Natural Parkinson’s Disease Treatment
Natural Parkinson’s Disease Treatment. Neurochemical imbalances in your brain and nervous system are causing your body to shake because of environmental toxins and low dopamine levels. There is a fragile balance between dopamine, acetylcholine, serotonin and GABA that need to kept in proper balance to have calm nerves and a clear brain. Mucuna Pruriens for Parkinson’s is a natural dopamine booster and neurotransmitter balancer. It works well with Organic CBD Oil, particularly Pure CBD Isolates.
Natural Remedies For Parkinsons Disease
By Lutgarda Mariano 9 am on February 19, 2021
Parkinsons disease primarily develops due to low dopamine levels. When dopamine-generating neurons in the brain die, the body is unable to produce enough of this essential neurotransmitter. Many Parkinsons treatments aim to boost dopamine levels, which can mitigate some of the symptoms. While there are plenty of prescription treatments to alleviate Parkinsons symptoms, some natural remedies are also available.
Foods High In Saturated Fat
Although the specific role of saturated fat in Parkinsons is still being studied, research suggests that a high dietary fat intake may increase your risk of this disease .
Generally speaking, diets high in saturated fat have been linked to chronic conditions like heart disease. As such, you may wish to keep these foods in moderation (
- palm oil
- some baked and fried foods
Conversely, a very small study notes that the keto diet which is high in fat is beneficial for some people with Parkinsons. However, a low fat diet also showed benefits. Overall, more research is needed .
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Complementary And Alternative Therapies
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People with chronic diseases like Parkinsons disease often turn to complementary and alternative medicine to help them manage their symptoms and improve their quality of life. However, doctors emphasize that PD should not be treated with alternative medicine alone.1
Used with traditional medicine, CAM may help relieve symptoms of PD. Some CAM approaches may interfere with drugs used to treat PD or cause severe side effects. People with PD should talk to their doctor about all therapies and practices they are using to manage their symptoms.1
How Might Massage Therapy Help
Research suggests that massage may help to reduce pain and anxiety and depression, although theres no conclusive evidence. Abdominal massage may also help with constipation.
Many people with Parkinsons and their carers have told us they find massage therapy useful as a way to relax and to have time to themselves.
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Eat Plenty Of Protein But Not With Levodopa Medications
If youre taking a levodopa medication, your doctor may tell you to avoid protein when taking your meds. Both animal and plant protein can interfere with the absorption of levodopa medications.
But you should still eat plenty of protein. Just be strategic with the timing. Dont take levodopa medications with meals, Dr. Gostkowski says. Its best to take it on an empty stomach either 30 minutes before your meal or an hour after eating.
If you get nauseous from the medication, eat a small amount of starchy food with it, such as crackers. Make sure whatever you eat with your medicine doesnt have protein. Its a misunderstanding that people with Parkinsons should avoid protein, Dr. Gostkowski says. You definitely need protein in your diet. Just dont eat it when youre taking your levodopa medication.
Prescription Parkinsons Disease Medications
Although there are general guidelines that physicians use to choose a Parkinsons disease treatment regimen, each person with Parkinsons disease should be evaluated individually to determine which drug or combination of medications is best for them. For some, a first choice drug might be one of the levodopa preparations, and for others, an initial prescription might be given for one of the agonists, an MAO inhibitor, or an anticholinergic.The choice of drugs for Parkinsons disease treatment depends on many variables, including present symptoms, other existing health problems , and age. Dosages vary widely depending on a persons needs and metabolism.Since most symptoms of Parkinsons disease are caused by a lack of dopamine in the brain, many PD medications aim to temporarily replenish dopamine or mimic the action of dopamine. These types of medications are called dopaminergic medications. They often help to reduce muscle stiffness, improve movement speed and coordination, and decrease tremors.
Always remember that medications are only part of your overall treatment plan for Parkinsons disease. Find out more about the available medications for Parkinsons disease treatment, but dont ignore diet, exercises, and complementary therapies.
