Thursday, July 25, 2024
Thursday, July 25, 2024
HomePatientCommunication Devices For Parkinson's Patients

Communication Devices For Parkinson’s Patients

Makeup Artist Terri Bryant Launches Adaptive Beauty Products After Parkinsons Diagnosis

Three Apps for Parkinson’s Home Practice

Applying eyeliner can be a challenge when you have a disability or health condition that impacts your mobility, fine motor skills or hand-eye coordination. One makeup artist, who was diagnosed with Parkinsons disease, used her experience to create accessible products so achieving the perfect brow or eyeliner look is a breeze.

Terri Bryant worked as a professional makeup artist and educator for years, which included a dedication to making the art form more accessible to beginners. She eventually noticed symptoms of what turned out to be Parkinsons disease. Parkinsons disease is a progressive condition that primarily impacts your motor skills.

Bryant noticed how her Parkinsons symptoms, like a tremor, exposed the challenges many people face when applying makeup.

As a makeup artist I understand the mechanics of application and what it takes to achieve great results, Bryant told The Mighty. My experience with Parkinsons has allowed me to actually feel where traditional tools and products can fall short in achieving those results.

What Is The Mollii Suit

The Mollii Suit is a functional garment that consists of a pair of trousers, a jacket and a detachable control unit which sends electrical signals to the user via electrodes on the inside of the garment. Mollii is an assistive device that people with muscle stiffness or other forms of motor disability can use in their home environment. It can help to reduce undesired reflexes and stiffness, thus enabling an improved posture, range of motion and functional ability. It can also reduce certain types of pain and improve sleep patterns.

Treating Speech And Language Problems In Parkinsons Disease

Potential treatments for speech and language problems of PD include medication, behavioral therapies, and surgery. The most recent assessments of these therapies suggest, however, that surgery is not effective for speech problems, although it may improve some of the severe motor problems of PD. In addition, there are no medication therapies that are effective when used alone.

Treating the basic motor problems of PD optimally appears to be a prerequisite for improving speech problems. That is, if the PD motor problems are untreated, the speech problems do not respond well to behavioral treatments. PD medication is, therefore, necessary but not sufficient. In short, the optimal treatment strategy for speech and language problems of PD appears to be a combination of PD medication plus some form of behavioral speech therapy.

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What Is Nonverbal Communication

Nonverbal communication, also called augmentative and alternative communication , is a method of communicating without spoken words.

When communication needs cannot be met through speech, the following techniques can help:

  • Make the best use out of what speaking ability is left.
  • Use expressions and gestures to communicate.

Non-verbal communication can help people with speech difficulties actually speak better by:

  • Reducing the frustration and stress of being unable to communicate.
  • Alleviating the pressure to speak.
  • Allowing the person to be more relaxed and come across in a more understandable manner.

Emergency Alarms And Monitors

Best Mobile Phone For Someone With Parkinson
  • Pendant alarms worn around the neck or wrist are designed to send a signal to an emergency center or another part of the house.
  • Monitors can alert another person in case of a specific event. They can be triggered if the patient falls or smoke is detected, for instance.
  • Wireless doorbells can be used to call for help from someone nearby when the patients voice is not strong enough.
  • Smartphone apps can send an alarm after being triggered by a fall or other event.

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Global Personal Mobility Devices Market Opportunities

Increased Demand in Developing Nations

According to figures released by the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific , the populace of Asia-Pacific is aging at an unprecedented rate, with the number of older people expected to double from 535 million in 2015 to about 1.3 billion by 2050. As this demographic is more susceptible to age-related conditions like visual impairments, arthritis, and spinal cord issues, it is anticipated that the need for personal mobility devices will increase in developing nations. Consequently, the increase in the elderly population in emerging nations, coupled with the competitive and cheap costs of personal mobility devices, is predicted to generate lucrative prospects for market participants over the forecast period.

