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HomeNewsPrevalence Of Parkinson's Disease

Prevalence Of Parkinson’s Disease

Symptoms Of Parkinsons Disease

Parkinson’s Disease – Types and Prevalence

The type, number, severity and progression of Parkinsons disease symptoms vary greatly. Every person is affected differently they may not get every symptom.

Some of the more common symptoms are:

  • blood pressure fluctuation

People living with Parkinsons for some time may experience hallucinations , paranoia and delusions . These symptoms are able to be treated so have a talk with your doctor.

What Is The Prevalence

It is estimated that about 10 million people worldwide are living with PD. The incidence of the disease is higher in industrialized countries.3,4

The incidence of PD increases with age: while PD affects 1 percent of the population over the age of 60, this increases to 5 percent of the population over the age of 85.1

Approximately 5 percent of people with PD are diagnosed before the age of 60.1

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Motor Circuit In Parkinson Disease

The basal ganglia motor circuit modulates the cortical output necessary for normal movement .

Signals from the cerebral cortex are processed through the basal ganglia-thalamocortical motor circuit and return to the same area via a feedback pathway. Output from the motor circuit is directed through the internal segment of the globus pallidus and the substantia nigra pars reticulata . This inhibitory output is directed to the thalamocortical pathway and suppresses movement.

Two pathways exist within the basal ganglia circuit, the direct and indirect pathways, as follows:

  • In the direct pathway, outflow from the striatum directly inhibits the GPi and SNr striatal neurons containing D1 receptors constitute the direct pathway and project to the GPi/SNr

  • The indirect pathway contains inhibitory connections between the striatum and the external segment of the globus pallidus and between the GPe and the subthalamic nucleus striatal neurons with D2 receptors are part of the indirect pathway and project to the GPe

The STN exerts an excitatory influence on the GPi and SNr. The GPi/SNr sends inhibitory output to the ventral lateral nucleus of the thalamus. Dopamine is released from nigrostriatal neurons to activate the direct pathway and inhibit the indirect pathway. In Parkinson disease, decreased striatal dopamine causes increased inhibitory output from the GPi/SNr via both the direct and indirect pathways .

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Risk And Protective Factors

PD is considered a multifactorial disorder that is caused, in most cases, by the combined effects of multiple factors, including genetic and environmental ones. Approximately 1015% of PD patients report a family history of PD among their first-degree relatives . In a minority of patients, a single gene mutation associated with Mendelian transmission of the disease is found 15 causal genes are currently identified, and their mutations are most often associated with a younger age of onset

Patient Selection And Diagnostic Criteria

Facts About Parkinson

We selected all PD patients registered in the RID program during the 6-year study period. The diagnostic criteria for PD established by the NHI in the RID program are similar to the UK PD society brain bank clinical diagnostic criteria, and are as follows: 1) diagnosis of Parkinsonian syndrome : mild or worse bradykinesia and at least one of the following: muscular rigidity, rest tremor, postural instability 2) the exclusion criteria for PD: history of strokes, head injury, definite encephalitis, drug side effects, and hypoxia 3) supportive prospective positive criteria for PD: three or more required for diagnosis of definite PD in combination with step one: unilateral onset, rest tremor present, progressive disorder, persistent asymmetry affecting the side of onset most, excellent response to levodopa, severe levodopa-induced chorea, levodopa response for 5years or more, clinical course of 10years or more.

The database did not contain any personal identifiers as all identifiable personal information in the database was removed to comply with the privacy rules of the health insurance portability and accountability act. Informed consent was not required for this study as all the data was obtained from medical records. This study was performed based on the ethical principles of the Declaration of Helsinki of the World Medical Association. All procedural and ethical aspects of this study were approved by the Institutional Review Board of Korea University Ansan Hospital .

