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HomeFactsPhysical Therapy For Parkinson's Gait

Physical Therapy For Parkinson’s Gait

Exercises To Improve Gait

Assessment – Gait – Parkinsonian Gait Demonstration

Physical therapy, along with other exercises to help you practice walking strategies, can help reduce Parkinsonian gait. Some of these exercises can be done at home. Consult a physical therapist to help you figure out which exercises will be the most beneficial for you. Potential exercises include:

Parkinson’s Disease And Movement Disorders Center

Our center provides compassionate and timely treatment to patients with movement disorders, such as dystonia, ataxia, essential tremor and similar conditions. But our mission goes beyond patient care excellence. By offering educational events and support groups, we empower patients and caregivers to become better partners in their health.

Sensory Stimulation Physical Therapy Effective At Improving Gait Performance In Pd

Electrical stimulation, physical activity, and balance interventions were also found to be effective in improving gait for patients with neurological disorders including Parkinson disease , stroke, and dementia, according to a recent review.

Sensory stimulation and conventional physical therapy are effective interventions for improving step length and spatial gait parameters, respectively, in adults with Parkinson disease , according to a study recently published in the Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.

The study also found that electrical stimulation, physical activity, and balance interventions had positive effects on common gait outcomes for adults with PD.

To quantify the effect of different therapeutic interventions on spatiotemporal gait parameters in different neurological populations, researchers conducted a meta-analysis that reviewed and synthesized gait parameter differences assessed by therapeutic intervention effects on adults with neurological disorders.

To source the included studies, researchers performed a keyword search in the following databases: PubMed, CINAHL, Scopus, and Web of Science. An algorithm was used to search all possible combinations of key words from January 2001 to December 2021. Each study was evaluated based on a quality assessment criterion.

Data was extracted from selected studies through a standard data extraction form and then analyzed.


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Database Management And Quality Control

Our research team will take effective measures to ensure the quality of research. Particularly, we will adopt the double entry method in order to ensure quality of data. The statistician will compare the two databases through the program, and in case of inconsistencies in the input results, he/she will check to identify the error. After final confirmation, the database will be saved and kept by a special person. Any future changes to the database shall be agreed upon, in writing, by the clinical study director, statistician, and data manager.

How Can Physical Therapy Help Parkinsons Disease

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Parkinsons disease is a neurological disorder that causes problems with movement and coordination. Physical therapy can offer significant benefits for people living with the condition.

Parkinsons disease is a progressive condition of the central nervous system due to low dopamine levels in the brain.

Symptoms may include slow movement, rigid muscles, freezing episodes, tremors, and unsteady balance.

Physical therapy improves a persons range of movement, prevents further injury or disability, and improves the quality of a persons life.

This article explores the benefits of PT for people with Parkinsons disease. It also provides tips for finding a physical therapist and explains when to contact a doctor.

According to the Parkinsons Outcomes Project, PT can improve the quality of life for people with Parkinsons disease.

Research from indicates that regular PT treatment and exercise can have positive, long lasting outcomes for those with the condition.

Parkinsons UK notes that PT can help people with Parkinsons disease by:

  • keeping joints and muscles flexible
  • building strength
  • improving mobility, movement, and bodily functions
  • maintaining daily independence
  • maintaining and improving effective breathing
  • helping to prevent falls
  • managing stress

Also, because PT encompasses self-management patient education, hands-on care, and exercise prescription, the Parkinsons Foundation notes that a physical therapist can:

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How To Find A Speech Therapist

Tell your doctor if you are experiencing any changes in your speech, voice or swallowing. Ask for a referral to a speech language pathologist to evaluate and address these symptoms. If you have not noticed changes in your speech, but a spouse, care partner or friend has, pay attention to their comments. The sooner you get a speech evaluation and start speech therapy, the better.