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How Can I Know If An Alternative Treatment Is Safe And Effective
Alternative treatments can be helpful in some cases, yet some therapies can be ineffective, costly, and even dangerous. The best way to evaluate your options is to become educated. Ask yourself the following questions:
- What is the treatment?
- What are the side effects?
- Is it effective?
- How much does it cost?
Once you answer these questions, weigh your options and decide whether the benefits outweigh the risks.
If you do decide to try an alternative treatment, make sure your health is protected. Do not take the claim at face value: contact reliable organizations and discuss the therapy. Talk to others in a support group, your family and friends although they may not always be supportive, they can help you make an educated, objective decision.
Discuss the therapy with your doctor. Make sure your doctor knows what therapy you are considering so they can discuss possible interactions and/or side effects with your current treatments. They can also provide you with information on other patients who may have tried the same therapy.
Contact the Better Business Bureau and thoroughly research the background of the therapy provider. Determine how long they have been providing this therapy, what credentials they have, and what their philosophy of treatment is. Avoid therapy providers who refuse or are reluctant to work with your doctor. Be sure that the provider is willing to refer patients to a conventional doctor when necessary.
I Wanted Better Than This
Although I was getting worse very slowly I was still noticing it.
That shaking of the hands was very real.
Slowness in my movements had gradually become more noticeable.
And I was developing other classic symptoms.
Sleep problems.
Low moods and anxiety.
My sense of smell started to weaken.
Failure to recall how Id spent yesterday complete loss of recall about my own wedding recognizing faces but not remembering names
We joke about these things and put them down to age.
But when theres a diagnosed condition that is actively robbing you of physical and mental abilities thats no joke at all.
I knew this condition led to physical disability.
I also knew it led to mental disability.
I was scared, to be honest.
Scared to be a burden. Scared to lose my ability to control my own body.
Scared to watch my life deteriorating before my eyes.
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Mindful And Creative Therapies
Creative pursuits, such as singing, and relaxation techniques, such as meditation, can add continued life enjoyment while also helping to ease symptoms or anxiety. A lot of times people have a soft voice or it can be hard for them to vocalize loudly, Stone said. So choir and music can be really helpful. Mindfulness and meditation or prayer, any of that is really good as well.
Stone said the last 100 years have brought about incredible scientific breakthroughs, but treating any disease is about more than just medical therapies. You need more tools than just a pill, she said. You need social connection, physical movement, a nutrient-rich diet and healthy rhythms of life, which together with medication, can increase well-being.
Are There Any Other Benefits Of Mp
There is some research in animal and cell models that MP may contain other ingredients besides levodopa which have anti-oxidant properties or other neuroprotective effects. More research is necessary to determine if this is clinically meaningful for people with PD.
It must be noted that there are parts of the world in which carbidopa/levodopa tablets are not available or are unaffordable. In these areas, increasing access to levodopa from plant sources may be very beneficial for the PD population.
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Eating When Youre Tired
If you donât have energy for meals later in the day, you can:
Pick foods that are easy to fix, and save your energy for eating. If you live with your family, let them help you make your meal.
Look into a delivery service. Some grocery stores have them. Or you can check if you might be able to get food delivered from your local Meals on Wheels program for free or for a small fee.
Keep healthy snack foods on hand, like fresh fruit and vegetables or high-fiber cold cereals.
Freeze extra portions of what you cook so you have a quick meal when you feel worn out.
Rest before you eat so you can enjoy your meal. And eat your biggest meal early in the day to fuel yourself for later.
The Stages Of Parkinsons
- Stage 1: The tremor may be mild, and its symptoms do not affect daily activities.
- Stage 2: Moderate symptoms that begin to affect both sides of the body, but living independently is still possible.
- Stage 3: This is the stage where the symptoms typically become severe. The symptoms increase and significantly affect daily activities. Movement restrictions and falls tend to increase at this stage.