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What If I Have An Emergency How Will I Communicate

  • Use an intercom system or baby monitor to alert others that there is an emergency.
  • Use bells or buzzers if you are not able to speak. Use codes that signify urgency. For example, a tinkling bell may mean, Id like company while an air-horn means theres an emergency.
  • Carry a portable phone that is equipped with pre-programmed numbers.
  • Pre-program all of your telephones so they can automatically dial the necessary emergency number.
  • Consider a life call button if you spend time alone.

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Communication Tips For Patients With Parkinsons Disease

Speech-Language Pathologist

Parkinsons Disease is a neurodegenerative brain disorder that takes years to develop and progresses slowly in most people. Persons with PD have decline in the production of dopamine. As a result there is decreased ability to regulate movements, body and emotions. At the present time there is no cure for PD. Persons with PD are treated for their symptoms to achieve maximum quality of life.

A Speech-Language Pathologist will typically become involved with PD patients as the disease progresses. Persons with PD often develop dysphasia as well, which is a problem with voice and cognition. The SLP would see the patient for a swallow evaluation and speech and language/voice evaluation. A treatment plan would then be established. This may include additional testing such as a Modified Barrium Swallow or FEES. Voice and cognitive therapy may also be indicated.

As PD progresses, it may become difficult to speak or communicate. Follow the below tips for patients with Parkinsons Disease to maintain or enhance communication with loved ones during this time.

Tips to maintain and enhance communication:

  • Choose an environment with reduced noice. It can be quite tiring to try to talk over the television or radio.
  • Be certain your listener can see your face. Look at the person while you are talking. A well-lit room enhances face-to-face conversation, increasing intelligibility.
  • Use short phrases. Say one or two words, or syllables per breath.
  • References:

    Parkinsons Disease And Movement Disorders Center

    Leland With His DynaVox Maestro.wmv

    Our center provides compassionate and timely treatment to patients with movement disorders, such as dystonia, ataxia, essential tremor and similar conditions. But our mission goes beyond patient care excellence. By offering educational events and support groups, we empower patients and caregivers to become better partners in their health.

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    What Devices Can Help Speech For Those With Parkinsons Disease

    Heres a sample of the devices that are available to help people with Parkinsons disease communicate more clearly.

    Palatal lift. A dental apparatus that is similar to a retainer. It lifts the soft palate and stops air from escaping out of the nose during speech.

    Amplification. A personal amplifier can be used to increase the volume of the voice. The amplifier also decreases voice fatigue.

    TTY telephone relay system. A telephone equipped with a keyboard so speech can be typed and read by a relay operator to the listener. Either the whole message can be typed or just the words that are not understood can be typed.

    Low technology devices. Notebooks and language boards can be used as alternative communication techniques.

    High technology electronic speech enhancers, communication devices. Computers with voice synthesizers and dedicated communication devices are available.

    If you are interested in purchasing an electronic communication aid discuss this with your speech therapist before contacting sales representatives for these devices.

    Can Music Help People Who Have Parkinsons Disease

    After the four-week program, participants start group treatment and join whats called the LOUD Crowd to maintain their skills. LOUD Crowd meets once per week, and offers a community support component as well as skills maintenance.

    The program, which started at Northeastern in the fall of 2021, now boasts four graduates and four additional LOUD Crowd participants who completed the individual therapy elsewhere, Martin said. The program just received its third round of funding from the Texas-based Parkinson Voice Project to continue for the upcoming year, and three more people are already enrolled for the summer.

    For students such as Bender and Fahey, who receive intensive training in the therapeutic protocol, following participants through the program can be a rewarding experience.

    Rob was the first client I ever worked with, Fahey said. Seeing his progressand working with him to achieve that progresshas been really exciting.

    Fahey, Bender, and Martin just hope more people join the free program, which is also part of a research study to investigate the many ways it can benefit people with Parkinsons.

