Assists With Reducing Freezing Gait To Improve Mobility
Agilitas Wearable for Parkinsons improves freezing gait
What we like about Agilitas:
Helps to reduce freezing gait by providing the wearer with a visual cue to prompt continued motion.
Improves mobility in Parkinsons patients to allow them to stay independent for longer and reduce the likelihood of falls
Automatic and manual modes are available
The simple and discreet device
The Agilitas wearable is a simple, black disc that you can wear on your clothing around the hip area to help with the freezing gait symptom thats common to Parkinsons Disease. It uses a motion-sensing algorithm to detect when youre about to freeze. It then shines a small red dot on the floor to visually cue your brain as to where the next steps should go.
“Agilitas represents a revolutionary approach to the treatment of freezing of gait. It harnesses sophisticated 21st-century technology to create a discreet, powerful, yet elegantly simple solution. Agilitas promises to improve the quality of life of countless patients with Parkinsons Disease. Endorsed by Dr Rodney Marsh FRANZCP MBBS
You can use it in automatic mode, where the Agilitas will detect when youre about to freeze on its own. Alternatively, there is the manual mode where you can tap it once to turn on the light on your own. And double tapping it keeps the light on permanently good for areas with many obstacles. There is also now a cane attachment included.
Caregiving For People Living With Parkinsons
Caring for a loved one with PD can be a challenging job, especially as the disease progresses. Former caregivers of a loved one with PD suggest doing the following : Get prepared, Take care of yourself, Get help , Work to maintain a good relationship with your loved one, and Encourage the person with PD for whom you care, to stay active.
Preparing for caregiving starts with education. Reading this fact sheet is a good start. More resources are available to you in theResources section of this fact sheet. Early Parkinsonâs disease usually requires more emotional support and less hands-on care. It is a good time for family members/caregivers to educate themselves about the disease.
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Living With The Early Stages Of Parkinsons Disease
In the early stages of Parkinsons disease, many people lead an independent and active life. The symptoms and worries about the future can still be hard to cope with, though. But there are various ways to deal with the psychological burden and the restrictions in everyday life.
Parkinsons affects many areas of life be it work, relationships, family or leisure activities. Even if everyday life only changes slightly in the early stages of the disease, many people are worried about losing their independence and needing nursing care. But its often possible to lead a life thats not restricted too much by the disease for a long time. Its still a good idea to be prepared for a time when you will need more help, though.
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How Much Does Long Term Care For Parkinsons Patients Cost
According to the National Center for Assisted Living, the average cost of assisted living care in the United States is $48,000. Thats roughly the same cost as home health care, and about half the cost of skilled nursing facilities.
In Arizona, the average annual cost is actually a little less than the national average. Genworth places the median annual cost of assisted living care in Arizona at $45,600.
Expect specialized care for Parkinsons disease, Alzheimers, and dementia to cost a little more. While the final cost varies significantly based on the region and facility, specialized care may cost an extra $1,000 per month, or $12,000 per year placing the total cost closer to $60,000 per year.
Could Environmental Factors Also Be Contributing
Research is in its infancy, but Parkinson’s expert Ray Dorsey has concluded the disease is increasing faster than aging, so there are other drivers, likely environmental.
Some research has implicated the pesticide paraquat, though not all studies confirm that connection. Lawsuits are ongoing against the manufacturers of paraquat by individuals with Parkinson’s people, Dorsey said, who have no family history or identifiable genetic cause of the disease, but who were exposed to paraquat before developing Parkinson’s.
Air pollution also might be raising the Parkinson’s disease risk, Dorsey said, as might the degreasing agent Trichloroethylene or TCE.
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Chester Adjustable Height Shower Stool
Perhaps you prefer taking showers rather than sitting in the bath. After all, there are a lot of people who do. In that case, it may be a good idea to invest in the Chester Adjustable Height Shower Stool, so that you can sit down and have a shower easily.
This way, you can rest your body without the strain of standing up in the shower. This can make life much easier if your Parkinsons Disease has led to muscle rigidity.
How A Speech Pathologist Can Help
If you have noticed changes to your speech or swallowing abilities, you may need to see a speech pathologist . Items such as voice amplifiers can be particularly helpful for improving communication in people living with Parkinsons. A speech pathologist can advise you on communications aids as well as exercises and techniques related to speech and swallowing.
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Safe Sip Drinks Cover
Independence and dignity is so important when it comes to eating and drinking, and any equipment that helps to counteract Parkinsons tremors is a winner. Thats why we love the SafeSip.
This reusable drinks cover means your loved one can continue to use their usual cups and mugs. With the Safe Sip, the silicone cover slots over the top of the drinking vessel, and a straw can be used in the middle. Voila, no spills! 100% BPA free, it is dishwasher, freezer and microwave safe and available in muted and more colourful hues.
