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Wednesday, September 18, 2024
HomeMust ReadAshwagandha And Parkinson's Disease

Ashwagandha And Parkinson’s Disease

A Question About Ashwagandha

Ayurvedic (Indian Herbal Medicine) Management of Parkinson’s Disease

I was looking up this herb for interactions on the pharmacuetical database I subscribe to and read the following. I am concerned about any herb that could suppress dopamine, does the statement below mean that dopamine is also reduced which is not good effect for PD? I know many folks with and without PD taking this herb for anxiety, stress etc.

Anti-stress effects: Some researchers think ashwagandha has a so-called “anti-stressor” effect . Preliminary research suggests ashwagandha suppresses stress-induced increases of dopamine receptors in the corpus striatum of the brain . It also appears to reduce stress-induced increases of plasma corticosterone, blood urea nitrogen, and blood lactic acid .

This may be the mechanism that calms.

Anxiolytic effects: Ashwagandha seems to have anxiolytic effects in laboratory research , possibly by acting as a gamma-aminobutyric acid mimetic agent . Animal studies have demonstrated that ashwagandha can enhance serotonergic transmission through modulation of the postsynaptic serotonin receptors .


As I under stand stress is one of the causes of PD. And “Studies show ashwagandha can slow, stop, and possibly reverse certain types of nerve cell damage. Thats what leads to diseases like Alzheimers, Parkinsons, and Huntingtons. Still, almost all of the studies on ashwagandha and nerve cell damage in the brain have been done on animals or animal cells.…

Aids In Erectile Dysfunction

There is some evidence that Ashwagandha might aid with erectile dysfunction. However, there are few studies on the subject. To back up this argument, more research is needed.

Erectile Dysfunction could be caused by a variety of factors, including stress and worry. Because of its involvement in controlling cortisol levels, ashwagandha might help you relax.

Studies Suggest Potent Anti

In addition to ashwagandhas documented neuroprotective effects, exciting recent evidence suggests that it also has the potential to stop cancer cells in their tracks. For example, a recent analysis showed that ashwagandha extract inhibited the growth of human breast, lung, and colon cancer cell lines in the laboratory. This inhibition was comparable to that achieved with the common cancer chemotherapy drug doxorubicin . In fact, researchers reported that withaferin A, a specific compound extracted from ashwagandha, was more effective than doxorubicin in inhibiting breast and colon cancer cell growth.11,14

Scientists in India recently conducted cell studies showing that ashwagandha extract disrupts cancer cells ability to reproducea key step in fighting cancer. Additionally, laboratory analysis indicates that ashwagandha extract possesses anti-angiogenic activity, also known as the ability to prevent cancer from forming new blood vessels to support its unbridled growth. These findings lend further support to ashwagandhas potential role in fighting cancer.15 Based on these studies, research in this area continues.

A recent experiment demonstrated that ashwagandha extract produced a marked increase in life span and a decrease in tumor weight in animals with experimentally induced cancer of the lymphatic system.18 This is an exciting finding, suggesting that ashwagandha could enhance survival in individuals with cancer.

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Increases Strength And Muscle Mass

Supplementing with ashwagandha has also been linked to an increase in muscular strength and growth.

One clinical research having males with minimal experience in resistance training found that taking ashwagandha regularly for 10 weeks paired with resistance training resulted in a substantial gain in muscular strength and mass.

In addition, individuals had a lower body fat percentage, less exercise-induced muscle damage, and higher testosterone levels.

Classical Uses Of Ashwagandha

You should have ashwagandha for Alzheimer

Ayurveda, the traditional system of medicine practiced in India can be traced back to 6000 BC . For most of these 6000 years Ashwagandha has been used as a Rasayana. The root of Ashwagandha is regarded as tonic, aphrodisiac, narcotic, diuretic, anthelmintic, astringent, thermogenic and stimulant. The root smells like horse , that is why it is called Ashwagandha . It is commonly used in emaciation of children , debility from old age, rheumatism, vitiated conditions of vata, leucoderma, constipation, insomnia, nervous breakdown, goiter etc. . The paste formed when roots are crushed with water is applied to reduce the inflammation at the joints . It is also locally applied in carbuncles, ulcers and painful swellings . The root in combination with other drugs is prescribed for snake venom as well as in scorpion-sting. It also helps in leucorrhoea, boils, pimples, flatulent colic, worms and piles . The Nagori Ashwagandha is the supreme among all Ashwagandha varieties. Maximum benefit appears when fresh Ashwagandha powder is used .