    As of 2017, Parkinsons affected1 million people in the U.S., a figure that is estimated to grow to 1.6 million by 2037, according to a study published in the National Library of Medicine.

    The earlier you intervene with a therapeutic program, the more likely you are to have a good outcome, Martin said.

    Shes witnessed those outcomes firsthand.

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    Device To Help People With Parkinson’s Disease Communicate Better Now Available

    George Patrick discusses the SpeechVive device with Jessica Huber, associate professor in Purdue’s Department of Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences, and developer of the device. The device helps people with Parkinsons disease communicate more effectively. Patrick has been using the device since 2011, and it is now available on the market through health care providers and for demonstration at many of the National Parkinson’s Centers of Excellence across the United States

    LAFAYETTE, Ind. SpeechVive Inc. announced Wednesday the commercial launch of the SpeechVive device intended to help people with a soft voice due to Parkinson’s disease speak more loudly and communicate more effectively.

    The device is now available to try as a demo through the National Parkinson’s Disease Foundations Centers of Excellence prior to purchasing. People who suffer from a soft voice due to Parkinson’s disease can make an appointment at any of these centers: the Muhammad Ali Parkinson Center at Barrow Neurological Institute in Phoenix the University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina Struthers Parkinsons Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota and Baylor College of Medicine, Waco, Texas.

    The SpeechVive device also is available to try at the M.D. Steer Speech and Hearing Clinic at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana.

    For more information, call 800-392-3309 or visit the SpeechVive website at

    About SpeechVive

    Communication Aids And Typing Devices For Parkinsons Patients

    Voice Amplification Devices For Parkinson

    In some cases, people get improvement in their speech and communication with medications. There are cases as well in which medications have not proved to be effective.

    Here, you will see some communication aids and typing devices that can be very helpful if you have Parkinsons disease. These are discussed below, have a look at them:

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    Caregiver Corner: Lewy What Explaining Lewy Body Dementia

    Dementia with Lewy bodies is a common progressive brain disease that affects thinking, movement, behavior and sleep. Approximately 1.3 million Americans have Lewy body dementia, but may not be correctly diagnosed because many doctors are unfamiliar with it. Most people see multiple doctors before receiving the final diagnosis of Lewy body dementia. Their first response is often, Lewy what?

    Symptoms and Diagnosis

    Lewy body dementia is a general term and includes both Parkinsons disease dementia and dementia with Lewy bodies . LBD symptoms include dementia, visual hallucinations and frequent variations in cognitive ability, attention or alertness. There are also changes in walking or movement, as well as a sleep disorder called REM sleep behavior disorder, in which people physically act out their dreams. LBD patients may also have a severe sensitivity to medications prescribed for hallucinations.


    Many LBD symptoms are highly treatable and aggressive symptom detection and treatment can improve quality of life for both the person with LBD and their caregiver. Some Alzheimers and Parkinsons medications can help cognition, behavior and movement symptoms. Family caregivers are an important link in the partnership with healthcare professionals and also require significant support throughout the illness. For more information and to find support visit

    Elizabeth Patrick is the Marketing and Communications Manager for the Lewy Body Dementia Association.

    Measures And Data Collection

    The study consisted of one appointment typically of around 45min after consent, which could take place either at home or at the University of East Anglia. Initially, participants completed a demographic form, which for people with PD provided their medication information which allowed their Levodopa Equivalent Daily Dose to be calculated. LEDD served as a proxy measure of non-speech-specific PD motor symptom severity. Validated assessments of cognitive status , mood , communicative effectiveness and communicative participation were completed. CPIB was chosen as our primary measure of functional communication since it specifically assesses ICF participation level difficulties that have been shown to be most important to people with PD, and also has been thoroughly developed using item response theory methods and subsequent validated in PD in the USA and New Zealand, which are English-speaking countries.Therefore, we assessed testretest reliability by sending out a second copy of CPIB by post 2weeks after the study visit and assessed convergent validity using CES in our UK setting. As per the terms of our ethical approval, cognitive, mood and functional communication assessments were only administered to participants with PD and not to CPs.