Suggest They Join A Support Group
A Parkinsons support group will allow your loved one to share their thoughts and feelings with others who are experiencing the same thing. This may help reduce loneliness and isolation.
Your loved one may learn about treatment options and resources that have helped others in the group, and make new friends in the process. Support groups also usually welcome the families and friends of people with Parkinsons.
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Bathing And Personal Care Tips
For someone with Parkinsons disease, showering is typically preferred to taking baths because getting in and out of the tub becomes increasingly difficult. However, some people with PD may eventually experience changes in the brain that affect memory, judgement and focus. The Alzheimers Association estimates that 50 to 80 percent of Parkinsons patients experience these and other symptoms of dementia. Individuals living with Parkinsons disease dementia and Lewy body dementia may benefit from some adaptations, assistive devices and caregiving techniques that are used in dementia care.
For example, many dementia patients are confused or even frightened by the sound and feel of running water while showering. If your loved one requires assistance with bathing, be sure to give them time to adapt to the situation and understand what is happening. Gently talk them through the process, ensure they are warm and comfortable, and start by cleansing less sensitive areas of the body, such as the feet and hands, before proceeding to other areas.
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Easy Pull On Trousers
These chinos look super smart and you wouldnt guess they arent the usual chinos you see in the shops. The difference is these have a velcro fly . Extremely discreet, youd never guess that velcro was used as the fastener here. It turns these trousers into an item of clothing that assist people in getting dressed rather than turning this daily act into a struggle.
Plus, a velcro fly can help men go the bathroom solo its less time fussing with the fly when standing up which can impact balance .
A note on the velcro, make sure you fasten it while the trousers are being washed and it should last as long as the clothes do.
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What Are Some Causes Of Parkinsons Disease
Multiple risk factors may contribute to PD. Scientists still arent sure why neurons in Parkinsons patients weaken and produce lower levels of dopamine, according to Harvard Health Publishing. Researchers continuously note the following factors that affect Parkinsons risk:
- Age. While some people are diagnosed with early-onset PD before 50, age increases the likelihood of diagnosis.
- Sex. People born male are 1.5 times more likely to have PD than people born female.
- Environmental causes. Exposure to certain chemicals, metals, and organic pollutants may be linked to increased Parkinsons risks. Various agricultural pesticides may be linked to neurodegeneration that leads to PD, according to research published in the American Journal of Epidemiology.
- Head injuries. Repeated head trauma may increase a persons PD risk.
- Genetics. Certain altered and mutated genes can increase the risk of developing PD.
Helpful Living Aids For Parkinson’s Disease
In April, we commemorate those who live with the debilitating effects of Parkinsons disease. We want to acknowledge the challenges for those facing the effects of the condition in their daily lives, while honouring those who are carers to Parkinsons sufferers. It is only fitting therefore, to help spread awareness.
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Help Them Feel Normalcy
A disease like Parkinsons can interfere with the normalcy of someones life. Because people may focus so much on the disease and its symptoms, your loved one may start to lose their sense of self.
When you talk with your loved one, dont constantly remind them that they have a chronic disease. Talk about other things like their favorite new movie or book.
Disability Aids That Make Living With Parkinsons Disease Easier
Life with Parkinsons Disease can be a big change, making you feel scared and lonely. However, as discussed in our recent post on living with Parkinsons Disease, it is still possible to live a relatively independent lifestyle.
Following on from that advice, we wanted to bring your attention to 8 of the best disability aids that can make life with Parkinsons Disease easier to manage. From larger disability aids such as recliners to simple tools to help you unplug household items, each of these will ease your life in one regard or another.
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Pushing Himself To Be Stronger
One of the trials involved forced exercise, which meant Jimmy had to use indoor cycling machines. Jimmy noticed that he often felt better after these sessions. Thats when he started incorporating exercise more into his daily life.
At first, he started walking to his mailbox and back without his cane, going a little farther each day. As he gained confidence, he began eating healthier. He lost weight and was able to walk around the block, and then two or three blocks. Eventually, he began jogging and noticed that not only were his Parkinsons symptoms improving, but also his overall health.
In 2012, he ran his first mile. Later that same year, he ran his first 5K fundraiser, in honor of Parkinsons Awareness Month. That September, Jimmy decided he was going to run the Chicago half-marathon. But because the race was a month away, there wasnt any space. Someone told him to check if there were any charity bibs left, which was when Jimmy discovered The Michael J. Fox Foundation. When he asked about a charity bib, they had one left. Jimmy took it and promised to raise $2,000.
Looking back, I always say that I felt that that bib was always there, he says. It was meant for me. It kick-started something that has brought me to where I am now.
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Is There A Cost For Assisted Living Services
If you receive publicly subsidized assisted living services, you will pay a monthly rate based on your income , subject to a minimum and maximum monthly rate. Your monthly rate is calculated by multiplying your after tax income by 70 per cent. For more information, please see:
For 2021, the minimum monthly rate for a single client receiving assisted living services is $1,060.30 per month.