Speech therapists work in many settings, including hospitals, outpatient rehabilitation centers and private practice offices. To locate one in your area:

  • Ask your neurologist
  • Contact the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association at
  • Find a therapist certified in the Lee Silverman Voice Treatment at
  • Ideally, you should see a speech therapist face-to-face for a complete voice and speech evaluation and treatment. However, if a speech therapist is not available in your area, LSVT LOUD the most researched voice treatment for people with PD is virtually offered in select states. The speech therapist interacts with you in your home or office live through your computer screen.

    Focus Of Pt For Parkinsons

    After collecting information about your current functional abilities and impairments, your physical therapist can start to formulate a treatment plan. Your plan of care will likely involve other healthcare professionals since PD affects so many different body systems. It is also important to include family members or friends in your treatment so that they can provide assistance if needed.

    The main focus of your physical therapy should be on maintaining functional mobility and control. Specific strategies to help improve the smoothness of movement may also be necessary to maintain optimal functional mobility.

    Since PD can cause many motor planning changes and mobility problems, exercise should be a primary component of treatment. The focus of exercise for PD should be to improve walking and balance, improve strength and range of motion, increase postural awareness and improve breathing and endurance. Be sure to speak with your healthcare provider and physical therapist before starting an exercise program to be sure that it is safe for your specific condition. Your healthcare provider and physical therapist can also work together to help you decide which exercises would be best suited for you.

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    Pathophysiology Of Parkinsons Disease

    The progressive death of dopaminergic neurons in the Substantia Nigra pars compacta located in the midbrain, more precisely in the Basal Ganglia , promotes a significant decrease in the levels of the neurotransmitter dopamine, and as a consequence the functional impairment of the neural circuits . The chronic reduction in dopamine levels gives rise to the manifestation of the motor symptoms that characterize this disease. However, the pathophysiology of PD is not limited to the dopaminergic system, that is, neuronal degeneration of other areas of the brain such as the brainstem and cortex competes and even precedes neuronal death in BG. Thus, other neurotransmitter systems are compromised, thus making PD a multisystemic pathology manifested by a series of motor and non-motor symptoms .

    Examples of experimental tests showing a high and a low data dispersion.

    The cardinal motor signs of PD are: resting tremor, plastic-type muscular rigidity, bradykinesia , and postural instability. This set of symptoms associated or not, forges characteristic clinical signs in patients with the disease such as gait and balance disorders, mask facies and dysarthria. In addition to these symptoms, a set of sensory autonomic and cognitive-behavioral symptoms may manifest during the course of the disease .

    Objective And Quantitative Assessment Of Motor Function In Parkinsons Diseasefrom The Perspective Of Practical Applications

    Parkinson’s Disease Gait Training

    Ke Yang, Wei-Xi Xiong, Feng-Tao Liu, Yi-Min Sun, Susan Luo, Zheng-Tong Ding, Jian-Jun Wu, Jian Wang

    Department & Institute of Neurology, Huashan Hospital, Fudan University, Shanghai 200040, China

    Contributions: Conception and design: J Wang Administrative support: None Provision of study materials or patients: None Collection and assembly of data: None Data analysis and interpretation: None Manuscript writing: All authors Revision and Final approval of manuscript: All authors.

    Correspondence to:

    Abstract: Parkinsons disease is a common neurodegenerative disorder with high morbidity because of the coming aged society. Currently, disease management and the development of new treatment strategies mainly depend on the clinical information derived from rating scales and patients diaries, which have various limitations with regard to validity, inter-rater variability and continuous monitoring. Recently the prevalence of mobile medical equipment has made it possible to develop an objective, accurate, remote monitoring system for motor function assessment, playing an important role in disease diagnosis, home-monitoring, and severity evaluation. This review discusses the recent development in sensor technology, which may be a promising replacement of the current rating scales in the assessment of motor function of PD.

    Keywords: Parkinsons disease motor function objective measurement wearable sensors

    Submitted Feb 11, 2016. Accepted for publication Feb 26, 2016.

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    How To Find Your Expert Physical Therapist For Parkinsons Disease

    It is important to find a physical therapist who has specialty training and experience working with PD. You may find experienced physical therapists working in hospital outpatient departments, home health agencies, nursing homes or within the community close to your home. Ask your neurologist for a referral at your next appointment.

