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HomeFactsDiet Parkinson's Disease Treatment

Diet Parkinson’s Disease Treatment

Try These Healthy Swaps

Parkinson’s Disease Symptoms, Treatment, Nursing Care, Pathophysiology NCLEX Review

To put the research into practice, focus on replacing some of the foods in your diet with healthier alternatives.

  • Instead of cows milk, try calcium-fortified soy milk.
  • Swap processed snack foods for nuts.
  • If you drink alcohol, have one to two glasses of red wine instead of other alcoholic beverages.
  • Buy seafood and tofu instead of red meat or poultry.
  • Instead of refined carbohydrates and sugar, go for high-fiber whole grains or naturally sweet berries.
  • Ditch saturated fats like butter and lard in favor of unsaturated fats like olive oil.

Foods To Eat With Parkinsons Disease

Research suggests that fruits, vegetables, and seafood can provide many of the nutrients needed to slow aging and neurological degeneration associated with Parkinsons. Eat the rainbow by including a variety of vibrant plant foods dark leafy greens, pumpkin, berries, mangos, broccoli, and more. This will help ensure that you get lots of phytonutrients in your diet. Incorporating antioxidants is important because these nutrients help prevent damage to cells that make dopamine, the brain chemical primarily involved in Parkinsons development.

Nutrient-dense fruits and vegetables are also high in fiber to help prevent constipation, a common symptom of Parkinsons.

In addition to fruits and vegetables, foods that may also be neuroprotective include:

  • Soy

To avoid weight gain, choose less energy-dense foods, including:

Its possible to find nutritious options on either end of the calorie spectrum if you choose whole foods that are naturally high in vitamins and minerals. Have fun with different preparation methods, such as grilling, making stir-fries, or adding ingredients to the blender for smoothies and pureed soups.

Who Can Give Me Advice On Diet And Eating Problems

Depending on the country you live in your doctor may be able to refer you to any of the following specialists to give advice on diet or eating problems.

  • A dietitian can provide advice on all aspects of nutrition and diet. They will advise on maintaining a healthy diet to suit your needs and symptoms, bearing in mind the medications you take
  • A speech and languagetherapist will be able to help you with swallowing problems and strategies to overcome these, as well as speech difficulties. They can also help eliminate any other possible causes of swallowing problems
  • An occupational therapist will be able to look at ideas and equipment to make food preparation and mealtimes easier .Simple changes to your kitchen and dining area can make all the difference, for example:
  • adding grab rails to help you move around safely
  • moving the position of equipment so that food preparation tools are grouped together so you dont need to move around as much
  • buying a blender, microwave or small chopper, for example, to ease preparation and reduce the amount of time spent manually preparing food.

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What We Know About Avoiding Particular Foods & Supplements For Parkinsons

A frequently suggested blog topic is the role of nutrition foods and supplements in the management of Parkinsons disease . . For a general overview of nutritional tips for someone with PD, I encourage you to view an excellent APDA webinar, Living Well Every Day, archived on our website. The webinar presents strategies, based on firm scientific evidence, that help support a healthy lifestyle for people with PD.

Foods To Treat Health Issues That Parkinsons Creates

Keto Diet for Parkinson

There are some common health issues that Parkinsons sufferers experience, such as constipation. Parkinsons can cause deterioration of the nerves in the GI tract, causing stools to move slowly, resulting in constipation. Boosting water and fiber intake is therefore important to keep one regular. Great fiber sources include fruits, vegetables, and cereals. Here are other health problems that could be experienced, and how to deal with them:

Diet always plays an important role in the management of disease, including Parkinsons. By following a healthy eating plan, being mindful of medications, and choosing foods that fight symptoms, people with Parkinsons can better manage the disease and maintain a higher quality of life.

At Saint Simeons, we are proud to be the first senior community in Oklahoma to offer Parkinsons care. Our dining services, provided by Morrison Community Living, is happy to provide dietary options that are conducive to helping our Residents better manage Parkinsons disease.