The leaves are bitter and are recommended in fever, painful swellings. The flowers are astringent, depurative, diuretic and aphrodisiac. The seeds are anthelmintic and combined with astringent and rock salt remove white spots from the cornea. Ashwagandharishta prepared from it is used in hysteria, anxiety, memory loss, syncope, etc. It also acts as a stimulant and increases the sperm count .

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Science Sunday: Ashwagandha And Parkinsons

Live neither in the past nor in the future, but let each day absorb all your interest, energy and enthusiasm. The best preparation for tomorrow is to live today superbly well. William Osler

It is more important to know what sort of person has a disease than to know what sort of disease a person has. Hippocrates

Background: Ayurveda medicine started in India and other south Asian countries over 3,000 years ago. Ayurveda is from the Sanskrit words ayur and veda . Other sources reveal that Ayurveda translates as the scripture for longevity. Ayurveda is a holistic form of medicine using therapies typically derived from natural substances combined with mind-body work that includes treatment strategies like yoga and meditation. The ultimate goal of Ayurveda medicine is to promote or correct an imbalance between the body, mind, spirit, and the environment. This blog post concerns a single herb known as Ashwagandha and its overall physiological effects, primarily focused on the brain and central nervous system.

Look to the nervous system as the key to maximum health. Galen

The art of healing comes from nature and not from the physician. Therefore, the physician must start from nature with an open mind. Paracelsus

All that man needs for health and healing has been provided by God in nature, the challenge of science is to find it. Philippus Theophrastrus Bombast that of Aureolus Paracelsus

*I take 1 capsule per day of the following Ashwagandha product from .

Clears Protein Clumps In The Brain

The accumulation of beta-amyloid proteins in the brain depends on the passage of the protein across the blood-brain barrier a membrane that separates blood from the cerebrospinal fluid. This passage is again controlled by the amount of another protein a soluble LDL receptor related protein in the BBB cell surface. sLRP binds with 7090% of beta-amyloid in blood plasma and keeps it from entering the brain. LRP in the liver, on the other hand, removes beta-amyloid from plasma.14

Ashwagandha increases the number of a certain type of protein that helps clear out beta-amyloid proteins from the brain. This can even reverse the symptoms of Alzheimers.

In AD patients, however, both the level of sLRP and the level of binding are low, leading to the buildup of amyloid plaque. Ashwagandha increases the LRP in the liver, which helps clear beta-amyloid proteins from the brain. This even reverses the behavior-related symptoms of Alzheimers.1516

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Effect On Energy Levels And Mitochondrial Health:

The effect of Ashwagandha on glycosaminoglycan synthesis in the granulation tissue of carrageenin-induced air pouch granuloma was studied. Ashwagandha is shown to exert significant inhibitory effect on incorporation of ribosome -35S into the granulation tissue. The uncoupling effect on oxidative phosphorylation was also observed in the mitochondria of granulation tissue. Further, Mg2+ dependent ATPase activity was found to be influenced by Ashwagandha. Ashwagandha also reduced the succinate dehydrogenase enzyme activity in the mitochondria of granulation tissue .

Ashwagandha Both Prevents And Cures Nerve Damage

Parkinson’s Disease – Effective Natural Treatment | Ayurveda | Nutrition

Neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinsons and Alzheimers are a result of damage and death of cells in the brain, typically caused by oxidative stress and inflammation. Ashwagandha, with its potent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and nerve-protecting properties, not only helps prevent such damage but also repairs, recovers and heals nerve cells, if damage has already occurred. This makes it a wonderful option to include, either on its own, or as a complementary medicine, in the treatment of often difficult-to-treat diseases of the brain such as Parkinsons and Alzheimers.


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Powerful Protective Effects On The Nervous System

Stress, environmental toxins, and poor nutrition all have a detrimental impact on our nervous systems.

Scientific studies support ashwagandhas ability not only to relieve stress, but also to protect brain cells against the deleterious effects of our modern lifestyles.

For example, in validated models of anxiety and depression, ashwagandha has been demonstrated to be as effective as some tranquilizers and antidepressant drugs. Specifically, oral administration of ashwagandha for five days suggested anxiety-relieving effects similar to those achieved by the anti-anxiety drug lorazepam , and antidepressant effects similar to those of the prescription antidepressant drug imipramine .1

Stress can cause increased peroxidation of lipids, while decreasing levels of the antioxidant enzymes catalase and glutathione peroxidase. When ashwagandha extract was administered by re-searchers one hour before a daily stress-inducing procedure, all of the aforementioned parameters of free radical damage normalized in a dose-dependent manner.2 Premature aging associated with chronic nervous tension may be related to increased oxidative stress, which is abolished by the potent antioxidant properties of ashwagandha extract. Researchers believe this finding supports the clinical use of ashwagandha as an anti-stress agent.

