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HomeNewsI Think I Have Parkinson's Disease

I Think I Have Parkinson’s Disease

Living With Parkinson’s Disease

I made a film about my Parkinson’s diagnosis

As Parkinson’s develops, a person who has it may slow down and won’t be able to move or talk quickly. Sometimes, speech therapy and occupational therapy are needed. This may sound silly, but someone who has Parkinson’s disease may need to learn how to fall down safely.

If getting dressed is hard for a person with Parkinson’s, clothing with Velcro and elastic can be easier to use than buttons and zippers. The person also might need to have railings installed around the house to prevent falls.

If you know someone who has Parkinson’s disease, you can help by being a good friend.

Problems With Balance Or Walking

Bradykinesia can also contribute to increasing instability, walking difficulties and changes in gait. An early symptom of this is a decrease in the natural swing of one or both arms when walking. As things progress, the steps you take may become slower and smaller, and you may start shuffling your feet.

Some people with Parkinsons disease may also experience freezing episodes where it can feel like their feet are stuck in place, which can increase the risk of falling.

Severe Headaches Are A Main Symptom Of Parkinson’s Disease

There are several common symptoms of Parkinson’s disease, though severe headaches are not one of them. PD is diagnosed when a person has one or more of the four most common motor symptoms of the disease that include resting tremor, slow movement , rigidity, and difficulty balancing when standing . There are other secondary motor and non-motor symptoms that also occur with PD. Symptoms may be experienced differently by each person and the progression of the disease is different for everyone as well. For example, some people may have tremor as a primary symptom, while another may not have tremors but may have postural instability.

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Surgery And Deep Brain Stimulation

Deep brain stimulation is a treatment for Parkinsonâs disease that uses an implantable pacemaker-like device to deliver electrical pulses to parts of the brain involved in movement. The DBS system consists of leads precisely inserted into a specific brain target, the neurostimulator implanted in the chest, and extension wires that connect the leads to the neurostimulator. Though implantation of the system requires a neurosurgical procedure, the treatment itself consists of long-term electrical stimulation. Advantages of DBS include its ability to reduce the high doses of medications , its adjustability , and its reversibility DBS was approved by the Food and Drug Administration as a treatment for PD in 2002 and according to Medtronic , more than 80,000 patients have undergone DBS surgery worldwide.

Typical candidates are those who have motor fluctuations or periods of âoffâ time with troublesome symptoms alternating with periods of âonâ time with good symptom control, and also with possible periods of excessive movement .

Not all patients with Parkinsonâs disease are good candidates for treatment with DBS. Approximately 10â20% of patients considered for possible treatment with DBS include those:

Tom Thought That Because Some Pink Tablets Relieved His Symptoms This Meant He Was Ok He Didn’t

Tips for Common Symptoms of Parkinson

I first suspected there was something wrong when I was travelling and I was writing a postcard to a friend of mine in, in Australia whose name is Anthony Diecopolis. And, and I got to the Anthony Diec and I couldnt finish the opolis. And its very strange my hand had sort of gone into a sort of spasm and it just wouldnt, wouldnt finish writing the, the, the word. And so thats a bit strange.

And so I went when, when I got I, I went to the doctor and said, What on earths going on? And I had since then Id also developed this slight tremor in my right hand. He said, Well its probably, Essential Tremor or trapped nerve or something like that. And anyway, then it got a bit worse and then I was, I was recommended to go to a neurologist. And the neurologist had a look at me and gave me some pills. And he said, Come back and tell me if these work.

This is about, about sort of, nine months after my, my not being able to finish the, the postcard. And, and he said, Take these pills. And the pills worked. Magically the tremors stopped and I thought this is wonderful. And so I went back to the neurologist and I said, Yes everythings fine now. The pills have, the pills have worked. And far from looking happy about this he looked rather, rather grave and he said, I think youd better go to another neurologist.

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Support For People With Parkinsons Disease

Early access to a multidisciplinary support team is important. These teams may include doctors, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech therapists, dietitians, social workers and specialist nurses. Members of the team assess the person with Parkinsons disease and identify potential difficulties and possible solutions.There are a limited number of multidisciplinary teams in Victoria that specialise in Parkinsons disease management. But generalist teams are becoming more aware of how to help people with Parkinsons disease.

Dementia Is Often Seen In The Later Stages Of Parkinson’s Disease

About one-quarter to one-third of people with Parkinson’s disease will develop cognitive difficulties such as problems with memory, judgment, language, reasoning, and other mental skills. In later stages of PD, patients may develop Parkinson’s disease dementia . There is no cure for dementia associated with Parkinson’s, but some medications may help with the symptoms.

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How Is Parkinson’s Disease Treated

If a doctor thinks a person has Parkinson’s disease, there’s reason for hope. Medicine can be used to eliminate or improve the symptoms, like the body tremors. And some experts think that a cure may be found soon.

For now, a medicine called levodopa is often given to people who have Parkinson’s disease. Called “L-dopa,” this medicine increases the amount of dopamine in the body and has been shown to improve a person’s ability to walk and move around. Other drugs also help decrease and manage the symptoms by affecting dopamine levels. In some cases, surgery may be needed to treat it. The person would get anesthesia, a special kind of medicine to prevent pain during the operation.

