that between 40-80% of people with PD report pain, which is likely why it is often suggested as a topic for this blog.

One of the reasons why the topic of pain and PD is difficult to address is that it is sometimes tough to discern whether a particular pain is due to PD or not. Chronic pain is such a common symptom among the general population, and people with PD are not immune to common problems as well. However, there are aspects of PD that may exacerbate the pain experienced from a common problem. In addition, there are particular types of pain that may be unique to people with PD.

Enhancing Healthcare Team Outcomes

How Your Shoulder Stiffness May Be Related to Parkinsons ...

The management of frozen shoulder is usually done by a team of healthcare professionals that include the orthopedic surgeon, a rehabilitation specialist, nurse practitioner, pharmacist, and a pain consultant. In addition, the pharmacist must educate the patient on the management of pain. In addition, patients managed with corticosteroids will need to be monitored for adverse side effects of the drug. For most patients, enrolling in a physical therapy program is the key to recovery. Some patients may benefit from supervised home physical therapy. Finally, patients have to be told that recovery will occur but it is gradual and may take several years.


Frozen shoulder does recover in most people but the recovery may take 1-3 years. In most cases, physical therapy and arm exercise will gradually result in diminishing symptoms. So far, data do not show that diabetics have worse outcomes compared to non-diabetics. About 10% of patients will have residual shoulder stiffness and disability. After arthroscopic surgery, there is a gradual improvement in symptoms with slow recovery. However, postoperative physical therapy is a must after surgery to ensure recovery.

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Treatment Types For Frozen Shoulder

At UPMC Orthopaedic Care, we offer both nonsurgical treatment and surgery options for frozen shoulder.

According to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgery, more than 90 percent of those with frozen shoulder can improve with nonsurgical treatment methods.

The two most common nonsurgical treatments for frozen shoulder are:

  • Anti-inflammatory pain medications
  • Physical therapy

Usually, the pain subsides over time and motion also improves. However, some people never regain complete motion and stiffness remains after years.

What Are The First Signs Of Frozen Shoulder

Frozen shoulder syndrome occurs gradually over a long period of time.

You will likely first become aware of dull and aching pain. It is usually located over the outer shoulder area and sometimes the upper arm. As the pain intensifies, you may be unknowingly moving your shoulder less and less. You may eventually find that you cant move your shoulder as you once did. When the pain is severe enough, you may not be able to do anything that involves shoulder movement.

There are some people who are at an increased risk for developing frozen shoulder syndrome. In general, it is most common in patients between the ages of 40 and 60, and occurs in women more often than men.

If you stop using your shoulder due to pain or injury, it will naturally become stiff. This is why patients recovering from medical conditions or procedures that prevent arm movement are at a greater risk. Some of these include those with:

  • Requirements to wear a shoulder sling after a surgery, stroke, or injury
  • Diabetes
  • Parkinsons disease

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What Is Frozen Shoulder

Dr. Rx

Frozen shoulder usually comes on slowly and goes through a series of three stages: the freezing stage, the frozen stage, and the thawing stage. During the freezing stage, moving the shoulder becomes painful and range of motion starts to decrease. In the frozen stage, pain is usually less, but stiffness is worse. Finally, in the thawing stage, range of motion slowly begins to improve. Dr. Ben Schwartz

Adhesive capsulitisbetter known as frozen shouldermakes your shoulder joint stiff and very painful. The tissue in the shoulder joint thickens, causing it to tighten up.

It progressively gets worse so that you can barely move your arm. But over the course of 1-3 years, frozen shoulder eventually gets better on its own.

At first, symptoms of frozen shoulder are similar to other shoulder injuries. You should see your primary care doctor if you have pain or stiffness in your shoulder.

Increased Pain At Night

PDontheMove – My experience of shoulder surgery for Parkinson’s

In some patients, pain seems to increase during sleep.

When you lay down, the effect of gravity is removed, which allows the shoulder muscles to relax. The lack of movement paired with relaxation of the muscles causes the fluids in your joints to settle. This decreases the flow of blood, allowing the joint to become inflamed.

People also tend to lie on their shoulder while sleeping, which can compress the joint and worsen inflammation.

It is also possible that the lack of distractions at night makes certain patients more aware of their pain while theyre trying to sleep.

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Our Approach To Frozen Shoulder

A frozen shoulder typically heals on its own, although it’s important to understand that full recovery can take a long time. A well-designed physical therapy program speeds the process, and some patients benefit from cortisone injections into the shoulder joint. Only a small percentage of patients need surgery.