Ashwagandha: Uses Benefits Dosage And Why Is It Necessary For You

Louise Rodriguez

Louise Rodriguez is a full-time health and fitness writer. She considers herself a gym rat and takes pride in showing her biceps. She dedicates most of her time to her health. With the time left, she spreads information regarding health and fitness among the masses. Harry Potter is her first love.

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Dr. Evan Leonard

Evan is a Doctor of Medical Science, Clinical Anatomist, and Certified Physician Assistant. He is origninaly from Tampa, Florida and has served in several academic consulting roles and possesses an advanced knowledge of Pediatric cardiology, infectious disease, endocrinology, neurology, and nephrology. Given his impressive contributions to the medical field, Dr. Evan Leonard was awarded the Decorated Affiliate of the American Health Council Award: Best PA in Medicine in 2018, followed by the Continental Whos Who: Pinnacle Professional Award in 2019.

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Ashwagandha is a shrub that has been utilized in Ayurvedic medicine for ages. It is an adaptogen, which means it might help your body cope with both physical issues and mental stress.

Many of the benefits found in this plant are derived from powerful chemicals known as withanolides.

Ashwagandha is well known for its stress-relieving properties, but its ability to lower cortisol levels might also improve different body systems, such as testosterone and muscle mass.

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Ii Effect On Cortisol And Ascorbic Acid Contents Of Adrenals

The cortisol content of adrenals was reduced significantly in animals subjected to 5 h constant swimming as compared to non-swimmer group. Pretreatment with WS prevented reduction of the cortisol content of adrenals. The ascorbic acid content was also reduced significantly after 5 h of swimming as compared to the animal of non-swimmer group. Pretreatment with WS prevent reduction in ascorbic acid content which occurs after swimming stress. Thus, Withania somnifera treatment prevents, decrease of adrenal cortisol and ascorbic acid which occurs due to swimming stress.

I Effect On Swimming Performance

Ashwagandha Standardized Extract 500 mg

Ashwagandha was shown to increase swimming performance in rats as judged by increase in swimming time during physical endurance test. Ashwagandha’s antistress properties have been investigated in all these studies using adult rats were carried out by swimming endurance stress test. Ashwagandha treated animals showed a significant increase in the duration of swimming time as compared to control. The control group of mice swam for a mean time of 385 minutes, whereas the drug-treated animals continued to swim for a mean duration of 740 minutes. Thus, the swimming time was approximately doubled after Withania somnifera treatment.

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Effect On Central Nervous System Cognition Promoting Effect

Ashwagandha is a well known Ayurvedic Rasayana, and belongs to a sub-group of Rasayanas known as Medhyarasayanas. Medhya typically refers to the mind and mental/intellectual capacity. Thus, Medhya Rasayana like Ashwagandha, is used to promote intellect and memory. The cognition-promoting effect of Medhya Rasayanas is best seen in children with memory deficits, or when memory is compromised following head injury, or a prolonged illness and in old age .

Reduces Oxidative Stress And Inflammation

The withanolides or biologically active steroids in ashwagandha, chiefly Withaferin A and sitoindosides VII-X, help reduce inflammation and stress, modulate immunity, fight aging, and improve cognition.10 In fact, Withaferin A is as effective as hydrocortisone sodium succinate, a common anti-inflammatory medicine, dose for dose.11 This is why it has been considered to be a wonder herb in Ayurveda to improve vitality and strength. How exactly does ashwagandha help?

Ashwagandha has steroids that can hunt down cell-damaging free radicals as well as increase the activity of the natural antioxidants in the body.

Your body has a natural antioxidative system which has 3 main enzymes superoxide dismutase , catalase and glutathione peroxidase . Withaferin A has been found to increase these enzymes activity in the parts of a rat brain that are responsible for controlling voluntary movement and behavior.12 This reduces oxidative damage caused by free radicals. Mice treated with ashwagandha extract showed improved physiological indicators of PD.13

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Before You Take Ashwagandha

Talk to your doctor before taking any herbal supplement. They could cause problems with other medications youâre taking. And they may not be safe if youâre pregnant or have certain health conditions.