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Trends In The Pd Prevalence

The global prevalent number of PD increased 155.50% from 1990, and reached 8,511.02 × 103 in 2019. The overall ASR of prevalence was 106.28/100,000 in 2019, and showed an upward trend from 1990 to 2019 . Compared with female patients, male patients had a higher prevalence, and showed a larger increasing trend . Among the age groups, the pronounced high prevalent numbers occurred in patients aged over 65 years , and the largest increasing percentage occurred in the age group of over 80 years .

All SDI areas presented increasing trends in the ASR of PD prevalence, and the most pronounced one was seen in the middle SDI area . At the regional level, the largest prevalent number in 2019 appeared in East Asia , while the lowest one occurred in Oceania . The increasing percentage of prevalence varied from 27.54% in Eastern Europe to 256.90% in Central Latin America. In 2019, the ASR of prevalence ranged from 55.94/100,000 in Eastern Sub-Saharan Africa to 145.44/100,000 in East Asia. Trends in the ASR of prevalence increased in most regions, particularly East Asia . Whereas, only Oceania had a minor downward trend . A positive association was observed between the ASRs and SDI in 2019 among regions .

How Many People Does Parkinsons Disease Affect

Parkinsons disease affects 1 in every 500 people in Canada. Over 100,000 Canadians are living with Parkinsons today and approximately 6,600 new cases of PD are diagnosed each year in Canada . Most are diagnosed over the age of 60 however, at least 10% of the Parkinsons population develops symptoms before the age of 50. Approximately four million people worldwide are living with the condition.

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What Is Parkinsons Disease

If this sounds familiar, youre not wrong. This is a similar thing Alzheimers disease. Ive had Dr. Dale Bredesen on the show a couple of times to talk about a Functional Medicine approach to Alzheimers and the problem with the typical conventional idea that were going to find a single drug, or even a group of drugs, that can address Alzheimers . Thats, I think, a pipe dream because Alzheimers is caused by many different underlying factors, and those factors vary from person to person. This is really one of the core insights of Functional Medicine. The difference between Functional Medicine and conventional medicine is that Functional Medicine is a systems-based approach. We understand that the whole is more than the sum of the parts. We understand that the etiology or causes of the same disease can be different from person to person, and therefore the treatments need to be different from person to person. The same is true for Parkinsons disease. So with that in mind, lets talk about eight of the underlying triggers or causes of Parkinsons that have been identified in the scientific literature so far, and then well move on to some of the steps you can take to prevent or slow the progression, or, in some cases, although I have to say that this is rare in my experience, the condition in its earlier stages.

Causes Of Parkinson’s Disease And Risk Factors

Parkinson’s Disease – Types, Prevalence, and Prognosis

Parkinsons disease is caused by low dopamine activity in certain areas of the brain. Its associated with degeneration of the substantia nigra, a small area of the brain that produces dopamine, a neurotransmitter that mediates motor movements and other body functions.

The underlying cause or trigger for these changes is not known, although some people have a family history of the condition.

Many potential risk factors have been examined as possible triggers, including exposure to chemicals, but no environmental or lifestyle factors have been confirmed as causing Parkinsons disease.

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Prevalence Rate Of Parkinsons Disease

  • Helena M.van der Holst, MD, Radboud university medical center, Donders Institue for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour, Center for
  • F.E. De Leeuw, Nijmegen, the Netherlands

We thank Prof. Kazuo Abe for his remarks on our recent article. Large studies investigating worldwide incidence and prevalence of Parkinson disease and parkinsonism are scarce. In prevalence studies, often only idiopathic PD is considered. It has been suggested that Asian populations have a lower prevalence of PD than in North America, Europe, and Australia. However, other etiologies of parkinsonism are frequently excluded and the possible concomitant prevalence of cerebral small vessel disease in study populations is usually not taken into account.

In a recent study on the prevalence of parkinsonism in a Japanese elderly population, 70 of 729 participants were diagnosed with parkinsonism and 21 of the 70 received a diagnosis of vascular parkinsonism . This was the most frequently observed diagnosis in the population, which is uncommon in community-dwelling populations in Western countries where PD is the prevailing observed etiology. This trend might be in line with the higher prevalence of vascular dementia in Japan compared to Alzheimer dementia.