Our team includes highly trained physical therapists and orthopedic surgeons with expertise in shoulder care. These specialists work together to relieve pain and restore mobility, so that patients can return to their normal lives and favorite activities.

Does Frozen Shoulder Increase Your Risk Of Getting Cancer

Research has recently suggested that a frozen shoulder might be a complication or a symptom of cancer in some cases.

In 2005, for example, a group of doctors shared their experiences with five patients who were referred to their institution following prolonged, ineffective treatment for frozen shoulder. All five ended up having shoulder cancer instead.

The researchers noted that shoulder tumors are uncommon causes of shoulder pain and restricted movement but that, in those who do have cancer, misdiagnosis, inappropriate surgery, and delayed therapy, may potentially have grave consequences.

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Frozen Shoulder Symptoms: Early And More Advanced Signs

Reaching for a plate from the cupboard is something you probably dont think twice about. As healthy and active adults, these everyday tasks are seemingly effortless. Unfortunately, for patients with intense shoulder pain, even basic movement can feel impossible. Frozen shoulder syndrome is one of the many conditions responsible for nagging aches, pains, and tightness in this ball-and-socket joint. If youre suffering from an unknown cause of shoulder pain and tightness, heres what you need to know about frozen shoulder symptoms.

The First Motor Symptoms Of Parkinsons Disease

Frozen shoulder and other shoulder disturbances in ...

When people ask what are the early signs and symptoms of PD? the answer they are typically expecting is one that involves motor symptoms. Early motor symptoms of PD can be a subtle rest tremor of one of the arms or hands . A rest tremor is one that occurs when the limb is completely at rest. If the tremor occurs when the limb is suspended against gravity or actively moving, this may still be a sign of PD, but may also be a sign of essential tremor.

The initial motor symptom of PD may be a sense of stiffness in one limb, sometimes interpreted as an orthopedic problem . This sense of stiffness may be noted when a person is trying to get on his/her coat for example. A person may also experience a sense of slowness of one hand or a subtle decrease in dexterity of one hand. For example, it may be hard to manipulate a credit card out of a wallet or perform a fast, repetitive motor task such as whisking an egg. A person may notice that one arm does not swing when he/she walks or that one arm is noticeably less active than the other when performing tasks. Another motor sign may be a stoop with walking or a slowing down of walking. A family member may notice that the person blinks infrequently or has less expression in his/her face and voice.

These motor symptoms may be very subtle. Bottom line if you are concerned that you may have an early motor or non-motor symptom of Parkinsons disease, make an appointment with a neurologist for a neurologic exam to discuss your concerns.

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A Complete Guide To Frozen Shoulder Causes Diagnosis And Treatment

Have you experienced a condition where one day you are okay and the next day you wake up with unbearable shoulder pain the kind that doesnt let you breathe in peace? Chances are you are suffering from frozen shoulder, clinically called Adhesive Capsulitis


Frozen shoulder refers to stiffening of the shoulder when scar tissue forms around the joint capsule. This causes the capsule to thicken and tighten, therefore, resulting in loss of movement. These movements can be partially or completely restricted and are associated with varying levels of pain.

Frozen shoulder occurs slowly over time, and the actual cause of frozen shoulder is unknown. Some believe it is caused by inflammation of the joint lining or by autoimmune conditions, in which the bodys natural defense system mistakenly attacks itself. Other possible causes include:

1) Recent trauma or reaction due to an injury or surgery2) Immobilization of the arm, such as in a sling, after sustaining a stroke, fracture, or surgery3) A result of other painful shoulder conditions that may limit you from moving your arm






Frozen shoulder can be categorized into four different stages. Your physical therapist can determine which stage you are in and what treatments are appropriate.


Risk Factors For Developing Frozen Shoulder

Youre at greater risk of developing frozen shoulder if you have diabetes, or other diseases such as hypo- or hyperthyroidism, some cardiac diseases, and Parkinsons disease.

Frozen shoulder sometimes develops following a period of immobilization, such as after surgery or a fracture. This is why participating in physical therapy as soon as possible following an injury or surgery is a critical part of your rehabilitation.

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What Are The Treatments For Frozen Shoulder

Treatment usually involves pain relief methods until the initial phase passes. If the problem persists, therapy and surgery may be needed to regain motion if it doesnt return on its own.