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    Q: I Read With Interest A Recent Study In Which You Compared Lsvt Outcomes In People Speaking Different Languages Can You Summarize Your Results What Ramifications Does This Have For Reaching Communities Which Traditionally Did Not Have Easy Access To Lsvt

    A: There are more than 50,000 LSVT LOUD and LSVT BIG Certified Clinicians representing 78 countries in the world. This has opened the opportunity for research in many different countries and languages. This is particularly interesting related to LSVT LOUD and the impact of language on treatment outcomes. We were curious to examine outcomes from published research studies across these different languages to understand if there is a differential effect of LSVT LOUD. Our hypothesis was that there would not be, given LSVT LOUD is geared towards the underlying neurological deficits in PD .

    While all the studies looked at different aspects of speech, voice or communication, the outcomes were comparable to what has been published for English speakers across these measures. For example, Spanish speakers improved speech intelligibility, Cantonese speakers improved loudness and intonation, but not lexical tone, Quebecois French speakers increased vowel space area as did German speakers. Persian speakers improved self-perception of voice and Japanese speakers had short and long-term improvements in vocal loudness. As such, it appears that the benefits from this treatment may be universal regardless of language background. Prospective language comparison studies are needed to further clarify these findings.

    We hosted a webinar on this topic that people might find interesting.

    Best Adaptive Utensils For People With Tremors Arthritis Parkinsons

    Rhythmic Speech with Metronome for Parkinson’s and Speech Disorders

    If you or someone you know is suffering from Parkinsons disease, you know very well that the suffering that this disease can cause in many ways. One of the most difficult daily activities is eating without dropping food. Eating alone can be difficult for most seniors. The reason is partly due to old age so that coordination becomes a little difficult for them. However, conditions such as stroke, dementia, stroke, arthritis, Alzheimers, and Parkinsons can speed up the problem.

    Weak hand muscles can be difficult to hold utensils and movements become impossible. It can be very frustrating. This is why it is important to have the best stabilization tools for Parkinsons disease. Occupational therapists recommend that the best stabilization tools for Parkinsons disease be used regularly for the best way to treat these problems thats why I have selected this topic to guide you about the best adaptive utensils for people with tremors arthritis Parkinsons.

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    What Are The Symptoms Of Parkinson Disease

    Parkinson disease symptoms usually start out mild, and then progressively get much worse. The first signs are often so subtle that many people dont seek medical attention at first. These are common symptoms of Parkinson disease:

    • Tremors that affect the face and jaw, legs, arms, and hands
    • Slow, stiff walking

    Important Recommendations For Patients And Caregivers

    • Be aware that, although reported infrequently, when the device is turned on some patients with Parkinsons Disease who use implanted DBS have noted difficulties in performing complex coordinated movements associated with swimming and may be at risk of drowning.
    • Consult with your doctor before participating in water-related activities.
    • Be aware that you may have difficulty performing water-related activities like swimming with your DBS device on even if you were an experienced swimmer before you received the device.
    • You should not swim alone. When possible, consider having another adult with you in the water.
    • Notify your health care provider if your symptoms get worse or you experience loss of coordination during water activities. Discuss your devices settings with your health care provider and do not make any changes to your system without consulting your physician.

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    Types Of Assistive Technology And Devices

    Hearing aids, medication organizers and an adaptive computer mouse, are all examples of assistive technology. These tools can help simplify daily living tasks, while some are engineered to ease Parkinsons symptoms that impact motor, speech, balance and thinking.

    Allowing enough time for tasks and creating a safe home environment is essential when living with Parkinsons or caring for someone who does. Among the many assistive devices to improve living with Parkinsons are those that facilitate staying active exercise is vital for people with Parkinsons.

    Assistive technology devices include:


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