If you and your spouse are living together in an assisted living unit, your monthly client rate will be calculated based on the income of both you and your spouse, subject to a minimum and maximum monthly rate. Your monthly rate will be recalculated if your living situation changes for any reason and you are no longer living with your spouse. For 2021, the minimum monthly rate for a couple living together in an assisted living unit is $1,615.00 per month per couple.
The maximum monthly rate for publicly subsidized assisted living services is based on the market rent for housing and hospitality services for the geographic area where you live, as well as the actual cost of personal care services you receive. For more information on the maximum monthly rate, please contact your health authority.
For more general information on the costs of publicly subsidized home and community care services in B.C., please see:
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Bathmaster Deltis Heavy Duty Bath Lift
Perhaps a grab rail for your bathtub doesnt sound right for you, or you need a bit more help when it comes to lowering yourself into the tub. If that is the case, then the Bathmaster Deltis Heavy Duty Bath Lift could be the perfect answer to your needs.
The bath lift is easy to put in and take out of the bathtub and features the latest battery technology to ensure that you are lifted up and lowered safely and securely.
Why Are Rates Increasing
The simplest answer is that Americans are getting older. This probably explains rising rates in states like Florida, which are destinations for retirees.
There’s also an odd connection seen between smoking and Parkinson’s, where heavy smokers appear less likely to develop the disease, Beck said.
As smoking rates have fallen, Parkinson’s rates have risen, he said, though it may be that smoking is a marker for something else rather than that tobacco itself is protective.
Increases in places like Ohio and Pennsylvania may be driven by a variety of factors, including better awareness and environmental toxics from heavy industry.
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Living Alone With Parkinson’s Disease
Kara LaMarre, Support Group Facilitator for the Alpena Parkinson Support Group and Debby Orloff-Davidson, MPF CEO
Living alone has its advantages. There’s no one to clean up after. You can do as you please when you please. There is a downside however, especially if you have to deal with issues associated with Parkinson’s disease, such as freezing and falls.
At our recent Annual Facilitator Training Program, a panel of five individuals gave their insight into living alone as safely and as independently as possible with Parkinson’s disease. Peggy, Doug, Jeannie, Jonathan, and Nona, who live in both urban and rural areas, provided practical ideas for persons living in their home without the benefit of having a companion to aid them when a need arises.
Doug has organized his house – and himself – to conserve energy and perform tasks. He has motion sensors that turn on lights in each room as he enters. He hangs a tennis ball from the ceiling in the garage, so when he pulls his car in and the tennis ball touches the window, he knows he has parked correctly. He eliminates the need for daily cleanup of the bathroom sink by using an electric shaver and toothbrush while taking his shower. Doug also uses plastic cups and bottles to avoid problems with breakage. Doug feels strongly that organization and planning ahead greatly reduce incidences that may cause problems for him.
How Many People Are Living With Parkinson’s
The new study found that 90,000 Americans a year are diagnosed with Parkinson’s, up from the previous estimate of 60,000. This finding is based on five previous prevalence studies, including data through 2012, so it is likely an underestimate, Okun said.
Men are nearly twice as likely as women to receive the diagnosis, according to the research, and incidence generally increases with age beginning in the 60s.
A 2018 study from the Parkinsons Prevalence Project estimated that 930,000 people in the U.S. would be living with Parkinson’s by 2020 and 1.2 million by 2030, largely driven by the aging population.
Pinpointing the incidence rate can help convince lawmakers to direct more funding to Parkinson’s research and companies to invest in treatments, said Jim Beck, a study co-author and chief scientific officer for the Parkinson’s Foundation, which helped fund the new study along with the Michael J. Fox Foundation and the Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences.
“We want to use this data to encourage policy makers to reconsider how much funding Parkinson’s disease gets and the impact on society,” he said. “There’s a real call to action here.”
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Encouragingthe Use Of Assistive Devices
An electric warming tray keeps food hot and permits thepatient to rest during the prolonged time that it takes to eat. Specialuten-sils also assist at mealtime. A plate that is stabilized, a nonspill cup,and eating utensils with built-up handles are useful self-help devices. Theoccupational therapist can assist in identifying appropriate adaptive devices.
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Find A Community With Experienced Staff
First and foremost, prospective residents or their caregivers should ask about the staffs experience and training with Parkinsons in particular.
An educated and trained staff is critical for Parkinsons, says Lehr. Loved ones should look for those who know about this disease and its various levels of progression. I would ask very specifically, What are the triggers you look for when you consider someone a viable candidate for this facility versus when you think this person should be in long term care? Thats going to tell you a lot about their depth of knowledge around Parkinsons.
Lehr also says the assisted living community should have a neurologist on staff and rehab specialists on site.
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