Some simple treatments include:

  • Hot and cold compresses. These help reduce pain and swelling.
  • Medicines that reduce pain and swelling. These include nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs , such as ibuprofen , and acetaminophen . Other painkiller/anti-inflammatory drugs may be prescribed by your doctor. More severe pain and swelling may be managed by steroid injections. A corticosteroid, such as cortisone, is injected directly into the shoulder joint.
  • Physical therapy. Stretching and range of motion exercises taught by a physical therapist.
  • Home exercise program. Continue exercise program at home.
  • Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation . Use of a small battery-operated device that reduces pain by blocking nerve impulses.

If these simple treatments have not relieved pain and shoulder stiffness after about a year trial, other procedures may be tried. These include:

These two procedures are often used together to get better results.

What Is Frozen Shoulder Syndrome

Shoulder Shrug Sign | Frozen Shoulder & Osteoarthritis

Frozen shoulder syndrome, also known as adhesive capsulitis, is a condition that can create stiffness and pain in your shoulder. Your shoulder joint is encased in connective tissue that can thicken and tighten around the joint, resulting in discomfort.

While the cause isnt completely understood, doctors agree that it is commonly seen in people who have had to immobilize their shoulder for a long period of time. This leads to the original onset of pain, which eventually turns into excessive stiffness. As a result, your range of motion in the shoulder joint can become so limited that it feels as if your shoulder is frozen in place.

In extreme cases, patients cant move their shoulder at all. As time goes on, this lack of movement allows scar tissue to build up, further restricting range of motion.

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How To Prevent Frozen Shoulder

If youve recently found relief from frozen shoulder syndrome, you may be afraid of a recurrence. Youll find comfort in knowing that frozen shoulder rarely develops again in the same shoulder. However, some people do experience it in the opposite shoulder. Fortunately, there are things you can do to prevent this.

One of the most common contributors to frozen shoulder syndrome is a lack of mobility. This may occur while youre recovering from surgery or an injury, or perhaps youve suffered a heart attack or stroke. Whatever the case, its important to keep your body moving as much as possible, and under the care of your medical team.

Your doctor may recommend exercises, stretches, and other conditioning techniques to keep your shoulder strong while you are recovering. This can maintain your range of motion and prevent the buildup of scar tissue that could lead to another bout of frozen shoulder syndrome.

Working with a physical therapist can be helpful if youre concerned about maintaining a healthy exercise regimen that is still within your comfort level.

Do you believe you may be suffering from frozen shoulder symptoms? Contact our pain specialists at Arizona Pain. Our team will help you find the right treatment options for your shoulder pain.

Symptoms Of Frozen Shoulder

The hallmark of frozen shoulder is the pain and stiffness that affect mobility. With this condition, movement is exceedingly difficult or impossible.

Frozen shoulder only affects one shoulder. You will probably feel a dull or achy pain in the shoulder and the muscles that wrap around the top of your arm. You may also feel this pain in your upper arm. Many individuals report more intense pain at night, which can interfere with sleeping.

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What Are The Causes Of Frozen Shoulder

Frozen shoulder is caused by inflammation of the ligaments holding the shoulder bones to each other. The shoulder capsule becomes thick, tight, and the stiff bands of tissue called adhesions may develop. Individuals with shoulder injury, shoulder surgeries, shoulder immobilized for a long period of time, other disease conditions such as diabetes, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, Parkinson’s disease and cardiac diseases are at risk of developing frozen shoulder.

Further Studies Reveal Possible Connection

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For a later 2010 study, researchers examined the clinical records of 34 patients with malignant shoulder tumors and 505 patients with shoulder pain and stiffness. They found that among the 34 tumor patients, nine had been misdiagnosed initially with frozen shoulder syndrome. Another two also experienced shoulder pain and stiffness before their diagnosis of cancer.

Among the 505 patients with shoulder pain and stiffness, four were later diagnosed as having malignant tumors. One of those four had been initially misdiagnosed with frozen shoulder syndrome.

Altogether, in 10 of the patients, an initial misdiagnosis of frozen shoulder syndrome caused a significant delay in reaching the correct diagnosis and in administering treatment. The researchers suggested that doctors carefully re-examine frozen shoulder patients with imaging tests to check for cancer.

In a more recent 2017 study, researchers noted that frozen shoulder could be a complication or symptom of cancer. They examined data from more than 29,000 patients with frozen shoulder and observed 2,572 cases of cancer.

In this study, researchers identified other types of cancer besides shoulder tumors, including lung cancer, breast cancer, and non-Hodgkins lymphoma, showing that shoulder pain could be a symptom of these cancers as well. The researchers concluded that a frozen shoulder could be an early predictor for a subsequent cancer diagnosis.

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