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The Results: Is Keto More Effective For Parkinsons Disease Treatment

As a result of the 8-week dietary protocols, both diets were found to be safe, and both groups experienced significant improvements in motor and nonmotor symptoms. This is great news for any patient who is struggling with Parkinsons disease.

The most promising results, however, are found when we examine the statistical variations between each group.

The most striking difference was that the keto diet group showed substantially better improvements in the nonmotor symptoms of Parkinsons disease . Every single patient who completed the 8-week keto diet protocol experienced equally significant benefits.

More specifically, the symptoms that improved most after keto dieting were urinary problems, pain and other unpleasant sensations, fatigue, daytime sleepiness, and cognitive impairment. These findings are particularly profound because nonmotor symptoms ultimately represent the most disabling aspect of Parkinsons disease.

Furthermore, these specific symptoms are among those least responsive to ldopa . Altogether, this indicates the combining keto with drug therapy can help treat Parkinsons disease and its symptoms from multiple angles.

Another important finding from this study is that the keto diet provoked an intermittent exacerbation of the Parkinsons disease tremor and/or rigidity in some patients, which resulted in 2 subjects dropping out of the study after week 1. This adverse effect, however, was improved or resolved in many patients in weeks 5 to 8.

A Complete Parkinsons Diet Guide

When living with Parkinsons, diet can help you stay healthy and may help with some of the symptoms. Eating a healthy diet will lead you to not only feel better but will also lead to more likely living a longer and more full life.

Before we get started it is important to say that the only evidence-based diets that are shown to be good for Parkinsons are general healthy diets that work for everyone regardless of Parkinsons. The Mediterranean diet is one of the healthiest diets out there, which is why we recommend it to those with Parkinsons.

So, with that said here are some tips and foods you should consider including in your diet if you have Parkinsons.

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Fad Diets To Avoid Or Be Skeptical Of:

There are many fad diets out there that someone with Parkinsons should be skeptical of such as the Caveman diet, Carnivore diet, Whole30 diet and many more. While these new diets claim to be the best thing since sliced bread many of them are unsustainable and not healthy for you in the long run.

Something else to watch out for are diets specific for Parkinsons. Thats right, you are reading a Parkinsons diet blog warning you of the dangers of Parkinsons specific diets. We do this because there is a lot of small studies out their claiming a specific food or nutrient will help with your Parkinsons while the truth is there really isnt any strong evidence for any of it. Worse yet, some of these foods or nutrients when taken in excess quantities can do more harm than good. The only real evidence-based diets that are shown to be good for Parkinsons are general healthy diets that work for everyone regardless of Parkinsons. The Mediterranean diet is one of the healthiest diets out there, which is why we recommend it to those with Parkinsons.

*In the past this blog has recommended specific healthy nutrients or foods for Parkinsons, we have since updated the blog to better reflect scientific consensus

Dash Diet Can Maximize Potential Of Medications Prevent Hospitalization Improve Overall Well

Parkinson’s disease Treatment in Ayurveda – Causes, Symptoms & Diet

The DASH diet is a top anti-aging diet providing benefits for adults who are trying to control blood pressure, prevent diabetes and cognitive decline, and increase health and longevity.

A balanced diet is important for all adults, but even more so for persons living with Parkinsons Disease. The benefits of this type of diet include increased energy, maximizing the potential of medications, preventing hospitalization and promoting overall well-being.

The DASH diet , along with its cousin the Mediterranean diet, aids in preventing symptoms common to individuals with PD such as high blood pressure and fluid retention, and helps to slow the progression of neural cell damage.

The National Parkinsons Foundation recommends a diet comprised of foods that are antioxidant, neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory, and that increase serum urate.

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Food Water & Supplements: Does Nutrition Play A Role In Pd Symptoms Or Progression

In this 1-hour webinar Dr. Laurie Mischley describes diets associated with the risk of developing PD and evidence nutrition plays a role after diagnosis. The risks and benefits of popular diets are reviewed as well as obstacles to eating . Convenient, cost-effective, healthy dietary suggestions are provided. Calorie restriction, intermittent fasting, and the role of dietary supplements are discussed.

