How Hydrogen Water Can Fight Parkinsons Disease
Hydrogen water contains added molecular hydrogen infused into water. Hydrogen has been proven to act as an antioxidant and reduce inflammation on the cellular level.
Oxidative stress can further the progression of dying cells in the brain and cause the common symptoms of Parkinsons disease to increase in intensity. Because hydrogen water can slow down and even stop oxidation, we can conclude it can also slow down the spread of Parkinsons disease in the body.
One study supported this idea and found that hydrogen water could suppress brain injury by fighting off the effects of oxidative stress. The study discovered that hydrogen water can significantly decrease the amount of dopamine cells destroyed in the area of the brain affected by Parkinsons disease. However, this study was conducted on mice and further studies on humans will need to be done.
Though hydrogen water may fight off oxidation in the cells throughout the brain and body, no studies prove the water cures the disease. Hydrogen water can slow things down, but more studies are needed to prove whether or not it will completely eradicate the cause or the effects of Parkinsons disease.
What Products Should You Purchase?
Synergy Science sells a number of different hydrogen-water-producing machines, which can fight off oxidative stress and can work well for anyone struggling to fight the symptoms of Parkinsons disease.
Hydrogen A Novel Therapeutic Molecule Regulates Oxidative Stress Inflammation And Apoptosis
- 1Research Center for Translational Medicine, Tongji University Affiliated East Hospital, Shanghai, China
- 2Department of Pediatrics, Taian City Central Hospital, Taian, China
- 3Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Shanxi Medical University, Taiyuan, China
- 4Department of Pediatrics, Tongji University Affiliated East Hospital, Shanghai, China
Hydrogen Water Failed To Reduce The Production Of Intracellular Superoxide In Sn Dopaminergic Neuron
Intracellular superoxide was detected by administration of O2 indicator, dihydroethidium . When DHE is oxidized by O2, it binds to DNA and a bright red fluorescence is observed within the cell body.
The DHE intensity in TH-positive cell was significantly increased in the acute MPTP-treated mice compared to saline-treated mice . Mice drinking hydrogen water appeared to show a slight decrease of DHE fluorescent intensity compared to non-hydrogen water mice with MPTP-injection, but this was not statistically significant . As for microglia, which is one of the sources of superoxide release in SN, microglia did not show their activation 24 h, but 48 h after MPTP treatment. In mice drinking H2 water, the morphological change of microglia was also observed 48 h, but not 24 h after MPTP administration .
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Quantitative Morphometric Analysis Of 8
All acquired digital images were processed uniformly, as described previously , at a threshold in a gray scale mode to subtract any background corresponding to the area without tissue, and the optical density of each immunoreactive area was calculated by Adobe Photoshop version 7.0 . From each individual animal, five representative sections were measured and the mean OD was calculated as an immunoreactivity index for each animals. All quantitative analyses were performed by an individual unaware of the experimental treatments.
Mechanisms And Perspectives Of H2 For Covid
The severe acute bronchitis, pneumonia, and pulmonary fibrosis of coronavirus disease-2019 caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 rapidly disseminated across the world in a short span of time, with nearly 185 million confirmed cases and about four million deaths. Most of the cases with COVID-19 manifest as a respiratory illness, starting with a fever and dry cough, followed by shortness of breath with respiratory failure. About 80% of infected people may recover from the illness without hospitalization, the remainder progress to pneumonia and severe acute respiratory distress syndrome , and about 5% of patients develop severe ARDS . Currently, few therapies have been proven to be able to rapidly ameliorate the respiratory symptoms and control the disease progression.
When infection occurs, alveolar macrophages and infiltrated immune cells are activated to release proinflammatory cytokines within alveoli and bronchioles. Alveolar hypoxia further induces inflammatory cascades, leading to the production of excess ROS and activation of hypoxia-inducible factors , and nuclear factor-kappa B . Thus, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant therapy are considered essential for severe COVID-19. Inflammatory cytokine storms, caused by an overactive host immune system, can lead to acute inflammatory lung injury and even death .
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As such, antioxidant agents that could help reduce and manage the levels of the damaging oxidant molecules may represent an attractive strategy to ease Parkinsons symptoms and prevent their progression.