Increased Feelings Of Anxiety Or Depression

Parkinson’s Disease Symptoms, Treatment, Nursing Care, Pathophysiology NCLEX Review

Anxiety and depression have been linked to Parkinsons. In addition to movement problems, the disease can also have an impact on your mental health. Its possible that changes in your emotional well-being can be a sign of changing physical health as well.

If you are more anxious than usual, have lost interest in things, or feel a sense of hopelessness, talk to your doctor.

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Response To Parkinsons Drugs

After examining you, and depending on the severity of your symptoms, your specialist may suggest you take medication for Parkinsons. If your symptoms improve after taking Parkinsons medication for a few weeks or months, your specialist may confirm a Parkinsons diagnosis. However, some people with other forms of parkinsonism will also respond well to these drugs.

Your specialist may suggest you have a scan to help make a diagnosis. However, scans alone cant make a definite diagnosis of Parkinsons, so they are not commonly used.

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Related Conditions And Causes Of Parkinsons Disease

Many conditions can cause symptoms that are similar to those of Parkinsons disease, including the following:

  • Essential tremor

This foundation was founded in 2000 by the actor Michael J. Fox, who received a diagnosis of young-onset Parkinsons disease in 1991. Take a look at Parkinsons 360, the foundations guide for living with Parkinsons. Or if youd like to join a Parkinsons research study, visit the Fox Trial Finder.

With a mission to empower people with Parkinsons, this foundation funds research geared toward improving care and treatment for the disease. Sign up for their newsletter to receive news updates and information about Parkinsons resources. Or if you need help connecting with a health professional, call the foundations helpline at 800-4PD-INFO .

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Communicating With Your Doctor

One of the most important parts of getting good medical care is communicating with your doctor and health care team, so you can make smart, informed decisions about your health. That includes getting detailed information about your condition, how it can be treated, what the possible side effects of different treatment options are, and what you can do to improve your quality of life. It also includes information about coping with your diagnosis and treatment, both emotionally and physically.

Parkinsons Disease Has Many Stages

Typical Age For Parkinson

There are five stages of Parkinsons disease:

  • Stage 1: At this stage, you will have only mild symptoms and can go about your day-to-day life relatively easily.
  • Stage 2: Symptoms such as tremors and stiffness begin to worsen and affect both sides of the body. You may develop poor posture or have trouble walking.
  • Stage 3: In this stage, your movement will begin to slow down and you lose balance. Symptoms can hinder your ability to perform daily tasks such as getting dressed or cooking.
  • Stage 4: Symptoms are severe and cause significant issues with day-to-day living. At this point, you are unable to live alone because you cannot complete daily tasks on your own.
  • Stage 5: Walking or standing could be impossible at this point. Typically, people at this stage are confined to a wheelchair or bed and require a nurse to take care of them at home.

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What Is The Prognosis For Parkinsons Disease

The rate at which Parkinsons progresses varies from patient to patient. Some patients experience its changes over 20 years or more. While others find the disease advances quicker.

Parkinsons is not a fatal disease. However, secondary complications from symptoms may increase falls, blood clots or pneumonia, which can be life-threatening. These are more common in later stages of Parkinsons.

In general, the average life expectancy of Parkinson’s patients is similar to people without the disease.

Do Private Health Insurance Plans Cover The Treatment

Aetnas coverage of focused ultrasound treatment of essential tremor that does not respond to medications applies across the country. Also, a total of 39 Independent Blue Cross Blue Shield Association plans have adopted the National Medical Policy for coverage of MR-guided focused ultrasound to treat medication-refractory Essential Tremor.

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Tremor In Other Conditions

While tremor is a common symptom of PD, it can also be a symptom of other conditions, most notably essential tremor. The main difference between Parkinsons tremor and most other types of tremor is that in PD resting tremor is most common. Other conditions are usually characterized by action tremor, which tends to lessen at rest and increase when youre doing something, like trying to make a phone call or take a drink. Tremors of the head and voice are also common in essential tremor but rare in PD.

How Do I Take Care Of Myself

Parkinsonâs Disease Exercises: Posture

If you have Parkinsons disease, the best thing you can do is follow the guidance of your healthcare provider on how to take care of yourself.

  • Take your medication as prescribed. Taking your medications can make a huge difference in the symptoms of Parkinsons disease. You should take your medications as prescribed and talk to your provider if you notice side effects or start to feel like your medications arent as effective.
  • See your provider as recommended. Your healthcare provider will set up a schedule for you to see them. These visits are especially important to help with managing your conditions and finding the right medications and dosages.
  • Dont ignore or avoid symptoms. Parkinsons disease can cause a wide range of symptoms, many of which are treatable by treating the condition or the symptoms themselves. Treatment can make a major difference in keeping symptoms from having worse effects.

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What Can I Expect If I Have This Condition

Parkinsons disease is a degenerative condition, meaning the effects on your brain get worse over time. However, this condition usually takes time to get worse. Most people have a normal life span with this condition.