- Stage 4: The noticeable symptoms have become severe at this stage, but you may still be able to stand on your own. Living alone might be a challenging task because of falls and movement restrictions.
- Stage 5: Severe symptoms may indicate that you cannot move without assistance. This is the stage where you experience severe dementia or hallucination.
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Stretch Those Stiff Muscles
Stretching stiff muscles is one of the ways by which Parkinsons disease can be gotten rid of. It helps to relieve movement difficulties like walking. It also helps to improve balance and posture. You should ensure you stretch your body about three to four times a week. You can do ten minutes each day, but you can also rest in between those times. Ensure that you are breathing in and out during this period.
Does Diet Impact Parkinsons Disease
- Decrease toxin exposure. Choose organic produce, drink filtered water, and load up on fiber to ensure regular bowel movements.
- Drink more green tea. New research found that naturally occurring chemicals in green tea actually protect dopamine neurons affected by Parkinsons.
- Cut back on carbohydrates. Its also smart to limit dairy and refined or processed meats and grains, which increase inflammation .
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Natural Treatment For Parkinsons #1 Cannabis/medicalmarijuana:
Cannabis, aka medical marijuana, is an incredibletreatment for Parkinsons disease. You can have a Parkinsons patient shakingviolently and uncontrollably, and yet within 30-40 minutes of self-administering with some cannabis, their symptoms will almost completely disappear. Watch this short 2minute video from Parkinsons sufferer, Ian Frizell, who shows you what he waslike before self-medicating with cannabis and then again after. The change is truly astonishing!
Taylor French is another Parkinsons patient thatundergoes a remarkable transformation once he ingests what he calls nutritional vegetable extract . This guy has an advanced form ofParkinsons and is normally confined to a wheelchair with limited use of hisbody due to stiff and rigid muscles . But after ingestingsome cannabis hes able to walk, and incredibly, in his video he even getsinto his car and drives off down the road!
You can view it here
Elyse Del Francia also tells the story of her Parkinsonssuffering husband, and the time she decided to smother his morning pancakes withsome canabutter. She said
Within45 minutes of eating a pancake with marijuana on it, he stopped shaking. Thatwas my lightbulb moment. Thats when I knew that I was onto something thatwould relieve his pain and suffering, because its horrible, horrible, to haveParkinsons Disease and not have any relief. I feel that this is something thathelps so many people in so many ways with pain and suffering. 5
Complementary Therapies For Parkinson’s Disease
During the pandemic, movement disorders specialist Britt Stone, MD, trained in integrative medicine, the practice of integrating traditional remedies and modern medicine in treatment of the whole person . In this episode of Dr. Gilbert Hosts, she speaks for about 20-minutes about complementary therapies to relieve symptoms of stress, anxiety, pain, stiffness, insomnia, nausea, bloating, and memory, before answering questions for another 20-minutes.
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Ginseng And Ginko Biloba
Ginseng is a plant substance which has been used in Eastern countries for centuries and is proposed to have anti-inflammatory properties, improve fatigue, and improve cognition. Extract from the Ginko tree or Ginko Biloba, have similarly been used for centuries in countries like China and Korea. In addition to containing anti-inflammatory flavanoids and terpinoids, Ginko extract is thought to exhibit important effects on multiple neurotransmitter pathways including acting as an MAO-Inhibitor , and inhibiting reuptake of serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine. While neuroprotective effects of these substances have been demonstrated in PD rat models, there are no randomized controlled clinical trials in humans using either ginko or ginseng in this population to guide recommendations.
Natural Treatment For Parkinsons #3 Turmeric And Otherherbs And Spices:
A recent study published in the journal Stem Cell Research & Therapy, foundthat the extracts in turmeric, particularly curcumin and the newly discovered Ar-turmerone,can regenerate a damaged brain and reverse neurological disorders. Researchers said Ar-turmerone is a promising candidate to supportregeneration in neurologic disease. Michigan State University researcherBasir Ahmad also found that a compound in turmeric may help fight Parkinsonsdisease by disrupting the proteins responsible for the disease.