    The Parkinsons Foundation Helpline at 1-800-4PD-INFO can help you locate an experienced physical therapist near you who is trained to work with people with PD, and provide questions to ask a potential physical therapist to assess their experience.

    Can This Injury Or Condition Be Prevented

    To date, there is no known way to prevent PD. Studies have shown that people with PD who take part in a regular exercise program can improve their:

    • Mental well-being.

    However, studies also show that people with PD can lose the gains they make when supervised exercise programs end. Therefore, it is very important to work with your physical therapist to develop good long-term exercise habits. Consider participating in community-based exercise classes. Your physical therapist can help you determine the best classes for your needs based on your interests.

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    Music Exercise Therapy Group

    In addition to routine rehabilitation treatment, we will provide music exercise therapy, in which patients will perform scheduled exercises according to the rhythm of music. This will be performed 5 times a week for 4weeks, with 1h each time.

    Music selection

    Music therapists will screen musical tracks and rhythms according to the actual situation and music preferences of patients with Parkinsons disease. Thereafter, the therapists will create a personalized music playlist for each subject, because the lyrics in the music may distract attention of the PD patients, hence selection of music with lyrics will be avoided. Each playlist will be loaded into a personal music player, and subjects are allowed to choose earplugs or headphones for maximum comfort. The mode setting of the music player will be sequential play, and not random play. Moreover, music will be played by a designated music therapist, and subjects will be also told that they can request changes to their playlists at any stage during intervention.

    Exercise therapy

    While listening to music using earphones, the patients will be subjected to conduct flat start walking, turn around, and stop trainings, as well as narrow space walking and stair step training according to the beat in the music. The patients will be expected to simultaneously complete a cycle of exercise relative to completion of the music playlist.

    Points for attention

    Complex Exercises Reverse Gait Freezing In Parkinsons Disease Study

    Balance and Gait Deficits

    A challenging physical training program has helped reverse the symptom of gait freezing in study participants with Parkinsons disease, according to investigators from Brazil.

    People with freezing of gait cannot move their feet forward despite the intention to walk, a problem that not only interferes with daily functioning but can lead to falls. Researchers at the University of São Paulo recently tested a 12-week exercise protocol that stimulates motor and cognitive skills at the same time.

    The 32 study participants, who had stage 3 or 4 Parkinsons disease, performed adapted resistance training exercises that combined instability, weight lifting, motor coordination and cognitive demands. The exercises were done concurrently to create the complexity necessary to stimulate significant brain changes, explained doctoral candidate Carla da Silva Batista.

    This demands considerable effort from the patient and confidence on the part of the trainer, who will invariably have to give patients some support so they dont fall, Batista said.

    Significant functional improvements were found following the trial, including a 60% reduction in gait freezing and a 70% reduction in motor symptoms. Measurements of brain activity before and after the training program also showed changes in the brain regions linked to gait freezing, and enhanced brain activity and plasticity in the regions affected by Parkinsons disease, the researchers reported.

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    Choose Activities You Enjoy

    Make sure you choose exercises that are fun and challenging but not too difficult. For example, if you enjoy walking in nature, make that part of your exercise routine. It is important to enjoy appointments with your physical therapist, too. If your physical therapy program is not working for you, talk with your physical therapist so they can change your routine.

    If you choose activities you like, you are more likely to stick to your plan and reach your goals.

    Why Does Freezing Of Gait Occur

    It is not completely clear why some people with PD experience freezing of gait and others do not. Research suggests that there is a relationship between freezing of gait and cognitive difficulties. The brain circuitry that controls gait is extremely complex and involves multiple connections between various parts of the brain, including:

    • areas in the front of the brain that plan and initiate movement
    • areas of the basal ganglia where the dopaminergic neurons that refine and control movement are found
    • areas in the brainstem which modulate movement and wakefulness

    Freezing of gait seems to be caused by short-lasting episodes of inhibition of these brain circuits that coordinate gait. The specific abnormalities that cause the problem may differ from person to person.