Molecular hydrogen reacts with strong oxidants in cells, and its potential for preventive and therapeutic applications has been proposed. Hydrogen has a number of advantages that demonstrate extensive effects, and it can rapidly diffuse into tissues and cells, and it does not disturb metabolic reactions or affect signaling ROS.
There are several methods to ingest or consume hydrogen, such as inhaling hydrogen gas, drinking hydrogen-dissolved water, or injecting hydrogen-dissolved saline.
Japanese researchers explored the potential benefits of the antioxidant activity of hydrogen in patients with Parkinsons disease.
An earlier pilot study in 18 levopoda-medicated Parkinsons patients revealed that hydrogen-enriched water might provide therapeutic benefits for these patients.
After 48 weeks of therapy with hydrogen-enriched water, the patients experienced a mean reduction of 5.7 points in total Unified Parkinsons Disease Rating Scale scores, whereas placebo-treated patients scores worsened by 4.1 points during the same time period.
The UPDRS is a comprehensive 50-question assessment of both motor and nonmotor symptoms associated with Parkinsons disease.
Hydrogen Generation From Si
In environment similar to that in bowels, i.e., pH 8.3 and 36°C, Si-based agent easily reacted with water, generating a high amount of hydrogen . ~400mL hydrogen was generated in 24h from 1g Si-based agent. This hydrogen amount corresponds to that contained in 22L saturated hydrogen-rich water. Moreover, the reaction for hydrogen generation proceeded for more than 24h. Therefore, it can be concluded that developed Si-based agent satisfies the following three requirements to prevent oxidative stress-induced diseases without side-effects: i) presence of a high amount of reducing agent in the body, ii) continuous presence of reducing agent in the body, and iii) reducing agent which eliminates only OH radicals among ROS. A high amount of reducing agent is necessary in order to react with OH radicals before they oxidize cells . Because OH radicals are continuously generated due to e.g., mitochondrial respiratory metabolism, it is required that reducing agent is always present in the body to efficiently eliminate OH radicals . Hydrogen reacts only with OH radicals among ROS .
Figure 1
The authors declare no competing interests.
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Hydrogen As A Novel Neuroprotectant
Because of its unique properties, one of the settings in which hydrogen has been extensively researched is central nervous system disease. Due to its small size and neutral charge, it easily passes through the blood-brain barrier and into all cellular compartments including the nucleus. The landmark 2007 Nature Medicine publication was one of the first to establish its CNS benefits, and showed that the inhalation of H2 substantially decreased damage to the brain associated with ischemia/reperfusion injury even more efficaciously than standard treatments. Numerous animal studies followed soon thereafter, showing H2 improved outcomes with carbon monoxide poisoning, CNS ischemia or injury, and models of neurodegenerative disease.
In circulation and the CNS, levels of H2 respond almost immediately to the initiation and cessation of intake. H2 is detectable in the bloodstream a mere three minutes after being delivered directly to the stomach as H2-enriched water, and, after discontinuing inhalation therapy, levels in the brain decreased almost immediately and were not detectable after 10 minutes.
Acute CNS Injury
Neurodegenerative Disease
Adaptogenic Effects of H2
H2 may not only be of benefit to those with CNS injuryor disease, it also may improve the psychological and physical response tostress in healthy populations.
A Look at Whats to Come
Accumulation Of Cellular 8
MPTP-induced loss of dopaminergic neuron is associated with the accumulation of 8-oxoguanine in the nigro-striatal pathway . 8-oxoG is the major form of guanine oxidized by OH, and is accumulated in both mitochondrial and nuclear DNA . Hence, 8-oxoG is widely used as an index of DNA oxidative stress. The distinction between 8-oxoG accumulation in mitochondrial and nuclear DNA can be made using immunohistochemical techniques , . In our study, we investigated the accumulation of mitochondrial 8-oxoG in the striatum, where the dopaminergic nerve terminals end. Mitochondrial 8-oxoG showed significant accumulation in the striatum 24 h after acute MPTP administration. H2 water reduced this accumulation to a level not significantly different from the control . At 24 h after acute MPTP administration, microglia in the striatum were activated in mice drinking both H2 and non-H2 water , and similarly in the SN 48 h after MPTP administration .
