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Does Parkinson’s Qualify For Disability

What Is Parkinsons Disease

Does Parkinson’s Disease qualify for Social Security Disability Benefits?

Parkinsons disease is a progressive disorder of the nervous system that affects movement. It develops gradually, sometimes starting with a barely noticeable tremor in just one hand. But while a tremor may be the most well-known sign of Parkinsons disease, the disorder also commonly causes stiffness or slowing of movement.In the early stages of Parkinsons disease, your face may show little or no expression, or your arms may not swing when you walk. Your speech may become soft or slurred. Parkinsons disease symptoms worsen as your condition progresses over time.

What Are Some Common Coverage Limitations That Could Apply To My Long Term Disability Claim

Most disability insurance will exclude or limit coverage for certain conditions. The applicability and impact of a limitation on your claim requires careful analysis of the policy language, facts of your case, and the applicable law. Still, the following information may help you identify whether you have a potential coverage limitation issue.

Pre-existing condition limitation: A pre-existing condition limitation can exclude coverage for disabilities caused by conditions that you had, or for which you received treatment, before you were covered under the policy.

Mental illness limitation: Commonly, benefits for mental illness such as depression or anxiety are limited to 12 or 24 months. This can be of particular concern for those with Parkinsons disease because there can be significant emotional symptoms caused by the disease and side effects of medications. It is important that you identify and document the physical impairments from Parkinsons disease that impact your ability to work.

Appropriate care and treatment: Most policies will not pay benefits unless you are receiving appropriate care and treatment for your Parkinsons disease. That does not mean that you must engage in all possible therapies. However, you should be under the care of a treatment team, including a neurologist. You and your care providers should agree on a course of therapy and stick to it unless it is appropriate to modify it. Failure to do so can result in a benefit denial.


Disability Benefits For Veterans With Parkinsons Disease

The minimum VA disability rating for Parkinsons disease is 30%. However, you must consider other important factors that can increase this rating to 100%. While you may be awarded 30%, that rating alone may be incomplete.

The 30% rating is the starting point. It is vital to make sure the VA completes its rating and evaluates each of your symptoms associated with PD. The VA then should calculate your rating using the combined rating for each symptom. These may include:

  • Tremors, rigidity, and slowness of movement in both upper and lower extremities
  • Cognitive problems
  • Facial muscle paralysis

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What Is The Average Progression Rate Of Parkinsons Disease

Parkinsons disease is a chronic and progressive disease. This means that the symptoms continue and worsen over the period of years. Although there are various factors that may work, but the normal progression rate of the Parkinsons disease is 10 years. When the onset of the disease is at an older age, faster progression rate associated with cognitive failure may be witnessed.

Contact Gillette Law Group

Does Parkinsons Disease Qualify for Disability Benefits?

Its important to know that aqualified disability attorney or advocate can assist you with this burdensome process.We at Gillette Law Group are highly experienced in this process, and we commit this experience to real people like you.

You may have a tight deadline, so contact us right away at 873-2604. Your consultation with us is free.

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Assistance And Treatment For Parkinsons Disease

Parkinsons disease can be controlled through the use of medication, which needs to be adjusted as the disease progresses. Physical exercise and professional therapy can also help assuage some of the worst effects on daily activities. In addition to healthcare professionals, there are organizations and programs available that can educate and support patients and their caregivers.

  • Parkinson Society CanadaThis national organization partners with regional groups and 240 chapters and support groups to provide support, education, and advocacy for Canadians with the disease. It also helps fund research in the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment.
  • Canadian Disability Tax CreditThose with Parkinsons disease may qualify for a Canadian disability tax credit. The disability tax credit is intended to help with extra expenses caused by the condition and to help sufferers lead a more normal, productive life.
  • PhysiciansSince there is no cure, ongoing professional medical care is necessary. Parkinsons patients frequently need their medications adjusted or changed as the disease alters over time. Some patients also may benefit from surgery.
  • Physical, Speech, and Occupational TherapySeveral different therapies can improve the quality of life for Parkinsons patients. Physical therapy helps with mobility and flexibility. Occupational therapy improves the performance of daily chores. Speech therapy aids in voice control.

Meeting A Blue Book Listing

Many Social Security disability benefit applicants receive benefits by meeting a listing in the Blue Book, which is the official SSA guidebook of known disabilities. Parkinson’s is specifically referenced in Listing 11.06- Parkinsonism. To qualify, you must meet one of the following medical criteria:

  • Inability to control the movement of at least two extremities, even after three months of treatment, causing serious difficulty with standing, walking, or using your arms OR

If you have an advanced stage of Parkinsons that makes it difficult to work and are planning to apply for SSA disability benefits, contact a Social Security attorney or advocate.

They will improve your chances of a successful claim by ensuring that your application is both accurate and complete and provide skilled and qualified representation in the event that you are initially denied, increasing the likelihood of the approval- and the benefits- you need.

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Parkinsons Disease And Qualifying For Disability Benefits

Author Attorney Greg Reed:

One million people in the U.S. and 10 million people worldwide are affected by Parkinsons disease. Parkinsons disease is a neurodegenerative brain disorder characterized by tremors, stiffness, slow movement and postural instability. It is part of a collective group of neurological disorders known as Parkinsonian syndrome that causes movement problems.

