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HomeSymptomsWhat Foods Should Be Avoided With Parkinson's

What Foods Should Be Avoided With Parkinson’s

Add Medication For A Winning Combo

Parkinson’s- Foods to Avoid

Diet and exercise are important for managing PD, but dont forget about medications. Take them regularly and exactly as your doctor prescribes.

If you tend to forget your medication, set an alarm to remind you. You can also use a pillbox thats labeled with days and times of day. Take your meds on a set schedule, dont skip doses and dont double dose, says Dr. Gostkowski. When youre diligent about taking your medications and following a healthy lifestyle, youll feel your best.

Tips For Getting Started

  • Changing your diet can be difficult. Try making one change at a time, like eating a handful of nuts a few times a week or avoiding white bread. Small changes can add up to big benefits.
  • Consult with a registered dietician, who can help you plan menus and make shopping lists for preparing nutritious meals that you like and that account for your individual needs and the timing of your medications.
  • Consult with an occupational therapist about assistive devices, including some mentioned above, to make eating and drinking easier.
  • If you experience anxiety or depression, talk to your doctor. These symptoms can suppress appetite.
  • If swallowing issues are causing problems eating , a speech-language pathologist may be able to help.

Foods To Avoid When Nauseous

Nausea is a common side effect of some Parkinson’s medications, namely Levodopa medications, such as Sinemet®, carbidopa/levodopa extended-release capsules or carbidopa/levodopa/entacapone . These medicines are best absorbed by the body when taken on an empty stomach, but that tends to make nausea worse.

Doctors often recommend taking these drugs either a half hour before a meal or an hour or more after eating. This helps balance the need to reduce nausea by making sure the drug is metabolized at an optimal level. Some people also find that it helps to eat a few crackers or a piece of bread before taking their drugs.

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How Can Protein Affect My Medication

In some people, protein may interfere with the effects of their levodopa medication. Therefore its generally advised that you should take your Parkinsons medication at least 30 to 45 minutes before meals.

Some people with Parkinsons have told us that their medication is less affected by some milk alternatives, such as rice milk, although there is no actual evidence to support this.

You may also find it helpful to:

  • reduce the amount of protein you eat earlier in the day. This may help to increase the response your body has to the medication and avoid unpredictable motor fluctuations
  • eat your main protein meal in the evening, as a slower response to medication may not be as
  • important as at other times of the day
  • If you do wish to review the timing of your protein intake, you should talk to your GP, specialist or
  • Parkinsons nurse, or ask to see a registered dietitian.

You shouldnt stop eating protein altogether as its vital to help your body renew itself and fight infection. Reducing protein may cause dangerous weight loss.

We cant list all the possible side effects of all Parkinsons drugs here, but some Parkinsons medication may cause:

  • nausea and vomiting
  • dry mouth
  • tiredness

These side effects may interfere with your appetite, which may lead to you eating and drinking less. A dietitian may be able to advise you on how to manage these symptoms, especially if they affect your normal appetite.

A Nutritious Diet Is Essential For Healthy Living With Parkinsons

What Foods Should Parkinsons Patients Avoid?

For people with Parkinsons, nutritious foods can help manage some of the common symptoms of the disease and support healthy brain functions. While more evidence on the effect of diet on the progression of Parkinsons disease is needed, educating yourself about the benefits of a healthy diet is still important for your overall health and symptom management. The information on this website is a good place to start learning about nutrition.

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Foods That Are Hard To Chew

Many people with Parkinsons have difficulty with chewing and swallowing foods. A person needs medical help if this is the case. A speech and language therapist may be able to help a person overcome this issue.

However, if a person is finding certain foods hard to chew and swallow, they may wish to avoid these foods.

Such foods include:

  • dry, crumbly foods
  • tough or chewy meats

If a person does wish to eat chewy meats, they could try using gravy or sauce to soften them and make eating easier.

They could also try chopping meat into smaller pieces or incorporating meat into casseroles, which can make it more tender.

Having a drink with a meal can also make chewing and swallowing easier.

Constipation And Hydration In Parkinsons Disease

As Parkinsons disease can cause constipation, the Parkinsons Foundation recommends a diet featuring 20 to 25 grams of daily fiber to maintain bowel health.

Its really important for overall health to keep bowels moving, Subramanian says. We recommend a diet with a lot of vegetables and as much fiber as you can take. Foods that are high in prebiotics, including fermented foods like sauerkraut and kimchee, can also help.

Some Parkinsons disease medications dont work as well when taken with fermented foods, however, so check with your doctor before incorporating them into your diet.

Proper hydration is also important for everyone, including people who have Parkinsons disease. Try to drink six to eight glasses of water a day and take your medications with a full glass of water, the Parkinsons Foundation notes. It may help your body break down the medication more efficiently.

Hydration helps with blood pressure and constipation, Subramanian notes. We recommend our Parkinsons patients drink 40 ounces of water a day. Thats just water, not coffee or tea or other drinks. This can also help improve digestion.