Food For Thought: Diet & Nutrition In Pd

In this 49-minute talk by Dr. Laurie Mischley focuses on quality nutrition for those with Parkinsons disease. Dr. Mischleys explains why and how she studies the nutritional requirements for those with neurodegenerative disorders. What foods and supplements you should eat to delay the onset of PD, improve PD symptoms, and slow the progression of PD are shared throughout. The impacts of daylight, loneliness, sleep, excessive weight, exercise , mindfulness and balance exercises on symptoms and disease progression are also outlined.

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When You Have No Appetite

Some days, you just may not feel like eating at all.

Talk to your doctor. Sometimes, depression can cause poor appetite. Your hunger likely will return when you get treatment.

Walk or do another light activity to rev up your appetite.

Drink beverages after youâve finished eating so you donât feel full before the meal.

Include your favorite foods in your menu. Eat the high-calorie foods on your plate first. But avoid empty calories from sugary sodas, candies, and chips.

Perk up your meals by trying different dishes and ingredients.

Choose high-protein and high-calorie snacks, including:

  • Ice cream
  • Cereal with half and half
  • Greek yogurt

Nlrp3 Inflammasome Activation Mechanism


There is a substantial amount of data demonstrating the importance of the NLRP3 inflammasome in PD. Recent post mortem studies in PD patients show that the NLRP3 inflammasome is significantly upregulated in the SN of PD patients . This upregulation in NLRP3 was also observed in mouse models of PD and AD and it appears to be important in disease pathogenesis. Specifically, inhibition of NLRP3 protects against neurodegeneration in all rodent models of PD tested including injection of pre-formed -Syn fibrils , rotenone, and MPTP models . Similarly, knocking out NLRP3 in an AD animal model protects mice from developing AD-like behavior and brain pathology . Thus, activated NLRP3 inflammasome appears to be a key driver of neuroinflammation in PD . In addition, NLRP3 levels also appear to increase with other factors such as age and consumption of a Western diet, it could be that the increase in NLRP3/IL-1b reduces the resiliency of the brain to respond to a secondary insult such as gut-derived endotoxemia from microbiota dysbiosis and/or intestinal barrier dysfunction .

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Tips For Getting Started

  • Changing your diet can be difficult. Try making one change at a time, like eating a handful of nuts a few times a week or avoiding white bread. Small changes can add up to big benefits.
  • Consult with a registered dietician, who can help you plan menus and make shopping lists for preparing nutritious meals that you like and that account for your individual needs and the timing of your medications.
  • Consult with an occupational therapist about assistive devices, including some mentioned above, to make eating and drinking easier.
  • If you experience anxiety or depression, talk to your doctor. These symptoms can suppress appetite.
  • If swallowing issues are causing problems eating , a speech-language pathologist may be able to help.

Avoid Protein When Taking Levodopa

Levodopa is the most common drug for Parkinsons disease. Its essentially a protein that gets transferred into dopamine in the body. Dopamine is a brain chemical thats not at sufficient levels in the brains of people with Parkinsons. More dopamine can decrease symptoms of the disease. However, since Levodopa is a protein, patients should avoid eating too much protein in their food as this can prevent the drugs absorption.

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Managing Medication Side Effects

  • Drink lots of water to avoid dehydration-induced headaches and muscle tension.
  • Drink green tea, bone broth, or ginger tea to boost your immune system.


  • Drink alcohol or coffee or any other caffeinated beverages to avoid having sleep issues.

Knowing what to eat and what to avoid can help you manage the symptoms of Parkinsons disease. Follow these tips to relieve symptoms and have a better quality of life.

Consult your doctor to know what other foods you can consume to help you manage Parkinsons.

Engage with the community by asking a question, telling your story, or participating in a forum.