The SSA recognizes Parkinsons Disease in its Blue Book under Section 11.06. To qualify for Social Security Disability benefits a person must meet the requirements of the listing or prove that they are unable to work.

In its early stages it is difficult to determine whether a person has Parkinsons disease or a disorder mimicking the condition as its symptoms may take years to develop.

As the disease progresses, a person with Parkinsons disease may have difficulty walking and talking or experience sleeping problems, memory difficulties, fatigue, or depression.

Common symptoms include:
  • Tremors or shaking, beginning with a limb, hands or fingers. Shaking can occur even when the person is at rest.
  • Slowed movement called bradykinesia. For example, a persons steps may become shorter or the person may drag their feet.
  • Rigid muscles in any part of the body which may be painful and limit range of motion.
  • Impaired posture and balance.
  • Changes in speech for example, slurred speech or a monotone voice.
  • Difficulty writing.

Gathering Evidence And Writing The Appeal

Parkinson’s Disease and Social Security Disability Benefits

Properly handling an LTD appeal is much more complicated than just completing some paperwork. Although a doctors note proclaiming your inability to remain in the workforce helps your case, it may not be enough for the insurance company to approve your LTD claim. At CCK, we take a comprehensive approach in managing your appeal. We gather all evidence that you will need in court and submit it with your appeal in order to provide the strongest evidence record possible. This evidence might include:

  • Test results
  • Reports from your treating physicians
  • Expert opinions
  • Witness statements from you, your family, friends, or co-workers

Preparing a strong and complete evidence record to file with your LTD appeal is especially important with ERISA-governed LTD appeals this is because in ERISA cases, the administrative appeal stage is the final opportunity a claimant has to submit substantive evidence into the record. One major source of adversity that ERISA LTD claimants face is the lack of flexibility in submitting new evidence to the administrative record in court. We gather all evidence and write the appeal using this information. In our appeal, we thoughtfully explain why you meet your policys definition of disability and other conditions for coverage. Our arguments are based on, and supported by, evidence.

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Cck Understands Parkinsons Disability Claims

We understand the effects that Parkinsons Disease can have on you over time, both physically and cognitively. The cognitive symptoms of PD may make it difficult for you to concentrate or juggle multiple responsibilities at once. Physical symptoms can impede your ability to perform everyday tasks, such as getting dressed, physically attending work reliably and traveling.

Your insurer may not fully comprehend the strain you face by remaining in the workforce. They may not understand how you have worked with PD in the past, but are now rendered unable to do so due to the diseases progression. At CCK, we have experience helping professionals who have pushed through their symptoms for years, but simply can no longer perform at the capacity required to remain in the workforce.

What Symptoms Should Be Present To Confirm Parkinsons Disease

In order to medically diagnose Parkinsons disease, a minimum of two to four symptoms must be present. The four main symptoms include-

  • Acute slowness of movement called Bradykinesia.
  • Stiffness or rigidity of the arms, legs and trunk.
  • Problems with maintaining body balance and posture, which result in falls called postural instability.

The gradual loss of independence may be difficult to deal with, but being well informed about the disease may reduce the anxiety to a large extent. Generally Parkinsons disease is not fatal, but since it adversely affects the motor abilities, constant assistance is required for a patient with Parkinsons disease.

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How Will My Insurance Company Consider My Parkinsons Disease Symptoms

The symptoms of Parkinsons can vary drastically in nature, severity, and frequency. Due to the somewhat unpredictable clinical presentation of Parkinsons, just being diagnosed is not usually enough to receive long term disability benefits. Instead, the insurance company will look to see how your particular symptoms impact your ability to work.

The insurance company will assess your Parkinsons by considering your:

  • Motor functioning
  • Treatment.

Symptoms Of Parkinsons Disease

Does Parkinson

Parkinsons disease symptoms and signs may vary from person to person. Early signs may be mild and may go unnoticed. Symptoms often begin on one side of your body and usually remain worse on that side, even after symptoms begin to affect both sides. Some examples of symptoms include tremors or shaking often in hands or fingers, slowed movement, rigid muscles, impaired posture and balance, loss of automatic movements, speed changes, and writing changes.

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Parkinsons Disease Disability Benefits In Canada

Parkinsons disease is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects the bodys nervous system, compromising movement. Symptoms of Parkinsons disease are gradual, often starting with an almost unnoticeable tremor in one hand. Its arguably the most well-known sign of the disorder, though Parkinsons can also cause stiffness or slowing of movement.

Besides the hand tremor calling-card, Parkinsons symptoms can also include:

  • Slowed movement
  • Speech changes
  • Writing changes

A person with Parkinsons nerve cells in the brain slowly break down or die. Many Parkinsons symptoms are due to the loss of those neurons, which produce a chemical messenger in your brain called dopamine. Low levels of dopamine lead to abnormal brain activity, making Parkinsons a potential risk.