If drinking water leads to urinary urgency, try eating foods with a high water content like celery, butternut squash, grapefruit, strawberries, and watermelon instead.

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Taking Your Drugs And Food Together

Levodopa is the best medication for Parkinsonâs. Ideally, you should take it on an empty stomach, about 30 minutes before eating or at least one hour after a meal. But that can cause nausea in some people. Your doctor may prescribe something else or a different mix of drugs, which may not always make the nausea go away. In that case, your doctor may recommend you take medication for your side effects.

Also, ask your doctor if you should cut down on protein. In rare cases, a high-protein diet can make levodopa work less well.

Who Can Give Me Advice On Diet And Eating Problems

How much should I eat with Parkinsons?

Depending on the country you live in your doctor may be able to refer you to any of the following specialists to give advice on diet or eating problems.

  • A dietitian can provide advice on all aspects of nutrition and diet. They will advise on maintaining a healthy diet to suit your needs and symptoms, bearing in mind the medications you take
  • A speech and languagetherapist will be able to help you with swallowing problems and strategies to overcome these, as well as speech difficulties. They can also help eliminate any other possible causes of swallowing problems
  • An occupational therapist will be able to look at ideas and equipment to make food preparation and mealtimes easier .Simple changes to your kitchen and dining area can make all the difference, for example:
  • adding grab rails to help you move around safely
  • moving the position of equipment so that food preparation tools are grouped together so you dont need to move around as much
  • buying a blender, microwave or small chopper, for example, to ease preparation and reduce the amount of time spent manually preparing food.

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Foods To Avoid In A Parkinsons Disease Diet

If your goal is to maintain overall health with Parkinsons disease and it should be you should avoid or reduce your intake of some of the same potentially harmful foods as people without the condition.

For example, a diet with lots of sugar can add too many calories and provide your body with too few nutrients. It can also contribute to tooth decay and increase your risk of diabetes.

In addition, foods high in salt and sodium content can increase the risk of high blood pressure, heart attack, and stroke. According to the American Heart Association, some of the saltiest foods in typical diets include:

  • Breads and rolls
  • Cold cuts and cured meats
  • Soup
  • Burritos and tacos

Most of our patients have problems with low blood pressure, due to issues with autonomic nervous system function in Parkinsons disease, Subramanian adds. So in some cases, we recommend a little extra salt in the diet, or even energy drinks, to boost blood pressure.

Either way, you should check with your doctor about taking appropriate dietary steps to manage blood pressure along with Parkinsons disease.

Also limit foods high in calories and fat, particularly saturated and trans fat, which can increase your risk of heart problems as well as certain types of cancer and make it more difficult for you maintain a healthy weight.

Managing Medication Side Effects

  • Drink lots of water to avoid dehydration-induced headaches and muscle tension.
  • Drink green tea, bone broth, or ginger tea to boost your immune system.


  • Drink alcohol or coffee or any other caffeinated beverages to avoid having sleep issues.

Knowing what to eat and what to avoid can help you manage the symptoms of Parkinsons disease. Follow these tips to relieve symptoms and have a better quality of life.

Consult your doctor to know what other foods you can consume to help you manage Parkinsons.

Engage with the community by asking a question, telling your story, or participating in a forum.

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Diet And Parkinsons Disease Medication

Dietary proteins interact with levodopa and carbidopa treatment by competing for absorption in the small intestine, causing these drugs to work less effectively or more slowly. This may be addressed by taking medication on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before or 60 minutes after food. However, this frequently results in nausea. A carbohydrate-based snack such as a plain cracker or biscuit, prescription anti-sickness tablets or a large drink of water might help, while taking medication with a cold drink or yogurt can also help with swallowing difficulties.

Those taking monoamine oxidase B inhibitors such as Azilect or Eldepryl should avoid foods containing tyramine because they could lead to high blood pressure. Iron supplements also reduce levodopa absorption, so a minimum two-hour interval is required between these medications.

What Are Off Periods

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These off periods are a time when dopamine is going low in the brain, and when medicine usually levodopa, which is the gold standard oral pill is wearing off or not kicking in when it should be, Dr. Robert Hauser, director of the Parkinsons & Movement Disorder Center and a professor in the college of medicine neurology at University of South Florida, told Healthline.

Symptoms such as the loss of motor function can return during off periods. This can be dangerous, particularly if an off period strikes when a person is walking up the steps to their front door or is in a similar situation.

For those who are newly-diagnosed , off periods can present a major obstacle to overcome if they arent aware of the risks and the need to maintain a strict medication schedule.

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Can You Take Prozac With An Maoi

The use of fluoxetine and an MAOI, either together or in close succession, was accompanied by a very high incidence of adverse effects, especially the serotonergic syndrome. This syndrome was characterized by mental status changes, such as hypomania and confusion, and physical symptoms, such as myoclonus.

I Am Overweight What Can I Do

It’s easy to gain weight if you become less active but are eating the same amount of food.