Acute administration of MPTP significantly increased the accumulation of mitochondrial 8-oxoG and induced the loss of TH-positive neurons and fibers . However, in mice drinking H2/Mg water, no significant 8-oxoG accumulation nor TH-positive staining was observed. Brains were extirpated 24 h after administration of saline or MPTP. Scale: 500 µm. Immunoreactive index for 8-oxoG and TH . One-way ANOVA ##P< 0.01 and ###P< 0.001 compared to saline with non-H2 water ***P< 0.001, compared to MPTP with non-H2 water. Error bars represent mean ± SEM.
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The Effect Of H2 Water In Chronic Mptp Infusion Model
Despite the lack of parkinsonian symptoms in the acute MPTP model in rodents, probably due to the low level of MAO-B in the rodent brain’s capillaries , behavioral impairment could be observed in the chronic MPTP infusion model using an osmotic minipump to deliver the MPTP for long period . This could provide a better model for human PD. In this experiment, mice were supplied with H2 water or non-H2 water 7 days prior to the pump implantation and the water supply continued until brain extirpation 28 days later . Chronic infusion of MPTP induced a loss of TH-positive dopaminergic neuron in SNpc . In mice drinking H2 water, the loss of TH-positive cells was less than that in mice drinking non-H2 water . For the behavioral test, the ambulation scores in the open-field test were compared. Using the slightly modified open-field test reported previously , the ambulation score was expressed as percentage of that obtained in the first trial. Drinking H2 water did not show any significant change in the ambulation score in mice with saline infusion . The ambulation score in mice with chronic MPTP infusion with non-H2 water was 40±4%, while in mice with H2 water was 54±4% . Other behavioral tests, for example the rotarod test and tail suspension test, were also examined but no significant effects were observed following chronic MPTP infusion .
Hydrogen Water Made By Bubbling H2 Gas And Using Electrochemical Reaction Of Magnesium
Hydrogen water could be made by several methods. In the present experiments, H2 water made by two relatively easy and safe ways was tested. The H2 content in H2 water, made by either dissolving electrolyzed hydrogen into pure water or utilizing electrochemical reaction of magnesium with water , declined with a half-time of 2 h and almost disappeared after 8 h . The time course of H2 content was similar in H2 bubbled water and H2/Mg water except at 4 and 6 h, suggesting that H2 was better maintained in H2/Mg water, though the mechanism was not clear.
Hydrogen water was made by directly bubbling H2 gas produced by electrolysis or chemical reaction using Mg . **P< 0.01 compared to H2 bubbled water. Error bars represent mean ± SEM.
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Patient And Public Involvement
The inclusion criteria of the study were as following:
- PD patients at Hoehn and Yahr stage II and III by a board-certified neurologist.
- Age between 30 and 80
- Generally healthy as indicated by recent physical examination
- If taking any psychotropic medications should be stable in the past 2months.
In total, 18 people aged 50 to 78years old .1). We intentionally exclude PD patients at H& Y stage I, IV, and V because we considered that stage I is too mild and stage IV and V are too severe to show possible effectiveness of our therapy. After reviewing by CT-H and D-W, all of them met the MDS-PD criteria for the diagnosis of PD as well. Only one of the participants fulfil the criteria declined to participate because objection of his family. Except for PD, these people were healthy. If they were taking any psychotropic medications, their dosage over the past 2months had been stable. The development of the research question and outcome measures were informed to the study participants through the oral explanation and the written informed consent. The study participants were recruited from the outpatient clinic in Shuang Ho hospital and were not involved in the recruitment to and conduct of the study. The results of study were disseminated to the study participants by the principal investigator, Dr Wu in the outpatient clinic.
Fluorescent Labeling Of 4
For detection of cellular lipid peroxide, we stained 4-hydroxynonenal . Briefly, free-floating sections were obtained from the part of SN, and incubated with primary antibody overnight following to the incubation with Block Ace. Then, sections were incubated with biotinylated anti-mouse IgG , followed by streptavidin Alexa 594 . After staining of 4-HNE, TH was stained as described above.
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Measurements Of Hydrogen Volume Generated By The Reaction With Water
Si-based agent was immersed in water at 36°C with pH in the region between 8.3 and 9.0. For adjusting pH at 8.3, sodium hydrogen carbonate was employed while for adjustment of pH at 8.5 and 9.0, both NaHCO3 and sodium carbonate were used. The generated hydrogen volume was determined by measurements of the hydrogen concentration in the solutions by use of a TOA DKK-TOA DH-35A potable dissolved hydrogen-meter.