1. van der Holst HM, van Uden IW, Tuladhar AM, et al. Cerebral small vessel disease and incident parkinsonism: The RUN DMC study. Neurology Epub 2015 Oct 7.

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Parkinson’s Disease By Age And Gender

Parkinsons disease generally affects people who are over 60 years old. Early-onset Parkinsons disease is defined as beginning before age 50. The prevalence of Parkinsons disease increases with increasing age, and it is estimated to affect 1 in 40 people who are 85 to 89 years old.

People who begin to have symptoms at an older age generally have more severe symptoms and also have more comorbid conditions , such as heart disease, lung disease, or diabetes.

Parkinsons disease is more common among males than females, affecting approximately twice as many males.

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What Are The Management Options For Canadians Living With Parkinsonism

There is currently no cure for Parkinsons disease and most other parkinsonism cases. However, treatment options are available to help mitigate the symptoms and health impacts associated with these conditions. Most often the primary treatment is pharmacological, but it may also include other therapeutic options and, in the case of Parkinsons disease, surgical interventions. Studies have shown that specially tailored exercise programs, supervised by physiotherapists or other trained professionals, may help affected individuals maintain or improve their physical functionality and general well-being.Footnote 2Footnote 3Footnote 4Footnote 5

Box 1: Whats in the data?

The data used in this publication are from the Canadian Chronic Disease Surveillance System , a collaborative network of provincial and territorial chronic disease surveillance systems, led by the Public Health Agency of Canada . The CCDSS identifies chronic disease cases from provincial and territorial administrative health databases, including physician billing claims and hospital discharge abstract records, linked to provincial and territorial health insurance registry records using a unique personal identifier. Data on all residents eligible for provincial or territorial health insurance are captured in the health insurance registries.

Definition of diagnosed parkinsonism, including Parkinsons disease, in the CCDSS

The Importance Of Establishing Parkinsons Prevalence Numbers

Figure 2 Prevalence of Parkinson

Parkinsons Prevalence estimates will help the Parkinsons Foundation attract the attention of federal and state government as well as the pharmaceutical industry to the growing need and urgency in addressing PD. This is an important first step to better understanding who develops PD and why.

The next phase of this study will be to determine the rate of PD diagnosis or incidence, how that has changed over time and what is the rate of mortality among those affected by PD. Determining the prevalence and incidence will allow the PD community to effectively advocate for additional money and resources necessary to support Parkinsons research.

Parkinsons Foundation Prevalence Project numbers highlight the growing importance of optimizing Parkinsons care and treatment for people with Parkinsons, which would help future caregivers and ease the strain on health and elder care systems.

Through this study, the Foundation works to better understand Parkinsons with the goal of solving this disease. Establishing these numbers and using them to educate the PD community and influence legislation will help the Foundation provide tailored support for under-resourced PD populations across the U.S.

The published study is available in the Parkinsons Foundation scientific journal, npj Parkinsons Disease.

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Parkinson Disease Case Definition

To define probable PD cases, we built an algorithm taking into account the clinical diagnoses and the pharmacological prescriptions of each subject. Selection of diagnostic codes was made by a neurologist trained in movement disorders taking into account previous works on administrative data in PD.According to the ICD-10 manual, G20X code is applicable to hemi-parkinsonism, idiopathic parkinsonism, primary parkinsonism, and paralysis agitans. These terms are defined as progressive, degenerative diseases of the central nervous system characterized by tremor, rigidity, postural instability, bradykinesia, and gait disturbances, which is consistent with the commonly accepted criteria for diagnosing PD. Based on previous studies, we chose levodopa as an inclusion criterion. This medication, also known as L-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine, represents the standard of treatment for most PD cases, regardless of clinical stage, because of its efficacy.