Mediterranean Diet As A Treatment

Parkinson’s Disease Treatment Guide Books – Dr. Eric Ahlskog

The main components of the Mediterranean diet include: daily consumption of vegetables, fruits, nuts, whole grains, and healthy fats weekly consumption of fish, poultry, beans, and eggs moderate consumption of dairy products and limited intake of red meat . Adherence to the MedD is associated with decreased risk of PD . One of the most dramatic differences between the traditional Western diet and the MedD is dietary fiber intake. Consumption of dietary fiber is typically very low in Western societies, but high in those who consume a Mediterranean diet . It makes sense then that the Mediterranean diet-associated microbiome is characterized by a high relative abundance of bacteria that can utilize fiber as an energy source such as SCFA-producing bacteria . Indeed, microbiota communities from subjects consuming a Mediterranean diet are enriched in SCFA-producing bacteria . Fiber can also be administered experimentally to alter the microbiota structure and function including an increase in the relative abundance of fiber-fermenting bacteria as well as increased production of SCFA .

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How Does Parkinsons Disease Change The Way You Eat

If youve been diagnosed with Parkinsons disease, you may have noticed some changes in your appetite and eating habits, says Dr. Subramanian.

For example, some of your prescription medications may work best on an empty stomach, but they may also cause nausea in some people when taken without food.

We advise people to take their medication about an hour before meals, if possible, to avoid any protein interaction, Subramanian says. Eating protein-rich foods like meat, fish, eggs, dairy products, nuts, and beans too close to the time you take medications can interfere with how the body processes some medications prescribed to treat Parkinsons disease, which may cause them to work less quickly or less effectively.

If you experience nausea after taking your medication on an empty stomach, your doctor may recommend eating a small, light snack like crackers or applesauce before taking your pills.

Subramanian also notes that loss of appetite and subsequent weight loss are a major concern for people with Parkinsons disease. This may be caused by symptoms such as difficulty swallowing, decreased ability to taste or smell, nausea side effects from medications, or movement problems that make it difficult to eat.

To address these issues, the Parkinsons Foundation recommends:

Nutritional Factors In Treatment

The most immediate nutritional concerns in Parkinsons disease treatment include changes in the absorption rate, blood levels, and CNS uptake of L-dopa. The protein content of meals, and particularly the distribution of protein intake throughout the day, has emerged as an important consideration in the effectiveness of L-dopa for many patients. Improvement in clinical response varies from 30% with protein redistribution to 82% with low-protein diets.,,

There are eight levels:

  • Level 6: Easy to chew
  • Level 5: Soft and bit-sized
  • Level 4: Extremely thick/pureed

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Other Ways To Improve Parkinsons Disease

As of now, the most promising research for reducing symptoms and improving the quality of life of Parkinsons patients is on ketones, the ketogenic diet, and specific medications nothing else. There are, however, some other simple strategies you can use to make life easier if you are struggling with Parkinsons disease:

Impact Of Diet On Parkinsons Medications


Taking certain foods may interfere with the efficacy of drugs used in Parkinsons disease. This is especially true for high-protein foods. Their consumption may affect the bodys ability to absorb levodopa, which is the most prescribed drug in Parkinsons disease. Its therefore good to take levodopa 30-60 minutes before eating the high-protein foods.

However, for some patients it causes nausea, and taking levodopa on an empty stomach might not be a good idea. In that case, taking levodopa with a small snack can enhance the absorption of the drug in the blood.

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Eat Plenty Of Protein But Not With Levodopa Medications

If youre taking a levodopa medication, your doctor may tell you to avoid protein when taking your meds. Both animal and plant protein can interfere with the absorption of levodopa medications.

But you should still eat plenty of protein. Just be strategic with the timing. Dont take levodopa medications with meals, Dr. Gostkowski says. Its best to take it on an empty stomach either 30 minutes before your meal or an hour after eating.

If you get nauseous from the medication, eat a small amount of starchy food with it, such as crackers. Make sure whatever you eat with your medicine doesnt have protein. Its a misunderstanding that people with Parkinsons should avoid protein, Dr. Gostkowski says. You definitely need protein in your diet. Just dont eat it when youre taking your levodopa medication.


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