The Effect Of H2 Water On Acute Mptp Neurotoxicity
Representative photomicrographs illustrating tyrosine hydroxylase -staining in substantia nigra of indicated treatment animal groups. TH-staining from mice with saline injection drinking non-H2 water or H2-bubbled water and those from MPTP-injected mice drinking non-H2 water or H2 bubbled water. Scale 200 µm. Average number of TH-positive neurons in SN pars compacta , measured in 20 µm coronal sections . Representative photomicrographs illustrating TH immunoreactivity in the SN of indicated treatment animal groups. Staining is more intense than in because of increased section thickness required for stereological analysis. Scale 200 µm. Quantification of TH-positive neurons by stereology, as described in Materials and Methods. TH-positive neurons in SN from mice treated with 4 different concentration of H2 in drinking water . One-way ANOVA ###P< 0.001 compared to saline with non-H2 water *P< 0.05, **P< 0.01 compared to MPTP with non-H2 water. Error bars represent mean ± SEM.
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Routes Of Hydrogen Administration
Conventionally, the strategies of H2 administration in animal model and human researches are classified into three types, namely inhalation of H2 gas, drinking H2-dissolved water, and injection of H2-dissolved saline. In recent years, nanomaterial delivery systems have also been developed. However, the effects from all delivery strategies are dependent on the solubility of H2 in water, saline, or blood, as show in Table 1.
Table 1. H2 intake route and typical management schemes.
Due to the hydrogen’s ability to diffuse through the membrane into the cells, H2 bathing research has evolved in therapeutic applications. H2 water bathing showed positive effects in the treatment of skin diseases . Expanding the application for H2 is preservation of graft organs. Excised grafts were submersed in saturated H2-rich water during cold preservation which attenuated cold I/R injury of grafts , and alleviated chronic graft-vs. -host disease by inhibiting excessive inflammation and oxidative stress . Moreover, retinal I/R injury was shown in animal models by transient elevation of intraocular pressure and a mechanistic increase in ROS, and this injury was reversed by the continuous delivery of H2 saturated eye drops, especially in apoptosis .
How Do We Get Molecular Hydrogen
Actually all humans are designed with on-board hydrogen generator!
YES! Nature did supply us with a means of getting molecular hydrogen continually. Not surprisingly, this is an important role of our gut microbes. As the bacteria in the colon ferment the residual fibre and starch from our food, they produce H2, which is appears to work as an antioxidant both locally and systemically, as it is readily absorbed into the blood stream and circulated throughout the body.
However, in the era in which we live, it is all too common for our gut flora to have shifted a long way from the ideal balance which helps to keep us healthy.
Much of the medical research going on currently is around the role of gut bacteria and various health outcomes and the results are astonishing. Which ever way we turn, it seems our gut bacteria are there, playing a key role in most problems.
Contact us to arrange comprehensive profiling of your gut bacteria .
Make Hydrogen Water yourself
Most people need more than their body can make and many people with health challenges have an imbalance in their gut bacterial populations, reducing their endogenous hydrogen production. Clearly this needs to be addressed as part of a health management strategy.
Measurements of gut-hydrogen production are possible with a hydrogen breath test. The results guide correction of the balance of gut bacteria and supporting the growth of hydrogen-producing bacteria in the colon.
Drinking hydrogen-rich water
Inhaling H2 gas
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Tunel Staining For Rat Remnant Kidney Model
TUNEL staining was performed using the in situ Apoptosis Detection Kit , according to the manufacturers instructions as previously described. Briefly, the sections were deparaffinized and treated with antigen retrieval in preheated 10mmol/l sodium citrate using a steamer for 40min. They were then incubated with 3% H2O2 for 10min, which was followed by incubation with TdT enzyme solution for 90min at 37°C. The reaction was terminated by incubation in a stop/wash buffer for 30min at 37°C. The number of TUNEL-positive cell nuclei and the total numbers of cell nuclei stained with methyl green were counted in ten random areas, and the percentages of the numbers of TUNEL-positive nuclei to the numbers of total cell nuclei were calculated.