Epidemiology Of Parkinsons Disease

Benjamin C.L. Lai, MD, MSc Joseph K.C. Tsui, MD, FRCP, FRCPC

ABSTRACT: The etiology of the majority of cases of Parkinsons disease remains unknown, with multifactorial theories of genoenvironmental interaction being postulated. The prevalence and incidence of PD increase exponentially with age, and are slightly higher in men than in women. A number of putative risk factors are associated with PD, age being the one most consistently agreed-upon. Exposure to pesticides is one proposed risk factor, while an inverse association between smoking and consumption of coffee and PD has been reported in other studies. The mortality rate for PD increases in older patients. The most common cause of death is pneumonia.

Exposure to pesticides is one proposed risk factor for Parkinsons disease, while coffee consumption and smoking have been claimed as protective factors, though the mechanism remains unclear.

IntroductionParkinsons disease is one of the most common age-related neurodegenerative disorders, second in frequency only to Alzheimers disease. In the United States, at least half a million people are diagnosed as having PD, and the frequency of PD is predicted to triple over the next 50 years as the average age of the population increases.

Epidemiology of Parkinsons disease


AcknowledgmentsThe authors thank the Medical Research Council of Canada and the Pacific Parkinsons Research Institute for their support.

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Incidence Of Parkinsons Disease

Its estimated that approximately four people per 1,000 in Australia have Parkinsons disease, with the incidence increasing to one in 100 over the age of 60. In Australia, there are approximately 80,000 people living with Parkinsons disease, with one in five of these people being diagnosed before the age of 50. In Victoria, more than 2,225 people are newly diagnosed with Parkinsons every year.

Environmental Factors And Exposures

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Exposure to pesticides and a history of head injury have each been linked with PD, but the risks are modest. Never having smoked cigarettes, and never drinking caffeinated beverages, are also associated with small increases in risk of developing PD.

Low concentrations of urate in the blood is associated with an increased risk of PD.

Drug-induced parkinsonism

Different medical drugs have been implicated in cases of parkinsonism. Drug-induced parkinsonism is normally reversible by stopping the offending agent. Drugs include:

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Impact On Families And Carers

Informal carers spendmany hours dailyproviding care for people living with PD.This can be overwhelming. Physical, emotional and financial pressures can cause great stress to families and carers, and support is required from the health, social, financial and legal systems. Useful support resources from other conditions can be drawn upon, such as WHOs iSupport programme for dementia.

Characteristics Of The Administrative Data Used For The Study

We conducted an observational study to determine PD prevalence based on administrative de-identified data from two Colombian HMOs using claims from 2015. Access was obtained in the settings of a research agreement with Icesi University . According to national records from 2015, 97.6% of the Colombian population is insured by the National Healthcare System. The two HMOs that provided us with claims data have 4,312,928 beneficiaries distributed across different regions of the country, mainly in the southwest. These claims are filled only by physicians certified by the government and other regulatory entities. The information is compiled by the institutions providing health services , and is prepared annually and submitted to the national government for regulatory purposes.

The analyzed data include individual records of all services provided to each affiliate: medical consultation, pharmacy, laboratory, medical props , and surgical procedures. These records are encoded through a complete, expandable and standardized system called CUPS . CUPS are defined by a decision-making group composed by medical scientific societies of the country and are used universally by all HMOs. Since each patient may use the HMO more than once per year or receive more than one service per visit, claims were grouped using a randomly assigned ID number to obtain the total patients per year and period.

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Other Studies Of Interest

Three high-quality papers were found but not included in the meta-analysis as they did not report age- and gender-specific incidence rates or proportions. These studies provided information on Asian and Eastern European populations that were not well represented in the meta-analysis.

Das et al. was the only study that examined PD in a south Asian Indian population, reporting average annual incidence rates for males and females in different age categories. AAIRs peaked earlier for males, than females. Male AAIRs peaked at 60-69 years female AAIRs continued to rise in 70-79 years before dropping off in the 80+ age group. Hristova et al. and Kyrozis et al. both provided incidence rates not stratified by gender and age and therefore could not be included in the meta-analysis. Both represented unique European populations and found peak incidence between 70 and 80 years.


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