Another study published in the Pharmacognosy Magazine found that tumeric can prevent and evenreverse the toxic effects exerted on the brain from fluoride exposure. Fluorideis a nasty and dangerous heavy metal that destroys brain cells and the intricateworkings of the central nervous system. Fluoride poisoning has also beenimplicated in the development of neurological diseases such as Alzheimers,Parkinsons, ALS and multiple sclerosis. 7
Turmeric is also a very potent anti-inflammatory spice. Because Parkinsons is aninflammation type disease, turmeric will help immensely. A heaped teaspoon ofhigh quality turmeric powder taken 3 times daily in asmoothie will do the trick. Just make sure you combine it with 10-12 blackpeppercorns for enhanced absorption Turmeric is also fat soluble so youll need tocombine it with some coconut oil, red palm oil or fish/krill oil as well.
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Alternative Therapies For Parkinsons Disease
Parkinsons disease is a brain disorder that affects more than 10 million people around the world. The disease symptoms appear when the brain lost a special group of cells called dopaminergic neurons. These cells produce dopamine, which is a neurotransmitter responsible for movement. The typical symptoms of the disease include tremor, slowness of movement, rigidity, and abnormal gait.
A growing number of alternative therapies have been reported for treating Parkinsons disease symptoms. Claims about the efficacy of these therapies are largely based on personal experience and a rather a small body of scientific research. Some of these emerging alternative therapies are the following.
Translingual Neurostimulation And Galvanic Vestibular Stimulation
There has been a growing body of evidence supporting the role of TLNS as a helpful therapeutic tool in neurorehabilitation. Research using the Portable Neuromodulation Stimulator , a relatively low-cost and portable form of TLNS, has generated a variety of positive results when combined with physical therapy in regards to gait, balance, and strength training, in the rehabilitation of those with various neurological diseases or traumatic brain injuries.
GVS systems have been shown to emulate the frequency characteristics of the vestibular system. Activating deep neural structures, such as the pedunculopontine nucleus , may affect postural stability. In Parkinsons disease, GVS has been demonstrated to alter connectivity between the PPN and surrounding structures related to balance, with promising results.
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Thankfully None Of This Is Going To Happen
Which is what I want to tell you about now. So let me start by reassuring you of this:
I feel fine. Absolutely fine.
In some ways, Im happier and more positive than I was before I got that initial shocking diagnosis.
My hands no longer shake. I sleep like a lamb. And I recall all the important details about my life or what I did this morning! with ease.
Second, theres a reason I feel this way. And its to do with how Ive actively worked on my condition.
Are Complementary Therapies Beneficial
Theres no simple answer to this. There are so many types of therapy that its impossible to generalise.
Theres evidence of the beneficial effect of some complementary therapies . For other therapies, there is no research to prove it has any benefits for people with Parkinsons. But we hear from many people affected who feel it helps them.
It will also depend on what you expect from complementary therapies. For example, you may feel a particular therapy is not having a positive effect on your Parkinsons symptoms, but you may enjoy the experience. For you, this might be enough of a reason to continue.
Weve included comments from people affected by Parkinsons who have tried some of the therapies. We hope this will give you a better idea of what people are trying and how they found it. But remember that everyone will have a different experience.
Please remember these are peoples personal opinions Parkinsons UK doesnt endorse any particular therapy.
People may use complementary therapies alongside prescribed medication for many reasons, for example:
- Conventional medicine might not always control someones symptoms.
- Complementary therapy is a way of taking control of your own health.
- Group therapy can be an opportunity to socialise. Equally, complementary therapies can be a time to enjoy your own company.
- Complementary therapies can be relaxing.
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