If you are trying to lose weight, here are some tips to start with:

  • Don’t eat fried food regularly grill, dry fry, microwave, bake, steam, poach or boil, without adding fat or oils. Instead, use marinades, adding extra herbs, stock and spices for flavour.
  • Use skimmed or semi-skimmed milk instead of full fat.
  • Try eating healthier snacks like diet yoghurts, nuts, fruit, crumpets or teacakes.
  • Have sugar-free, no added sugar or low-calorie drinks and use artificial sweetener instead of sugar.

If you have other health conditions as well as Parkinsons, such as circulation problems, high cholesterol, heart disease or diabetes, and are concerned about being overweight, speak to your GP, specialist, Parkinsons nurse or ask to see a registered dietitian.

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Pastries Cookies And Cakes

Most pastries, cookies, and cakes are unhealthy if eaten in excess.

Packaged versions are generally made with refined sugar, refined wheat flour, and added fats. Shortening, which may be high in unhealthy trans fats, is sometimes added.

These treats might be tasty, but they have almost no essential nutrients, copious calories, and many preservatives.

Which Medication Is A Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitor

What To Eat When You Have Parkinson’s Disease

There are a wide range of monoamine oxidase inhibitors medications available, including tranylcypromine, iproclozide, nialamide, and phenelzine. Each these works to inhibit, or lessen, the productive or impact of monoamine. This is a chemical within the brain which has been shown to directly affect mood.

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Anything With Added Sugar Or Refined Grains

Its important to avoid or at least limit foods that contain added sugar, refined grains, and artificial trans fats.

These are some of the unhealthiest but most common ingredients in the modern diet. Thus, the importance of reading labels cannot be overstated.

This even applies to so-called health foods.

Finding A Balance With Protein

Finding the right balance of how much protein to eat can be difficult for people with PD. You need protein as part of a balanced diet, but too much protein can interfere with the absorption of commonly prescribed drugs such as Levodopa , especially in the later stages of the disease.

Some doctors recommend concentrating your intake of meat, fish, and cheese to dinnertime and focusing on eating carbohydrates and vegetables during the day. Others may find that it works better to divide their protein evenly among smaller meals throughout the day.1,2,3

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Eating To Ease Symptoms

For some Parkinson’s symptoms, the first step in treatment is to adjust your diet.

  • Constipation: Drinking more fluids and eating more fiber can help maintain regularity. Aim to drink six to eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day. Warm liquids, especially in the morning, can stimulate bowel movements. Dietary sources of fiber consist of fruits , vegetables, legumes, whole grain breads and cereals. Most of these are high in antioxidants, as well.

Talk to your doctor or a dietitian to craft a diet that helps you manage your Parkinson’s symptoms and feel energized and healthy.

Foods High In Saturated Fat

What To Eat With Parkinson

The role that foods high in saturated fats play in Parkinsons progression is still under investigation and is often conflicting. We might eventually discover that there are certain types of saturated fats that actually help people with Parkinsons.

Some limited research does show that ketogenic, low-protein diets were beneficial for some with Parkinsons. Other research finds high saturated fat intake worsened risk.

But in general, foods that have been fried or heavily processed alter your metabolism, increase blood pressure, and impact your cholesterol. None of those things are good for your body, especially if youre trying to treat Parkinsons.

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Top Health Foods You Should Never Eat

1. Fruit Juice

Fruit juice is just as dangerous as soda, or nearly as bad, when youre drinking it in abundance. Think of it in this way: When you sit down to drink an 8-ounce glass of orange juice, youre consuming the juice of four medium-sized oranges in literally seconds or a few minutes at the most. Compare this to how long it would take to eat four oranges, and you can quickly see how eating fruit in its whole form is best.

Fruit juice is so dangerously largely due to the fructose factor. In June 2014, a study published in the journal Nutrition found that the average fruit juices fructose concentration is 45.5 grams per liter. For soda, its 50 grams. Our bodies arent designed to deal with that type of fructose overload. While glucose serves as a fuel for our body, fructose is processed almost exclusively in the liver, where its converted to fat.

2. Soy Protein

Contrary to popular belief, soy products are not healthy for you at least, that is, unfermented soy. Fermented soy is one thing. But eating edamame, soy milk and soy protein is quite another.

Most soy grown in the U.S. is genetically modified to withstand applications of glyphosate, the active ingredient in the weedkiller Roundup. A recent Norwegian study found extreme levels of glyphosate in U.S. soy, meaning were eating weedkiller when we eat non-organic soy. Thats a problem, given that glyphosate is linked to many health problems, including human cell death.

3. Sugar Alcohols

5. Microwave Popcorn

What Is A Maoi Antidepressant

MAOI refers to a category of antidepressant drugs known as monoamine oxidase inhibitors that alleviate depression by stopping the monoamine oxidase enzyme from metabolizing chemical messengers within the nervous system. This class is the oldest group of antidepressants first manufactured in the 1950s.

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