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    How Physical Therapy Can Help With Parkinsons Disease Symptoms:

    People with Parkinsons often have trouble with balance, with initiating walking, feel stiff in their trunk, and have difficulty moving quickly. Physical therapists can help with all of that and more. Below are some examples of common treatments that someone with Parkinsons can have if they come into CBPT:

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    Are Unified Parkinsons Disease Rating Scale Scores A Valid Indicator Of Functional Performance

    Gait, Balance and Falls in Parkinsons Disease

    The UPDRS was originally developed to serve as an assessment of the severity of the disease. The UPDRS consists of 6 sections: IMentation , Behavior, and Mood IIActivities of Daily Living IIIMotor Examination IVComplications of Therapy Vthe Modified Hoehn and Yahr Stage Scale and VIthe Schwab and England Activities of Daily Living Scale. Sections I through III are scored on a 5-point Likert scale from 0 to 4, with 0 representing no impairment and 4 representing marked impairment. These 3 sections can be analyzed independently or combined with each other. The UPDRS total score reflects performance on these 3 sections , with lower scores showing less disability. Sections of the UPDRS are scored and reported separately.

    Section II of the UPDRS asks the client to verbally rank his or her perceived ability in many areas, including falling , freezing when walking, and walking. Nine of the 14 items of section III of the UPDRS explore motor activity at the impairment level , rather than performance of functional abilities. The 5 items in section III that measure performance of functional abilities are speech, facial expression, rising from a chair, gait, and postural stability of these items, only the last 3 items are routinely addressed by physical therapists and relate to mobility concerns.

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    When To Find An Occupational Therapist

    Many people with Parkinsons will benefit from occupational therapy. Request a referral for occupational therapy from your neurologist or movement disorder specialist. Ask them if they can recommend an occupational therapist with knowledge and experience in the management of PD. You can also contact your state OT association, a hospital outpatient rehabilitation, a local rehabilitation facility or home care agency to find an OT.

    Find more information on the American Occupational Therapy Association website at

    What Kind Of Physical Therapist Do I Need

    All physical therapists are prepared through education and experience to treat patients with PD. You may want to consider:

    • A physical therapist who is experienced in treating people with neurological disorders. Some physical therapists have a practice with a neurological focus.
    • A physical therapist who is a board-certified clinical specialist or who has completed a residency or fellowship in neurologic physical therapy. This physical therapist has advanced knowledge, experience, and skills that may apply to your condition.

    You can search for physical therapists in your area with these credentials and clinical expertise through Find a PT, a tool built by the American Physical Therapy Association.

    General tips when you are looking for a physical therapist :

    • Get recommendations from family, friends, or other health care providers.
    • When you contact a physical therapy clinic for an appointment, ask about the physical therapists’ experience in helping people with PD.
    • Be prepared to describe your concerns in as much detail as possible, and let the physical therapist know what you would like to accomplish by going to physical therapy.

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    What Is Freezing Of Gait

    Freezing of gait is an abnormal gait pattern that can accompany Parkinsons disease as well as other parkinsonian disorders in which there are sudden, short and temporary episodes of an inability to move the feet forward despite the intention to walk. In a sense, youre stuck. This results in the characteristic appearance of the feet making quick stepping movements in place. However, while the feet remain in place, the torso still has forward momentum which makes falls unfortunately common in the context of freezing of gait. For some, these episodes can simply be frustrating, annoying and perhaps embarrassing for others freezing of gait can become incredibly disabling and lead to injury.

    Freezing of gait episodes tend to occur least often when walking on an unobstructed, straight path. Any deviation from that can induce freezing for example, when you first try to start walking, when you go to make a turn, or try to navigate around obstacles or through narrow spaces any of these can cause you to get stuck.

    The particular triggers for one person may be different than for another. An episode is typically very brief, often lasting only 1-2 seconds, although they can last longer. Freezing of gait can be affected by anxiety, so if a person feels rushed , freezing may be particularly prominent.


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