Show Sources

African Journal of Traditional, Complimentary, and Alternative Medicine: âAn Overview on Ashwagandha: A Rasayana of Ayurveda.â

PLoS One: âNaturopathic care for anxiety: a randomized controlled trial,â âTriethylene glycol, an active component of Ashwagandha leaves, is responsible for sleep induction.â

Mayo Clinic: âHerbal supplements: What to know before you buy.â

Journal of Complementary and Integrative Medicine: âEffect of Withania somnifera root extract on amelioration of oxidative stress and autoantibodies production in collagen-induced arthritic rats.â

Indian Journal of Medical Research: âEfficacy & safety evaluation of Ayurvedic treatment in rheumatoid arthritis patients: a pilot prospective study.â

Journal of Alternative and Complimentary Medicine: âAn Alternative Treatment for Anxiety: A Systematic Review of Human Trial Results Reported for the Ayurvedic Herb Ashwagandha .â

Andrologia: âComparative evaluation of the effects of Withania somnifera with pentoxifylline on the sperm parameters in idiopathic male infertility: A triple-blind randomised clinical trial.â

FDA: âQuestions and Answers on Dietary Supplements.â

The University of Texas at El Paso: âHerbal safety.â

Historical Background Of Ashwagandha

Health Benefits of Ashwagandha, Top Ayurvedic Rasayana Herb

Traditional medicinal system is the potential therapeutic option to treat wide range of disorders with limited side effects, improved efficacy and thus owing property to manage the disease at different levels including prevention and cure. Ashwagandha is an important herb in various traditional system of medicine prolifically Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha, Homeopathy, Chinese, Tibetan, African, etc. In Withania somnifera, somnifera is a Latin word which means sleep-inducer, thus justifying its

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Scientific Studies On Ashwagandha Adaptogenic / Anti

Aswagandha is compared well with Eleutherococcus senticosus and Panax Ginseng in its adaptogenic properties, and hence it is popularly known as Indian Ginseng . The extensive studies on the biological model of animals for the adaptogenic / anti-stress properties of Ashwagandha have shown it to be effective in increasing the stamina and preventing stress induced gastric ulcer, carbon tetrachloride induced hepatotoxicity and mortality. Ashawagandha have similar anti-stress activity in rats . An aqueous suspension of Ashwagandha root was used at 100 mg/kg/oral dosage. The results indicate a significant increase in the plasma corticosterone level, phagocytic index and avidity index in rats subjected to cold swimming stress. In the rats pretreated with the drug, these parameters were near control values and an increase in the swimming time was observed. These results indicate that Withania somnifera used in the crude form is a potent anti-stress agent. The results of above studies lend support to the hypothesis of tonics, vitalizers and rejuvenators of Ayurveda which indicate clinical use of Withania somnifera in the prevention and treatment of many stress induced diseases like arteriosclerosis, premature ageing, arthritis, diabetes, hypertension and malignancy .

Effect On Urethane Induced Lung

Ashwagandha was found to be very useful in experimental carcinogenesis in the crude form. It prevented urethane-induced lung-adenomas in mice. The other effects of urethane like leucopoenia were also prevented. Urethane, which is a chemical stressor, causes variety of ill effects, all of which were prevented by Withania. The drug can be used as an adjunct to cancer chemotherapy or radiotherapy. Besides having an anti-cancer effect it will also reduce the side effects of anti-cancer agents, which invariably reduce immunity and quality of life. WS also acts as an immunomodulator and hence can enhance life span of cancer patients, where lowered immunity states of the patient are the cause of concern. Our results suggest its use as anti-tumor and immunomodulator agent .

The research and studies of Ashwagandha’s activities in the inhibition and reduction of tumour growth have shown encouraging evidence that this remarkable herb may prove to be extremely effective in the treatment of tumor type diseases including cancer . It also improves the white cell count and function, which are depleted in the chemotherapeutic treatment of cancer. Ashwagandha in the treatment of fibroid tumors of the uterus showed reduction of uterine bleeding tendencies and disappearance of fibroids after long treatment .

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Recent Patents Of Ashwagandha In Brain Disorders

Currently, patents are considered as the most significant and reliable source of information. Patents contain information in all depths and breaths and is estimated that 7075% information are not available anywhere else.

Various patents on Ashwagandha are available either alone or in combinations with other medicinal plants for use in various diseases includes antimicrobial, anti-lipidemic, anti-diabetic, anti-pyretic, anti-inflammatory, anti-ageing, anti-HIV, antiarthritic, anti-bacteria,


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