You’ll need little to no help in the earlier stages and can keep living independently. As the effects worsen, youll need medication to limit how the symptoms affect you. Most medications, especially levodopa, are moderately or even very effective once your provider finds the minimum dose you need to treat your symptoms.

Most of the effects and symptoms are manageable with treatment, but the treatments become less effective and more complicated over time. Living independently will also become more and more difficult as the disease worsens.

How long does Parkinsons disease last?

Parkinsons disease isnt curable, which means its a permanent, life-long condition.

Whats the outlook for Parkinsons disease?

Parkinson’s disease isn’t fatal, but the symptoms and effects are often contributing factors to death. The average life expectancy for Parkinson’s disease in 1967 was a little under 10 years. Since then, the average life expectancy has increased by about 55%, rising to more than 14.5 years. That, combined with the fact that Parkinson’s diagnosis is much more likely after age 60, means this condition doesn’t often affect your life expectancy by more than a few years .

Treatment For Rem Sleep Disorder

  • Consider making environmental adjustments to protect the person with RBD and bed partner from injury. This may include padding the floor, creating a barrier between bed partners, or sleeping in separate beds or rooms.

  • Talk to your doctor about the over-the-counter sleep aid melatonin. Doses up to 12 mg one hour before bedtime can improve RBD symptoms.
  • Clonazepam has been shown in large case series to improve RBD in 80 to 90% of cases. It is often used when melatonin is not effective. The dose of clonazepam required is low, usually from 0.5 mg to 1.0 mg. The adverse effects of clonazepam include nocturnal confusion, daytime sedation and exacerbation of obstructive sleep apnea, if present.
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    Who Does It Affect

    The risk of developing Parkinsons disease naturally increases with age, and the average age at which it starts is 60 years old. Its slightly more common in men or people designated male at birth than in women or people designated female at birth .

    While Parkinsons disease is usually age-related, it can happen in adults as young as 20 .

    What Does The Body’s Nervous System Control


    The body’s central nervous system controls the five senses. The CNS is made up of your brain and spinal cord. The brain is what interprets our external environment, houses our thoughts and ideas, and controls our body movements. It acts like a central computer for our five senses, interpreting information from our eyes , ears , nose , tongue , and skin , as well as other sensations from internal organs such as the stomach. The spinal cord is the connection from the body to the brain, transmitting the signals our body receives to the brain, which then interprets them to make sense of our world. When the spinal cord is injured, this interrupts that communication.

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    How Do I Prevent Falls From Common Hazards

    • Floors: Remove all loose wires, cords, and throw rugs. Minimize clutter. Make sure rugs are anchored and smooth. Keep furniture in its usual place.
    • Bathroom: Install grab bars and non-skid tape in the tub or shower. Use non-skid bath mats on the floor or install wall-to-wall carpeting.
    • Lighting: Make sure halls, stairways, and entrances are well-lit. Install a night light in your bathroom or hallway and staircase. Turn lights on if you get up in the middle of the night. Make sure lamps or light switches are within reach of the bed if you have to get up during the night.
    • Kitchen: Install non-skid rubber mats near the sink and stove. Clean spills immediately.
    • Stairs: Make sure treads, rails, and rugs are secure. Install a rail on both sides of the stairs. If stairs are a threat, it might be helpful to arrange most of your activities on the lower level to reduce the number of times you must climb the stairs.
    • Entrances and doorways: Install metal handles on the walls adjacent to the doorknobs of all doors to make it more secure as you travel through the doorway.

    Depression And Anxiety Are Also Early Warning Signs Of Parkinsons How So

    A: Like the other symptoms discussed here, late-onset depression and anxiety are nonmotor prodromal manifestations of the condition. Its not that everyone who is depressed will get Parkinsons, and the numbers are lower than they are for symptoms like anosmia and REM behavior disorder. But the link is important to explore, and we are doing more research on it all the time.

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    Having Parkinsons Is Not A Death Sentence

    Parkinsons disease is not fatal, and your life expectancy depends highly on the type of Parkinsons you have. If the type of disease isnt causing issues with brain function, you can potentially live as long as people without the disease.

    However, if someone has an atypical case of the condition that occurs at the same time as other conditions such as dementia, this can negatively affect their life expectancy.

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    What Should Others Be Aware Of When Interacting With Me

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    My tremor is the most visible symptom. If you see my hand or arm shaking, understand this is a normal symptom and there is no need for concern. What may be less obvious is the impact PD has on my facial expressions. The symptoms sometimes pull my face into a frown, so please dont think Im scowling, angry, or upset. I noticed that its harder to work the muscles on the left side of my face, so you may notice what looks an arched eyebrow or half-grin. This is probably me expressing astonishment or just trying to smile. PD also causes me to speak more softly, and often Im not aware. Its perfectly fine to let me know you are having trouble hearing me because I can speak louder if I focus.

    Due to challenges with typing, I always prefer a voice chat over a text-based one.

    The head tracker that I use requires me to wear a silver dot on my forehead or glasses.

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