The cause of Parkinsons disease is still unknown. Two factors that seem to be linked to the disorder include genetics and environmental triggers .Left untreated, Parkinsons can lead to an array of complications, the most common being:

  • Difficulty thinking
  • Fatigue

Do Parkinsonian Syndromes Qualify For Disability Benefits

According to the SSAs Blue Book, Parkinsons Disease is considered a disability and is a qualifying medical condition for disability benefits. In fact, the disease is listed within the collective name of Parkinsonian Syndromes in section 11.06 of the Blue Book. So, if you have signs of Parkinsonian Syndrome and not Parkinson Disease, you may still qualify for disability benefits.

To meet the SSAs requirements for disability benefits of the disease, you must be able to meet the following despite taking prescribed treatment for three consecutive months:

  • Disorganization of motor function in two extremities, that results in an extreme limitation in the ability to stand up in a seated position, balance while standing or walking or use the upper extremities.
    • Understanding, remembering, or applying information or
    • Interacting with others or

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Social Security Disability Eligibility For People With Parkinson’s Disease

In its early stages, Parkinson’s disease rarely affects a person’s ability to work. However, the progression of the disease can make it difficult to do many jobs safely and effectively. When Parkinson’s disease affects your ability to earn a living, Social Security disability benefits are an option.

What If I Dont Match The Listing

Parkinsons Disease Long Term Disability Claims Information & Help

If you do not match the above description, dont panic. You may still be able to qualify through other means. In fact, because the Listings requirements are often so complex, most disability claimants are approved not by matching the Listing, but by qualifying for a medical-vocational allowance. If you qualify with a medical-vocational allowance, it means that your condition dramatically interferes with your ability to perform work, even though you dont necessarily match the relevant description in the Listing.

Additionally, claimants who have been diagnosed with ALS Parkinsonism Dementia Complex, also known as Lytico-Bodig Disease, may be eligible for a special program called Compassionate Allowances . Claimants with CAL conditions receive the same disability payments as non-CAL applicants, but are eligible for significantly expedited claims processing. Instead of waiting months or more, CAL claimants can receive an answer in just a few weeks.

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People Living With Parkinsons Can File For Social Security Disability

For people with Parkinsons Disease , simple daily tasks can be challenging to complete, even with the proper medication. Filing for and receiving benefits to help treat and live with PD, however, should not be difficult. SSDI exists to provide financial support and medical benefits to people with disabilities, like PD, who are unable to continue daily work activities. The SSDI application can be complicated and frustrating, so people with PD should know whom to contact for help during the filing process.

Can I Get Social Security Disability For Parkinsons Disease

Disability claims based on Parkinsons disease depend on the impact the disease has on your ability to walk and to use your hands

Does Social Security consider Parkinsons disease to be disabling?

How exactly does Social Security evaluate a disability claim based on Parkinsons disease?

Step 1: Non-Medical CriteriaStep 2: Severe ImpairmentStep 3: Medical ListingsStep 4: Past WorkStep 5: Other Work

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Get A No Obligation Free Legal Consultation Today

If your Parkinson’s is so severe that you can’t work, but the Social Security Administration denied your SSD claim or if you want help applying for SSD benefits don’t waste any time.

Contact Edgar Snyder & Associates at 412-394-1000, or fill out our free legal consultation form.

Remember, you have only 60 days to file an appeal. Hiring an attorney may mean the difference between whether or not you collect SSD benefits, so get started today.

How A Lawyer Can Help You

Does Parkinson

If you need help navigating the process of filing a claim for Social Security disability benefits youre not alone.

An experienced attorney who specializes in Social Security disability cases can answer your questions, give you advice, and help you through the claims process.

A good attorney can also help you figure out what medical evidence you should be submitting with your claim. Youre not supposed to be great at filing for disability benefits.

But an attorney who has worked on disability cases can help you through the process of filing a claim for disability benefits and give you the best chance at getting your claim for benefits approved the first time.

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How Can The Nba Help

Having assisted thousands of Canadians in successfully claiming disability credits, The National Benefit Authority is Canadas largest disability tax service provider. Our experts can help determine your Disability Tax Credit eligibility, and walk you through your Canadian Disability Tax Credit application. Disability Tax Credit amounts vary on a case-by-case basis, but can be upwards of $50,000 per application!

Parkinsons is a disorder that needs constant attention due to its progressive nature time spent sifting through paperwork and research can be left to someone else. We can guide you through every step towards recovering your Parkinsons disease disability benefits, ensuring you and your family finds the support you need.

What If You Do Not Meet The Ssa Requirements But Still Struggle With Limitations Due To Parkinsons

Although the simplest way to get SSD benefits with Parkinsons is to meet the requirements of the SSA, it is still possible to get benefits if your condition makes it difficult or impossible to work. The SSA will evaluate your physical and mental limitations and determine what, if any, work you can still do and offer benefits based on this determination.

If you have applied for SSD benefits and been denied, please contact us to discuss the possibility of an appeal.

About Author


Clauson Law has focused on representing the injured and disabled for over 10 years. We have handled thousands of cases. Each client is important to us and has a unique situation.

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